TSW refugee migration

Angel of Retribution



Originally Posted by War_Hawk View Post
I (Krovus) have no cabal formed, or am in one lol with my work I am AFK to much to feel good about being in a group. But I will try and send as many people to TSW as I can.

I totally misremembered then.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Blah blah blah more angry justifications blah blah blah.

And talking about butt hurt, I'm not the one crying and whining and angry at a buisness because they are taking the toy away. I' m not the one depressed because this game is all that is good in my life.
No you aren't overreacting and throwing a childish hissy-fit about the game closing. You are overreacting and throwing a childish hissy-fit because someone had the nerve to correct my spelling and grammar in an old thread. Where exactly do you get off getting offended over something done to me that doesn't bother me at all. I don't want or need your help, so kindly stop. I can defend myself if I feel it necessary.

You dont me,
I recognize the words are in English but their meaning in this context eludes me.

so you have no idea what feelings I have.
Everyone can tell what your feeling from your childish rants. As with any child throwing a tantrum, like you are here, they are doing it to get attention, which is why you've started yet another thread to continue venting your spleen.

Do I tell you what to feel how to feel when to feel? No, so dont do it to me. That is pathetic to try to tell someone how they feel and you know nothing about them.
I didn't tell you how to feel or when to feel. I stated that we undestand why you are lashing out at everyone. All you are doing by continuing to make emphatic denials and start new threads to continue venting is prove how important this topic is to you.

In closing

I hope it helps you get over this and feel better.

Edit: fixed typo



Dudes... take your bickering to another thread. Please.

This one should be for helping to build community in TSW. I have gone out of my way to stop the discussion. Would be great if others could do the same.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
I knew you didnt have me on ignore. "Oh I'ma ignore you." and didnt even have the nuts to do it on an online forum. Are you afraid some harm will come to you if you did put me on ignore? Dont worry, you are safe behind your computer screen and there is no chance of me finding you. If you are going to ignore me, then do it. If not , then why say you are if you are not going to do it, you liar. Not much things are worse than a liar. Actually I cant think of anything worse than a liar.
Here ya go I think you have me confused with this post http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...297638&page=12




Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Dudes... take your bickering to another thread. Please.

This one should be for helping to build community in TSW. I have gone out of my way to stop the discussion. Would be great if others could do the same.
Apologies 37, i'm done here.




Originally Posted by SteelDominator View Post

First of all I'm not a bro. Second of all I'm not youre bro. And third of all, what are you trying to say? Are you trying to assign a race to me? Well now, the blah blah blah pics, what ever like you ever said anything important, let alone did anything important, but didnt know you'd go racial. What's next, some white supremacy talk from you? You want to show me how racists you really are? How you really feel about a race that in your mind is inferior? Go ahead, keep going with that.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
No you aren't overreacting and throwing a childish hissy-fit about the game closing. You are overreacting and throwing a childish hissy-fit because someone had the nerve to correct your spelling and grammar.

I recognize the words are in English but their meaning in this context eludes me.

Everyone can tell what your feeling from your childish rants. As with any child throwing a tantrum, like you are here, they are doing it to get attention, which is why you've started yet another thread to continue venting your spleen.

I didn't tell you how to feel or when to feel. I stated that we undestand why you are lashing out at everyone. All you are doing by continuing to make emphatic denials and start new threads to continue venting is prove how important this topic is to you.

In closing

I hope it helps you get over this and feel better.
Ok, then what does that say about your reaction when I corrected someone? You are throwing a fit because I corrected someone. It's ok for you throw a fit but it's not for me or something? Who is really being childish? The one who thinks it's ok for them to rant, but god forbid anyone else do over it, the same nonsense they accuse the other person of over reacting on. If I'm over reacting then so are you if not more since it had nothing to do with you in the first place. You're the one throwing a tantrum, and talking about going to other threads to vent, yet you turned around and did the exact same thing on my new thread.

You can call it what ever you want to call it but seems like you are talking more about yourself than me since you showed the exact same behavior.

And that new thread been written two days ago and I just now decided to post it and already decided that I was going to post it today before any of this.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post

I totally misremembered then.
No worries, I wanted to put that out so I was not flooded with hey man can I join your cabal, and you are a handsome, and charismatic leader. My reply is I know you are only human.

Krovus - Templar - Arcadia

Infinity & Virtue



I was able to play again tonight in TSW. Turned my graphics settings off in some cases...shadows and such... much better running on my underpowered PC.

I like it, very spooky, keep imagining the Mist movie. Not sure if my wife will like it on not, and I wish I had loaded it to her more powerful PC, rather than mine, but if it hadn't run on my PC I wouldn't have given it a shot at all.

Robert "Bob-Rob" Robertson is the char. Dragon, pistols and chaos magic so far. Joined the coh-refugees channel too.

One more day of free trial left

The final line of a post by Sweet_Sarah on Liberty
"Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes."



Woot! I now officially have a character of each faction:

Alex "Thirty-VII" Daughtry
Brandon "Ghostnaga" Scoville
Matthew "Cursory" Crawford

As you might have guessed, Alex is my main. Currently he's Pistols/Elemental. With some tenacity, I hope to unlock all of the powers on him.

Originally Posted by b0bcatmc View Post
I like it, very spooky, keep imagining the Mist movie.
I think that's a pretty good comparison. There is plenty of stuff in the game ripped from King, and many other authors. And I also get a Pirates of the Carribean vibe from the carbuncled zombie things in the seacoast of Kingsmouth.



I've joined TSW this weekend and having good fun with it. Enjoying it a lot so far.

Oh I should add I'm Ruby "ScarletShocker" Reddy on Arcadia

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I'm glad there's so many of you coming over. I've been playing for a month and have found it fun and the player base surprisingly mature and sensible. I'll have to join the CoX channel when I'm next on. Currently I'm playing:

Saffron 'Saffina' Mackenzie - Templar, Shotgun/Elemental
Dante 'Lokkehart' Santiago - Dragon, Blade/Chaos

Hope to see you all around sometime.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



I think that's a pretty good comparison. There is plenty of stuff in the game ripped from King, and many other authors. And I also get a Pirates of the Carribean vibe from the carbuncled zombie things in the seacoast of Kingsmouth.
The Draug are based on actual Norse mythology. Undead. Vikings. How awesome is that?


A spoiler for those who have done the first 3 dungeons, which made me do a doubletake when I noticed:

The 3rd draug boss in the Polaris bears the same name as the viking who comes to our aid in Darkness War.


I have had many missions where you have to kill a whole field of foes just to get to the target and usually end up with a mob of them dogpiling me to death. And yes I can stealth but not in this game. And as soon as you get tagged by a foe you lose your run ability so you really do have to stand and die.

Also it is a frequent occurence to get to a foe and start a fairly even sided fight so you are on the edge when a totally random spawn passes by and aggro's on you as well or just appears in the fight and joins in. The caves are terrible for that.

And it usually happens when you have fought long and hard to clear 95% of the enemies so that when you get killed they all return to life at full health immediately. You go back to start and have to redo all that work. That is when I really feel like rage quitting.
This game is much, much harder with its critter's difficulty and aggro range, it's true. When I first started this game, I cannot count the number of times I died in the first zone alone. However... when my first character was in egypt (the 5th zone) I got curious about the other factions and started a new character in Kingsmouth - and died only once, and that was on purpose.

This is not because I'm some superl33t player or anything; with time you simply get a feeling for aggro ranges, you start intuitively predicting the critters' paths and stay out of them and you get a much better sense of positioning which cuts down a lot of unnecessary deaths.

So I guess what I'm trying to say - those problems listed there will only seem so annoying early on. It's a matter of habit.

PS: If ever a quest seems insurmountable, I'd not at all mind helping some fellow CoHers out - just whisper my Templar "Emblem" or my Lumi "Incarnation".



Quick question -

How does one join the COH refugee channel in the game? Haven't quite figured out all the mechanics yet.

I've played now for 3 weeks, have made it to Blue Mountian, and have done the first three task for-- er, dungeons.

