What did you add?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by pohsyb2 View Post
The designers told me explicitly NOT to add the nav arrow (the little yellow arrow with the distance). They said it would break immersion, but I was tired of trying to navigate by compass only in 3D world so I put it in anyways.

After everyone used it, they decided to keep it.

Not counting the Arcanaville, that's pretty much a thread winner.

Did you get to keep the box?

To right the countless wrongs of our day, we shine the light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise. What a wonderful world such would be....

I'm sorry what was that, I couldn't hear you over my TRAGIC PAST!!



I remember at one of the events (I forget which) I was talking to Black Scorpion and Arbiter Hawk about devices and complaining about the cast time for Gun Drone. Black Scorpion said he'd take a look and sure enough the cast time did get reduced in the next issue. Now obviously I have no clue if that was me or if it just happened to be on their list anyway but I like to think it was.



Originally Posted by pohsyb2 View Post
The designers told me explicitly NOT to add the nav arrow (the little yellow arrow with the distance). They said it would break immersion, but I was tired of trying to navigate by compass only in 3D world so I put it in anyways.

After everyone used it, they decided to keep it.
Wow, holy crap. Thank you for not listening to them. Navigating via the compass blows. There's something about the way it displays, after 8 years of using it, I never can look at the compass heading and turn the correct number of degrees to correctly face a waypoint without visually monitoring the compass as I make that turn. I don't know why that its - there's somethng about the number of degrees it displays left and right of center that screws up my ability to translate what it's showing me into a rotation of my character.

Hopefully you didn't design the compass too. >.>

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Yep. The compass is almost completely unhelpful for finding things that are, say, underneath or high above you. Sure, you can infer that, based on its behavior, one of those two things is going on, but that's about as good as it gets.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
To the best of my knowledge, not a damn thing.

All my contributions were out of game, although when they did the poster contest and someone snuck me in as the director on their poster, to see myself immortalized in-game was a tremendously satisfying experience.

That would be Soul Storm, who is on the poster along with other members of my SG, we felt that it was a perfect homage to your work creating movies for CoH

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



Originally Posted by Justice_Reaper View Post
Not counting the Arcanaville, that's pretty much a thread winner.
Well, pohsyb's full list is likely to be somewhat longer than mine.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I don't think I got anything added, but here is an amusing post I made back in early 2007 about the things I wanted to see. I am not even sure if any developers ever saw this, as the forum used to scroll a LOT faster back then...

Hero Space - A Tale of Mediocrity

The Cast:

Bob1 : Bob Emmert
Bob2 : Bob Miller
Harold Harrison : Mediocrity Man (Level 50 Broad Sword/Regeneration Scrapper)

Bob1: The next batter looks like a Harold Harrison.

Bob2: Uh huh.

*In walks a man wearing a grey t-shirt with a large M on it, a pair of faded and stained jeans and a green baseball cap. He smells of engine oil and axel grease and scowls at the two seated men before sitting down*

Bob1: Oh, there you are, we were just talking about you. You must be Harold Harrison, also known as Mediocrity Man. I'm Bob Emmert and this is my associate Bob Miller.

Harold: Well hi Bob... Bob. You can call me Harold... that Mediocrity crap is just my little inside joke that I inflicted on the press.

Bob1: Ok Harold, why don't you grab a seat here. You see, what we're actually trying to do here is we're trying to get a feel for how people spend their day in Paragon. So, if you would, would you walk us through a typical day for Mediocrity... for you I mean, Harold.

Harold: Yeah. Well, I generally don't show up for any hero work anymore, mostly because there isn't any for me to do. Sometimes I'll come in for a few hours, but I sneak in the back way through Galaxy City, so that I don't have to deal with the cesspool that is Atlas Park. I'll deal with the occassional Police Scanner mission in Peregrine, and then I just kind of space out for a few hours. After that...

Bob2: Eh heh... space out?

Harold: Yeah, I'll stare at the Search window for a few hours, hoping someone will pick me up for one of their Safeguard missions. Those are one of the few things I haven't been through yet. I'd say, in a given week, I probably only do about 15 minutes of real, actual heroics.

Bob1: Harold, would you be a good sport and indulge us and just... tell us a little more?

Harold: Oh yeah, let me tell you something about DPS Reports. Ohhh. You see Bob, I may walk softly, but I carry a pretty big and lethal stick.

*Harold stands up, pulls out a large, bloody Broadsword, and drops it on the table in front of the Bobs.*

Harold: Now, with this puppy, I can kill any villain that dares to show his face in our city.

Bob2: Wait, Kill? What about the hospital teleporter... don't the villains you arrest get sent to the hospital where they are patched up before being taken into custody?

Harold: Well Bob, I'm sure that might happen for one of them heroes that can freeze a man, knock him out with some girly Mace, or just drain the consciousness right out of em. But not with a sword Bob. You ever seen a man patched up that could say he done been Disemboweled during his arrest?

Bob2: Well, no... can't say that I have Harold.

Harold: Right, and have you ever seen a man suffer a non-fatal wound from a Headsplitter attack?

Bob1: I, uh... I think I see your point there Harold. Does this bother you much in the course of your heroic role? What if you could customize your powers... carry a club or a baseball bat?

Harold: Me? Nah... most of these guys got it comin anyhow, and there are a few that the docs can save. Them's the ones that maybe only lose a limb or needs sewn up a bit afterwards. Puts all that robotic limb research to good use. Besides, I'm not really a hero Bob.

Bob2: What? But it says here you're fully registered.

Harold: Oh sure... what else is a guy with a heightened healing capacity supposed to do once he's found out? 'Specially if he's found out while trying to get his final pay back from the Skulls who stole it from him.

Bob1: Your... did you say, pay?

Harold: Sure, you see Bob... I'm a middle-aged man that drives a truck for a living, well I used to. I used to work down in Kings Row where I live. Then all the business started going corrupt, and before you know it, my job's the next casualty of the rising criminal element. I stop off at one of those check cashing joints with my final paycheck and as I leave, them Skulls ambush and rob me. I ain't no mutant or science project gone wrong and I certainly can't afford any high tech gizmos on my salary. So I go grab my father's sword and call up all the training he gave me as a kid and track them Skulls down in some warehouse.

Bob2: Says here you arrested the whole gang.

Harold: Yep, to the last lackey. But no pay... apparently they used that money to buy drugs from some Hellions or Trolls or somesuch. So I start following the money. Pretty soon I'm battling dress-wearing mages in caves, robots in laboratories, undead in the sewers. Heck they've even sent me across through magical and alien portals, telling me some deal or other was struck and my money had crossed dimensional boundaries. Never did find that cash, and the ex-wife is still nagging me for payments. Not that any of that matters now... it's ancient history. I might as well be in retirement now.

Bob1: Retirement?

Harold: You see Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care.

Bob2: Don't care?

Harold: It's a problem of motivation, alright. Now if I work my [censored] off and arrest a few extra villains, I don't see another dime. So where's the motivation?

Bob1: But, you're a hero.

Harold: A man's gotta eat Bob. A man's gotta pay rent, even if it's on some crappy apartment in Kings Row with a roof inhabited by robots run amok or power crazed mages. Now, if I was really in it for money, I'd retire to that Firebase Zulu spot.

Bob2: The Shadow Shard?

Harold: Sure Bob, you see, along the way in my heroing, I lifted some plans for one of them jet pack gizmos. I'm certain I could make a fortune selling those things to all the heroes like me that only got runnin' and jumpin' as a way to get around.

Bob1: But no one goes there.

Harold: I bet they would if I were selling jetpacks Bob. And if that didn't work, I'd open an Enhancement store 'round the corner from my apartment... right up by the train station in Kings Row.

Bob2: Enhancement store?

Harold: You bet Bob! You have any idea how many times I hear some poor young hero askin' where the store is in Kings Row? I know the place is a slum... I grew up there and still live there, but there ain't no reason someone like me with the means can't smarten the place up a bit. And here's something else Bob, I have sixty-six different contacts right now.

Bob1: I be your pardon... sixty-six contacts...

Harold: Sixty-six Bob, and that's not even all the possibles. So that means, when I wanna find a mission to do, or a person to help, I gotta scroll through a sixty-six item list to find one.

Bob2: Well, aren't the most recent ones in the list the ones you use most?

Harold: No Bob. You see, I took a break from heroing a few months back, and I missed some updates to the contact system. So the top of my list is populated with Detectives and Warzone operatives that won't even give me the time of day. Now, if the list was divided up by zone with additional lists by level, it'd be easy to find someone and my response time would probably double. That'd save a lot of lives Bob.

Bob1: Yeah... yeah I think you're right Harold.

