Turned off of MMOs now




Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
I have a big long post elsewhere, the gist of which is that I've always been very ambivalent about many commonly accepted aspects of MMOs, and have enjoyed City of Heroes and a few others in large part because they do not follow that template. The continued dominance of the fantasy genre and focus on endgame and raiding is particularly discouraging.

So, yeah. I love this game, and a few others. I do not like, uncritically, as a category, "MMOs."
I agree with this. In fact, the change in focus a while ago to repetitive end game mega raids with tons of people spamming my screen, "incarnate content" as they called it, killed my intereset in the game to the point that when they announced they will be shutting it down it wasn't nearly the blow to me that it would have been three or four years ago.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Just imagine an MMO without loot, raids, crafting or PvP. Madness? Madness? This. Is. City of Heroes! That's pretty much what it was back in 2004, and that's what I bought the game for. And they just don't make 'em like that. No, the game has to be bigger, it has to have raids and PvP and crafring and forced teaming and loot grind and time sinks and pointless minigames and backtracking and money sinks and all the crap that sets an MMO apart from an actual game.
This times a million. I fell in love with City of Heroes for the same reasons. It was simple. It wsa fun. I could play it for a mere 10 minutes and still enjoy it. I didn't have to loot what I defeated and I could be pretty much whatever I wanted. No other MMO I've tried since has been like that.



no more MMOs for me, stayed away until a little over 2 years ago, dove in head first, fully vested my time and energy (I knew that would happen), only to have it ripped out from under me (and I knew that would eventually happen).

I have seen how much my life was devoured by this game, but it was not wasted time.

From now on, if Im going to do any kind of multiplayer it will be around a game table or on a server I control... Torchlight 2 looks pretty good right now.



I think this betrayal of COH players damages all mmorpgs. I have played this game for 8 years and invested around 4 thousand dollars in it . Multiple accounrts for family members and purchases of in game items. Losing all this makes me question why I would ever want to spend on any game again. I tried Champion Online - It paled in comparison to COH. DCUO was pretty but klunky to play.
When this game folds I'm done.



Don't like most of what MMO's are about, but COH was different, it was about being a hero or villain and smashing things. Fun and simple.

You could not pay me enough money for me to ever play another NC SOFT game. Even if they came out with COH2 and promised in writing to keep the game open for 15 years I would not play it.

I play EVE online here and there for the past three years, but have never paid a dime due to the plex system and being a marketeer

I doubt I am going to play any other MMO's in the future, but certainly NOTHING from NC SOFT EVER.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



City of is also a rarity for me - a game I can still play on my crappy laptop but it looks good and is fun to play even with the graphics on low.

I've looked at things like Secret World and it looks shiny and fun but unless I'm willing to invest in a new PC/laptop, it's a no-go.

I will miss City of dearly and I doubt very much that I'll play another MMO (tried FF XI once - man you need a whole other life to get anywhere in that game, and Champions (it's like City of, only crap)).

If City of were a standalone, single-player game I'd buy it and play it. As long as things like the costume creator / power customisation existed. It's half the fun.



Originally Posted by crayhal View Post
I'm reluctant to invest time in any MMO now. CoH fed my cosplay fetish and saved me hours of sewing and making costumes. In 30 mins, I can crank out a cat boy or pirate chef and go to town terrorizing citizens. Even though I can preserve their memory in a screencap, it's not the same when I'm not controlling them.
CO comes close in terms of costumes, but I can't stand their game mechanics. To me, a Champion is much much weaker than a CoH villain. Heck, a lvl 20 Champion can get killed by a lvl 15 mob. And as someone else mentioned before CO can go away whenever business goes bad.
I plan to keep in touch with the community, until I can find something that folks can play together but still retain access to their creations.
(((HUGS))) Cray I'm with you there. Tried out CO many times last year and even this year I just can't get into it. DCUO held my interest fighting along side my favorite villians or heroes but once I hit the level cap wasn't much left to do. Since the announcement I have finally decided to play the Mass Effect series that's been on Steam for years lol, that's the only thing keeping me entertained. I'll miss my characters, the character creator, my globals, the speed tfs, well everything . I'll play till the end! Love this community <3.



If there was a better game than CoH I would have long since moved off to it. I did experiment with other games but in the end none of them did as many things that CoH did well.

Sure there were games that would beat CoH in something but then fail in other things.

When you add how casual the experience here its why the game has such a loyal following.

I suspect the answer is, I doubt I'll commit to another MMO as long as I did with CoH. I think my preference is more face to face gaming.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster