TSW refugee migration

Angel of Retribution



I have to agree with Cende, TSW is a pretty good game, but it seems like it could easily have been more like Diablo 3, where it's single-player with multiplayer option, instead of making it an MMO.

That being said, here's what I like:

- Personally, I like the graphics, especially the environments. Cutscene animation for toons is a bit lacking, but that's a problem with most CGI.
- I'm loving the story, even just at The Savage Coast.
- I like the "anything-ness" of the leveling system.

But what I don't like...

- In a lot of places, mobs are packed so close together that you pretty much can't help drawing aggro from several just to get where you're going.
- And speaking of aggro, out of all the MMOs I've played, it seems like the mobs in this one have the highest aggro and largest aggro range I've ever seen. They're like killer bees. If you get within fifteen feet of one, you're screwed, and you can't run away because getting hit puts you in 'combat' mode, where you can't Sprint.
- You have to learn every single ability in a weapon tier to get to the next tier, but you can only use 14 total? WTF. And while I'm at it, who decided on a 1-tray, 7 ATK-power system? Compared to WoW, TOR, and most especially CoH(10 trays FTW), that is horribly limited.
- The keybinding interface is...well, it's not 'bad', I think, it's just gonna take some getting used to. There are so many different things auto-bound to keys that are easy to press by accident that it feels odd.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
Going to see if I can influence the forum managers over there to make forums more friendly to the likes of us.
Well, the forums haven't logged me out in over two weeks. That is a heck of a lot more friendly than these forums...

Though I could wish that we could use our own avatar images.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
The chat window is messed up where it won't save any of my settings and constantly clears itself when I zone and, even when they're on, the only place I see anyone speaking is in Agatha (sp - whatever) looking for end game dungeon groups.
The fix:

Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
Here is how to do it very specifically, so you don't have to do anything at all....

Or you could write a couple of scripts that keep you in your custom channels.

1) Go to your Program Files>Funcom>The Secret World>Scripts folder.
2) Create two files called auto_login and auto_teleport in notepad.
3) Enter your channel commands to each like so:

/delay 5000
/chat join CoH-OOC
/chat join CoH-IC
/chat join CoH-Refugees
/chat join JustMyFriendsChannel
I'd add:

/chat join OOC
/chat join IC

They may not be CoH-specific, but that means there are more people on them usually.

Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
To tie into an earlier conversation, I went Shotgun/Blood pretty much at random (I liked the 'real life' idea of a shotgun without knowing the game mechanics and found a Blood focus early on). My build mainly centers around the Weakness/Penetration synergies between the two but I don't know the skill names well enough to define it right now.
I found this guide for making weapon choices in the Secret World.


It gives you an idea as to what to expect the roles of each weapon to be.

Also good for new players is this thread with a lot of tips for getting more out of the game:


Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I've been playing TSW since launch and I am quite in love with it. I would love it if portions of this amazing community would move there to brighten it up more =D I'm on Arcadia on my Lumi "Incarnation" and my Templar "Emblem". If you need help finding your way around, feel free to whisper me!

- In a lot of places, mobs are packed so close together that you pretty much can't help drawing aggro from several just to get where you're going.
- And speaking of aggro, out of all the MMOs I've played, it seems like the mobs in this one have the highest aggro and largest aggro range I've ever seen. They're like killer bees. If you get within fifteen feet of one, you're screwed, and you can't run away because getting hit puts you in 'combat' mode, where you can't Sprint.
I agree, the aggro ranges of everything take some getting used to. Some tips:
- The aggro range is greatly reduced when they have their back turned to you. So sneaking around is possible.
- Combat mode doesn't turn on on the 1st hit - it turns on after around 5 hits, and when you hit back. Sprint past them, keep running, and they will not hit you enough times to turn your sprint off.
- Run toward zone changes, most critters lose aggro when you run out of their native habitat.

- You have to learn every single ability in a weapon tier to get to the next tier, but you can only use 14 total? WTF. And while I'm at it, who decided on a 1-tray, 7 ATK-power system? Compared to WoW, TOR, and most especially CoH(10 trays FTW), that is horribly limited.
What you have to realize is that in TSW the powertray isn't just a powertray with too little space, it's part of the way combat was designed. They're not like space for your powers, they are in and of itself part of your build - more like enhancement slots. In a game where every player can learn EVERY power, it'd be quite overpowered to let them use all these powers at once. They're limited, so you need to think about what synergizes well, whether to focus on AOE or ST or trade some damage for survival, and change your build based on the situation you're facing.

A sidenote: You are limited to using the actives of the 2 weapons you currently have equipped, but you can slot ANY passive from any weapon. This leads to a, for example, Elemental/Pistols user climbing the Hammer weapon tree to get a passive that synergizes well with their abilities. The ideal passive for your weapons may not be found in your weapon trees.

Basically, designing so-called decks in TSW is a game quite a bit like Mids.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I was just checking out items on their "store" and all I can say is former CoH players that complained about prices here are gonna be in for a rude awakening.

