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If it were American business men, what do you think they'd do? I mean here I am and my PRIVATE internal business email address is now all over the internet.

It is a security risk. I've got to change email address immediately (Yes. Giant corporations do some things pretty damn fast) I have to let those who need to know that my address is now changed. My mail box is flooded with all sorts of email that is rude, insulting, potentially carrying viruses. I have to have those all deleted and my hard drive or what ever drive the emails were stored on will need to be gone over carefully to make sure nothing nasty has gotten in and that there was no security breach. This (hopefully limited to) nuisance is costing me time and money that my company and I can be spending else were to better use. I'm not going to look favorably on those responsible.

Depending on what gets sent it could be much worse than a nuisance. Much.

I'm guessing the mods aren't on over the weekend. I expect this thread to be gone some time Monday.

Something witty and profound



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
If it were American business men, what do you think they'd do? I mean here I am and my PRIVATE internal business email address is now all over the internet.

It is a security risk. I've got to change email address immediately (Yes. Giant corporations do some things pretty damn fast) I have to let those who need to know that my address is now changed. My mail box is flooded with all sorts of email that is rude, insulting, potentially carrying viruses. I have to have those all deleted and my hard drive or what ever drive the emails were stored on will need to be gone over carefully to make sure nothing nasty has gotten in and that there was no security breach. This (hopefully limited to) nuisance is costing me time and money that my company and I can be spending else were to better use. I'm not going to look favorably on those responsible.

Depending on what gets sent it could be much worse than a nuisance. Much.

I'm guessing the mods aren't on over the weekend. I expect this thread to be gone some time Monday.
And yet it won't really matter. All those who are active in the rally to save CoH have already seen the addresses here..on twitter.. etc etc...

And they are not AMERICAN business men... your understanding on South Korean culture is quite skewed. Will they cancel their email accounts? Who knows? Will they be angry/surprised at the hundreds of emails they get?? Who knows? Will it make them actually think about City of Heroes for one minute...yes. I hate to break it to you, but an email campaign is not going to make or break their decision either way. When they made this announcement on 8/31 they already knew whether they were going to be open to alternatives or not. If you had any insight into South Korean culture you would know that an impassioned plea/protest/rally is how things get done in South Korea.

So you can sit there being all ill-informed negative Nancy if you want. And I am sure if/when CoH does sunset you will blame those who took a stance to try and have their voices heard and emailed NCSoft. And if it doesn't?? You can thank those who have been fighting every day in every way they know how...for saving this game.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



I think Mercedes Lackey's post on this subject sums up my feelings pretty well.

From Titan:

Tony apparently knows something we don't. Posi's gotten a tasty job offer? A venture capitalist has come forward? NCSoft is planning on shutting us down at the end of this month? I don't know. But it is clear that it is big, and a cause for urgent action. So far he has been a voice of reason here.

Now for those of you who are going "But what if those execs come in on Monday Morning and find their email box flooded!!!!!!" I have only one thing to say.

Have you never worked in a big corporation?

Execs do not see their raw email boxes. Ever. This is why they have assistants and multiple secretaries, and spam filters the like of which the Pentagon has.

If we are lucky some of those emails will make it past the spam filter and into the primary box. Then the assistant or secretary will see it. If we are lucky, said assistant or secretary will make a note of the contents for an email summary report, from which the executive will select anything he or she might want to look at after the "important" business is taken care of. If. They could already have been instructed to discard anything related to COH that comes from outside the company.

Chances that any of these will actually land in the executive's pristine and mostly empty mailbox? Optimistically thinking, 1/100,000. And then only if we somehow manage to touch what passes for a heart in the assistant. Or if we are making so much noise that we cannot be shut out and the summary report is overwhelmed with our numbers.

That is how these things work.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Should I or should I not?

Of course I should.


1-) For the people (like me-but I would be rated as an extremist down here) who think we've been too soft sending long letters that takes ages to go (and i still haven't got my registered receipt back!) to Korea and for those who can't pay the price of a registered letter to Korea, emails are cheaper, easier. This new action allow those people to join the dance and the fight.

2-) People who think it's a bad idea because of the possible use by trolls : it's another reason to counter and outnumber the trolls! Write your most beautiful and respectful letter! Not writing your beautiful letter = letting the trolls have their words up.

3-) For those who think it may cause problems to negociations : showing our love and support to this great game can't cause a problem if there are negociations. Cause if there are negociations, that means NCsoft is interested in selling the rights. If there is a negociation at this stage, it's probably motived by money and business. Not by letters. Even though letters and family action is good to help the hand that could sell the game.

4-) For those who say it is over already : doing nothing is accepting it.

So where are the bad reasons to do what Tony says? Follow your Leader. He proved his worthyness. If he says after much thinking that it's the next option, trust him. He's not a 4 year old kid who wants his toy and nags here and there. Neither are we. Trust the good sense of the community. Follow Tony "Stasteman" V. Unity is strength.

So it shall be written so it shall be done.

Les Gardiens de l'Equilibre / Les Disciples de l'Equilibre / Les Traqueurs de Chaos



I'm a bit skeptical when it comes to contacting the head executives over at NC Soft. They are businessmen and more than likely not video gamers. I could see a potential backlash happening by contacting them directly and having that cause any bit of reconsideration in the matter go right out the window.

However, I don't think the players have anything to lose. As a previous poster has said, TonyV is obviously somewhat in the loop as to what is going on with the former employees at Paragon. I said it in another post that the next two to three weeks is critical in securing some sort of statement on the matter from NC Soft because developers will most likely begin to be hired at different studios or have new jobs by then; the senior staff at Paragon Studios especially.



ur hax f00 is semi-strong, Tony.

But you're forgetting to release their personal at home emails. Would you like me to do it for you or are you sitting on them as a last ditch effort? Would you like me to post their addresses as well? You think teh trollz are flaming now, if this info gets released across 2ch, 2chan, 4chan, Reddit, 9gag, Something Awful, Digg, Google+.. it could help your cause, or hurt it. So I'll play the nice card and let you decide. You want all the CEO's info to be released to the public (outside of this forum on doc spread) or let me let you do it at your pace?

Red pill or Blue pill?
Your choice.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
And yet it won't really matter. All those who are active in the rally to save CoH have already seen the addresses here..on twitter.. etc etc...

And they are not AMERICAN business men... your understanding on South Korean culture is quite skewed. Will they cancel their email accounts? Who knows? Will they be angry/surprised at the hundreds of emails they get?? Who knows? Will it make them actually think about City of Heroes for one minute...yes. I hate to break it to you, but an email campaign is not going to make or break their decision either way. When they made this announcement on 8/31 they already knew whether they were going to be open to alternatives or not. If you had any insight into South Korean culture you would know that an impassioned plea/protest/rally is how things get done in South Korea.

So you can sit there being all ill-informed negative Nancy if you want. And I am sure if/when CoH does sunset you will blame those who took a stance to try and have their voices heard and emailed NCSoft. And if it doesn't?? You can thank those who have been fighting every day in every way they know how...for saving this game.
This is not a plea/protest/rally. Their behavior to this point shows a remarkably American/European business mind set. This stunt is in no way NOT going to cost them time and money. They are NOT gonna think this is ok. In anyway. Ever.

Something witty and profound



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
This is not a plea/protest/rally. Their behavior to this point shows a remarkably American/European business mind set. This stunt is in no way NOT going to cost them time and money. They are NOT gonna think this is ok. In anyway. Ever.
Seriously?? You have NO clue about South Korean culture. You are looking at this from a North American perspective...and it shows.

This is mild and minuscule in nature to what would happen if we (the players) were located in South Korea.... VERY mild. Email campaign LOL. No If we were in South Korea we would have been protesting every single day in front of NCSoft. We would be tarnishing their image. We would make our voices heard. We would disrupt their business a lot more. The power of the masses is what makes big businesses and the government in South Korea stop and make changes. Protesting for what you believe in is a fundamental right that is exercised often in South Korea. They don't protest with emails, or in game vigils, or by sending souvenirs...they get up..and get in their faces...and it is what has caused dramatic reforms in businesses and democratic policies time and time again.

How do I know this?? My parents were actively involved in the protests in the 1970's against Park know that little movement that started the whole Democratic reform in South Korea. South Korea has THOUSANDS of protests's what makes them who they are...and it is the public's main instrument of change. So please stop trying to make us look like meek Asians afraid to stand up for our beliefs because you are doing a huge disservice to our culture and spreading absolute misinformation! Trust me when I say...NCSoft is not going to be pissed off about a few hundred emails...when they know the alternative if we were actually there would have been a full blown protest for days/weeks at their company headquarters and in national media tarnishing their brand!

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



There are only approximately 30 more days of playing scheduled. Yet COH has taken away the use of the store to help those who already gave so much. It's not as if you gave us items from the store! We ARE WILLING TO PURCHASE EVEN MORE. Does it make sense if NCsoft needs to devote their resources (money) elsewhere, to remove one of their major sources of revenue which has been guaranteed through the Store. All feel we are being punished for NCsofts’ poor management and lack of pre-planning the massive popularity of the introduction of DA and associated trials. Now you send me a trailer of Aion? The trailer described few specific details about the game and was poorly produced. Many have wondered if “sun setting COH” is more geopolitical than anything else.
Ranged One
Ranged Feuer
Fuer Master
Controling One
Peace of mine



Fista and I Burnt the both have very valid/very different opinions on this matter.

However, you also BOTH want this game saved. It may be time to agree to disagree on this one. The last thing we need is a division in our efforts; we're stronger together than apart. Something to think on...or maybe you can both join together and make fun of me for this post?

What's done is done and we're all in this together.

Black Dawn/Shattered Dawn
Chaos Legion



Originally Posted by jeanngray View Post
Fista and I Burnt the both have very valid/very different opinions on this matter.

However, you also BOTH want this game saved. It may be time to agree to disagree on this one. The last thing we need is a division in our efforts; we're stronger together than apart. Something to think on...or maybe you can both join together and make fun of me for this post?

What's done is done and we're all in this together.
I am choosing to make fun of you instead:

points at jeangray... hahahahahaha

That's all I got

My whole point in this is that people seem to be confusing other Asian cultures *cough* China *cough* with South Korea...two VERY different cultures. If NCSoft were a Chinese corporations then yes I would definitely say tread like you are on eggshells....but they aren't

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



If you want to make a real impression go with physical instead of electronic. Start a fund. Get a paypal account. Pay some guys in SK to go physically dump bags of letters and boxes of comic books in the lobby of NCSoft Korea.

Jericho wasn't given another season because people sent emails. It was given another season because fans sent 25 tons of peanuts to the studio offices. Chuck got a third season because a campaign to buy Subway sandwiches and leave fan notes about Chuck in their feedback boxes led Subway to sponsoring the third season.

As was mentioned before the most those executives are likely to see is a note that there have been a lot of messages about saving CoH in their inbox lately. Yes that could help but physical gestures always seem huge in comparison.

Think about it. What would impress you personally more. Opening your email in the morning and seeing that you have 10,000 new messages or having the USPS truck pull up and drop off bag after bag of physical letters. Which would you be more likely to ignore and which would you be more likely to start looking through out of curiosity?

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
If you want to make a real impression go with physical instead of electronic. Start a fund. Get a paypal account. Pay some guys in SK to go physically dump bags of letters and boxes of comic books in the lobby of NCSoft Korea.

Jericho wasn't given another season because people sent emails. It was given another season because fans sent 25 tons of peanuts to the studio offices. Chuck got a third season because a campaign to buy Subway sandwiches and leave fan notes about Chuck in their feedback boxes led Subway to sponsoring the third season.

As was mentioned before the most those executives are likely to see is a note that there have been a lot of messaged about saving CoH in their inbox lately. Yes that could help but physical gestures always seem huge in comparison.

Think about it. What would impress you personally more. Opening your email in the morning and seeing that you have 10,000 new messages or having the USPS truck pull up and drop off bag after bag of physical letters. Which would you be more likely to ignore and which would you be more likely to start looking through out of curiosity?
I always thought we should be sending them those bags of miniature colored marshmallows - they remind me of inspirations

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Jr Gentle View Post
There are only approximately 30 more days of playing scheduled.
Why do people keep saying this? Unless this e-mail campaign really pisses them off, the game isn't scheduled to shut down until November 30th. Not September 30th, and certainly not September 31st as one very confused person thought.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
If you want to make a real impression go with physical instead of electronic. Start a fund. Get a paypal account. Pay some guys in SK to go physically dump bags of letters and boxes of comic books in the lobby of NCSoft Korea.

Jericho wasn't given another season because people sent emails. It was given another season because fans sent 25 tons of peanuts to the studio offices. Chuck got a third season because a campaign to buy Subway sandwiches and leave fan notes about Chuck in their feedback boxes led Subway to sponsoring the third season.

As was mentioned before the most those executives are likely to see is a note that there have been a lot of messages about saving CoH in their inbox lately. Yes that could help but physical gestures always seem huge in comparison.

Think about it. What would impress you personally more. Opening your email in the morning and seeing that you have 10,000 new messages or having the USPS truck pull up and drop off bag after bag of physical letters. Which would you be more likely to ignore and which would you be more likely to start looking through out of curiosity?
I think that was the 'cape and mask' effort, though y'know... Comics would work really well too, wouldn't they?

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
I think that was the 'cape and mask' effort, though y'know... Comics would work really well too, wouldn't they?
I wonder if any of the devs know where we could buy up all the remaining CoH back issues. Like most comic books that virtually nobody read they could probably all be had for about twenty cents each.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
I wonder if any of the devs know where we could buy up all the remaining CoH back issues. Like most comic books that virtually nobody read they could probably all be had for about twenty cents each.
Egads, if so, don't send them to NCsoft, keep them!

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Think about it. What would impress you personally more. Opening your email in the morning and seeing that you have 10,000 new messages or having the USPS truck pull up and drop off bag after bag of physical letters. Which would you be more likely to ignore and which would you be more likely to start looking through out of curiosity?
I kinda hope both work, myself... But yeah, physical stuff having to be dealt with versus email bulk delete... the physical stuff is more impactful.


August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



I sent my email.

Dear Executives,

Imagine for a moment that you and your scattered, extended family were planning a weekend excursion to a wonderful place that you loved to visit. You have made the plans, confirmed the reservations, and everyone is excited to go and see one another at this wonderful place. Then, the day before your trip, you are told that you cannot make the trip. Not only can you not take the trip, you cannot see your family again, you cannot go to this place that you love again, and you have no way to see your family all in one place again. Imagine your depression, your feeling of loss, your consternation.

This is what has happened to those of us who play City of Heroes Freedom. On August 31 we were told that we will no longer be able to see our family members in the wonderful place called Paragon City. Do you wonder why we are fighting? Would you not fight to save your family?

This is why I am contacting you. I am fighting to save my family.

My family includes:
• @Frazier, my real-life wife and the only player I will have regular contact with once the sun sets on Paragon City. Frazier is a social worker in real life and spends her days working as a therapist with school-aged children with behavioral problems;
• @Kurrent, whom I have known for the seven years I have played this game. She is a doctor, a MD, and we have helped each other through difficulties including divorce, remarriage, graduate school, and child-raising. I have seen her daughters grow up from babyhood to young adulthood, and it’s been marvelous to watch;
• @RoseVortex and @Kalkin, the most amazing, resilient couple ever. @RoseVortex and @Kalkin have been pillars of strength, determination, humor, and unconditional love. During the years that I have had the fortune to know them, Rose has gone from needing 24-hour oxygen and being housebound to having a double-lung transplant and attending her children’s PTA meetings. Kal has been a constant font of strength and humor. To see them together reaffirms my faith in the human race.

There are multitudinous others, but these people have made major impacts on my life and I cannot imagine not having them in it. This is a reality that I am going to have to face if the sun sets on City of Heroes.

Do the right thing. Do not let this amazing community fail. Listen to our pleas.

Thank you.
Kathy Henson
@Daisy Diesel
Liberty Server

Daisy Diesel (Liberty)



I kept it short and sweet. Yes, that was hard for me! This is what I wrote.

Please reconsider your company's decision to cancel the game City of Heroes.

My elderly mother cried when she heard the news. She is 66 years old and is rarely able to leave the house because of her medical condition. From the first time she played, with help, she said it made her feel more alive. She was so happy to be able to share this with my brother and I. She is so excited when she is well enough and able to play. It means so much to her. Please don't take it away from her.

The game's adaptable user interface makes it possible for her to play despite her severe arthritis. We have taught her to play with just the F and 1-0 keys on the keyboard [user interface autofollow and attack tray keys] and how to click on doors to enter instances. She loves the costumes and flying around the city [on autofollow]. No other game UI is so adaptable, so handicap-friendly, no other game can do this for her.

We have been subscribers for eight years and our subscriptions have never lapsed. We have so many happy memories of the time we have spent in Paragon City and made so many new friends. It is not just a game, it is a community, and a family. There is life in it, the staff of Paragon Studios, and us players yet. Don't give up on us. Don't give up on my mother.

Edit: There was so much I could have said. I thought about it all day and decided on this one aspect of my family's City of Heroes experience. A housebound disabled mother who plays City of Heroes and cried when she learned the news. Those of you who know me on Liberty know this is true because many of you have seen her with me and a few of you, including DaisyDiesel and a couple other Sisters, have played with her.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Seriously?? You have NO clue about South Korean culture. You are looking at this from a North American perspective...and it shows.

This is mild and minuscule in nature to what would happen if we (the players) were located in South Korea.... VERY mild. Email campaign LOL. No If we were in South Korea we would have been protesting every single day in front of NCSoft. We would be tarnishing their image. We would make our voices heard. We would disrupt their business a lot more. The power of the masses is what makes big businesses and the government in South Korea stop and make changes. Protesting for what you believe in is a fundamental right that is exercised often in South Korea. They don't protest with emails, or in game vigils, or by sending souvenirs...they get up..and get in their faces...and it is what has caused dramatic reforms in businesses and democratic policies time and time again.

How do I know this?? My parents were actively involved in the protests in the 1970's against Park know that little movement that started the whole Democratic reform in South Korea. South Korea has THOUSANDS of protests's what makes them who they are...and it is the public's main instrument of change. So please stop trying to make us look like meek Asians afraid to stand up for our beliefs because you are doing a huge disservice to our culture and spreading absolute misinformation! Trust me when I say...NCSoft is not going to be pissed off about a few hundred emails...when they know the alternative if we were actually there would have been a full blown protest for days/weeks at their company headquarters and in national media tarnishing their brand!

Ummm... yeah.... ok....

I have been in meetings with reps from countries all over the world, including South Korea and the one thing they have in common is they are business people and the bottom line is the bottom line.

I've never implied anything about South Korea, you or your parents. I have implied that NC Soft is a business and will behave like one South Korean origin or not.

Something witty and profound



Here is the email that I sent to the provided contacts:


I am very disappointed with NCSoft's decision to close City of Heroes. Please consider an alternative outcome that would allow City of Heroes to continue.

I enjoy playing City of Heroes with my friend, Jim. He and I met in junior high school, and we are now [redacted from this post] years old. Currently, Jim lives in California (in the Pacific time zone), while I live in [redacted] (in the Eastern time zone).

When we were teenagers, one common interest that fostered our friendship was our love of American super-hero comic books. We exchanged comic books, and I liked to draw pictures of super-heroes.

In 2004, when we saw advertisements for an upcoming computer game called City of Heroes--where you get to be a super-hero--we bought the game and played enthusiastically. Over the next eight years, City of Heroes has enabled us to stay in touch and share each other's company virtually.

In the game, I enjoyed creating a supergroup base for me, Jim, and other friends. (This YouTube video shows our base: It is very sad for me to think that our base and all of our super-hero characters will be gone after November 30th.

I work as [redacted]. I understand that economics can force a company to make difficult business decisions. So, I appreciate NCSoft's position regarding "a realignment of company focus and publishing support" to shut down Paragon Studios and City of Heroes.

However, to players of City of Heroes, the announcement on August 31st came as a shock. We could see that the game still had a sizeable population (reportedly around 100,000). A new power set had just been released, and Paragon Studios developers were telling us about upcoming issue 24. Reportedly, City of Heroes was doing pretty well in terms of generating revenue.

In social media and mainstream media, the decision has caused bad publicity for NCSoft (for example, this ireport on CNN: Computer game players around the world must now take into consideration: should I invest my time and money in another NCSoft game given how City of Heroes was abruptly closed?

Although Paragon Studios might not fit into NCSoft's future plans, please consider that another publisher might be willing to buy City of Heroes and keep the game running. Selling the game (instead of just sunsetting it) would improve NCSoft's reputation among computer game players.

Personally, I would be very grateful if NCSoft would work out a way for City of Heroes to continue.

Thank you for your consideration.

[name redacted]



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
If you want to make a real impression go with physical instead of electronic. Start a fund. Get a paypal account. Pay some guys in SK to go physically dump bags of letters and boxes of comic books in the lobby of NCSoft Korea.

Jericho wasn't given another season because people sent emails. It was given another season because fans sent 25 tons of peanuts to the studio offices. Chuck got a third season because a campaign to buy Subway sandwiches and leave fan notes about Chuck in their feedback boxes led Subway to sponsoring the third season.
Yeah! And Farscape got a fifth season from all the letters and boxes of saltines the viewers sent to the SciFi execs—oh wait...

"But we are like children, thinking our toys will make us happy and the whole world is our nursery. Something must drive us out of that nursery and into the lives of others, and that something is suffering." �C.S. Lewis