Turned off of MMOs now




Nah. Cheaper to solo in single player games.

Be well, people of CoH.



I've found the reverse.

City of Heroes had pretty much prevented me from trying out other MMOs because it was so good, and filled all my gaming needs.
(OK, I played Champions a litel bit but then came back here.)

But I'm now playing Champions again and having a ball, and will definitely check out DCU, and probably Secret World at some point.

Games come and go, but my characters, and my love of creating them, will continue.



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
If anyone is looking for a cheap single player game right now, Torchlight II deserves your $20. They have a demo out as well.
Yup yup. Berserker's at 20 something. Engineer is next.

Be well, people of CoH.



While I don't care for NCSoft shutting down CoH (hate it in fact), and the way they just fired the devs is terrible (but to say it's a asian thing is misleading fromt hose saying as such...no...it's a corporate thing period. Not even corporate, that's how the job market does it period).

However, they have no (as TonyV put it) ethical responsibilities towards the customers, outside of reimbursing for recent transactions (which I believe they did). It's part of what you sign on for when you say "yes I agree" that the game can close down.

If you can't handle a game being shut down, then yeah, MMOs arent for you. Not that it always seems to make sense when they shut them down.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
If anyone is looking for a cheap single player game right now, Torchlight II deserves your $20. They have a demo out as well.
torchlight 2 also offers multiplayer as well

me personally ive been playing borderlands 2 almost constantly since the release, its kind of like an mmo cause i can play online with other poeple if i choose but its also a single player game as well (i have torchlight 2 as well but with all my time going into borderlands 2 ive not had a chance to play it yet lol)



Two things with regard to this post:

1) I am done with subscription-based MMOs. I paid for CoH monthly, as a VIP, because the devs embraced and became part of our community. I have not seen that anywhere else, especially with subscriptions as the main way into the game. Hybrid models are the way to go and the games that have done as such have development teams that are, indeed, treading through the game with the players.

2) As Hitstreak stated, Torchlight 2 is amazing. $20 for a game on par with Diablo 3 is pretty amazing.



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
If anyone is looking for a cheap single player game right now, Torchlight II deserves your $20. They have a demo out as well.
Alternately, The Binding of Isaac is more than worth the $5. Get it from Steam.



Originally Posted by Brillig
After all, it's my imagination that created these characters, and my imagination that fleshed them out over the limited feedback that a game can give to you.
Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
My CoH characters live in the CoH world. My favorites all weave some part of the game lore into their back stories - its a big part of what makes them feel relevant to me. Because of that, they don't make sense anywhere else. Yeah, I could create a variation of them somewhere else, but they wouldn't be the same, because their backstory would have to change.
For me, it's more like the former. Most of my characters existed before CoH, and when they found their way into CoH, they were "altered" to fit its particular universe and history. So their CoH incarnations were more like parallel universe versions. The originals will continue to persist in some form, whether on paper, in CO, or in my mind's eye.



I'm kind of weird on the subject. I'm turned off on MMOs because I never liked MMOs to begin with. I liked City of Heroes, and I liked it DESPITE the game being an MMO, not because of it. Sure, I embraced certain aspects of the MMO package, such as community, friends and occasional cooperation, but I can get this in a single-player game with a multiplayer component.

However, MMOs don't seem to try to be good games. They, instead, try to be some kind of amorphous world with nothing terribly interesting to actually do in it. You're a medieval nobody. Go chop wood. Go wash my cows. Go kill some boars. It's uninspiring, and it's a giant waste of my time. I WISH I could play an MMO that "has no depth" these days. I'm sick and tired of those trying to appeal to absolutely everyone when all they end up appealing to is how MMOs have always been made.

Just imagine an MMO without loot, raids, crafting or PvP. Madness? Madness? This. Is. City of Heroes! That's pretty much what it was back in 2004, and that's what I bought the game for. And they just don't make 'em like that. No, the game has to be bigger, it has to have raids and PvP and crafring and forced teaming and loot grind and time sinks and pointless minigames and backtracking and money sinks and all the crap that sets an MMO apart from an actual game.

