TSW refugee migration

Angel of Retribution



Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
Purchased and downloaded it today - will be logging into it after my exam on Tuesday.

Any info / advice I should know before I start playing?
After you choose your first weapon, exit the training area and re-enter, and then pick up a second weapon. You can have two weapons and use the active skills from both. One effect this has is you can use one builder followed by two finishers.

You can buy more clothing in London - someone gave very good instructions upthread. The bank is also right next to Pangea, and that's where you handle mail, storage, and auctions.

This is a pretty thorough crafting guide. You don't need to craft anything, but sometimes it's really nice to be able to make exactly what you need.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
After you choose your first weapon, exit the training area and re-enter, and then pick up a second weapon.
All the rest of your information is on point, but I disagree with this one. True, it is easy to bounce back in and get another weapon, but it does you no good. At that point, you only have skills in one weapon anyway, and you don't get more points until you hit the Kingsmouth Sheriff's office.

Just outside the office, there's a guy in a black leather jacket named Moose. One of the missions he gives is a crafting tutorial for weapons. The end result is a white-quality weapon with a glyph slot, which the training room weapons lack.

Basically, the devs planted that mish there exactly for the purpose of giving you a second weapon when you needed it. Costs nothing, and if a glyph drops off a mob, you can drop it on that wep to get more use out of it.



Originally Posted by Stunrunner View Post
All the rest of your information is on point, but I disagree with this one. True, it is easy to bounce back in and get another weapon, but it does you no good. At that point, you only have skills in one weapon anyway, and you don't get more points until you hit the Kingsmouth Sheriff's office.
You have two skill points and two APs, which you can spend on the second weapon.

If you get the initiate pack, you can get some blue weapons from the online store as soon as you reach the first mission hub as well, so it really only helps with the zombies on the road. Still, there is no reason not to do it.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Also, one thing I forgot:

The first passive in the Fist Weapons primal tree is "Lick Your Wounds." What it does is give you a small, stacking heal over time every time you attack. It's not a lot, but it helps in the early game, only costs one AP, and you do not have to equip fist weapons to use the passive. In fact, none of the passives require you to equip the relevant weapon, so you can mix and match for stronger synergies later on. But early on, it might be worthwhile.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Played TSW for about 3 days now. Bought the 1/2 price 30 day package today. I'm starting to like it. A lot more dynamic storytelling than CoH. Every contact has a verbal story and many have video clips to boot. It's something I would've liked to see more in CoH than just the tutorial. Can be annoying if all you want to do it smash! But go through the time of clicking the dialog boxes. It'll give you clues of where to go and open arcs as well.

Also, the combat system seems to rely a bunch of combos or builders. Similar to what we were seeing with the newer CoH powersets like water and tidal forces. You have fewer powers that can be slotted at one time (2 trays of 7). Kinda annoying becuase you can get about 2 doz powers pretty quickly.

Please buff Ice Control.



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
You have two skill points and two APs, which you can spend on the second weapon.
You also get a stat boost from having another weapon equipped, even if you don't choose to put AP's into it just yet.




Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Thirty-Seven knows why.


Just got tired of his nonsense so I struck back finally.
*giant eye roll*

Welcome to my ignore list... which had mostly been emptied going into these final days.

I will freely admit that I shouldn't have made the post in that other thread... it was an ancient thread and an uncalled for post. However, espousing the attitude you did as a response isn't likely to illicit a more heart-felt apology.

As such... I'm not sorry. So there!

(As an aside... how OLD are you?)



Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
Also, the combat system seems to rely a bunch of combos or builders. Similar to what we were seeing with the newer CoH powersets like water and tidal forces. You have fewer powers that can be slotted at one time (2 trays of 7). Kinda annoying becuase you can get about 2 doz powers pretty quickly.
Regarding power trays: I have found that it helps to not think of the trays as "not enough space for my powers" and instead as an "intentional limiting factor." Essentially, one character can eventually unlock ALL of the powers in the game. As such, it makes sense that something needs to keep characters on an equal-ish footing when there are no levels or classes.

Once I fully adopted that view, the entire thing made way more sense and I liked it a lot more. Now, you have to look at what you put in your tray as a balancing act as you "level" up.

Also... did I just see you in game tonight? (I was on as an Illuminati named Thirty-VII... just joined a Cabal headed up by Arbiter somebody.)



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Oh and their damn forums won't let me register. It says my login and password isn't valid, then sends me to a screen to get them sent to my email, but then tells me my email isn't valid and to contact an Administrator, but wont let me do that because I can't log in to the forums.

