TSW refugee migration

Angel of Retribution



It looks like a leash, it walks like a leash, it sounds like a leash... I'll call it a leash.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Now something that does irritate me about the NPC's is the instant healing. Last time I was on I took a shot at a sole target and kept shooting at it while backing up to maintain distance. Suddenly the NPC stops instant heals, breaks off combat, and runs away. Forcing me to start over. As far as I'm concerned that's total BS. I don't give a rat's patootie what the devs reasons are, an NPC that quits combat and instantly heals back to full in the middle of combat is a BS game mechanic. Especially when I've had NPC's chase me clear across the map when I wasn't fighting back.
It's really bad in TERA. Over there they have huge enemies that can potentially take 45 minutes to an hour to kill. These enemies often have dashing and jumping maneuvers. Imagine spending 30 minutes whittling down a HP bar to almost nothing, only to have the enemy jump or dash out of its own designated aggro area and reset its HP to full.

I certainly agree that it's a BS game mechanic.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
As I said, not all mobs have the same leash. But, seriously, there is no way that zombies followed you from the Beach to the church. What likely happened is that you got more than one group chasing you, and the group that caught you started chasing you much closer to the church.
Oh I know I had at least 2-3 mobs on me. I just don't know where they all came from. I never saw any of the ones behind me leave, and I never saw any additional ones in front of me or anywhere near to aggro to the sides of me. I ran between houses where I've never seen spawns, jumped fences, ran thru the always empty park thing. Jumping stuff kept me alive longer. And you are right about the church mobs. I was just a few feet from the steps hen they appied the coup de grace.

Also, if you run inside the church, the zombies will just die.
That's why I was heading for the church when I got up around the Fire House and was still being attacked. Died just outside in front of the church steps.

Draugr seem to have longer leashes than zombies, but they can still be outrun.
Most times I do, then there are a few times when nothing stops them or other NPC's.

I don't understand how you could possibly see that kind of motivation behind the regeneration. It's just regeneration. If you got away from them, you'd regen to full too.
I wouldn't call it motivation, It's more a description of how that annoying game mechanic makes me feel.

Also, did you know that if you press X you can activate sprint? It's not superfast (at least not early on), but it can make getting through crowds of mobs somewhat easier.
Okay that may have been part of the problem while being chased. I honestly can't recall ever using "x" to sprint.

I can understand this. I really hate it some days, because it gets the better of me. I used to hate it a lot, when I started playing WoW in 2005, but I'm used to it now, and used to finding ways to avoid the mobs entirely, or letting them chase me, but they rarely catch me.

And if this pisses you off, I do not look forward to your first encounter with the ak'ab. D:
Every game has had at least one thing I couldn't stand but a single peeve isn't going to stop me from playing if I'm having fun. I just do my best to both adapt and if possible avoid the frustration.



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
As far as I know you can't increase your jumping distance. Those two are VERY annoying, but it can be done with regular old jump. It just takes some precise timing and a lot of luck.
Originally Posted by War_Hawk View Post
have sprint on, and up graded and yes thoes 2 suck ***, be on the wall thing
Just knowing I'm not the only one makes me feel a lot better about this.



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Some of the draugr will chase you forever, which is probably a bug (I've had a pair of sea witches chase me from the beach to the MorningLight camp, once). I haven't experienced that with townie zombies though.

There used to be an issue with the Ak'ab as well, that would chase you endlessly. But this was actually caused by another bug... once you aggroed an Ak'ab, it had to trigger it's charge first attack on you, which somehow overrode the leach distance (technically, I don't think mobs have leach distances in TSW, it's some other mechanic). Which meant that an Ak'ab would chase you clear across the Savage Coast, hit you once, and then leach back (unless you attacked it back, or someone else hit it on the way in which case you could end up fighting it).

On top of long aggro range, and a fondness for eachother's company, this made Ak'ab a bit of a pain (especially if you just needed to cross through their lands). Thankfully they aren't terrible difficult to fight, and they will teach you to use that dodge, too!

I remember a similar bug in CoV, too, for that matter. There was an issue where street mobs would never lose aggro. Poor hellions chased me from one end of Port Oakes to the other, and then back again.
I hope what I encountered was a bug. I haven't had it happen except on very rare occasions

Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
It's really bad in TERA. Over there they have huge enemies that can potentially take 45 minutes to an hour to kill. These enemies often have dashing and jumping maneuvers. Imagine spending 30 minutes whittling down a HP bar to almost nothing, only to have the enemy jump or dash out of its own designated aggro area and reset its HP to full.
... Gee ... You're just full of good news.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Oh another thing. Anyone know how I can increase my jump distance? There's two lore objects in Seoul on top of a roof and a balcony thing (8 and 13 I think) I can't seem to get because I can't jump far enough to reach get them.

I've watched other players make the jumps, but I can't seem to match the distance. If there's a skill I have to buy I don't mind saving up to get it.
Turn on sprint get a couple steps running jump. It helps to have one or two sprint speed increases (you can buy them in your faction's HQ after certain ranks). There might be another extremely late game option that you'll eventually have: there is a rocket jump called "death from above".

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Just knowing I'm not the only one makes me feel a lot better about this.
Took me an hour (and a couple of youtube videos) to catch the trick to those.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
It sounds interesting, but after glancing at the required system specs, it's definitely a no-buy for me.
No Mac, so no deal.

Too many alts to list.



I tried it and I like it. Already ordered my copy, but I wish it would be an addition to CoH for my free time, not a replacement (well, there is NO replacement for CoH, but you get the idea).



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Oh I know I had at least 2-3 mobs on me. I just don't know where they all came from. I never saw any of the ones behind me leave, and I never saw any additional ones in front of me or anywhere near to aggro to the sides of me. I ran between houses where I've never seen spawns, jumped fences, ran thru the always empty park thing. Jumping stuff kept me alive longer. And you are right about the church mobs. I was just a few feet from the steps hen they appied the coup de grace.
Unless you're watching behind you it can be really hard to tell who's leaving and who's joining the chase and it really can seem like you're being chased all the way across town. It is annoying.

That's why I was heading for the church when I got up around the Fire House and was still being attacked. Died just outside in front of the church steps.
Ah, that makes sense. You may have collected a volunteer fireman or two as well, and they can hit pretty hard.

I wouldn't call it motivation, It's more a description of how that annoying game mechanic makes me feel.
Ah, so it was more of an analogy? Sorry about confusion.

Okay that may have been part of the problem while being chased. I honestly can't recall ever using "x" to sprint.
There's an early tooltip that tells you about sprint that I saw once - on my fourth character. I learned about it by seeing other players outrun me and checking keybinds.

Every game has had at least one thing I couldn't stand but a single peeve isn't going to stop me from playing if I'm having fun. I just do my best to both adapt and if possible avoid the frustration.
In time you may come to rely on the mechanic. I know I do.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I may be mistaken, but I don't think you can activate sprint if mobs have already aggroed on to you. If you're already sprinting you can keep at it until something actually hits you (or you attack.)




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
I may be mistaken, but I don't think you can activate sprint if mobs have already aggroed on to you. If you're already sprinting you can keep at it until something actually hits you (or you attack.)
You can't activate sprint in combat but you should always activate it as soon as you exit combat. And going into combat does not always shut it off. Most often, it stays on until someone hits you with an impairing effect or you take several hits. It's a preventative - not reactive - measure.

(seriously, I really hate it when people assume the most inane interpretations of what's been said - no one suggested turning on sprint while being pursued - we said to turn on sprint, period. Why take this to an absurd degree that was never proposed?)

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
You can't activate sprint in combat but you should always activate it as soon as you exit combat. And going into combat does not always shut it off. Most often, it stays on until someone hits you with an impairing effect or you take several hits. It's a preventative - not reactive - measure.

(seriously, I really hate it when people assume the most inane interpretations of what's been said - no one suggested turning on sprint while being pursued - we said to turn on sprint, period. Why take this to an absurd degree that was never proposed?)
Errr.....I was just clarifying a point. I don't think anyone else had mentioned that sprint could not be turned on once you were already being chased, and it's not something everyone would be expected to know automatically. I hardly think that's either inane or absurd.




Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
... Gee ... You're just full of good news.
It's ultimately *one* of the reasons I got frustrated with TERA and cancelled my sub. Surely, though, it's not nearly so bad in *this* game.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Turn on sprint get a couple steps running jump. It helps to have one or two sprint speed increases (you can buy them in your faction's HQ after certain ranks). There might be another extremely late game option that you'll eventually have: there is a rocket jump called "death from above".

Took me an hour (and a couple of youtube videos) to catch the trick to those.
Having Sprint on was what I needed. I was able to finally get those last two lore objects in Seoul on my main. I should have the technique perfected by the time I finish getting them on my other three characters.

Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
Unless you're watching behind you it can be really hard to tell who's leaving and who's joining the chase and it really can seem like you're being chased all the way across town. It is annoying.
While auto run was on I did spin my camera to look a couple times to get an idea of how many were on me but I wasn't watching constantly so some may have left and were replaced by others. But it seemed to be in the numbers of 10-15 townies each time I checked until I was finally swamped in front of the church steps.

Ah, that makes sense. You may have collected a volunteer fireman or two as well, and they can hit pretty hard.
Very possible but I couldn't spot any amongst all the townies. Only the big guy from the beach stood out.

Ah, so it was more of an analogy? Sorry about confusion.
Yeah, analogy and also part immersion breaking. The immersion thing because it was Zombies. Another monster probably wouldn't bug me as much (still annoying but more of a goddammit instead of a WTF?), but in my mind zombies are relentless attackers that ignore all but killing blows. Breaking off an attack is so out of character it disrupts my train of thought, and that annoys me when I'm enjoying a game.

There's an early tooltip that tells you about sprint that I saw once - on my fourth character. I learned about it by seeing other players outrun me and checking keybinds.
Missed the tooltip, and I assumed faster players had unlocked a speed boost, or simply got faster as they got more experience

In time you may come to rely on the mechanic. I know I do.
Yeah I think that'll fall under learning to adapt.



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
Errr.....I was just clarifying a point. I don't think anyone else had mentioned that sprint could not be turned on once you were already being chased, and it's not something everyone would be expected to know automatically. I hardly think that's either inane or absurd.
I'm sorry, I was unaccountably touchy about pointless things earlier. I try to keep it to a minimum on the forum but, eh. I am sorry.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Oh, F_P, if it helps:

I don't think the sprint tip is very noticeable, and it pops up at a time when you're guaranteed to be thinking of other things. It's so easy to miss I only spotted it on my fourth character, and I usually try to pay attention.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Hi Guys,

my main alt over yonder on TWS is now working in the "Scorched Desert" zone having left the Savage Coast.

I have been sooooo close to rage quitting the game at least a half a dozen times now.

But I am still chipping away and learning (which does not equate to getting better!) at it. I have completed all the previous zones content at least once.

As a new game, there are most definately parts of the game such as foe difficulty at certain character levels, that as still mismatched but I understand are being addressed by the Dev's.

Some of the game is still a mystery like when running a Dungeon and get killed/one shotted you are out of the run till it ends. Locked inside the resurection circle unable to participate.
This leads to the stupid situation on many teams after one member dies (especially if it is the squishy healer or the tank) of all the others commiting suicide and the whole team having to restart the whole run.

If this happens a couple of times, even if it is different members getting caught, you usually just get team breakup. Very frustrating. The game design as it is requires a perfect run every time. Just like our Masters of badge runs.

It can get very grindy and some missions seem a bit lazy in design when you get a mission tier that requires 4 or 5 different "Kill x number of Y foes" to complete. Very WoW like.

Some missions are given at the wrong level such as the faction mish to unlock a special weapon at level 6. It is way to difficult to complete with ql6 gear but it unlocks from your xp earnings not your alt level.

You end up just abandoning them till you kind of outlevel them.

Some missions, like one with a chainsaw, are just an exercise in frustration and best left well alone.

But I try to remember that this is still a new game with a large element of "Works in Progress" about it and I think that given time it will get sorted and be a cracking piece of work.

I do not know if it will hold my interest enough to go back and repeat the early content especially using the same alt albeit to get new power abilities. A puzzle mission is only a puzzle on the first run and I see a lot of higher level players just grinding purple gear runs in the travel hub. Am not a great farmer here, so no way over there for me.

Just approach it with an open mind and a culture shock realisation that CoH it is not and you will have an interesting adventure.

Just for the record I have had some lol moments at dialogue and NPC actions and hidden references when they kick off. And it have made me scratch the head during puzzle quests which is nice.

Curates Egg, good bits and bad bits but definately worth the journey (so far).


Edit for: Typo's

So many cats - So few recipes!

Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!




if you think the "Sprint" thing is hard to notice just wait till you get your first "Timed mission".

No prior warning in mission description and a miniscule timer countdown clock that usually appears in an obscure corner of the GUI usually under one of the other sub GUI's you need whilst playing.

I could not work out why my missions kill total was resetting to zero till I worked out that little gem!

Now if only we could move the Alt Character GUI around instead of it being fixed dead centre of the screen. Looks at Dev's for next patch


So many cats - So few recipes!

Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!



Originally Posted by jacktar View Post

if you think the "Sprint" thing is hard to notice just wait till you get your first "Timed mission".

No prior warning in mission description and a miniscule timer countdown clock that usually appears in an obscure corner of the GUI usually under one of the other sub GUI's you need whilst playing.

I could not work out why my missions kill total was resetting to zero till I worked out that little gem!

Now if only we could move the Alt Character GUI around instead of it being fixed dead centre of the screen. Looks at Dev's for next patch
I've done several timed missions, but I didn't find them particularly annoying. I always check the objectives and see the timers.

Well, there was one in BM, where I had to hunt supernatural monsters. The first part - to go to the graveyard and kill zombies - was timed. I forget where the clock started, but I had fewer than 10 seconds left when I killed the last zombie.

Also, if you're getting into Scorched Desert, that's the first zone (I think) where they'll send you into a particularly hard area. The Last Legion is a mission that you might have to rebuild or gear up before doing.

In the next zone, the hard (as in nightmare mobs) mission is The Eye of Horus. The next zone after that (first Transylvania) there are at least two - one is The Girl Who Kicked the Vampire's Nest, and the other you get at a windmill. These missions are harder than other stuff in the zone, and they can be frustrating.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
I'm sorry, I was unaccountably touchy about pointless things earlier. I try to keep it to a minimum on the forum but, eh. I am sorry.
Apology thoroughly accepted. We all get prickly sometimes. I'm sure both of us (and others discussing mechanics in this thread) are trying to give information and observations from a 'TSW explained to CoH players' perspective. My original comment may have come off as a criticism of prior sprint related posts (I definitely could have worded it better) but it wasn't intended as such.




Originally Posted by jacktar View Post
Hi Guys,

my main alt over yonder on TWS is now working in the "Scorched Desert" zone having left the Savage Coast.

I have been sooooo close to rage quitting the game at least a half a dozen times now.

But I am still chipping away and learning (which does not equate to getting better!) at it. I have completed all the previous zones content at least once.

As a new game, there are most definately parts of the game such as foe difficulty at certain character levels, that as still mismatched but I understand are being addressed by the Dev's.

Some of the game is still a mystery like when running a Dungeon and get killed/one shotted you are out of the run till it ends. Locked inside the resurection circle unable to participate.
This leads to the stupid situation on many teams after one member dies (especially if it is the squishy healer or the tank) of all the others commiting suicide and the whole team having to restart the whole run.

If this happens a couple of times, even if it is different members getting caught, you usually just get team breakup. Very frustrating. The game design as it is requires a perfect run every time. Just like our Masters of badge runs.

It can get very grindy and some missions seem a bit lazy in design when you get a mission tier that requires 4 or 5 different "Kill x number of Y foes" to complete. Very WoW like.

Some missions are given at the wrong level such as the faction mish to unlock a special weapon at level 6. It is way to difficult to complete with ql6 gear but it unlocks from your xp earnings not your alt level.

You end up just abandoning them till you kind of outlevel them.

Some missions, like one with a chainsaw, are just an exercise in frustration and best left well alone.

But I try to remember that this is still a new game with a large element of "Works in Progress" about it and I think that given time it will get sorted and be a cracking piece of work.

I do not know if it will hold my interest enough to go back and repeat the early content especially using the same alt albeit to get new power abilities. A puzzle mission is only a puzzle on the first run and I see a lot of higher level players just grinding purple gear runs in the travel hub. Am not a great farmer here, so no way over there for me.

Just approach it with an open mind and a culture shock realisation that CoH it is not and you will have an interesting adventure.

Just for the record I have had some lol moments at dialogue and NPC actions and hidden references when they kick off. And it have made me scratch the head during puzzle quests which is nice.

Curates Egg, good bits and bad bits but definately worth the journey (so far).


Edit for: Typo's
In the first hell dungeon, we got to the last boss and wiped a few times trying to figure out the different mechanics and it ended up with everyone dead and me chipping away at the last third of its health for the win. I felt epic.



I just wanted to thank all of you here and in the rest of the forums (and in game). I have rarely if ever posted but I did read the posts extensively and learned quite a bit in my 7 yrs on CoX. I tried TSW yesterday and while its not and cant replace this game it was quite fun to play. I am still on the trial and will play again and see if I go full subscription.

Thanks for the the input about TSW I tried SWTOR and for the life of me I just couldnt get into it. TSW was much easier even if the UI felt clunky, which I know was because I have been on CoH for so long.

I look forward to finding my old CoH brethren out there in TSW.



Thanks to this thread I think I'm going to give the TSW a try this weekend since I conveniently have a 3 day weekend. Been reading some of the guides, etc., and think I know what I want to start with.

But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.