What did you add?

Adeon Hawkwood



The only thing I think I had anything to do with involved the giant freaking holes in First Ward. No one on Beta (that I know of, at least) noticed that nearly a fifth of the map was not properly aligned which resulted in massive holes.

The 1st Message Board Warrior. m/



Multiple bug reports that earned me 2 Bug Hunter badges. Wish I could have contributed more.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



I frequently suggested that ancient Greek or Roman themed costume pieces be added to the game. That's the first thing that comes to mind.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



The costumes for Empyrean Michael and Astral Christy are directly my design (except her hair color).

The revamp of the Black Helicopter and Ferry lines in the Rogue Isles.

Proliferate all the things! I think I kept that alive by rallying the troops to have Positron support or continue to support that as a game design goal despite the fact that Castle and Arcanaville weren't for it (Sorry, A! ) and those two could have collectively turned the tide against it.

Bunny tails and kilts for males. There was a time when Jay and some of the boys at Cryptic were dead set against anything that remotely smacked of cross-gender anything. I think I rallied the troops to change that sexist attitude with those and similar pieces, and again a few years later with the whole female-version-of-costume-set-is-trollopy-corsets debacle.

I was honored to be invited early or be in the first wave of nearly every round of Closed Beta. There were countless ideas suggested by me and many other players which the Devs reacted immediately to. In one round of Closed Beta, the Devs asked for suggestions for friends to test out the new iTrials since a large cohesive group was needed. I used that opportunity to not only get in all of Virtue raid leaders, but also all the Wiki, Titan, and Mids people so that they could have a head start on doing their things. Also, to let Arcanaville in... and now I know why she wasn't.

Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides



I am guessing this is more coincidence than anything I would deserve credit for, but here it is anyway. A short while before AE was announced I submitted a rather lengthy script for a series of stories titled The Shadow Web.

The premise was a series TF's/SF's that covered a characters entire level span but had a max team size of 4 players. Each TF was a chapter in the overall story. The chapters were all independent of each other but were tied together at the end. The whole thing was designed to be played from both sides. Villains as protagonists and heroes trying to discover what the villains were up to.

One of my favorite chapters was "Season of the Witch" which centered on War Witch making a pact with The Cabal through which the witches of Croatoa would restore War Witch to a physical existence in return for her aid in ridding Croatoa of the Red Caps permanently. The end game of the whole story was the invasion of the Kheldian home world by Lord Recluse.

We had finally started to come close to the theory behind the script I sent in with the new SSA's. So while the stories for SSA's are certainly not mine, I like to think I may have planted the seed that brought them into the game.

The Revenants and Vengeance Imperium-Triumph, Champion & now flavoring Justice!

Tanker Tuesdays & Brutal Thursdays. If you like fun, look'em up!

Shhh! Rangle is plotting.



Bird heads and feet. I suggested them in every single costume suggestion thread I could find. I doubt I was the only reason for it though.

I also think I'm one of the reasons they changed the drones in PVP zones to be able to kill phased players. Several times I used a temp phasing power on my Mastermind and ran around the hero base in a PVP zone. Watching multiple players and pretty much every mob in the base chasing and attemptng to kill me was rather entertaining.



There's a ton of stuff I advocated for that got added to the game. I don't take credit for it because it was mostly just good ideas that I think would have happened anyway. Things like loot, crafting, Flashback, earning more than 3 respecs, merged markets, side-switching. Big stuff like that. Although I don't take credit for any of it, I am gratified that so many of the things I fought for had such a strong impact on the game. I am equally proud that after one such change Arcanaville accused me of having blackmail material on the devs!

There are three things I will take credit for though:

1) The MoG change. I knew some of the devs thought it needed to be changed, but I honestly think if I had ever given up fighting for that, the devs would have figured Regen was 'fine as is'.

2) The SoA 'inherent'. I told Castle he needed to add an icon that said that SoA had an inherent, even though it was really just an attribute that the SoA had when created.

3) There is a specific line I suggested in the new version of the difficulty slider.

"I want to fight Archvillains at their full strength, not as elite bosses"

I only know they accepted this because they used the language I suggested verbatim. I think this is the only time where the devs actually implemented the details of a suggestion of mine. Even if I got what I wanted (and that happened a lot) it usually wasn't exactly what I asked for.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I argued fairly persistently in favour of side swapping and opening up the ATs to no longer be side-specific (more focused on the latter than the former from what I remember). I don't for a moment think I actually had a hand in it happening - I'm not that high profile, I never directed any of what I said to the devs, and I was just one voice among many (those threads got pretty lengthy and noisy) - but it's something I argued for that happened, which is still nice in itself.