Its not City of Heroes, but its really pretty fun. I could have seen splitting my time between the two games, now obviously I dont have that option.

56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.



Originally Posted by Atomic_Saint View Post
Quick question -

How does one join the COH refugee channel in the game? Haven't quite figured out all the mechanics yet.
I belive it's:

/chat join CoH-Refugees

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
I belive it's:

/chat join CoH-Refugees
That is correct.

It will put you into the #CoH-Refugees channel.



Obey the coin!

/chat join CoH-Refugees


Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Atomic_Saint View Post
Quick question -

How does one join the COH refugee channel in the game? Haven't quite figured out all the mechanics yet.
Reposted from page 4. The below autojoins you to channels, whereas /chat join only does it when you first use it, and it does not carry over when you zone.

Here is how to do it very specifically, so you don't have to do anything at all....

Or you could write a couple of scripts that keep you in your custom channels.

1) Go to your Program Files>Funcom>The Secret World>Scripts folder.
2) Create two files called auto_login and auto_teleport in notepad.
3) Enter your channel commands to each like so:

/delay 5000
/chat join CoH-OOC
/chat join CoH-IC
/chat join CoH-Refugees
/chat join JustMyFriendsChannel

The scripts directory is case sensitive and must be Scripts. You will have to create it. Obviously customize it.... but will definitely always have CoH-Refugees (lowercase o).

Hew in drag baby



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
There is plenty of stuff in the game ripped from King, and many other authors. And I also get a Pirates of the Carribean vibe from the carbuncled zombie things in the seacoast of Kingsmouth.
Carbuncled zombie things? You mean like these?

Those are from the Doctor Who serial "The Curse of Fenric." First broadcast in 1989. Plus the Norse mythology. If you look back far enough you'll find there aren't many truly original ideas.




Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
/chat join CoH-OOC
/chat join CoH-IC
I wish you'd quit posting these two, as hardly anyone is on them.

For a broader reach there is two general replacements:
/chat join OOC
/chat join IC

At the very least, include those two channels as well as the CoH-centric ones.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Ah I've been playing TSW since launch. Really enjoying it, had always intended to play it alongside CoH. Still hoping CoH comes back in some way, shape or form, but until then TSW it is. The atmosphere is just amazing, and the gameplay's challenging. Interesting how the slight addition of horror/suspense has attracted all of my friends who refused for 8 years to play CoH.

Might pop onto the refugee channel at some point, although I hardly ever interacted in COH the past few years anyway.



Originally Posted on the Secret World's forums by Frostwork
I too strongly recommend that COH refugees add the #OOC (and #IC channels if you're a regular RPer), and don't forget to re-add the channel every time you log in.

Originally Posted by kagetora00
Just pointing out this thread for all my fellow CoHers,


This is regarding the two custom channels, #OOC, and #IC.

#ooc is quickly becoming the VirtueUnited of TSW, so even if you aren't a roleplayer, I highly recommend joining it. the thread details how to do so, and automate the process.

Custom channels are still a little buggy, but I recommend trying anyway every time you log in.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Okay. Uhm 1 more question then. Reading the first post in this thread


At the very bottom it lists a handful of what they are calling
"Community Cabal Factionless"

How are they making factionless Cabals?
Not trying to be a pest about this but does anyone have any idea how people made those factionless cabals that are listed in the above link?

Is it just a chat channel

Is it a group using something like a guildportal site

Or is it possible to actually make a factionless cabal in the game



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Or is it possible to actually make a factionless cabal in the game
While the cabal interface itself does support multi-faction members (it has a column for each member's faction), it is not, to my knowledge, possible to create a cross-faction cabal in game. Unless they changed something while I wasn't looking.

How those 'cabals' in the link go about it, I can't say.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."





I was just looking at the recommended guild hosting site for making a cabal website for The Sercret World here


To see if there were any CoH themed cabals or how to make one but I have to admit I'm computer illiterate enough that I have no idea what they want when they ask you to enter a sub domain name.

Does anyone know if this has been done already for ex coh players? If not maybe we can get organized and make one.