Thrown Weapons power set




Continuing from my thread about a Ring Toss power set, I've taken that idea to a Thrown Weapons idea.

Toss Ranged, Minor DMG(Lethal)
Tosses weapon at an opponent that causes Lethal damage.

Dual Toss Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Tosses two weapons an opponent that causes Lethal damage.

Follow Through Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Self +DMG, +To-Hit
You perform a feint attack that deals moderate damage. After this attack hits, it gives you a large bonus to Accuracy and Damage for a brief time.

Multiple Toss Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Tosses several weapons in a cone in front of you. Good at close range.

Calculated Toss Sniper, Extreme DMG(Lethal)
A long range shot. Like most sniper attacks, this power has a bonus to Accuracy, but is best fired from a distance, as it can be interrupted.

Special Coating Change Secondary Damage/Effects
By purchasing this power, you will be granted toggles that change your secondary damage type on most weapon attacks from lethal to cold, fire, toxic, or energy. These toggles are mutually exclusive and only one can be active at a time. If no Special Coating toggles are active, the player will revert to lethal weapons.

Trip Toss Ranged, Minor DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockdown
You aim for the targets feet to trip knock them off balance.

Head Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Disorient
You aim for the opponent’s head, causing moderate Lethal damage and disorienting them for a few seconds.

Swirling Fury Ranged AoE, Moderate DMG (Lethal)
You spin around in a circle, tossing your weapons in all directions.

Ideas for weapon customization: Knife, Ring, Metal Fan, Shuriken, Boomerang, Buzz Saw, Hubcap, Needles, Hatchets

*Thanks to Leo_G for the suggestions of Needles and Tomahawks (which I called Hatchets to cover all various looks like a Tomahawk or Woodcutter's hand axe).

*Special Coating was previously named Weapon Swap
*Follow Through was previously done as Concentration, a buff without an attack



I wonder if it would be possible for a set of Swap Ammo-esque toggles to alter not just power damage effects but also their graphical effects. That would be a great way to implement a Weapon Swap ability and would give the set more variety.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
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Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
I wonder if it would be possible for a set of Swap Ammo-esque toggles to alter not just power damage effects but also their graphical effects. That would be a great way to implement a Weapon Swap ability and would give the set more variety.
That's what I'd kind-of hope for. If you choose fire weapons, then the weapon would be in flames when thrown.



Well I mean, I was thinking along the lines of wrapping your customization ideas into the power itself. Switch to knives, you throw knives. Switch to shurikens, you thrown shurikens. Of course now that I think about it, then you're sort of hamstrung with a single damage type.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Ring Mistress Carnie View Post
That's what I'd kind-of hope for. If you choose fire weapons, then the weapon would be in flames when thrown.
That's already done. Swap Ammo in DP already swaps the attack FX with either chemical, fire or snowy trails.

Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Well I mean, I was thinking along the lines of wrapping your customization ideas into the power itself. Switch to knives, you throw knives. Switch to shurikens, you thrown shurikens. Of course now that I think about it, then you're sort of hamstrung with a single damage type.
I hope not. I'd rather leave what weapon you use be your choice, not linked to a power.

But it's already demonstrated that the projectile type can be linked to power customization. So if you choose shurikens in the costume creator, you throw shuriken. If you choose knives you throw knives. So you can customize those, making your knives and such a certain color (Spines does this with metal spikes, crystal, thorns and legacy spines which you can customize with colors that is incorporated by the projectiles)

What can't be customized, though, is the extra trails. So if you have fire weapons you're throwing, the projectile trail cannot be colored. This is true for Spines (who have green toxic splashes with their attacks that cannot be colored) and Dual Pistols (where you cannot color the snowy/flaming/or cloudy trails). And the reason for that is because one cannot both customize weapons *and* graphical effects (yet) on the same power.

Now could the option be linked to power swapping/ammo toggles? Dunno.

All I know is, I'd rather have the freedom to choose my throwing weapons at creation and those not to be affected by using any sort of powers in the set.

Also, I'd add maybe needles and tomahawks to the custom options.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I hope not. I'd rather leave what weapon you use be your choice, not linked to a power.
Well my thought was a sort of "jack of all trades" sort of set (conceptually, not mechanically), almost kind of like Devices where you have a bunch of different tools you can use, only instead the weapon you choose is applied to all of your powers, and you can change it on the fly via toggles. The set I have in mind would be called something like "Weapon Mastery" if the name weren't already taken by an ancillary pool.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Well my thought was a sort of "jack of all trades" sort of set (conceptually, not mechanically), almost kind of like Devices where you have a bunch of different tools you can use, only instead the weapon you choose is applied to all of your powers, and you can change it on the fly via toggles. The set I have in mind would be called something like "Weapon Mastery" if the name weren't already taken by an ancillary pool.
The only thing I don't like about the idea is taking away the weapon customization from the character creation as well as the added bonuses you can get by having your weapon coated in, for example, ice or poison. Because I see how the name Weapon Swap works with your idea and sounds more plausible that way, how about calling the power Special Coating?

