Idea/Prediction for upcoming Incarnate trees....




So I was putting some thought into how much more power can be packed into the Incarnate system without turning us into outright gods, and... I wasn't able to come up with much. However, I did manage to think of this:

A tree that takes a single-target effect and gives it a chance at becoming an AoE effect! The core tree would have a chance to make the effect a flat-out AoE with a higher chance of proccing and increasing the number of targets and radius the higher up the tree you go.... The radial tree would turn the effect into a cone. To compensate for cones' general lack of utility, the cone effect would affect more targets than the circular AoE.

The categories would be ranged damage, melee damage, control, buff, and debuff. (I'm separating ranged and melee damage because I feel it'd be better for balance). So that single-target attack causes splash damage. That single-target heal can heal more allies. A single-target hold can mez most of a group.

I'm thinking the first one would be something like 20% chance for a splash effect to hit up to 3 more targets within 20 feet of the main target. The numbers of course go up from there. I don't know if Very Rare should be 100% chance... probably no more than 75%

Note that this would apply to ST powers only; no fair double-dipping with your AoEs!

That's all I got...


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



So make my dom perma hold an entire mob rather consistently?

a bit much but like most overpowered ideas yeah give it to me.



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Note that this would apply to ST powers only; no fair double-dipping with your AoEs!

Let me guess, Tankers would be screwed over at first when Gauntlet rears its head and causes all sorts of bugs? :P

Kidding aside, I think the idea sounds pretty neat.



One of them better be some single target/AoE mezzes with a large mag attached. That or a tree that increases the mag of current mezzes. My all powerful Dom hates that half of its powers become useless against hard targets.

Already sent this to Hawk a long time ago so hopefully the idea has been planted.



judging by what Prometheus has been saying, which I won't say due to spoilers, there's a few things that can be seen with the Incarnate trees.

My prediction for Genesis is a single summon, like Lore, but one you can freely customise.

I see Vitae as something more of a toggle, possibly to improve certain stats, unlike Alpha, which is a passive, enhancement boost.

Mind and Omega are something I have no idea about. My original assumption for Omega would be a toggle/passive debuff. You know how in the Keyes Trial, if you stand still too long, you get a gradually building Debuff to your resistance, as well as other things? Well, since that icon had the Omega symbol in it, my assumption is we get something similar to that.

Mind's a mystery to me, must be said.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
I say Genesis is a powerful self-buff clicky, Vitae as another attack proc/buff (Feel free to swap those if you like...), Mind is a powerful control, and I haven't a clue on Omega, but I really, really really hope it's Custom Signature Powers
Custom would be nice, but it would be a LOT of work for the dev team, because it'd basically be creating an entirely new system at the end of the incarnate system.

Another incarnate power style I'd like to see is that's effectively a 'Tier 10' power for your primary powerset. Still a lot of work, but it's One power per primary,a nd some primaries are shared sooo...

Bots? Your robots combine into one massive robot and gain all new attacks.

Titan Weapons? An Upgraded build momentum that has a damage and recharge boost attached to it.

Super Strength? You can finally throw a car at someone.