TSW refugee migration

Angel of Retribution



Hello and welcome and I am glad that this thread has been helpful for you to look at and try a new game, please go to our TSW thread


where we have more information.

and truly thank you all I am glad some of us are moving over and helping that game move on to it's next stage of it life. I have truly been over whelmed whit these two threads, and the following that they have, this is why we are a great game and a good group of people.
to thank you all once again.
Krovus AK @war hawk

Krovus - Templar - Arcadia

Infinity & Virtue



Originally Posted by Katanaa View Post
I just wanted to thank all of you here and in the rest of the forums (and in game). I have rarely if ever posted but I did read the posts extensively and learned quite a bit in my 7 yrs on CoX. I tried TSW yesterday and while its not and cant replace this game it was quite fun to play. I am still on the trial and will play again and see if I go full subscription.

Thanks for the the input about TSW I tried SWTOR and for the life of me I just couldnt get into it. TSW was much easier even if the UI felt clunky, which I know was because I have been on CoH for so long.

I look forward to finding my old CoH brethren out there in TSW.
And I was the opposite, tried both and stuck with TOR. I'll admit though, that as a game I liked TSW better. But TOR was so much a sequel to KotOR that I have to play out the story there, and then I'll probably wander back to TSW.

Also, thanks all for the added posts here. These have helped keep TSW on my radar.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



I am sorry but this game looks like crap.
Little to no customization.
Weak animations.
Mind numbing game play
Stiff atmosphere

Just horrible. I've been watching gameplay videos of it trying to get into it and I will never even try this game from what I saw.

Just my 2 cents.

Fight The Power



Originally Posted by War_Hawk View Post
Hello and welcome and I am glad that this thread has been helpful for you to look at and try a new game, please go to our TSW thread


where we have more information.

and truly thank you all I am glad some of us are moving over and helping that game move on to it's next stage of it life. I have truly been over whelmed whit these two threads, and the following that they have, this is why we are a great game and a good group of people.
to thank you all once again.
Krovus AK @war hawk
Been following that one.

I agree that both threads have quite a following. That really does speak to how great this community is.

But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.



Originally Posted by Next_Spirit View Post
I am sorry but this game looks like crap.
Little to no customization.
Weak animations.
Mind numbing game play
Stiff atmosphere

Just horrible. I've been watching gameplay videos of it trying to get into it and I will never even try this game from what I saw.

Just my 2 cents.
And I've read posts made by people that don't like CoH saying the exact same things.

You are entitled to your opinion. The games simply not for you. Thanks for sharing.



Originally Posted by Next_Spirit View Post
I am sorry but this game looks like crap.
Little to no customization.
I have to wonder how much experience some people from this game have with MMOGs in general. In the majority of them that I've played all you get to select is gender, *maybe* race, and then choose from a small handful of heads and/or hairstyles. Your clothes are whatever equipment you find. Games that move beyond that have been the exception, and it just so happens that CoH is very exceptional in that regard.

When I try this game I won't be expecting a great deal of customisation. Its draw, for me, is largely the story and setting with a small amount of curiosity towards the gameplay. It's not a surrogate CoH, but it looks like an interesting diversion.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
When I try this game I won't be expecting a great deal of customisation. Its draw, for me, is largely the story and setting with a small amount of curiosity towards the gameplay. It's not a surrogate CoH, but it looks like an interesting diversion.
I do have to say, I tried the beta and liked what I saw.

I was initially put off by the character creation- the art style and the quality of the pieces, but I think part of that is due to how "close to the real world" this game's setting is. There are no wow-level shoulderpads or capes or such, so it all seems so normal.

The story, though, was quite compelling, and if it wasn't for the fact that it ran rather poorly on the low-end gaming PC, I would have considered picking up. Online games are for the missus and I to play together, so we have to maintain two PC's on a budget, meaning neither is going to be very bleeding-edge. TSW is really worth a look, but not worth the upgrades we'd need to play it together. Perhaps someday that won't be an issue.



Hi! I'm on Grim server name is "BeeNut". I am level 10 in Templar faction with no cabal. If anyone plays on that server without a cabal, let's make one



I am in tsw and have been for a month. Look me up as Saiyala

That's the one I have focused most on

-Michael: Ill/Storm Troller <><><><><><> Slide-Show Base-Tour: Its a London Thing



Originally Posted by Next_Spirit View Post
Just horrible. I've been watching gameplay videos of it trying to get into it and I will never even try this game from what I saw.
That's some pretty harsh words from someone who hasn't even tried it. That you don't feel motivated to try it is fine, but I don't get why you felt the need to tell us about how horrible a game you haven't tried might be.

But hey, reviews of TSW have ranged from a 40 to a 90, so I get that some people instinctively hate it. Your princess may be in another castle.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
That's some pretty harsh words from someone who hasn't even tried it. That you don't feel motivated to try it is fine, but I don't get why you felt the need to tell us about how horrible a game you haven't tried might be.

But hey, reviews of TSW have ranged from a 40 to a 90, so I get that some people instinctively hate it. Your princess may be in another castle.
Sorry, I am a brutally honest person. I tend to play the devils advocate.

With all that the game is, is it worth paying $15 a month for? Over 6 months time you pay $90 just for the story of your first character. And you might not even finish it then.

I'll check it out when its free to play sure, but I have studied the game so to speak. Been watching gameplay videos and trying to last through it. If it were a free to play MMO, then sure I wouldn't be so harsh on it.

Fight The Power



Originally Posted by Next_Spirit View Post
With all that the game is, is it worth paying $15 a month for? Over 6 months time you pay $90 just for the story of your first character. And you might not even finish it then.
It looks to me like a game I might be able to finish within the free month that presumably comes with purchasing a retail copy if I focus on it. I doubt I would subscribe to it for 6 months, regardless. Not all entertainment can be expected to successfully endure for the long term.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Next_Spirit View Post
Sorry, I am a brutally honest person. I tend to play the devils advocate.
To be honest, I didn't really see either of those in your post. Just a snap decision based on gameplay videos. From the first half of your post, I assumed you based your opinion on actual experience, which would be fair. But the other half stated otherwise.

There's a free three-day trial if you feel like being brutally honest about your own experience.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Not sure if this was mentioned but there is an active RP community in TSW. There is a meta group site focused on RP located at http://TSW-RP.COM A great bunch of folks who have been building community since beta.

Join the ranks of The Dawn Patrol!



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
To be honest, I didn't really see either of those in your post. Just a snap decision based on gameplay videos. From the first half of your post, I assumed you based your opinion on actual experience, which would be fair. But the other half stated otherwise.

There's a free three-day trial if you feel like being brutally honest about your own experience.
Exactly this.

I had seen some of the videos and wasn't clear as to whether they were supposed to be gameplay or promotional videos.
I downloaded the trial - 15Gb D/L and they really need more bandwidth for that.
Created my character - they could do with allowing spaces in the nickname though.
Base character model is very good but costume options are a long way short of CoH - you can purchase more with in game currency or points later though.
Default is only 3 character slots unfortunately, however you can have several "decks" i.e. sets of equipment on each character - similar to alternate builds in CoH but more flexible - these allow your character to have a DPS build, Tank build, Healer build, Buff/Debuff build so effectively if this was CoH this would be the equivalent of being able to Respec at will - even changing ATs. I understand a 4th slot is available with lifetime sub don't know if more can be purchased.

Ignore the PC spec test if you use an AMD video card - its pure NVidia marketeering. Apparently my HD6970 doesn't meet the recommended spec and needs to be "upgraded" to a 560.
It has no problems handling top end graphics settings in the game giving me 60-80 fps at 1600x1200.

As for the game think 28 days later - I hope you like fighting zombies. Power animations seem smooth so far.

For badgehunters - the equivalent is Lore.

After playing for a day I found I liked it enough to purchase the game - I missed the half price sale but found Amazon were selling it for about £8 less than the game's site - £32 comparable to other PC games.

The trial is 3 days but if you complete 30 missions you get a further 2 days and 1200 points to spend (£10 worth) added.

At £12 or $15 pm its about 50% higher than CoH with reductions for longer subscriptions - no idea on the prices for most of those although I believe lifetime for $200 is available still which looks a good deal.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I have to wonder how much experience some people from this game have with MMOGs in general. In the majority of them that I've played all you get to select is gender, *maybe* race, and then choose from a small handful of heads and/or hairstyles. Your clothes are whatever equipment you find. Games that move beyond that have been the exception, and it just so happens that CoH is very exceptional in that regard.

When I try this game I won't be expecting a great deal of customisation. Its draw, for me, is largely the story and setting with a small amount of curiosity towards the gameplay. It's not a surrogate CoH, but it looks like an interesting diversion.
The only reason TSW might appear to have poor customization is if it's being compared to CoH.

Given that the only gear that affects appearance is weapons, and now you can customize that, this is one of the most customization-friendly MMOs in existence.

(not arguing with you, btw, just agreeing).

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
As for the game think 28 days later - I hope you like fighting zombies. Power animations seem smooth so far.
Zombies are really only the first area (Solomon Island). Later on you fight other monsters.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
Zombies are really only the first area (Solomon Island). Later on you fight other monsters.
Yeah, my impression was more "Lovecraft" and less "28 days later" - powers beyond even man's ability to comprehend them.

Where other MMOs have lowbies kill rats, this one gives you zombies. Not a bad step-up



I'm really enjoying my time in TSW

I enjoy the power wheels and most of the game play. There are some bugs but mostly minor.

But I've also enjoyed the community. There are some very helpful and friendly people there and in that sense it's just like home from home. Good Cabals (SGs) with willing helpers who will come join to help, advise, and just play.

Also a good RP community though I've not done a huge amount.

As for content, there seems to be a surprisingly high amount for such a new game, especially when you take the repeatable temp missions into account.

What I'm loving most about it is the story. This is a hightly story driven game and it meshes together very well, great atmosphere and environments. I can see it wouldn't be for everyone but it's certainly a worthy next game for me.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Not all entertainment can be expected to successfully endure for the long term.
Anyone else remember when ads (in hard-copy magazines people!) for computer games promised things like "Over 50 hours of gameplay"? These days people seem to think that a game is a complete failure if it can't keep them entertained for years. The worse I've seen with this attitude is on the Diablo 3 forums where the game is frequently referred to as 'the worst game ever' on the grounds that the poster got bored after a couple months.

PS I'm not exactly defending Diablo 3 here, I think it's a far weaker game than Diablo 2. But if a game can keep me entertained for a few months then it's really not a 'bad' game.

PPS The real worst game ever was Master of Orion 3. I couldn't even finish a single game and I LOVED the first two. Maybe there's some people that liked it, but there are also people who like having hot wax dripped on their privates.




One thing I didn't get a chance to examine in my beta time:

The factions: At first glance, I got the impression that the faction choice was rather PvP-based... kinda realm vs realm, with most people sticking to teams within their own faction. Later, it seemed that may not be the case, as even in the tutorial the 3 factions worked together.

So, if I did plan to start playing this with friends- what is the impact of us starting in different factions? We jokingly did the little profile that was around before launch and have 2 templars, an illuminati, and a dragon among us?

Should we all just stick with the same faction to make teaming easier or does it have little impact?



please be sure to read the secret world entertainment EULA carefully..they install some tracking to your hard drive.



Originally Posted by Hell Razer View Post
please be sure to read the secret world entertainment EULA carefully..they install some tracking to your hard drive.
You mean the fairly common MMO tracking software used to detect third party software that is being used to cheat/bot?




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
...but there are also people who like having hot wax dripped on their privates.
mmm...hot wax...

Oh, wait, what were talking about?

Oh yeah, TSW.

Love it. The whole CoH group I play with all moved. We were heading that way before the closure announcement. The announcement just gave a final push.

Way fun, absolutely gorgeous on a high end card but will play on older ones.

I can jump in and kill kill kill to my hearts content like in CoH, run missions or do dungeons, lots of variety. Nothing beats killing Zombies en mass after a hard day at work. Still cannot one-shot AoE them, but getting close.

You can jump on and play with your friends no matter how experienced. This is the new 'key' element of gaming for my group because we have such varied amounts of playtime. Just being able to login and meet-up by clicking and start killing stuff makes it awesome for us.

Some go out of their way to find flaws with things. I'll grant it has flaws, all things do. My friends and I like to be able to login, kill bad guys and laugh. And I can soot Zombies in the face with a rocket launcher.


"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Originally Posted by Hell Razer View Post
please be sure to read the secret world entertainment EULA carefully..they install some tracking to your hard drive.
I take it you're referring to section 5:
This really isn't any kind of new development in the MMO world. In fact, as a CoH player, you've already allowed NCSoft the same latitude:

And world of warcraft
Consent to Monitor.

...The Game may access information from your computer’s random access memory (RAM) and/or CPU processes regarding unauthorized third party programs running concurrently with the Game....
and virtually all others (I didn't find it on SOE's standard EULA while preparing this response, but I just looked for common words- they may conceal it better).

Heck, even console games that are multiplayer check for hacked consoles as part of their agreements. It isn't very easy to escape it if you want to online game.

Essentially, they're installing stuff to look for programs that are actively running when your game runs that they consider hacks/cheats/helpers. The wording in these is unnervingly broad ("IT MAY COMMUNICATE INFORMATION BACK TO x ... AS x DEEMS NECESSARY OR PERTINENT") and some alarmists consider this such an "open door" that the devs could take anything they want anytime they want, even going through your music collection & email.

In reality, EULA's are a type of agreement that courts interpret VERY narrowly. In multiple precedents, places where the EULA-preparer overextended their reach have been negated. Most game providers are well aware that they'd quickly find themselves in a bad situation should it be discovered that they took any data that didn't have a clear and concise relevance to their stated goal of detecting unauthorized cheats or bots. They're intentionally ambiguous because they don't want botters/cheaters to know where they're looking and where they promised they won't look, but in action, they're much more restricted.

I'm not saying not to exercise caution in who you trust. Just no sense in pointing out TSW by themselves.