To be honest, I've always been turned off MMOs because so few try to be good games before they try to be run-of-the-mill MMOs. Aside from Spiral Knights, I guess.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Just imagine an MMO without loot, raids, crafting or PvP. Madness? Madness? This. Is. City of Heroes! That's pretty much what it was back in 2004, and that's what I bought the game for.
I hope people remember this. When CoH game out, the game was truly revolutionary, and tossed most of the MMO conventions out the window. Only later did they get added back in as the game developed.

Guild Wars 2 is said to be "revolutionary", but it just makes the traditional MMO chores more palatable. A spoonful of sugar, as it were. CoH said, "You know what? You don't really need that medicine anyway... have some sugar!"

I will continue to play MMOs, but I don't think I'll ever subscribe to one again. Of course, I have two Lifetime subscriptions (LOTRO and CO), but with everything F2P these days (except, shockingly, The Secret World), I should be able to hold to that.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
Don't stop playing because of what happened to City of Heroes.
Thing is, when it comes to MMOs, City of Heroes is the only one that held my attention for more than a month. I've never paid a subscription to any other MMO past the free month that came with the box. There's just so many things this game gets just right that nearly everybody else gets so wrong.

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Yeah. While there are definitely some folks in here expressing bitterness over the "loss" of their invested time, I'm pretty sure there are more folks expressing how unusual CoH was for attracting people who didn't otherwise play MMOs. A lot of us will miss it not just because of all the mostly obvious things, like losing our specific characters, the community, or even the extremely open dev team. We'll also miss it because it's been the only MMO so far that made us interested in a progression-oriented, persistent world in an on-line setting.

There can be good things to be had from playing any MMOs, such as a chance to make online friendships with other people, but if you don't enjoy the basic premise or mechanics of the core game, those extra things won't usually keep you playing (or paying) on their own.

Here's what CoH had for me.

  • In game dynamics that made me enjoy just playing the game, solo or teamed. I just enjoyed firing it up and fighting stuff. This game's focus is incredibly narrow - basically all you do is fight. That such a game lasted more than eight years has to be a statement about how amazingly fun it was to fight stuff here.
  • The aforementioned character customization. I've commented in other threads that the rich costume creator was clearly a very intentional feature of the game, but I suspect the blank text input field for character description was accidental genius. I find it hard to imagine whoever added that feature realized just how deep a sense of character investment that little text box would eventually provide for some of us.
  • "Loot light", even after inventions. This wasn't critical for me, but it definitely helped. I definitely appreciated that defeat or even just ongoing use did not cause our "loot" to degrade. While the old-school green-to-yellow see-saw of TO/DO/SO enhancers was annoying, it was a pittance compared to what some MMOs did to your gear.
  • The community. I never came here looking for a community, and I certainly didn't like everyone I met, yet I think this game's community (both on the forums and on my home server) is really a cut well above the norm, and I am going to miss it a ton. I know I can remain a part of it after a fashion, and I plan to, but realistically, it won't be the same if we're not sharing the game. It'll be a community, but not one that shares and discusses playing CoH, barring a miracle.
  • The devs. I've certainly not liked everything the devs have done over the years, and in my opinion, they have not been uniformly awesome in their interactions with us. However, I think they became outstanding among game devs in their willingness to communicate with their community fairly early in this game's life, were truly amazing about it the last few years, and IMO they were still on the upswing when the axe fell on Paragon Studios.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Torchlight II has pretty much saved me. I only have the Demo and I'm still enjoying the heck out of it...it's an amazing game.



I'm reluctant to invest time in any MMO now. CoH fed my cosplay fetish and saved me hours of sewing and making costumes. In 30 mins, I can crank out a cat boy or pirate chef and go to town terrorizing citizens. Even though I can preserve their memory in a screencap, it's not the same when I'm not controlling them.
CO comes close in terms of costumes, but I can't stand their game mechanics. To me, a Champion is much much weaker than a CoH villain. Heck, a lvl 20 Champion can get killed by a lvl 15 mob. And as someone else mentioned before CO can go away whenever business goes bad.
I plan to keep in touch with the community, until I can find something that folks can play together but still retain access to their creations.



I had typed a reply in another thread, in which I tangent-ed into the subject of questioning what the MMO really was and what people were expecting it as compared to what corporations view them (and create them) as and what does it mean to be an "old" mmorpg and what their lifecycle should or shouldn't be and what it all might mean and how we've reached a new point in the existence of the genre and how the old stalwarts have remained, but now we're seeing an example of a new should-have-been-stalwart getting shut down...
But I cut it out, because I felt it was too off topic and I should post it as its own thread...
Then I forgot about it, went and posted a reply to something else, copied the reply before hitting submit (because, ya know, I'm so clever...) and later realized that I lost that whole thing that I intended to start that thread with that I was sure would have led to in-depth discussions of great interest and importance...
And have been too disheartened to retype it all and instead bored you (if you bothered to read this).

I think this might be my worst reply ever. And, yes, that is saying a lot (of nothing).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



CoH was my first MMO...and my last. I have tried CO, DCUO, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, WOW, GW, and GW2...none of them were fun to me which is why I play CoH...it's fun!

I uninstalled GW2 yesterday and the only other MMO on my computer anymore is CoH. I will play my 24 hour pledge on 10/20 for Extra Life...then after that log in and chat with friends...and then on 11/30 say goodbye to the game that introduced me to MMOs. CoH created a very high bar for what I expect in a game and a community...one I doubt any game will ever fulfill again.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Here's what CoH had for me.
  • In game dynamics that made me enjoy just playing the game, solo or teamed. I just enjoyed firing it up and fighting stuff. This game's focus is incredibly narrow - basically all you do is fight. That such a game lasted more than eight years has to be a statement about how amazingly fun it was to fight stuff here.
  • The aforementioned character customization. I've commented in other threads that the rich costume creator was clearly a very intentional feature of the game, but I suspect the blank text input field for character description was accidental genius. I find it hard to imagine whoever added that feature realized just how deep a sense of character investment that little text box would eventually provide for some of us.
As the original review of CoH at Eurogamer said about those two points ...
City of Heroes is about this: hitting people in the face.

And also this: looking really good.

So, ultimately: hitting people in the face, while looking really good.

It cuts to the chase. None of something like - say - Star Wars Galaxies meandering around trying to find a bar. Within minutes of creating your character, you'll be biffing someone on the nose for justice. And it's immediately fun. "Immediately Fun" is a rare trait in an MMO, and more than anything else has kept an audience.
it concludes with

Cynics may suspect that all this sounds a little rose-tinted. Cynics probably have a point. But then Cynics probably haven't noticed that its primary faults have been well signposted, just not condemned.

Fundamentally, if cynics want an MMO game to be about more than just hitting people in the face and looking great, this isn't the game for them. Of course, I don't really care what cynics think. Some of us have a planet to save.

For the fourth time today.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Yup yup. Berserker's at 20 something. Engineer is next.
not to turn this into a throw gaming suggestions at bill thread, but in another thread you made about your general displeasure at the industry in general, you mentioned liking older pc games. have you seen the setup for "project eternity?" its a kick-starter thing for the guys at obsidian(a lot of them from the old black isles) that are making an retroish looking isometric crpg. wont be out for a while, but if you are looking at the past crpgs nostalgically, might be up your alley. they have a monk class so im in already :P. now to nag them to get me a reptillian race.

as for the coh thing. I never really liked mmos, you cant really affect the world because it has to stay more or less static, latency tends to make the gameplay less engaging than games like ninja gaiden. and the general need to emphasize teaming to force communities and keep people paying for long times ..not my style. Add in the continual wallet drip feed, even if "free to play" and the fact that soulless sons of...erm... publishers can just remove everything from you that you paid for at a moments notice, screw that noise, I can plug in my atari and play endeuro with a cart from nearly 30 years ago, but I cant play coh, which i have put possibly a grand into, come December,

I am very mad coh is going down, the devs gave feedback that i have not seen from previous favorites like capcom, nintendo and bethesda, and i will be following them to whatever studios hire them because I liked them. but as gaming goes, I will be fine offline. coh was a means to an end for me, suffer the indignities of the mmo structure for the amazing character creator, if I could have had it in a single player game with additional dlc...no question that i'd prefer that. i loved hanging out with my friends that id play, but I have a phone, mmos were never my intention. I'll hang out at CO for a time, see if they get their act together and start trying, but I dont see myself cradle to the graving it like coh, that happens once.