However, a Devices Mastery ancillary would be nice to see as it gives the chance to add a few more "gadgets" to the arsenal.



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
I wonder if it would be possible for a set of Swap Ammo-esque toggles to alter not just power damage effects but also their graphical effects. That would be a great way to implement a Weapon Swap ability and would give the set more variety.
They can rebuild him. They have the technology

But seriously, they could do this with the same tech they use for Titan Weapons and the Snipe Revamp, where when the power is run (I'm just guessing on the mechanics) a check is made to see if a given condition is met (Momentum, 22% +ToHit, et al). If it isn't, the default version of the power is called, but if it is, an altered version is called. It would be fairly simple (again, in theory, here) to use the same technology with multiple, probably mutually exclusive, conditions for different powers. /nerd

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



I want a throwing ninja star or dagger power set. Or have both daggers and ninja stars in the same power set

Closest thing we got is Shuriken and Exploding Shuriken in the Scrapper/Stalker Ancillary power pool.

(And a nunchucks power set too.)



Originally Posted by Ring Mistress Carnie View Post
Swirling Fury Ranged AoE, Moderate DMG (Lethal)
You spin around in a circle, tossing your weapons in all directions.
BEST power in the entire set.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I've wanted a thrown weapons set in the game for a while. I'd buy it.

@Sylver Bayne

Pinnacle Server



OP, let me just say, if you're serious about getting a ring/thrown weapon set in-game, you can get it done. The devs have shown interest in such a set after Rad Armor at that pummit so if you can fill up a PM with lots of feedback and communicate with someone like Synapse, this just might be the next ranged damage set introduced.

For your suggestion, I feel there are a few unique features that could be added here and there to make the set more interesting. Beyond that, perhaps you can describe what your 'Coating' toggles do. You mention they change the effects as well as the damage but you might want to be more specific about it.

Also, has anyone read my suggested set here? >> link

After rereading it myself this morning, I'd have to say...I never felt quite as excited for a suggested set I posted myself as I am for this. I'd really like feedback on it.



With Swirling Fury, there's the decision about if it should be an activated ability, or sustained ability. As a sustained ability, you character could just keep throwing weapons in all directions until they run out of endurance. Or, as an activated ability, your character would a couple times.

The main idea was to have a few powers that helped dealing with a group of enemies. If the sustained ability option works, I'd say perhaps the cannot be moved around like the Whirlwind ability and the endurance cost should be somewhat high to keep players from constantly using/spamming the ability?

I've had another idea for this power set. How about, by using the Special Coating toggles, each toggles grants the player a specific power? For example:

Fire Coating grants an Exploding Weapon with AoE DMG(Fire/Smash),Foe Knockback
Ice Coating grants a Frost Weapon with Minor DMG(Cold/Lethal), For -Recharge, -SPD
Toxic Coating grants a Weakening Weapon with DoT(Toxic), Foe -DEF, -To-Hit
Energy Coating grants a Shock Weapon with Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Disorient

This granted ability would replace, for example, Trip Toss or Head Shot (whichever one it replaced would be consider the special ability for the default Lethal weapon).



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post

For your suggestion, I feel there are a few unique features that could be added here and there to make the set more interesting. Beyond that, perhaps you can describe what your 'Coating' toggles do. You mention they change the effects as well as the damage but you might want to be more specific about it.
I was typing my post before you made yours. I put in idea about getting a special ability that's unique with each type of toggle from Special Coating. Outside of that, Special Coating is a way of adding a little extra damage to the abilities. I'm sure what all Swap Ammo does with Dual Pistols which is where this idea comes from. That's why I'm looking for input from you guys on what can be changed/added/modified.



Well, just thinking about it and purely for 'Ooooh Aaah different!' sake, what about replacing Concentration?

Firstly, Concentration is an analog to Build Up, not Aim, and provides 100% dmg buff and 15% ToHit while Aim provides 60-ish% dmg buff and 37% ToHit. It wouldn't be quite fair to give a primary ranged set a higher straight up dmg buff.

Secondly, Mental Manipulation already has Concentration. Even if you wanted to keep the effect, you'd need to rename it.

If I were suggesting a replacement, why not an analog to powers like Follow Up/Blinding Feint?

