Parallel/Alternate Worlds mechanic





I had a thought about getting some more mileage out of AE, PvP and personal Nemesis.

Now to all who read I beg your indulgance but will try to make this as clear as I can while trying to be brief.


What if Dr. Aeon is wrong? These stories that have been concocted for entertainment are not stories at all but glimpses into alternate or parallel universes and some young hotshot at portal corps sets out to prove just that.


The Devs could periodically pull out interesting stories rework them into canon and lore.

They could be part of a larger story line involving the correction of events from mid level to incarnate based heroes called "The Portal Corp. Contengencies"

The author would be rewarded with possible extra story slots or whatever was felt appropriate. Also it would be a random sampling the Devs could leaf through at their leisure and expand content while encouraging more quality use of the AE system and giving a greater sense of direct community contribution while still maintaining control over the overarching story line.


Given that with AE we can create custom critters, why not allow players to create their own personal nemesis(main villain and possible henchmen/henchwomen) who would periodically bedevil their efforts in these "portal arcs". Also try to link these arcs to two or three other arcs as possible story line paths such that if the player fails a mission the story goes into another direction. That would take some work but most of it would have to do with story telling and tying dialogues together.


Further, add a mechanic that allows for a player who wants to either solo or team pvp select at the start of the "portal arc" select a radio button, nemesis, solo pvp, or team pvp.
Players who just want to pvp can click, be placed in a queue and popped into a mission without having to wait and gather a team OR can elect to join a channel to set up teams to go into the arcs. This way the players elect their path. Once in mission Teams have their objectives given to them through their contact, cut scene what have you. In the team PvP realm a version of capture the flag could be done where the player stealing the flag is slowed because of the object's fragility or volatility. Perhaps there's a time limit? Perhaps its just as simple as a last man standing or total defeats contest. Either way they player's set the conditions in the context of a mission story.


Additionally personal objectives can be added based on alignments. Protect objects, destroy objects, plant scanner, plant jammers,disarm, scanners, steal scanners... you get the idea. Now alignment means something in terms of gameplay objectives and possibly rewards. Also failure can have story line consequences. This same mechanic could be used to enhance smaller factional base raids for people who just want small pvp skirmishses in a base atmoshpere.

Just some thoughts. I hope I got the gist of my ideas across.

Shell game: Arc_ID:417344: It can't be good for humanity if the Circle of Thorns, Banished Pantheon and The Vahzilok are making deals.
A Final Solution: Arc_ID:402587: Earth is under stress. Every being she has spawned and some she hasn't want to possess her. Some of her children believe they have a way to put a stop to this and bring a peace.