TSW refugee migration

Angel of Retribution



I checked out the 3 day trial this weekend and I will say it is one heck of a game but perhaps I am still in too much dismay over City's impending shutdown or hope for someone to get the IP so I can still play City to make the jump at this time.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



This is what I thought too but when it went on sale for half price over the weekend, I couldn't resist. I really want to enjoy Champions but it's just too painful. I need a clean break. I'm going to let that fall back to F2P and focus on TSW.

There's just so many things I love about it - the mechanics - the story - the wheel - the free form design - no lvl'ing - and the grinding makes some sense. I can relate to it.

Now, I'm still not entirely sure what my character's motivations are but it's still early. Right now, it's all about survival as I've let myself linger in Kingsmouth and taking things slowly.





Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
While I do find it frustrating at times it adds realism to the game. One of the most immersion breaking things in CoH is/was how mobs are/were totally oblivious to all hell breaking loose 10 feet away from them in an unobstructed line of sight. Even ignoring panicked allies running thru them.
Council #1: Did you just hear a lot of gunfire and screaming around the corner?
Council #2: Probably just that idiot Bob shooting himself in the foot.
Council #1: Yeah, you're probably right. Screw Bob.
Council #2: Roger. Let's get back to holding this guy hostage in a corridor instead of putting him in the perfectly good prison we have in the back.




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Here's useful a hint for conducting yourself in society: Someone else breaking a rule does not justify you breaking a rule. Keeping this in mind will help you avoid serving time in prison or, you know, being an *** on an unmoderated forum.

Think about it.
nver said it justify anything but if te police or people enforce enforcing the rule only enforce those said rules on a certain group/minority, then they may have a lawsuit on thier hands.

One there isnt society in here apparently.
Two, it still doesnt justify someone doing it to me.
Three rules are rules, either enforce or dont.
Four is they are not going to be eforced, and everyone can just ignore then, then I'm going to ignore them too.
Five: no point in comparing this mere game to real life as it seems that real life ettiquette dont apply.
Sixont need a hint or anything from you on conduct. If you choose to ignore one, dont try to finger point at another. As in society it is called bias and in society, you lose all credibility when you do and as mentioned earlier, many law enforcers have ended in jail, and etc off proven biases especially when it's towards a minority.

and most importantly, I thought you had me on ignore you is it just a very odd coincidence that you chose the same avatar as the person that supposedly have me on ignore? You couldnt resist.

First it's "Oh I'm putting you on ignore" like I give a crap." Yet you still follow my posts.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
Purchased and downloaded it today - will be logging into it after my exam on Tuesday.

Any info / advice I should know before I start playing?
Do not get to hung up on the pre built decks, do not reroll unless you want a new name server or faction, read the newcomer thread, general thread, and deck thread.

Krovus - Templar - Arcadia

Infinity & Virtue



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Here's useful a hint for conducting yourself in society: Someone else breaking a rule does not justify you breaking a rule. Keeping this in mind will help you avoid serving time in prison or, you know, being an *** on an unmoderated forum.

Think about it.

Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
nver said it justify anything but if te police or people enforce enforcing the rule only enforce those said rules on a certain group/minority, then they may have a lawsuit on thier hands.
Everyone at Paragon Studios has been laid off. That includes the Moderators that used to enforce the rules on the forums. There are no "police" left here.

But you knew that already which is why you are acting like this.

One there isnt society in here apparently.
Two, it still doesnt justify someone doing it to me.
Three rules are rules, either enforce or dont.
Four is they are not going to be eforced, and everyone can just ignore then, then I'm going to ignore them too.
Five: no point in comparing this mere game to real life as it seems that real life ettiquette dont apply.
Sixont need a hint or anything from you on conduct. If you choose to ignore one, dont try to finger point at another. As in society it is called bias and in society, you lose all credibility when you do and as mentioned earlier, many law enforcers have ended in jail, and etc off proven biases especially when it's towards a minority.

and most importantly, I thought you had me on ignore you is it just a very odd coincidence that you chose the same avatar as the person that supposedly have me on ignore? You couldnt resist.

First it's "Oh I'm putting you on ignore" like I give a crap." Yet you still follow my posts.

We get it. You feel hurt, betrayed, and violated because someone you view as a highly respected member of the community has, in written format, symbolically bent you over a chair, reamed you a new one, and left you feeling sticky and vulnerable. Now while weeping salty tears of butthurt, you're lashing out at him and everyone else.

Don't try denying it. It's as plain as day. If you didn't care you wouldn't bother to follow him to another thread to make angry revenge posts, nor would you bother to justify your bad behaviour.

And yes behaviour is spelled correctly. I prefer using the British spelling of the word.

I can also spell colour with a "u"
and theatre with an "re"

Now back to TSW

Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I checked out the 3 day trial this weekend and I will say it is one heck of a game but perhaps I am still in too much dismay over City's impending shutdown or hope for someone to get the IP so I can still play City to make the jump at this time.
No worries. Take your time. You'll still be welcome should you change your mind and return later.

EDIT: By the way does anyone know if there are any COH groups or whatever it's called on Arcadia? If so I'd like to stay in touch with whatever part of our community ends up there. I'm actually quiet in game and reserve being abrasive for the forums.



One thing to note is that apparently the default gamma is set to REALLY DAMN LOW (like, about 0).

At least one of the early missions in Kingsmouth requires you to locate a painting in a room that's incredibly dark.

Fixing your gamma to something reasonable lets you see the painting - and everything else.

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Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I had this same problem and FINALLY figured it out. Apparently, there was a forum migration at some point that initially used your account info to log in. Now... it uses something else.


What you have to do, is type in a new name and password in the top two required boxes. Then, in the "old forum" boxes you type in your current account name and password. Then, when you hit submit it will allow you to log in.

Yes... it IS very backward.
Thank you, that solved my problem.

Originally Posted by Cende View Post
One thing to note is that apparently the default gamma is set to REALLY DAMN LOW (like, about 0).

At least one of the early missions in Kingsmouth requires you to locate a painting in a room that's incredibly dark.

Fixing your gamma to something reasonable lets you see the painting - and everything else.
Thank you as well. gonna adjust my Gamma next time I'm on.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
nver said it justify anything but if te police or people enforce enforcing the rule only enforce those said rules on a certain group/minority, then they may have a lawsuit on thier hands.

One there isnt society in here apparently.
Two, it still doesnt justify someone doing it to me.
Three rules are rules, either enforce or dont.
Four is they are not going to be eforced, and everyone can just ignore then, then I'm going to ignore them too.
Five: no point in comparing this mere game to real life as it seems that real life ettiquette dont apply.
Sixont need a hint or anything from you on conduct. If you choose to ignore one, dont try to finger point at another. As in society it is called bias and in society, you lose all credibility when you do and as mentioned earlier, many law enforcers have ended in jail, and etc off proven biases especially when it's towards a minority.

and most importantly, I thought you had me on ignore you is it just a very odd coincidence that you chose the same avatar as the person that supposedly have me on ignore? You couldnt resist.

First it's "Oh I'm putting you on ignore" like I give a crap." Yet you still follow my posts.
Your recent posts have given me more laughs than I usually get in months of reading forums.


You might want to get that persecution complex checked though. Just sayin'.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



I picked up this game over the weekend. Loving it so far, especially the investigation missions. I'm proud of myself for figuring these out without cheating yet, but WOW were some of them tough. I'm still in Kingsmouth at the moment, as I'm taking my time to absorb all the lore. Really love me some H.P. Lovecraft <3

If you see the name "Sir-Cai" feel free to say hi =^;^=



Originally Posted by _Cai_ View Post
I'm proud of myself for figuring these out without cheating yet, but WOW were some of them tough. I'm still in Kingsmouth at the moment, as I'm taking my time to absorb all the lore.
Keep it up! I'm really bad at spoiling stuff like that with online guides but, against all odds, have managed to stay 'pure' for all the TSW investigation missions so far. If you're still in Kingsmouth, you don't know the meaning of the word 'tough'. There's one in the Scorched Desert that I'm still mulling about.


(It's great!)

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Keep it up! I'm really bad at spoiling stuff like that with online guides but, against all odds, have managed to stay 'pure' for all the TSW investigation missions so far. If you're still in Kingsmouth, you don't know the meaning of the word 'tough'. There's one in the Scorched Desert that I'm still mulling about.


(It's great!)
They still aren't nearly as bad as the sadistic clues that those who participated in my AE Events "Hack" and "Hack 2" had to endure, but they're brain-twisting nonetheless. I'm glad to know that they get more sadistic as the game goes on



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Keep it up! I'm really bad at spoiling stuff like that with online guides but, against all odds, have managed to stay 'pure' for all the TSW investigation missions so far. If you're still in Kingsmouth, you don't know the meaning of the word 'tough'. There's one in the Scorched Desert that I'm still mulling about.


(It's great!)
Here too, _except for that bloody dead air morse code_. I will NEVER do a morse code without looking up the actual morse on the website. I simply can not listen to and figure out what . and - combo im listening too. :|

I did however look all the morse code up by hand once i had the encoded . - bits.