$20 bucks for a server transfer
$10 bucks for a costume set for a SINGLE character
Titles for a character range from $1-2 bucks up to $17 bucks for a SINGLE character
Pets cost $5 bucks dog, cat, or bird for a SINGLE character
Server transfers are, apparently, meaningless unless you PVP (apparently that is server and faction specific).
I agree that the titles are stupidly priced, but vanity items...
Same with pets.

There is a lot of clothing that can be unlocked in game for in game cash and achievements. But the per-character unlocks annoy me as well. So do the multi-slot only costumes.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Do you know if you also have to buy a ticket to make use of the games tailor if you buy a new costume piece/set?

Cuz that's just adding insult to injury.
This is wrong. You can change costumes to whatever you've unlocked for the character (Pangea's, achievements, or item store) whenever you want.

Plastic Surgeon... either through the item store OR PAX. Admittedly, it is a large amount of PAX, but it is an option.

Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
You're never the good guys. You're just the better guys than the others.
I've identified mostly with Templars, and I know I'm on the side of good and right. If I find any Templar not living up to the appropriate standard, I'll do my best to correct them.

At least the Templars don't have a recruit-by-brothel policy...

Originally Posted by Riora View Post
Basically, designing so-called decks in TSW is a game quite a bit like Mids.
Speaking of which:

The site "badomens.net" has an Ability Point Calculator, a Gear Calculator, and a Crafting Pattern guide.

And another character planner:


Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
At least the Templars don't have a recruit-by-brothel policy...
Maybe they should!




Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Server transfers are, apparently, meaningless unless you PVP (apparently that is server and faction specific).

I agree that the titles are stupidly priced, but vanity items...
Same with pets.

There is a lot of clothing that can be unlocked in game for in game cash and achievements. But the per-character unlocks annoy me as well. So do the multi-slot only costumes.
My actual motive behind posting the prices was to demonstrate how good we actually had it here as far as pricing goes and what we got for our money. People are going to find that cash shops in some other games are more expensive.

This is wrong. You can change costumes to whatever you've unlocked for the character (Pangea's, achievements, or item store) whenever you want.

Plastic Surgeon... either through the item store OR PAX. Admittedly, it is a large amount of PAX, but it is an option.
Again thanks for the info on this. I hadn't found their version of the tailor yet so I didn't know what all the options were.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Again thanks for the info on this. I hadn't found their version of the tailor yet so I didn't know what all the options were.
A lot of the interface isn't very intuitive. To change your clothing hit 'c' to open up the character interface and then select dressing room. You can do this at any point. You only have to visit the clothing vendors to buy new pieces. Most of the clothing vendors (as well as the auction house) are in London.

Edit: And yes, most of the cash shop stuff is hideously overpriced.

Additional Edit: if you acquire any bonus points for the cash shop (as in from completing 30 missions) you'll need to spend them VERY soon. They expire at the end of 9/30/12 (that's tomorrow as of the time I write this.) Bonus points available are listed seperately in the cash shop.




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
A lot of the interface isn't very intuitive.
I'm glad to see someone say this because that's been bugging me but I've been telling myself there's a learning curve and I'm too used to doing things on CoH.



So how many characters can you make total/per server and which is the most active PvP server?

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
So how many characters can you make total/per server and which is the most active PvP server?
Three characters total, all servers for everything EXCEPT pvp are linked/interchangable, and to the best of my knowledge Grim is the server with the biggest PVP population.

Templars are pretty much universally the pvp-dominant faction, meaning that for the smaller instanced pvp games (el dorado, stonehenge) you'll have long wait times. It also means that the persistent pvp zone (fusang) there'll usually be a huge horde.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is a natural manure. -Thomas Jefferson

Read the Patriot newsletter. It's right, it's free.



One of these days, I'm going to tell myself "I think that's it for new sections in The Scorched Desert zone", and I'll only be wrong by a lot as opposed to a devastatingly large amount.

Seriously, this is probably the most content filled, spatially large zone I've ever seen in an MMO.

You could fit, like, five other MMOs in this map.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I'm glad to see someone say this because that's been bugging me but I've been telling myself there's a learning curve and I'm too used to doing things on CoH.
It definitely takes some getting used to. There are plenty of things that could use some refinement, but that's not unusual at all for MMOs in the early days. Our own beloved CoH was lacking quite a bit at launch. Hell, we had no crafting system (or auction house) and our heroes couldn't even wear capes (because the devs hadn't figured out how to make them look right.) Among other things.




Originally Posted by Riley_Delacroix View Post
Three characters total

You can buy additional slots, but I can't see how it would be worthwhile since three characters (one for each faction) would let you access everything the game has to offer.




Lifetime subs get four slots.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
Lifetime subs get four slots.

But yeah, the vast, vast majority of the game can be experienced by one character. The differences can be fully explored on three.

I cannot conceive of a reason to have a 4th character outside of RP concepts.



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
Lifetime subs get four slots.
Are there any other perks for buying the LTS? Not that not having to pay to sub after 13 months isn't enough incentive, I'm just curious.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Are there any other perks for buying the LTS? Not that not having to pay to sub after 13 months isn't enough incentive, I'm just curious.
I believe that there is also a permanent discount on stuff that you buy from the MT store.



If there is a discount, it's ~10%.

Here's what the membership levels get you:

The basic game

  • 3 Character slots
  • Access to beta weekends
  • early access to the game
  • Name reservation
  • xp boost
  • In-game t-shirt
  • Combat pet
Initiate Pack

  • Factional clothing
  • Weaponry
  • a non combat pet
The Master Pack

  • 30 days of game time
  • an additional character slot
  • 1 name reservation
  • high end beginner items (7)
  • Experience boosting potions
  • 10% lifetime discount on full priced items from the clothing store
The Grand Master Pack

  • Contents of Master Pack
  • Lifetime Sub
  • Exclusive Snake-skin Jacket
So you get the snakeskin outfit - not just a jacket.

This is the male snakeskin outfit:


And the female snakeskin outfit:


It's decent enough, but I mostly wear stuff that I bought at Pangea and one reward for unlocking blood magic's inner tier. Before I fully understood how the wardrobe worked, I put on the snakeskin outfit but could not figure out how to take it back off for a day or so. It was okay, but I liked what I had more. I also spent a lot of time wearing the initiate jacket.

I've had far more use out of the starter weaponry and talismans, which are not lifetime perks.

The big perk for me is, however, being able to play whenever I want without having to worry about sub fees. Which isn't a perk so much as the point of a lifetime sub, but you know.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I downloaded the trial yesterday. Really neat game, I like it Except I can't play much, because I'm laggy as hell on Low setting. Even with CoH I've had to play with my graphics on the lowest setting. And still lagged when teaming/entering high-populated areas.

I think I have five missions done. Gonna futz around some more tomorrow while it lasts. Then I'm going laptop shopping. Them holiday discounts are around the corner, the laptops I want better be on sale!



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
If there is a discount, it's ~10%.

Here's what the membership levels get you:

The basic game

  • 3 Character slots
  • Access to beta weekends
  • early access to the game
  • Name reservation
  • xp boost
  • In-game t-shirt
  • Combat pet
Initiate Pack

  • Factional clothing
  • Weaponry
  • a non combat pet
The Master Pack

  • 30 days of game time
  • an additional character slot
  • 1 name reservation
  • high end beginner items (7)
  • Experience boosting potions
  • 10% lifetime discount on full priced items from the clothing store
The Grand Master Pack

  • Contents of Master Pack
  • Lifetime Sub
  • Exclusive Snake-skin Jacket
So you get the snakeskin outfit - not just a jacket.

This is the male snakeskin outfit:


And the female snakeskin outfit:


It's decent enough, but I mostly wear stuff that I bought at Pangea and one reward for unlocking blood magic's inner tier. Before I fully understood how the wardrobe worked, I put on the snakeskin outfit but could not figure out how to take it back off for a day or so. It was okay, but I liked what I had more. I also spent a lot of time wearing the initiate jacket.

I've had far more use out of the starter weaponry and talismans, which are not lifetime perks.

The big perk for me is, however, being able to play whenever I want without having to worry about sub fees. Which isn't a perk so much as the point of a lifetime sub, but you know.




If I buy the discounted version (which is on sale through tonight I think)... which "pack" am I getting? Just the normal one?



I don't know. I just bought it but I didn't get the combat pet or the ingame t-shirt as far as I can tell.



Okay I'm starting to get really irritated. I bought the pack with the faction clothing, I claimed the clothes from the store, but they didn't appear in my inventory, they don't show up in the character creator, and I can't find an NPC that let's me change my clothes ingame. The Barber and Surgeon are only letting me change my face and hair.

Oh and their damn forums won't let me register. It says my login and password isn't valid, then sends me to a screen to get them sent to my email, but then tells me my email isn't valid and to contact an Administrator, but wont let me do that because I can't log in to the forums.

Who the frak is running things over there gorram Dilbert?



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Okay I'm starting to get really irritated. I bought the pack with the faction clothing, I claimed the clothes from the store, but they didn't appear in my inventory, they don't show up in the character creator, and I can't find an NPC that let's me change my clothes ingame. The Barber and Surgeon are only letting me change my face and hair.

Oh and their damn forums won't let me register. It says my login and password isn't valid, then sends me to a screen to get them sent to my email, but then tells me my email isn't valid and to contact an Administrator, but wont let me do that because I can't log in to the forums.

Who the frak is running things over there gorram Dilbert?
Morbid posted this above. Just hit 'c' to get your Character screen, then choose 'Dressing Room.' There'll be choices such as 'Back', 'Chest', 'Legs', and 'Boots.' If you get a hat, a 'Hats' option will also appear. You can click on anything there to see how you look in it, but you have to hit the 'Wear' button to make it stick, otherwise it'll vanish when you move.