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  1. I say Genesis is a powerful self-buff clicky, Vitae as another attack proc/buff (Feel free to swap those if you like...), Mind is a powerful control, and I haven't a clue on Omega, but I really, really really hope it's Custom Signature Powers

  2. But this does seem like an interesting idea.
  3. Let's see...Zones in need of revamp:

    King's Row
    Indy Port
    (possibly) Hollows
    (Maybe a wee bit) Faultline
    Crey's Folly
    Terra Volta
    Any I may have missed?
  4. Fourbies are pretty good, unless you have an idiot in a pivotal role. Then it gets royally farked up very quickly.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
    If you live the by rule "You KB it, you kill it," you get a lot fewer complaints as well.
    I call that the "Let's Let StrangeQuark Kill Everything" Rule. If you're built right and you're smart about it, KB can be very useful for maneuvering and a soft mez.
  6. Uh...Sounds like it'd fit best into Interface.

    I don't care what the others are, as long as Omega is a Custom Signature Power.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    A lot of it's down to the setting - spandex encourages morality.
    Unless you're a villain. Then you're just Affably Evil.
  8. Kirsten

    COH: the TV Show

    Originally Posted by Rufus T Fyrfly View Post
    Picture this: A shy teenage boy soon finds he has an array of superpowers (basically for story reasons. he can use all current power sets at once) and has to move into a boarding house in Paragon City, But, uh oh! It's for FEMALE superheroes only! With the help of his childhood friend Penelope Yin,wacky hi-jinx ensue as he struggles to control his newfound powers and live in a house with heroines like Swan and Minx.
    So it's a Harem Anime? Meh.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    A 30 day Incarate license for 50 cents a day, payabale as a lump sum in advance, would be fair.
    So...$15? Sounds legitimately legit.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    Wow. Totally didn't see the "Sticky" part. Just saw "Ultimus" and was like "How is this still being discussed?"
    Ultimus has been more active lately...
  11. Kirsten

    Monkey Heads!!

    Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
    Yes I want this so bad. A monkey head, monkeyfur chest and legs, and monkey feet that look like hands.
    And monkey hands to slap with?
  12. Katana: the mighty warrior whirled his blade so quickly it became unto wall before him. When he returned to view, he wore a golden suit of armor far grander than his peasant's garb.

    Martial Arts: KUNG-FU FLIP!

    Titan Weapons: The villain slammed his hammer down as a bright flash of light engulfed him. When the light faded, he had turned into a monster!

    I'll think of more later.
  13. Kirsten

    COH: the TV Show

    I remember reading somewhere that there was either a television of film adaptation of our dear game in the works, but it fell through. Anything else you guys might know?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    My crystal ball about this sort of thing has been on the fritz for years now. =)
    Well, take the thing away from him and tell him, "Fritz! You are not to play with this, or no more Adventure Time!"
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    I wonder if it would be possible for a set of Swap Ammo-esque toggles to alter not just power damage effects but also their graphical effects. That would be a great way to implement a Weapon Swap ability and would give the set more variety.
    They can rebuild him. They have the technology

    But seriously, they could do this with the same tech they use for Titan Weapons and the Snipe Revamp, where when the power is run (I'm just guessing on the mechanics) a check is made to see if a given condition is met (Momentum, 22% +ToHit, et al). If it isn't, the default version of the power is called, but if it is, an altered version is called. It would be fairly simple (again, in theory, here) to use the same technology with multiple, probably mutually exclusive, conditions for different powers. /nerd
  16. I like this idea, but I'd rather have Magnetic Affinity. It just seems to make more sense as a support set.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bullet Barrage View Post
    Yes, obviously, no attack signature powers for Master Minds. Just like they can't have Judgement powers.
    Now, Bullet, be nice. :P

    Originally Posted by Xan_DarksBlade View Post
    what about MMs tho for them a sig power would have to be a summon but how would you even make that work (since you can't signature summon anything that does not exist in game anyways .... altho I could see the possibility of a special limited time Armor up/transformation as an option maybe with adding an attack (AOE or Large Cone) in a pop up bar ( for attackless MMs)
    To clarify for Xan, signature powers are a flavor thing, and they don't need to be something that fits with the character's AT (Statesman's Lightning Bolt, for example). They're just meant to be something cool and another way to customize your character.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    No, that's called a cult.
    Fear the dark deities of the Sci-Fi Nerds, Roddenberry the Terrible and Moffat the Unending One!!
  19. Well, we have the Carnival of light pack which is functionally similar, but it only has female parts. I would certainly go for a unisex pack with more options.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    Inherent. From the related form inhere (to be an essential or intrinsic part of; to be fixed or permanently incorporated with something). From the same Latin root from which we derive coherent and adherent.

    Unless your powerset died and left you the costume change emote in its will, it's not inherited.
    Unless Star_Jewel was referring to a slightly more Mendelian or CS meaning of inheritance where a trait or property is passed from one thing to another. Technically not perfectly accurate, but still a valid usage...
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    My concept is that Gustav Richter wanted to look like his older brother.
    But he's more of a party guy. I have two power trays filled with macros for my favorite boombox tracks, dance moves and fireworks emotes. He looks a lot like John Travolta's character in 'Saturday Night Fever' and his name is Lord Footloose.

    He's also fully IO'ed, has massive AoE, enough range defense to survive the return alpha strike and has both Tactical Training Assault and Leadership Assault so he boosts the entire teams damage by 30%. BAM!
    That there's what ya call a Bunny Ears Lawyer.
  22. BION, I soloed it with an Energy/Energy/Electric Blaptroller.
  23. I think a lot of this sort of thing could be avoided if they just had Heroic and Neutral "Training Pools"
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hero_of_Steel View Post
    Congratulations. You have just won the interwebs. I also wanna /sign for twirly axe animations.