Who the frak is running things over there gorram Dilbert?
I had this same problem and FINALLY figured it out. Apparently, there was a forum migration at some point that initially used your account info to log in. Now... it uses something else.


What you have to do, is type in a new name and password in the top two required boxes. Then, in the "old forum" boxes you type in your current account name and password. Then, when you hit submit it will allow you to log in.

Yes... it IS very backward.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
*giant eye roll*

Welcome to my ignore list... which had mostly been emptied going into these final days.

I will freely admit that I shouldn't have made the post in that other thread... it was ancient and uncalled for. However, espousing the attitude you did as a response isn't likely to illicit a more heart-felt apology.

As such... I'm not sorry. So there!

(As an aside... how OLD are you?)
Should of did that along time ago. At least we know the feelings are mutual now. No point in answering the question about my age since I'm on your ignore list but from the way it looks, a bit older than you, dang imbecile. What you was expecting for me to thank you for that as you say uncalled for post? If you was going to offer an apology you would have done it a while ago.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Should of did that along time ago. At least we know the feelings are mutual now. No point in answering the question about my age since I'm on your ignore list but from the way it looks, a bit older than you, dang imbecile. What you was expecting for me to thank you for that as you say uncalled for post? If you was going to offer an apology you would have done it a while ago.
Could you take this disagreement out of this thread? It's off-topic and rather pointless.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
Could you take this disagreement out of this thread? It's off-topic and rather pointless.
Well dont think there is no more to it if he really did put me on ignore maybe he'll go on about his way and no longer will be pestering me. As long as he do that, I wont pester him.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Has the game finally been patched to allow me to fire my "autoattack" with the left mouse button?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.




been in SW a while now so a couple of thoughts.

I am at a loss to understand a game that allows/encourages you to team up and then when you have a full team hands you a "Solo only" task. We all disband and never get back together. Seems weird.

I think the spawn placement and aggro range is way to aggressive where ever and what ever level you are.

I have had many missions where you have to kill a whole field of foes just to get to the target and usually end up with a mob of them dogpiling me to death. And yes I can stealth but not in this game. And as soon as you get tagged by a foe you lose your run ability so you really do have to stand and die.

Also it is a frequent occurence to get to a foe and start a fairly even sided fight so you are on the edge when a totally random spawn passes by and aggro's on you as well or just appears in the fight and joins in. The caves are terrible for that.

And it usually happens when you have fought long and hard to clear 95% of the enemies so that when you get killed they all return to life at full health immediately. You go back to start and have to redo all that work. That is when I really feel like rage quitting.

So this game is not all fun and excitment, lots of really irritating stuff in there as well. You decide which on balance makes you stay or leave.


So many cats - So few recipes!

Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
Could you take this disagreement out of this thread? It's off-topic and rather pointless.
I was thinking it was sad and pathetic to follow someone into another thread to make a revenge post instead of responding in the original thread, but off topic and pointless also work.



Originally Posted by jacktar View Post

been in SW a while now so a couple of thoughts.

I am at a loss to understand a game that allows/encourages you to team up and then when you have a full team hands you a "Solo only" task. We all disband and never get back together. Seems weird.
I can't really comment on this because I've only soloed everything so far.

I think the spawn placement and aggro range is way to aggressive where ever and what ever level you are.

I have had many missions where you have to kill a whole field of foes just to get to the target and usually end up with a mob of them dogpiling me to death. And yes I can stealth but not in this game. And as soon as you get tagged by a foe you lose your run ability so you really do have to stand and die.

Also it is a frequent occurence to get to a foe and start a fairly even sided fight so you are on the edge when a totally random spawn passes by and aggro's on you as well or just appears in the fight and joins in. The caves are terrible for that.
While I do find it frustrating at times it adds realism to the game. One of the most immersion breaking things in CoH is/was how mobs are/were totally oblivious to all hell breaking loose 10 feet away from them in an unobstructed line of sight. Even ignoring panicked allies running thru them.

And it usually happens when you have fought long and hard to clear 95% of the enemies so that when you get killed they all return to life at full health immediately. You go back to start and have to redo all that work. That is when I really feel like rage quitting.

So this game is not all fun and excitment, lots of really irritating stuff in there as well. You decide which on balance makes you stay or leave.

Are these instanced missions where this total respawning happens cuz I honestly haven't seen that happen yet.

As to the insta-healing of opponents when you are killed, well you're going to find that that is a standard feature in several MMO's made by different companies. Personally I hate getting a boss whittled down to next to nothing, then I die and see the boss instantly healed while I have to start over usually with a death penalty.

So if a person can't learn to adapt to the game mechanics they are going to find their choices of MMO's very limited.