In my other write up of that ring set, Ring Bounce was like that. For this set, an attack that doubles as a buff would set the set apart from other blast sets on just that alone. And considering that'd be adding another attack into the mix, you can probably replace Head Shot power with some sort of utility instead, or maybe not...looking at a similar set's setup...

Archery =
weak, medium, strong, cone, aim, snipe, target AoE, mez, nuke

Thrown Weapons =
weak, medium, strong, cone, aim, snipe, swap ammo, mez, nuke

If we were adding a Follow Up type attack instead of aim, maybe it could be like...

Thrown Weapons =
weak, medium, ???, cone, FU (medium), snipe, swap ammo, mez, nuke

In the ??? spot, it could be a lot of things...frankly, if the set got a follow up attack to add +ToHit, it's possibly the snipe can double as the 'strong' attack since getting 22% ToHit buff makes the cast instant (possibly changed later in beta though). So the strong attack (Head Shot in this case) could be replaced with another medium attack, maybe a utility power (mez), maybe a narrow cone or hinge another gimmick off of whatever you put in its place.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Well, just thinking about it and purely for 'Ooooh Aaah different!' sake, what about replacing Concentration?

Firstly, Concentration is an analog to Build Up, not Aim, and provides 100% dmg buff and 15% ToHit while Aim provides 60-ish% dmg buff and 37% ToHit. It wouldn't be quite fair to give a primary ranged set a higher straight up dmg buff.

Secondly, Mental Manipulation already has Concentration. Even if you wanted to keep the effect, you'd need to rename it.

If I were suggesting a replacement, why not an analog to powers like Follow Up/Blinding Feint?
How about...

Follow Through Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Self +DMG, +To-Hit
You perform a feint attack that deals moderate damage. After this attack hits, it gives you a large bonus to Accuracy and Damage for a brief time.



Originally Posted by Ring Mistress Carnie View Post
How about...

Follow Through Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Self +DMG, +To-Hit
You perform a feint attack that deals moderate damage. After this attack hits, it gives you a large bonus to Accuracy and Damage for a brief time.
I guess you'd only have to decide what the ratio of dmg/ToHit would be. Not a numbers person though.

I'd balance the power to provide only a moderate boost to damage over 1/3 the bonus Aim provides (like 22% dmg buff) while providing half the buff of ToHit (so 15%) for 10 seconds.

This seems about in balance with Follow Up vs BU but flipped to reflect the buffs of Aim. One feature the set would have, then is easier maintained DPS as well as a means of insta-snipe (if that makes it through beta) without outside powers for superior single-target damage. However, the set sacrifices AoE (no targeted AoE) for the toggle coatings.

This is why I proposed swapping out Head Shot with just a narrow cone like Piercing Shot/Piercing Ray. It won't make up for the loss of the AoE completely, but it will help cover it somewhat (while retaining the versatility the coating toggles provide).



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I guess you'd only have to decide what the ratio of dmg/ToHit would be. Not a numbers person though.

I'd balance the power to provide only a moderate boost to damage over 1/3 the bonus Aim provides (like 22% dmg buff) while providing half the buff of ToHit (so 15%) for 10 seconds.

This seems about in balance with Follow Up vs BU but flipped to reflect the buffs of Aim. One feature the set would have, then is easier maintained DPS as well as a means of insta-snipe (if that makes it through beta) without outside powers for superior single-target damage. However, the set sacrifices AoE (no targeted AoE) for the toggle coatings.

This is why I proposed swapping out Head Shot with just a narrow cone like Piercing Shot/Piercing Ray. It won't make up for the loss of the AoE completely, but it will help cover it somewhat (while retaining the versatility the coating toggles provide).
Let the Devs figure out the math lol. I'd say this is too much still in the idea phase where we're switching and changing things around to really worry too much about the numbers and percents of the abilities.

Piercing Shot/Ray, is there already a power this can be compared too? I'm sure I quite understand all of the idea behind it so if I had something to compare it to that was similar, then it might make more sense to me.



Bump because I feel more discussion needs to be had on a Thrown Weapons set.

Originally Posted by Ring Mistress Carnie View Post

Piercing Shot/Ray, is there already a power this can be compared too? I'm sure I quite understand all of the idea behind it so if I had something to compare it to that was similar, then it might make more sense to me.
Sorry, the power names are actuallyPiercing Rounds and Piercing Beam are powers in Dual Pistols and Beam Rifle respectively.

Basically, they're moderately powerful attacks (a notch lower than high damage powers like Blazing Arrow and Power Burst but a notch higher than mid damage powers like Aimed Shot and Power Blast) that also have a narrow cone that can hit up to 3 foes, most likely if they're standing in front of or behind the target you're aiming at.

With the new changes to Blast sets, I'd actually propose giving the set a crashing nuke of the PBAoE variety. I say that because, when all nukes that crash are changed in the upcoming update, crashing nukes will have the penalty removed while normalizing the recharge and damage. Basically, if you consider the tier 9 a crashing nuke now, after the update, it will end up crashless and hit harder than current crashless nukes however it will recharge slower.

I had an idea in the other thread to make the nuke like Shield Charge: a teleport nuke. If it were, it'd be usable at 'range' but do its damage in a PBAoE. Another change to crashing nukes is that, PBAoE crashing nukes will have faster recharges than ranged crashing Inferno will come up a bit quicker than Blizzard.

So, playing the angles, I'm aiming to get the best deal for this set's nuke



I think this suggestion just shot up in relevancy. Now I kinda need this set before I'd play any /Martial Blasters. A new template for thrown weapon blast set to take into account the new powers of the new Martial Assault Dom set...

1. Shuriken Throw (minor ST lethal dmg)
2. ???
3. Trick Shot (chain lethal dmg)
5. Envenomed Blades or ??? (adds toxic dmg to all your attacks)
6. ???
7. Masterful Throw (snipe chance for DoT)
8. Explosive Shuriken (High ST lethal dmg with AoE fire splash dmg)
9. ???

Basically looking at needing 4 more powers to finish out the set...five if you don't want to just copy Envenomed Blades.

I would vote for the tier 9 to be a cone, in this instance, if only because there aren't enough cone nukes. Fling Explosive Shurikens sounds good, or maybe Rain of Exploding Shurikens or something. A PBAoE would make sense too, just fling the weapons in all directions...Or maybe a placed ranged proximity bomb that explodes when something is within 25 ft of it...lots of possibilities, really.

For the other powers, it's hard to say. Could be a lot of stuff. My only beef is, I hope there's other stuff besides 'throwing stars' to throw. At least just knives would be great...and that goes mainly for Martial Assault and any possible thrown weapon blast set.



Originally Posted by Ring Mistress Carnie View Post
Ideas for weapon customization: Knife, Ring, Metal Fan, Shuriken, Boomerang, Buzz Saw, Hubcap, Needles, Hatchets

*Thanks to Leo_G for the suggestions of Needles and Tomahawks (which I called Hatchets to cover all various looks like a Tomahawk or Woodcutter's hand axe).


A simple ball-type item would be a great multi-use sort of thing. You could make a clown with a wide range of rainbow colored balls. They could get a glow-type coat and be all neon thrown weapons for a video game hero type guy(a la Tron). High tech could be using special mini-grenades.

Especially, if this got some sort of swap ammo mechanic, the assorted effects types would be great add-ons to a simple ball type weapon.



Originally Posted by Ring Mistress Carnie View Post
Continuing from my thread about a Ring Toss power set, I've taken that idea to a Thrown Weapons idea.

Toss Ranged, Minor DMG(Lethal)
Tosses weapon at an opponent that causes Lethal damage.

Dual Toss Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Tosses two weapons an opponent that causes Lethal damage.

Follow Through Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Self +DMG, +To-Hit
You perform a feint attack that deals moderate damage. After this attack hits, it gives you a large bonus to Accuracy and Damage for a brief time.

Multiple Toss Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Tosses several weapons in a cone in front of you. Good at close range.

Calculated Toss Sniper, Extreme DMG(Lethal)
A long range shot. Like most sniper attacks, this power has a bonus to Accuracy, but is best fired from a distance, as it can be interrupted.

Special Coating Change Secondary Damage/Effects
By purchasing this power, you will be granted toggles that change your secondary damage type on most weapon attacks from lethal to cold, fire, toxic, or energy. These toggles are mutually exclusive and only one can be active at a time. If no Special Coating toggles are active, the player will revert to lethal weapons.

Trip Toss Ranged, Minor DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockdown
You aim for the targets feet to trip knock them off balance.

Head Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Disorient
You aim for the opponentÂ’s head, causing moderate Lethal damage and disorienting them for a few seconds.

Swirling Fury Ranged AoE, Moderate DMG (Lethal)
You spin around in a circle, tossing your weapons in all directions.

Ideas for weapon customization: Knife, Ring, Metal Fan, Shuriken, Boomerang, Buzz Saw, Hubcap, Needles, Hatchets

*Thanks to Leo_G for the suggestions of Needles and Tomahawks (which I called Hatchets to cover all various looks like a Tomahawk or Woodcutter's hand axe).

*Special Coating was previously named Weapon Swap
*Follow Through was previously done as Concentration, a buff without an attack

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!