Hew in drag baby



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
First it's "Oh I'm putting you on ignore" like I give a crap." Yet you still follow my posts.
I point you to the strings of characters above the pretty pictures to the left of the words you quoted. Go ahead. Scrolly-scroll up and look.

The person who put you on ignore had different character-strings above the same picture than the person who you just responded to.

If it helps, I'm putting you on ignore now, and I have a totally different pretty picture for you to look at. I'm not even going to make you read a 5-paragraph disclaimer about why I'm doing it.


My wife and I bought TSW when we saw it on sale for 50% off. So far, we like it, but neither of us is very far in. It's a very loud game for two people in the same room who aren't teamed. Are there separate volume controls for combat and dialogue? I'll admit that so far, I've not explored the UI all that much...

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Thank you, that solved my problem.
Glad to help.

As to your other question, I just joined an RP Cabal over there lead by an ex-CoHer... damned if I can recall the name of the group. It was for Illuminati. IIRC, a dude by the name of Krovus heads up a Templar group of CoHers as well. Also, i think there is a global chat for us, but don't know how to join it.

Oh, and the Cabals are cross-server but faction specific, so... Doesn't have to be centered on Arcadia.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
. Also, i think there is a global chat for us, but don't know how to join it.
/chat join CoH-Refugees




Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
My wife and I bought TSW when we saw it on sale for 50% off. So far, we like it, but neither of us is very far in. It's a very loud game for two people in the same room who aren't teamed. Are there separate volume controls for combat and dialogue? I'll admit that so far, I've not explored the UI all that much...
There is the steps
1) menu top left corner
2) settings
3) audio options

Krovus - Templar - Arcadia

Infinity & Virtue



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Glad to help.

As to your other question, I just joined an RP Cabal over there lead by an ex-CoHer... damned if I can recall the name of the group. It was for Illuminati. IIRC, a dude by the name of Krovus heads up a Templar group of CoHers as well. Also, i think there is a global chat for us, but don't know how to join it.

Oh, and the Cabals are cross-server but faction specific, so... Doesn't have to be centered on Arcadia.
I (Krovus) have no cabal formed, or am in one lol with my work I am AFK to much to feel good about being in a group. But I will try and send as many people to TSW as I can.

Krovus - Templar - Arcadia

Infinity & Virtue



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Glad to help.

As to your other question, I just joined an RP Cabal over there lead by an ex-CoHer... damned if I can recall the name of the group. It was for Illuminati. IIRC, a dude by the name of Krovus heads up a Templar group of CoHers as well. Also, i think there is a global chat for us, but don't know how to join it.

Oh, and the Cabals are cross-server but faction specific, so... Doesn't have to be centered on Arcadia.
Okay. Uhm 1 more question then. Reading the first post in this thread


At the very bottom it lists a handful of what they are calling
"Community Cabal Factionless"

How are they making factionless Cabals?

Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
/chat join CoH-Refugees
Thanks. Joined.



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
I point you to the strings of characters above the pretty pictures to the left of the words you quoted. Go ahead. Scrolly-scroll up and look.

The person who put you on ignore had different character-strings above the same picture than the person who you just responded to.

If it helps, I'm putting you on ignore now, and I have a totally different pretty picture for you to look at. I'm not even going to make you read a 5-paragraph disclaimer about why I'm doing it.


My wife and I bought TSW when we saw it on sale for 50% off. So far, we like it, but neither of us is very far in. It's a very loud game for two people in the same room who aren't teamed. Are there separate volume controls for combat and dialogue? I'll admit that so far, I've not explored the UI all that much...
OH no not the ignore!!! yeeeeaaaa. Like I give a crap.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post

Everyone at Paragon Studios has been laid off. That includes the Moderators that used to enforce the rules on the forums. There are no "police" left here.

But you knew that already which is why you are acting like this.

And you have no idea how I feel. You dont me, squirrel. Do you knwo me? No you dont, so you have no idea how I feel. HAve you ever bother to ask, no, then still you have no idea how I feel. Stop with the assumptions like you are in my head and are me. You are not me, so stp trying to act like it.

We get it. You feel hurt, betrayed, and violated because someone you view as a highly respected member of the community has, in written format, symbolically bent you over a chair, reamed you a new one, and left you feeling sticky and vulnerable. Now while weeping salty tears of butthurt, you're lashing out at him and everyone else.

Don't try denying it. It's as plain as day. If you didn't care you wouldn't bother to follow him to another thread to make angry revenge posts, nor would you bother to justify your bad behaviour.

And yes behaviour is spelled correctly. I prefer using the British spelling of the word.

I can also spell colour with a "u"
and theatre with an "re"

Now back to TSW

No worries. Take your time. You'll still be welcome should you change your mind and return later.

EDIT: By the way does anyone know if there are any COH groups or whatever it's called on Arcadia? If so I'd like to stay in touch with whatever part of our community ends up there. I'm actually quiet in game and reserve being abrasive for the forums.
What ever you say squirrel. It';s ok for him to do it but not for me that is what is plain as day. Anyways, I guess if there is no rules, then what I'm doing should not bother anybody since it dont bother anyone when some one goes out of their way to do it to me.

And talking about butt hurt, I'm not the one crying and whining and angry at a buisness because they are taking the toy away. I' m not the one depressed because this game is all that is good in my life. If you want to talk about butt hurt, then tell people stop crying over the end of a game. Get over it.

You dont me, so you have no idea what feelings I have. Do I tell you what to feel how to feel when to feel? No, so dont do it to me. That is pathetic to try to tell someone how they feel and you know nothing about them.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
Your recent posts have given me more laughs than I usually get in months of reading forums.


You might want to get that persecution complex checked though. Just sayin'.
I'm glad that it amused you.

And there is no persecution complex. All you have to do is go to my previous threads and see. For example like the meat of the issue here. People coming trolling pointing out my mistakes yet they make their own. And yes, from the reaction in here from when I do it, apparently it is trolling. It was trolling when I done it to him then it must be trolling when he done it to me. Yet, before this, people kept saying I was over reacting, yet, look at how they react when I point out mistakes of someone else who was acting like they was incapable of making grammar and misspelling errors.

The responses proved my point and proved that I dont have any complex and that people will react in a negative way like I did on my threads when it is done to them. My point is proven. If they dont like people pointing out their mistakes, then dont point out mine or else I will show that just about every single person on this forum have made a post with some mistakes in one manner or another, including that squirrel.

Either people will stop with this nonsense problem or else it will be a problem with everyone that done it to me, everyone that sat idly by but get on my case when I do it, people that said that I over reacted, everyone if I have to prove that no one here is perfect even though some carry themselves in a manner as if they are god's gift to this planet when in real life they probably are some mid aged never had a job broke person living in their mom's basement being a leech off other people with no self-esteem or even a tad bit of self worth. To them, this game is probably the only power they have and they are pissed that it's going away and will have to face reality, a reality that the cowards have been running away from for years.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
I'm glad that it amused you.

And there is no persecution complex. All you have to do is go to my previous threads and see. For example like the meat of the issue here. People coming trolling pointing out my mistakes yet they make their own. And yes, from the reaction in here from when I do it, apparently it is trolling. It was trolling when I done it to him then it must be trolling when he done it to me. Yet, before this, people kept saying I was over reacting, yet, look at how they react when I point out mistakes of someone else who was acting like they was incapable of making grammar and misspelling errors.

The responses proved my point and proved that I dont have any complex and that people will react in a negative way like I did on my threads when it is done to them. My point is proven. If they dont like people pointing out their mistakes, then dont point out mine or else I will show that just about every single person on this forum have made a post with some mistakes in one manner or another, including that squirrel.

Either people will stop with this nonsense problem or else it will be a problem with everyone that done it to me, everyone that sat idly by but get on my case when I do it, people that said that I over reacted, everyone if I have to prove that no one here is perfect even though some carry themselves in a manner as if they are god's gift to this planet when in real life they probably are some mid aged never had a job broke person living in their mom's basement being a leech off other people with no self-esteem or even a tad bit of self worth. To them, this game is probably the only power they have and they are pissed that it's going away and will have to face reality, a reality that the cowards have been running away from for years.




Originally Posted by SteelDominator View Post
I knew you didnt have me on ignore. "Oh I'ma ignore you." and didnt even have the nuts to do it on an online forum. Are you afraid some harm will come to you if you did put me on ignore? Dont worry, you are safe behind your computer screen and there is no chance of me finding you. If you are going to ignore me, then do it. If not , then why say you are if you are not going to do it, you liar. Not much things are worse than a liar. Actually I cant think of anything worse than a liar.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
I knew you didnt have me on ignore. "Oh I'ma ignore you." and didnt even have the nuts to do it on an online forum. Are you afraid some harm will come to you if you did put me on ignore? Dont worry, you are safe behind your computer screen and there is no chance of me finding you. If you are going to ignore me, then do it. If not , then why say you are if you are not going to do it, you liar. Not much things are worse than a liar. Actually I cant think of anything worse than a liar.