Originally Posted by jacktar View Post
I am at a loss to understand a game that allows/encourages you to team up and then when you have a full team hands you a "Solo only" task. We all disband and never get back together. Seems weird.
This part is awkward, but if you're all doing the same mission, you can remain teamed while doing the solo instance part. Or you could avoid doing solo instance stuff. Or you could do dungeons.

I think the spawn placement and aggro range is way to aggressive where ever and what ever level you are.

I have had many missions where you have to kill a whole field of foes just to get to the target and usually end up with a mob of them dogpiling me to death. And yes I can stealth but not in this game. And as soon as you get tagged by a foe you lose your run ability so you really do have to stand and die.
This I do not think is true. In fact I would say that the parts of the game that are like this stand out to me (such as anywhere Ak'ab have nests) because the rest of the game is not like that. I routinely run through areas that are dense with mobs and get out the other side, often with my sprinting intact. You need to be hit several times for sprinting to go away, or get hindered once.

Most of the time I actually do fairly well on managing how many mobs are attacking me, and I think some of the people in TSW from here can attest to the times when it falls apart, as I tend to get a bit touchy about it. Most of the time I'm busy killing everything I see or running past it with little risk.

Also it is a frequent occurence to get to a foe and start a fairly even sided fight so you are on the edge when a totally random spawn passes by and aggro's on you as well or just appears in the fight and joins in. The caves are terrible for that.
This can often be avoided by keeping track of where you and the mob are standing and moving to avoid patrols...or just killing the patrols.

And it usually happens when you have fought long and hard to clear 95% of the enemies so that when you get killed they all return to life at full health immediately. You go back to start and have to redo all that work. That is when I really feel like rage quitting.
But you can go back to your body and revive at the point you fought your way to, and not have to kill everything again.

So this game is not all fun and excitment, lots of really irritating stuff in there as well. You decide which on balance makes you stay or leave.

I won't argue that it never happens or that it is never irritating, but I will say I don't think it's all that frequent. The two places where it was the worst for me recently were in the areas you do The Eye of Horus and The Girl Who Kicked the Vampire's Nest - both of which are nightmare areas (or signet drops are bugged and dropping from them), and both of which I completed solo. Most of the time I can handle 1-2 additional adds, depending, and I have consumables handy to keep things going just a bit longer - barrier and heal drinks are both very useful when things look like they're going pear-shaped. Also, anima consumables that buff stats like block, evade, etc.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I was thinking it was sad and pathetic to follow someone into another thread to make a revenge post instead of responding in the original thread, but off topic and pointless also work.
I am re-quoting this... but otherwise making no further comments.



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
All of the stuff Bella said...
...is pretty much spot on.

I was going to go through and relay my impressions so far on what she quoted... but between Forbin and Bella, I guess I don't really need to.

My only further point is that being in CoH all this time really has trained me to think in certain ways in gaming in general. Slowly, I am learning to disregard a lot of those preconceived notions because they just don't transfer. Situational awareness and actively moving as effective mitigation, are things that simply weren't a big deal in CoH until Incarnate Trials really. However, both feature prominently in this game right from like the first encounter in the tutorial.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Well dont think there is no more to it if he really did put me on ignore maybe he'll go on about his way and no longer will be pestering me. As long as he do that, I wont pester him.
Wow! You're defintley a creature of habit. Oh wait this is my problem and I have to figure to out hehehhe.

As for TSW, just by the posts you guys have my attention for this game now. I'll have to check it out.




A quick note regarding mobs & their aggro:
In The Secret World, enemies don't have 360° vision. You can run behind something a lot closer than you could ever get within its frontal viewing range. Some things you can even get close enough to tap them on the shoulder without their ever noticing you.

Some things are a little more sensitive than others, and that's just something you'll have to learn via trial & error, testing to see what you can get away with. But right up front I'll warn you that ak'abs are on the sensitive side. So are wendigos, but ak'abs are far more annoying.

Hope this is of help to someone!



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I was thinking it was sad and pathetic to follow someone into another thread to make a revenge post instead of responding in the original thread, but off topic and pointless also work.
oook so it was ok when he did it to me. Gotcha.

Note to self: Rules that apply to me, can be totally diregarded by anyone else and everyone else will back them up when they do it.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
oook so it was ok when he did it to me. Gotcha.

Note to self: Rules that apply to me, can be totally diregarded by anyone else and everyone else will back them up when they do it.
Here's useful a hint for conducting yourself in society: Someone else breaking a rule does not justify you breaking a rule. Keeping this in mind will help you avoid serving time in prison or, you know, being an *** on an unmoderated forum.

Think about it.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