I suppose it's vaguely possible that some of my suggestions for the Poison buffs were taken on board - still just one insignificant voice there, but the number and size of the threads and number of people posting was a lot smaller, so I suppose it's possible my contribution at least added a +1 to the others saying similar things. Though to be honest, more of what I suggested didn't happen than did, so probably not

And getting firmly into the realm of wishful thinking, I'm sure I made a bunch of suggestions for Dark Miasma back in the day when it still kinda sucked, and hey there's always a chance some of them were noticed and taken on board (I do remember posting that Tar Patch really needed more than just -speed not too long before it was buffed, but I didn't ever think to aim high enough to suggest it be -res).



Only thing I can think of off the top of my head was, a while before the dominator revamp, suggesting a bunch of changes to energy assault, which ended up matching the final buffs pretty closely. Among other things, I suggested giving power push a good damage component and treating the KB/etc as a secondary effect. I doubt I gave them the idea, but I always liked to think that I helped in some small way.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Dang. Makes my achievements here rather ho-hum:

Correctly guessed what A.C.C.A.H.U.D. stood for. Which earned me a BAB No-Prize.

Oh, and I was partly responsible for the "Oil Slick, WTH" event.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



I'm very happy to say that thanks to an official screen capture contest, I could see exactly what I added to the game every time I logged in. It made me very proud.



It isn't a game mechanic, but I was one of the first people to advance the [redacted] meme back when something that shouldn't have been on Beta--the Sorcery pool, maybe?--wound up there for about half a minute. VoodooGirl and I were about the only people that saw whatever it was before it got covered up, so we hastily [redacted] the heck out of our posts.

Since I'm not even sure what it was that we uncovered, I apparently [redacted] my own memory, too.

Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?



Most of what I added/fixed/broke horribly was done during beta..

I completely broke burn and phase shift when I found out that you could burn while dim shifted (which at the time was an ally phase). A flurry of fire tankers appeared towards the end of beta with the phase power.

I was with phantom when we found out how to make him invulnerable to all damage, unless it came from something like 10 levels over his levels. A patch later damage resistance was capped.

I'm most likely directly responsible for getting dimension shift changed from an ally phase to a foe phase and potentially the reason fold space was removed and replaced with siggy.

The grief testing I was doing bad... bad.. things. I still feel bad about some of the things I did to my teammates, phasing the tank, teleport killing the entire party, phasing the empath, phasing the blaster just as they would nuke, folding the entire team during the boss fight back to the start of the mission preventing the mission from ever being completed. Folding space the entire team just before we got to the mission entrance preventing the mission from ever being started...recalling people into transitions forcing them to zone. Teleporting under the map, folding the entire team under the map, then teleporting back onto the map.. leaving the mission and them stranded.

I showed the devs how teleport foe/friend/self could be used to teleport anyone off the edge of a map, later this most likely extended to reducing the camera distance to prevent map jumping while teleporting.

I coined the phrase Dim shaft during beta after dim shift was changed from an ally phase to a foe phase that didn't immobilize. That was just.... there are no words to how screwed over you were when you used Dim shift. All the foes just piled on top of you and when unphased basically instantly killed you. I am glad to see that the name dim shaft did not become a lasting term (though surprised that it didn't. :P)

I pointed out that propel slotted did less damage then an unslotted brawl. I was not pleased when I found that one out.

I was part of the group of teleporters that figured out we could glide teleport faster then any other travel power..period. Basically you jumped off a building and teleported just before you hit the ground causing your character to slide/glide in the process. Teleporting kept your momentum going so the more you did it the faster you got. The only limit on the speed was the size of the zone or the speed of your reflexes as eventually you would splat into the ground. I was also one of the first people to use a teleporting bind (though mine was button 4 to place and then teleport as normal)

I might have started the entire sewer run thing as towards the end of beta I figured out that I could level faster by taking a group down into the sewers then I could level up from running missions. Others started following that lead at the end of beta, and it might have snowballed from there.

.... post beta....

I was one of the initial people that came up with the idea to wormhole hami during the statesman trial. I was also using wormhole on lab equipment. These 'creative' uses of wormhole were fixed soon after. Might have been something to do with throwing the lab equipment at the other players shouting "HERE CATCH".

