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Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Where have you been? We have been desperately looking for a way to save the game since August 31, 2012.

Blogs, Twitter, and the occasional article on some gaming site are easy to ignore and truly do not show the amount of people affected by this.

We can choose to do nothing or very little and see the outcome...or we can fight with every method we have at our disposal...I am a hero I choose to fight to save Paragon City. I will not stand by and whisper in a small corner of the internet...I will make sure my voice can be heard by many; especially those who need to hear it! I will continue to fight to save Paragon City until there is nothing left to fight for, because in the end I do not want to be sitting here thinking "What if...I had said something?" "What if I had done more?" I will do it now.. I will do more today... and hope tomorrow the sun rises on Paragon City.
I think the issue is to chose from the things that CAN have positive out comes verses those that CAN'T.

I believe this e-mail option to be a serious misstep. Not dooming us but certainly not helping.

Something witty and profound



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
I think the issue is to chose from the things that CAN have positive out comes verses those that CAN'T.

I believe this e-mail option to be a serious misstep. Not dooming us but certainly not helping.
I agree, it is jumping the gun way too soon.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
I think the issue is to chose from the things that CAN have positive out comes verses those that CAN'T.

I believe this e-mail option to be a serious misstep. Not dooming us but certainly not helping.
This. Pretty much opening Pandora's Box.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
Yes. Really. If they perceive this as a breach of etiquette (and since it is, there is no reason to think they won’t) the mere fact that they got these e-mails is shooting ourselves in the foot. Not to mention the number of emails that are from trolls and I promise you there are more than a few.
So don't email them.

Just so you know though... South Koreans are probably the most active protesters in the world. Protests happen in Seoul on a weekly basis and if it were not for these protest many of the democratic reforms and changes in labor laws would never have happened. Unity and standing up to a perceived problem are both accepted in South Korea (and constitutionally protected) and heralded as a means of change.

South Koreans are not like the Chinese in this effect where one does not protest; especially the government.

I think people here are confusing South Korean culture and etiquette with some of the other Asian cultures.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
Yes. Really. If they perceive this as a breach of etiquette (and since it is, there is no reason to think they won’t) the mere fact that they got these e-mails is shooting ourselves in the foot. Not to mention the number of emails that are from trolls and I promise you there are more than a few.
Since you edited it out (I'm all in favour of selective quoting, but c'mon, it was the next line) I'll say it again...

"If there is any deal in the offing, however unlikely, then it's not going to be sunk because Mr Kim receives a few emails from angry and upset players."

Or from trolls.

Will it do any good? I dunno. It literally can't make things any worse. If there's a deal on the table that we don't know about it will not be taken off the table by angry words from unhappy players. That would be an insane way to run a business. Any business. Anywhere.

Besides, good manners is not a one way street. I wouldn't feel bad about upsetting NCsoft when they've given no indication that they feel bad about upsetting us.



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
This. Pretty much opening Pandora's Box.
So do nothing...that is your choice.

Just like writing a professional email requesting them to reconsider their options was mine...and I do not regret my choice.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
So make noise. Be nice about it. Be mean about it. Be emotional about it. Be constructive. Be devastated. Be what you are: Passionate City of Heroes customers who know what you want: MORE CITY OF HEROES.


Cheers Heroes and Villians!




Sent the same email to all three.

It started off quite formal but then when I started to talk about growing up in-game and the community and the devs... it was more my personal touch

I didn't swear... although I did include the line...

"Gurl yo' askin' fo' a fight!"

Contact Information!

Twitter: @TonyParkeze





Originally Posted by Rapthorn View Post
Sent the same email to all three.

It started off quite formal but then when I started to talk about growing up in-game and the community and the devs... it was more my personal touch

I didn't swear... although I did include the line...

"Gurl yo' askin' fo' a fight!"


Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
I think the issue is to chose from the things that CAN have positive out comes verses those that CAN'T.

I believe this e-mail option to be a serious misstep. Not dooming us but certainly not helping.
Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
This. Pretty much opening Pandora's Box.
Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
I understand why some people don't agree with this decision, but I also understand why Tony made it.

More to the point, every troll that read this post already sent some very angry sounding emails. Maybe several.

If you want our community to be well represented, the good emails have to outnumber the troll emails. Even if you would not have made the decision Tony did, it's important that you still send an email.
I think quoting those posts in that order provides a good point-counterpoint to the situation here.

I fully expect that Taek-Jin Kim, Song-Yee Yoon, and Dong-Il Kim are going to recieve hateful nastygrams—or even death threats. Not just from people who can't be civil or diplomatic about this, but also from anti-fans and trolls looking to sabotage the player base's efforts to keep the game alive.

If it hasn't happened yet, it will. Especially since these e-mail addresses were Tweeted.

So the only thing we can do is try to drown out the death threats and hate speech with the kind of thing TonyV's asking from us: stories about how much City of Heroes has meant to us or affected our lives, or reasoned letters explaining why we feel the way we do about their decision to pull the plug and why selling City of Heroes to another party would be a good idea.

If you guys don't want to write letters to NCSoft, that's fine; but just remember, all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
This looks like a spectacularly bad idea. With these e-mail addresses in the open any one can use them. For any reason. I think it would have been better if you had done a slow roll out via pm or personal email to people you know could be trusted to do something constructive with this information.
I agree with this. This was a rather precipitous step. Anyone can now use these email addresses.

Originally Posted by Ashe T'Dust View Post
Its not the only reason, but it does fit my narrow and shrinking view of the person.
To be fair, CoH is such a tiny part of their portfolio, I wonder how much involvement the CEO had in this decision.

Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
So don't email them.
You're missing the point. The people expressing concern are NOT the ones who would misuse the addresses.

Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
If you guys don't want to write letters to NCSoft, that's fine; but just remember, all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Oh, and we're back to categorizing NCSoft as "evil"?

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post

Oh, and we're back to categorizing NCSoft as "evil"?
The quote was meant to simply show: Nothing can be achieved by doing nothing. The "evil" here is the lights being turned out on 11/30... The evil is the disappearance of Paragon City. I am sure some people do consider NCSoft evil, but there are many more who see them simply for what they are: a business who made a decision that thousands disagree with...and so those people are trying to do whatever they can to show NCSoft that they can still make a better decision by working with outsiders to not completely end CoH.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
Will it do any good? I dunno. It literally can't make things any worse. If there's a deal on the table that we don't know about it will not be taken off the table by angry words from unhappy players. That would be an insane way to run a business. Any business. Anywhere.
This isn't necessarily true. Certainly, a few harsh emails to NCSoft from members of the community wouldn't fundamentally change the numbers. But humans aren't robots and harming goodwill can certainly harm deals. If NCSoft are in a position where selling won't make them a lot of money, then they could easily decide that we're just not worth dealing with.

Not to mention that potential purchasers could easily be put off if they hear that NCSoft executives got a whole stack of personally abusive email from fans.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
If you guys don't want to write letters to NCSoft, that's fine; but just remember, all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Oh, and we're back to categorizing NCSoft as "evil"?

Did you even bother reading my post, or are you pretending that what you quoted is all I had to say?



The email that I sent out



I am writing you in regards to your decision to terminate and cease all operations and NCSoft support for the MMO game City of Heroes. First off I want to let you know that had 3 active subscription accounts for City of Heroes before the decision was made to terminate this wonderful product. Even when City of Heroes went free to play I chose to keep the subscriptions to all three of my accounts. I hope that this shows you how much I enjoy and believed in the City of Heroes game and the development team behind it. When I heard about NCSoft's decision to terminate City of Heroes it really saddened me beyond the point were words could not even describe what I was feeling.

I am sending this e-mail with hopes that there is something that can be done to either reverse NCSoft's decision or consider the option of selling the license to City of Heroes. With City of Heroes I've meet many people who I would later call great friends, reconnected with old friends I thought I would never hear from again, and learned great things from the other people that played. NCSoft is probably under the assumption that they are terminating a game, but in reality NCSoft is killing of a great community that has been loyal to the game and development team. A community that when they heard that City of Heroes was meeting an abrupt end leaped into action.

Some examples,

Here, the player community chipped in to buy the Paragon Studios development team dinner.

Another, players opted to use the $14.99 that they would have spent on subscription charges and instead donate it to charity.

I used these examples to show you that the money spent on the examples could have been money that went into NCSoft.

I thank you for your time and service in reading my email, and I hope that it shows what NCSoft is giving up when it made the decision to terminate Paragon Studios and City of Heroes.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
The quote was meant to simply show: Nothing can be achieved by doing nothing. The "evil" here is the lights being turned out on 11/30...
That wasn't the evil I was referring to at all. I spent my entire post addressing the very real possibility that publicly releasing the e-mail addresses of NCSoft's upper echelons will result in trolls and anti-fans sending abusive mail.

If there's people who could send in a clear-headed, convincing letter that demonstrates City of Heroes has more worth selling off than by sitting on the IP, but won't because they don't agree with what TonyV has done here, while the trolls and anti-fans send off their death threats and nastygrams, thereby decreasing the signal-to-noise ratio and giving the bigwigs the impression that the CoH fanbase is an internet hate machine ... That's a pretty good example of evil triumphing because good men did nothing, isn't it?

Seriously, I'm a mite ticked off at Ironblade right now for trying to make it look like I was calling NCSoft evil.



Just going to reiterate what I've been saying the whole time. I support and appreciate all the efforts to legitimately save the game, but I do not anticipate them working in any way.

Bypassing NCSoft and building a private server is the only real way to keep CoH going, in my opinion of course. Would we have our awesome dev team or development at all? Nope, but we'd still have a Paragon City to log into, and that's all I'm hoping for at this point.



Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
If there's people who could send in a clear-headed, convincing letter that demonstrates City of Heroes has more worth selling off than by sitting on the IP, but won't because they don't agree with what TonyV has done here, while the trolls and anti-fans send off their death threats and nastygrams, thereby decreasing the signal-to-noise ratio and giving the bigwigs the impression that the CoH fanbase is an internet hate machine ... That's a pretty good example of evil triumphing because good men did nothing, isn't it?
Hooray, guilt-tripping. :|

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Hooray, guilt-tripping. :|
Think about the Massively poll to fight for City of Heroes or let it go, and why TonyV rallied to have people vote in support of keeping it up. There were still several hundred people voting to let the game die. If Tony hadn't put the call out, and it escaped the notice of the community, how would the numbers have looked?

As an informal, unscientific poll, it didn't hold much value as actual marketing research, but it did hold value symbolically by showing that the decision to shut the game down is unpopular on some level.

But this? This is a bit more serious, since it's directly contacting people in top management. Their e-mail addresses are "in the wild" now. I've seen people post them on Twitter, where nobody's going to see TonyV's pleas to be diplomatic. I have no doubt in my mind that these three are going to receive some abusive mail, whether it be from angry fans/players telling them off, or from trolls and anti-fans taking advantage of this to throw a wrench into things.

The only way to combat that is to write in yourself and try to drown out the negativity.



Do not lose focus people. You are trying to communicate with a corporation. A corporation does not do things immediately. I can guarantee the decision to close down the game was not made that friday. If Ncsoft is considering saving the game its not going to be over a week or a few weeks.
We have to continue our efforts. If we are being ignored then we have to yell louder. We have to get more media attention, more celebrities to the cause. Bigger and better shows of solidarity. Now is not the time to log off and feel sorry for is the time to pop those rezes and get back in the fight.

"I believe there's a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams." Aunt May SM2

i dreamed a dream, but now that dream is gone...good bye Paragon



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Just so you know though... South Koreans are probably the most active protesters in the world. Protests happen in Seoul on a weekly basis and if it were not for these protest many of the democratic reforms and changes in labor laws would never have happened. Unity and standing up to a perceived problem are both accepted in South Korea (and constitutionally protected) and heralded as a means of change.

South Koreans are not like the Chinese in this effect where one does not protest; especially the government.

I think people here are confusing South Korean culture and etiquette with some of the other Asian cultures.

Those of you who are openly demeaning this latest effort are casting us in the WORST possible light, holding us back, keeping us down, and letting less respectful letters slip by ahead of yours.

Those of you who are speaking your mind directly and concisely are giving NCSoft's management exactly the kind of respect that South Korean business etiquette demands.

Write your emails and letters and STOP insulting our South Korean friends by confusing them with isolated and close-minded cultures.

Edit: And before anyone chimes in with their Team America perspective, I've already received private messages from South Korean-American players thanking me for saying this. So everyone with their foot in their mouth, have some humility for everyone's sake and join our ranks.

Our enemy (time) gains more ground while we argue among ourselves in the trench.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Originally Posted by Rejuvenatrix View Post
houtex....I salute you. Your letter made me cry. If we all can send in letters, half as good as yours, our point will get across, loud and clear. NC Soft needs to understand that this community of gamers is different than the others. Nasty, poorly worded letters will get us nowhere. No one hears the person who is loud, and says nothing of value, but everyone hears those who are vocal, and offer a positive message. Again, houtex, I salute you. An inspiring letter. And to Tony, sir, get a standing ovation from me, and all my alts. We are lucky to have you!
I am... quite humbled. Thank you, I'm glad you think well of it, means a lot. I hope it makes TPTB take a second look at things, myself. But I'm also a realist... more on this below.

But again, sincerely and humbly, thank you very much.


Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
No, but it is easier and requires substantially less effort, which makes it easier for rude people and trolls in general to send their less-than-helpful messages. And like Tony said, these e-mail addresses were not made publicly available...until now.

This worries me for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that it shows how desperate the Save CoH movement has gotten, which isn't a good sign at all.
Originally Posted by Fista View Post
I think the issue is to chose from the things that CAN have positive out comes verses those that CAN'T.

I believe this e-mail option to be a serious misstep. Not dooming us but certainly not helping.
Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
I agree, it is jumping the gun way too soon.
Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
This. Pretty much opening Pandora's Box.
Guys and gals, the box has been opened, indeed. And as has been said, the fix, if there is any to this, is what I said in my message, which is, I hope to outnumber, or perhaps outflank, the rabble-rabble of the angry idiots (yes, I'm calling them that) who would verbally beat the living **** out of any of the CEOs.

THAT is the one and only reason I even fired one off. To try to tip the balance from the dumb *****. It may be a futile effort, but once the damage was done, I had to do my part *immediately* so the better message that I hope my letter is wouldn't be lumped into the 'forget that noise' bin of their mail servers. Time was absolutely of the essence in this.

Even then, however, the, oh, 3 or 4 hours maybe? It was perhaps too late to avoid the auto-pruning of anything Co* related. I can only hope at this point.. hey, there's a Pandora's Box reference for ya.


And having said THAT... it may be a moot point anyway. One, it could be they'll just ask the email people to give them a new address, shoot it to the important people, and then box the others for now, just dumping everything into a spare server or such to weed out any important emails and junk the rest.

Secondly, they may get a ton of junk mail anyway, and can weed it out themselves very quickly. I know I can with my email. Move the ones I wanna keep into a folder, destroy the rest. Tada.

So they may not even open One. Single. Email. from us.

Regardless, it felt... and now, especially, still does... feel like the right thing is to do something to balance out any bozos who would say the dumbest of things that would do nothing but confirm their decision being right, we players are just pining for the game.

I am not. I can, in fact, live my life without it. I will not be happy about losing the game, but... I'm going to get on with my life because that's what I should do.

I'd just rather it didn't get destroyed and lost like so many other fantastic works of art have in the past, and dishonor/disappoint/disillusion the people who made it:

The Producers, The Publishers, The Devs, the Mods, and Us.

And if they can somehow get some... or all... of Paragon Studios to survive, keep their jobs, keep the game going, and they can keep the game profitable? Bonus. Way the hell awesome bonus.

Pinnacle Represent!



August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



I'm extremely worried about this move. Sure, it has the potential to do good, probably; but it also can very easily backfire horribly. I'm not going to go on much about that because frankly it's gone back and forth enough in this thread.

That said, I will be writing an email. However, I will give a couple days to mull it over. For obvious reasons, I do NOT want to screw it up. So I need to make absolutely sure that I do it right. And, admittedly, in case a redname jumps on saying something to the effect of "Guys, not cool. STOP!" I'd rather not have contributed to the final nail in the game/community's coffin. Again, I'm thinking it over so I can do this the most effectively.



Originally Posted by Knightward View Post
I'm extremely worried about this move. Sure, it has the potential to do good, probably; but it also can very easily backfire horribly. I'm not going to go on much about that because frankly it's gone back and forth enough in this thread.

That said, I will be writing an email. However, I will give a couple days to mull it over. For obvious reasons, I do NOT want to screw it up. So I need to make absolutely sure that I do it right. And, admittedly, in case a redname jumps on saying something to the effect of "Guys, not cool. STOP!" I'd rather not have contributed to the final nail in the game/community's coffin. Again, I'm thinking it over so I can do this the most effectively.
If there was a call for the 'stop' from a Redname... it would have been done already. I can tell you right now that Dr. Aeon and Fire Man are both on. They can get a hold of Zwill, and this whole thread is dead before it really even started. And they're not the only Reds watching.

Further, Zwill would have probably banhammered TonyV, regardless of his involvement, the very minute the post came to his attention, if it was a problem. Forum tweaks such as these are trivial matters on vBulletin. It apparently is not a problem. Yet...?

I'm thinking at this point, the only ones who will protest would likely be the three whos emails are out there... and they are unlikely to do so. Doing so would be... bad PR.

As silly as 'bad PR' sounds there... it's the truth.


August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



I'm figuring that this counts as continuing "to make noises so ncsoft cannot ignore players." So I'm in.

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[Admin] Alpha Wolf: Sorry guys but I don't have any new update. I know Paragon management is having discussion with ncsoft and investors. Continue get people to sign online petitions, post on game forums, and just continue to make noises so ncsoft cannot ignore players.
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