What's With The Death Physics?
Yup, there's another thread on it somewhere around here. Ragdoll physics are currently a bit on the borked side. You'll also notice the effect with any abilities that cause clutter, such as rocks, junk from propel, or shells from AR/Mercs/Pistols. Used to they'd leave behind a sizeable amount, now they leave behind very little.
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
I can't belive it's not fixed yet, it's not as if can be that difficult as it was working fine prior to issue 20 (I think it was issue 20 that broke it, not sure). I also think I read somewhere that one of the programmers changed a single value in the physics code the wrong way. Which if true they could change it back in a couple of seconds.
It's the number one thing that puts me off playing the game at the moment.
Yeah, it's WAY messed up. I can understand some odd positions if someone gets blasted 40 ft and slams into a wall. However, when Malaise leaves his body in the signature arc, his body looks like someone crumpled it up and stomped on it. It's hideous.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
They did change the physics engine to the updated API so nVidia PhysX finally works with the game. However it seems that the changes they did to use the updated API, from the pre-1.0 version of PhysX they had been using, wasn't as straightforward as whoever they assigned the change to thought it was.
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Tempus unum hominem manet

An upshot of this change is that occasionally knocked back enemies end up getting in a position where they can't stand up again while not actually being defeated.
Even if you target by double tapping your attack keys or tabbing it's easy to miss one if they're not in your front arc so, until this gets fixed it's probably a good idea to double check after defeating each spawn on kill-all missions.

In Paragon City since June 2005.
An upshot of this change is that occasionally knocked back enemies end up getting in a position where they can't stand up again while not actually being defeated.
Even if you target by double tapping your attack keys or tabbing it's easy to miss one if they're not in your front arc so, until this gets fixed it's probably a good idea to double check after defeating each spawn on kill-all missions. |
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
oooh.... so that's what was wrong with my lore pet. it got knocked down once, and never got back up.
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
This I've noticed--enemies who get knocked down and ragdoll sometimes can't get up even when they have plenty of health left. They just lay there while I finish them off. It's especially noticeable if I'm using a power like repel or hurricane that frequently sends enemies flying.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
Proud member of the Hard Liquor party
Unofficial leader of PAAS (Paragon Association for the Advancement of Stoners)
Hey fellow forumites
Been noticing something a little strange recently and just wanted to see if anyone else has.
) heaps. But as of late they seem to have a tendency to twist and bend in inhuman ways at the joints. This frequently leaves them in rather disturbing poses while their bodies quiver and contort as the collision detection tries to force them out of the geometry 
For as long as I can remember, NPCs have been subject to ragdoll physics on death. As soon as their HP reaches zero they flop to the ground, quite often landing in crumpled (Read: Hillarious looking
I'm curious to hear if anyone else is noticing this. It's always happened to some extent but seems to be a lot more prevalent now.
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