Most likely I got Dim Shift nerfed (yes actually nerfed) before the great control nerf. I had slotted it so I could permaphase monsters and was using it as an offensive stealth power (I think I had it up roughly every 15-20 seconds it was a long time ago). I seem to remember phasing hami as well... but I can't recall if that was raid hami, or trial hami.

I suggested using tileset magic from nwn to basically reskin an existing area with a new skin. This was then used in recluse victory to good effect.

During the Invention beta I suggested not having damage/control IOs under the control IO types as the non-damaging controls could not make use of damage increases. In hindsight I should have suggested a new IO set.. damage control sets.

That is all I can think of off hand... could be more that I can't even recall from the beta though.

(interesting factoid the original blasters secondaries all had crossbows as their tier 1 secondary power in the initial days of the first beta round, so you would throw fireballs at the mobs and then shot them in the face with a crossbow. That brought a big smile to my face.)



While I didn't add anything to the current game, I've been bugging the dev's to fix the gauntlet bug for a while now. At one point it was found out that yes, gauntlet was indeed adding itself into tanker's to hit rolls and why. The engineer testing it initially believed it to be WAI. I talked with Synapse about this, and he eventually sent the engineer sent back to fix it, as that wasn't the way gauntlet was designed to work.

Unfortunately they hadn't had time to fix it as i24 was closing in on open beta, and the QA team had more then their hands full. Given time a fix might have made it into the game. I appreciated the patience Synapse, Arbiter Hawk, and theNet had with me as I kept inquiring where things stood.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Whilst somethings people might like to think "I did that, it took me however long" a change may of come about as part of a collective. Sometimes it's because more than one voice is heard which often means that more than one way of suggesting a change has happened.

The forums used to be split, US and EU and some changes did not occur until both sides of the Atlantic discussed it.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post

Taunt inflicting -Range as a way to manipulate critters in getting closer to you.

This actually gimped the game a bit much, making somethings a nonsense, too easy, any fool can do it. I was surprised it was put in. EU players could tell that there would be exploits to be had and now there is.



Originally Posted by Kosh_Naranek View Post

Just after the infamous enhancement "diminishing returns" revamp, I PMed Statesman with an idea. I said how cool it would be for enhancements to have alternate effects: slot three accuracies and have a slight boost to your endurance rate, or gain some recharge for slotting damage reduction SOs.

Much to my surprise, Statesman responded!

"That sounds pretty cool", he said.

"I'll look into it."
That sounds to me like set bonuses, nice.



I proposed a dual pistols set back in mid-summer 2004. Only took seven years to get it implemented in some form.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is a natural manure. -Thomas Jefferson

Read the Patriot newsletter. It's right, it's free.



During Inventions testing, they were going to broadcast every single drop you got to your entire team. Every single inspiration, every single piece of salvage, every single recipe, literally everything except inf/prestige. I and a couple other forum-goers basically spearheaded a revolution against this TMI. If I wanted to let others know what I got, I would tell them; if others wanted to share what they got, they would tell me; if we wanted to keep quiet about that Apoc Acc/Dam that just dropped, then we should damn well be able to keep quiet about it. And frankly, I just don't give two squats that you just got a luck insp and a generic intang off that Freakshow we just killed. Really don't care at all.

It was pretty epic fit-throwing. I'm proud of us.

(Can you imagine all the rewards spam we would have gotten if leagues came about with it in place? OMG. Mind blown.)

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I submitted the "iCon" poster that came 3rd in the "City of Heroes billboard contest"
Instant recharge of HP/END and appying buffs when levelling up
The popup tray for situational powers (although I placed them in the navbar)

can't think of anything else off the top of my head

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



I'm pretty sure I'm responsible for GDN, ED, the PvP change and NGE.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




I strongly seconded a suggestion to add a taunt aura to melee hybrid.

I suggested storm summoning be brought to masterminds, was laughed at, and it arrived later.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



There was a "what emotes do you want to see added" yeeears ago. I remember adding "Air Guitar". Pretty stoked to see it as a purchasable option on the market. Although I doubt it was my sole idea or necessarily the reason it was added, I just like to think it was :P

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Originally Posted by kokuryu_EU View Post
This actually gimped the game a bit much, making somethings a nonsense, too easy, any fool can do it. I was surprised it was put in. EU players could tell that there would be exploits to be had and now there is.
How did this gimp the game? It was impossible to lower range to negative levels, and the duration was very short. You were only able to use it practically against 5 foes at a time, so never able to force a full spawn to follow you.

In PvP, it was actually a good counter to ranged sets (everything should have a counter in PvP)



Tundara and I waged a three-year war to get Ice Melee fixed.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus