Call to Action: Contact NCsoft Directory




I wonder how many emails they have received from us now?

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by Them3OtherGuys View Post
Yeah! And Farscape got a fifth season from all the letters and boxes of saltines the viewers sent to the SciFi execs—oh wait...
It got a made-for-tv movie to close the whole series out instead.

Hew in drag baby



That movie is CRAP!

Frankie says it best.



Hey everyone, please note the update in the top post. I have voluntarily removed the e-mail addresses. I think this project has been successful in its goal, and at this point, I don't think any further e-mails will get read. Also, I want to minimize the possibility of trolls getting the addresses at some future point and using the addresses to grind an ax.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Hey everyone, please note the update in the top post. I have voluntarily removed the e-mail addresses. I think this project has been successful in its goal, and at this point, I don't think any further e-mails will get read. Also, I want to minimize the possibility of trolls getting the addresses at some future point and using the addresses to grind an ax.
Excellent, TonyV. Thank you.
A response (with a request and not a threatening command) is not bad at all. I completely agree with going along with their request.
Thanks again, for everything.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Hey everyone, please note the update in the top post. I have voluntarily removed the e-mail addresses. I think this project has been successful in its goal, and at this point, I don't think any further e-mails will get read. Also, I want to minimize the possibility of trolls getting the addresses at some future point and using the addresses to grind an ax.
I saw it said that the addresses were also posted via Twitter. Was that you, and if so have you removed those tweets as well? (And if you have -- will removing them make any difference?)

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Maybe that's the tweet people were referring to. *shrug*

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
I saw it said that the addresses were also posted via Twitter. Was that you, and if so have you removed those tweets as well? (And if you have -- will removing them make any difference?)
It wasn't TonyV or anyone from Titan Network (I think).

Here's an example of a person who tweeted all three. There may be more out there since I was just browsing the SaveCoH topic trend on Twitter and saw this in the midst of it (and it seems Twitter's system precludes searching for email addresses), but this is what I was talking about when I said that the e-mail addresses are "in the wild" where nobody's going to see TonyV's requests to be civil and constructive.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post

I have received a request from NCsoft to remove these addresses from being publicly posted. I have decided to comply, and I wanted to make sure everyone understands my reasons for doing so.
  • I read up on the legalities of the situation before posting this Call to Action, and I am convinced that I am well within my rights to do what I did. However, I want NCsoft to understand that this isn't about exercising legal rights, it is about trying to reach people with the ultimate authority to determine the fate of City of Heroes. I have said all along that this is not a campaign of annoyance or denial of service and repeatedly requested that the community be respectful and positive and constructive. Having read many of your e-mails, I believe that this goal was achieved admirably and that our community was well-represented.
  • I believe that everyone in our community who would want to contact management at NCsoft has now had ample opportunity to do so. Accordingly, I do want to minimize the opportunity for others who might have an ax to grind with NCsoft in the future to come along and find this information and use it for ill purposes.
  • I believe that by now, executive management at NCsoft has gotten adequate representation of our community, for better or for worse. While we could continue sending e-mails, by now I'm sure that they will likely not be read. If you didn't get a chance to convey your story, I apologize, but such is the nature of some of these calls to action, that they will be time-sensitive.
  • Even though it is not an especially positive response, it is not an especially negative or threatening one, either. Frankly, I expected a bit worse than it is. Accordingly, I want to extend them the courtesy of complying with the request as a good-faith gesture.
I had posted the addresses in my blog. They have now been removed from there as well.

It does indeed sound like we have rocked the boat, hopefully to good effect. We'll see.



Originally Posted by Them3OtherGuys View Post
Yeah! And Farscape got a fifth season from all the letters and boxes of saltines the viewers sent to the SciFi execs—oh wait...
And the original Star Trek got multiple movies, several spin off series, some of which also had movies, all from a simple snail mail movement.

As long as we continue to make noise, and I mean continue, even if the game's plug is pulled, someone may eventually here our united voices and do something about relaunching the game.

(Also note that in Star Trek's case it's popularity INCREASED after the original show's death.)



Well, we got an actual response from NCSoft. Even though it isn't particularly encouraging, they obviously didn't expect these and didn't just mass-ignore them, or they wouldn't be asking for a cease-fire so to speak. So we got our feelings relayed directly to executives in Korea at any rate. We at least deserve to be able to communicate how we feel.

I mean, do Korean search engines even pull up articles from places like, etc. anyway? I would think you'd have to dredge up an American search engine first, and even at that, your results might be truncated being that Koreans are so far away....



You know what I just thought of?

How did NCSoft know to contact TonyV? Tony, did you send them a heads-up admitting you posted their email addresses somewhere, or did they visit these forums/Titan's and figure it out?

I hope it was the latter. And I hope somehow they see all the publicity about the shut down via links here, etc. They need to know that how they have handled this whole mess badly and that it will affect future NCSoft game launches in the west.

If the amount of business here was so insubstantial, then why would they be continuing to launch games like GW2 and Blade and Soul here in the west? Obviously we aren't quite as unimportant audience as some would like to think, or these games wouldn't launch here at all.

And isn't ArenaNet from North America? And of those purported 2 million GW2 sales, what percentage of them occurred in North America? Were those only North American figures, or worldwide? Because NCSoft's handling of the west may even affect how many people buy expansions for GW2. I know I prepurchased GW2 back in March, but haven't even logged on since the August 31st CoH announcement. They can go jump in a lake; I'm not giving them another penny of my money, GW2-related shop or expansion items included.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Hey everyone, please note the update in the top post. I have voluntarily removed the e-mail addresses. I think this project has been successful in its goal, and at this point, I don't think any further e-mails will get read. Also, I want to minimize the possibility of trolls getting the addresses at some future point and using the addresses to grind an ax.
I was planning to send emails this evening, but I will now refrain from doing so and wait further news from you.

I ask everyone to try and have TonyV coordinate things, if we can show we speak with one voice and support and follow him, it gives him more power.



Originally Posted by LeperDave1 View Post
And the original Star Trek got multiple movies, several spin off series, some of which also had movies, all from a simple snail mail movement.

As long as we continue to make noise, and I mean continue, even if the game's plug is pulled, someone may eventually here our united voices and do something about relaunching the game.

(Also note that in Star Trek's case it's popularity INCREASED after the original show's death.)
Yes, the write-in campaign only served to briefly postpone the show's demise by a single (inferior) season. Only in reruns did the show become popular enough to warrant a movie (and so on).

It's also worth mentioning the flipside, that a similar letter writing campaign failed to save Enterprise at all.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



For anyone who wants the information (E-mails: Personal & Business, Phone + Cell for: Corporate, Personal, Direct Lines & Extensions, Addresses: Business & Personal, including CEO & Executive Staff) I have them on a dox file yet to be released in force but it is publicly available by link. Unlike Tony and others I won't take it down and will freely give out the information upon request, and if the game doesn't have a positive response by November 29th, well, the whole internet will have everything. All nations, all websites (that are the most popular by country) and of course the campaign will really kick off.

Tony's the white knight, but I'm his black hat.

I'll be chillaxin' until then.

Your serve, NCSoft. G/L



Originally Posted by Lulip0p View Post
For anyone who wants the information (E-mails: Personal & Business, Phone + Cell for: Corporate, Personal, Direct Lines & Extensions, Addresses: Business & Personal, including CEO & Executive Staff) I have them on a dox file yet to be released in force but it is publicly available by link. Unlike Tony and others I won't take it down and will freely give out the information upon request, and if the game doesn't have a positive response by November 29th, well, the whole internet will have everything. All nations, all websites (that are the most popular by country) and of course the campaign will really kick off.

Tony's the white knight, but I'm his black hat.

I'll be chillaxin' until then.

Your serve, NCSoft. G/L
Don't let anyone bully you about the business communications avenues, at least, although I don't think giving out personal cells or personal addresses is right. So personally I don't think you should link or give out those. But if this gag order on business emails is just NCSoft's way of brushing us aside while they've moved on without considering selling the IP for a reasonable amount, then they really can't be upset about player feedback commencing again through their regular company channels like email once CoH's servers go down for good. NCSoft shouldn't be upset about customer feedback, though: They had no problem taking our money at their place of business for over eight years, so they should at least hear our customer feedback at their place of business too, told in a reasonable fashion.



Was this more "we were heard" or "We were told to piss off" type deal? It seems more likely to me that the latter is more likely.



Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
Was this more "we were heard" or "We were told to piss off" type deal? It seems more likely to me that the latter is more likely.
It was neither. They asked me to remove the e-mail addresses, and I voluntarily complied since I felt that its purpose had been served and leaving them up longer would likely mostly incur more troll e-mails than legitimate communications.

Also, please note that I received another update today, which I've posted in the top post. We now have an e-mail address set up specifically for us to use to communicate without interfering with company operations.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
It was neither. They asked me to remove the e-mail addresses, and I voluntarily complied since I felt that its purpose had been served and leaving them up longer would likely mostly incur more troll e-mails than legitimate communications.

Also, please note that I received another update today, which I've posted in the top post. We now have an e-mail address set up specifically for us to use to communicate without interfering with company operations.
Tony, how did they find you to tell you to take the email addresses down? How did they know it was you behind it?

Did NC ask former Paragon workers until they pointed NC to our forums here or Titan's or what? I guess I can't really believe over in Korea they have the slightest clue about all the negative press and forum posts back east here.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
UPDATE (Tuesday, September 18)

Hey all, good news. As I indicated in my update yesterday, I asked for an e-mail address that we could use to send messages to NCsoft without interfering with company operations. Today, I received the following: "I asked about setting up a monitored email address for players to be able to communicate with NCsoft, and one has been created at:" (Emphasis mine.)

Now I know that some of you are thinking, "But that wont do any good!" but I'd like to point out that 1) you don't know that, and 2) they most certainly did not have to do this; I appreciate that not only did they, but they did it very quickly, which shows to me that they are listening. I honestly believe that someone will be reading these messages. Accordingly, please don't use it to grind your ax at NCsoft or e-mail bomb it. If you do, that will most certainly assure that it gets redirected to a black hole never to be read again, which would be screwing over your fellow players, not NCsoft.
Huh! That's rather interesting. Indeed, it doesn't tell us much anything, positive or negative, but it is something and something done quickly... and something they didn't need to do, really.

I'm thinking that we might should resend our polite emails to this address?
Give them all that we've said in one place and help to make sure that our solid voices of unity and positive momentum outweighs any late-coming trollish behavior towards this new address.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Huh! That's rather interesting. Indeed, it doesn't tell us much anything, positive or negative, but it is something and something done quickly... and something they didn't need to do, really.

I'm thinking that we might should resend our polite emails to this address?
Give them all that we've said in one place and help to make sure that our solid voices of unity and positive momentum outweighs any late-coming trollish behavior towards this new address.
Honestly, I'm thinking that no one of any importance is going to see or care about the emails at this new address, BUT I re-sent my note again anyway, AND I am absolutely gleeful that we seem to have shocked and surprised them so much that they actually broke through their wall of total silence and did something for us, even such a tiny thing as creating some alt email account for five seconds.

If nothing else, I think we made them stop and stare, their shocked little mouths hanging open for just the slightest minute over the fact that anyone could even get those email addresses let alone use them. I take it they never expected that to happen, what with their brutish "kill you now, die die Paragon Studios" pink slips and complete lack of communication concerning billing, the cancellation, etc.

Tee hee! Even if nothing else ever comes of it, I'm SO glad we sent out our little emails to the three of them.

Thank you Tony!



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Also, please note that I received another update today, which I've posted in the top post. We now have an e-mail address set up specifically for us to use to communicate without interfering with company operations.
It was awfully nice of them to take the time to redirect an e-mail address directly to the trash bin.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Also, please note that I received another update today, which I've posted in the top post. We now have an e-mail address set up specifically for us to use to communicate without interfering with company operations.
Look, I hate to be a pessimist about this kind of thing, but all that says to me is:

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Haha, you guys are so funny. Thanks.