I remember when they closed the Dots in the mall and I was put off playing Pac-Man for months afterward.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
I've been through the death of Earth and Beyond, Auto Assault, Star Wars Galaxies and now City of Heroes. It truly sucks to see characters, relationships, adventures all gone in an instant. While this forum will be turned off at some point, I hope you all can find another place to continue to grow those relationships and enjoy new adventures together. There are a lot of great games out there that deserve to be played. Don't stop playing because of what happened to City of Heroes.
I'd like to. Unfortunately CoH was pretty much the only property existing in the confluence of my interests. CO is close. But the dopey Champions universe background kills immersion and the art style for the game is literally nausea-inducing for me.

I'm not looking for a fantasy gear and grind.

I'm not looking for a sci-fi thriller.

I'm looking for a superhero MMO with a good character customization that's alt and casual friendly.

There quite literally isn't anything else out there I actually want to play.

I dipped into MechWarrior Online, because I AM a BattleTech guy. While the mech combat is awesome, it's not enough to sustain my interest. But it doesn't meet my "no gear quest" requirement.

MechWarrior Tactics is interesting, but it's a non-realtime tactical game. So there's no provisions for casual, solo play.

So, basically, I'm screwed.

Maybe I shouldn't be so "picky". But it's only partially my fault. Paragon has set up a nearly impossible act to follow.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
I've been through the death of Earth and Beyond, Auto Assault, Star Wars Galaxies and now City of Heroes. It truly sucks to see characters, relationships, adventures all gone in an instant.
I gone through the death of Tabula Rasa (got TWO collectorÂ’s edition of that one so a friend and me were able to play together, wore those dog tags until after the game got canceled), Auto assault, SWG, Exteel and CoH. What hurts more than seeing my characters die, is having it be done to me 4 times in a row by the same company.

Don't stop playing because of what happened to City of Heroes.
I assure you: it matters not how good any game NCSoft releases in the future is, nothing will make another one of their games worth playing in my eyes.



NC's betrayal of the playerbase has made me think fairly hard about my relationship to the structure of MMO gaming.

I've been deeply involved in a handful of game communities over they years, dating back to CounterStrike beta 4. Interestingly, as of November 30 CoH will be the *only* one of those games that I won't be able to log on and play any time I like. Not coincidentally, it is the only MMO on the list, and one of the only big commercial releases (yeah CS *became* a big commercial release, but I played it for years before that happened). Even a never-super-popular game like the Quake mod Urban Terror is still being played, and will out-live CoH because of the efforts of their (volunteer) dev team.

I'm coming around to the notion that the only things I'll be trusting moving forward are fan-driven, community run games or mods. The reality that you can play a game for most of a decade only to have it arbitrarily murdered by some anonymous suits is unacceptable to me.

While I won't rule out playing that kind of game now and again, I'll be treating them as livestock, not pets. Emotional attachment I'll save for games that aren't vulnerable to home office freak-outs.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I'm coming around to the notion that the only things I'll be trusting moving forward are fan-driven, community run games or mods. The reality that you can play a game for most of a decade only to have it arbitrarily murdered by some anonymous suits is unacceptable to me.
Totally with you on this. SC4's community exactly like this. They've come out with a lot of mods that do their best to patch up the holes left when EA stopped working on the game. They've even managed to improve on a lot of things, like the game's highway system for one. They're still doing that! And it's been... what, over ten years now since the game first came out. I think that's pretty awesome.