Harold: Then there's the question of missions. There's a lot of people out there that need my help Bob. But the better I am at arresting people, the fewer of them I can actually help. I get too experienced, too quick, and some of those contacts push me off to someone else, and the people that they deal with never get my help. That'll only make someone work just hard enough to complete a mission, Bob. I let some of them go, skip past others entirely, just to handle the guy behind the problem and make sure I don't miss any of those people in trouble. Now, if I could go back to those contacts, and do those missions, regardless of how experienced I was, I could help a lot more people Bob.

Bob2: Oh, you mean like a flashback to when you were less powerful?

Harold: Exactly Bob. All those Phalanx guys that hand out those Task Force missions will do that for me, so why won't anyone else? I mean, is there any reason I can't respond to a Police Scanner in any zone other than Peregrine? What else is there for a hero like me to do Bob?

Bob1: Would you bear with me just a second please.

Harold: Ok

Bob1: What if, and believe me, this is just a hypothetical. But what if you were offered some sort of continued progression system? Some kind of power enhancement, customization system through research or inventions. That do anything for you?

Harold: I dunno I guess. But there's still that problem of where I'm going to apply those upgrades Bob. I can't keep running circles in Peregrine forever.

Bob1: Well, I'm sure you've heard some of the rumors circulating around the hallways about how we're gonna be doing a little 'house cleaning' with some of the heroes.

Harold: Well Bob, you've gotta do what you've gotta do.

Bob2: We're gonna be gettin rid of these heroes here. Ah, first Mr. Jack Zodiac. What kind of name is that anyway... sounds like a serial killer. He's apparently so full of himself lately that when he does bother to take missions, he delegates them out to other heroes to do FOR him. We're demoting him to a low level contact in Perez Park. Besides, it'll be good to have a fire hero in place there if we ever want to really clean the place out. And ah, this one... Miss Informed. Apparently no one knows how she obtained a high security level. She spends all of her time lately helping other people rather than actually arresting villains, so her quotas have gone way down. We're setting her up as a contact in Talos, in a book store, where she'll give out missions related to books, television shows and old movies. I mean really, how much help can someone named Miss Informed really be? Hahaha

Harold: Yeah Bob, that's like expecting heroics from someone called Mediocrity Man.

Bob1: Well, ahem... there's a difference there. But we're gonna bring in some fresh heroes from overseas, probably India or Singapore, we'll have them deputized and at work with far less overhead than some of these veterans.

Bob2: It's the usual deal.

Bob1: Standard operating procedure.

Harold: Do they know this yet?

Bob1: No... hahaha... no, of course not. We find it's always better to retire people on a Friday. Studies have statistically shown that there's less chance of an incident if you do it at the end of the week. And the last thing we need is some hero going rogue in a fit of rage and levelling a government building somewhere. Anyway, Harold what we would like to do is to put you into postion to have as many as four Longbow working right underneath you.

Bob2: This is a big promotion Harold.

Harold: So, you're gonna demote Jack and Miss, and you're gonna give me more responsibility?

*The Bobs smile and nod smugly*

Harold: Listen, I'm gonna go. It's been really nice talking to both of you guys.

Bob1: Absolutely. The pleasure's all on this side of the table, trust me.

Harold: Good luck with your Hero evaluations... I hope your datamining goes really well.

*Detective Lumbergh, from Peregrine Island, steps in front of Harold as he leaves*

Lumbergh: So... Mediocrity... what's happening...

*Harold scowls at him as he walks past and leaves the building*



Not sure I ever added anything to the game itself, but I believe I wrote the first power guide (for kinetics) that broke down a powerset completely by the numbers. I had to gather hours and hours of data to nail down the debuff numbers and some of the more esoteric boost numbers (since we didn't have any real number data when I wrote the first guide).

I know I participated in many of the early discussions about defenders, tanks, and did some work for the community when we were trying to nail down the accuracy, to-hit, and defense numbers. (I think a reworked version of my accuracy spreadsheet is still running around somewhere).



Oh yeah another one. Back before the Defender Vigilance buff I recall I suggested a change very similar to the one that was implemented (although I think I did 28% decreasing by 4% for every teammate). That being said I don't think I was the only one to suggest that and it was a pretty obvious idea.



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
Just curious, but what do people think they suggested that actually made it into the game?
I don't know if anyone else did this too, but during the CoV beta, I requested that the electrical power set's secondary effect be changed from the buggy mob endurance drain that originally existed to giving the player a little endurance back instead before they ported electrical powers over to the villain side.

That, and I was one of those recommending that ice brutes get removed from CoV because the ice's slowing effect on the mobs prevented fury from building up properly.



It dawned on me that I know of something a player was responsible for adding who can't post any more to say they were.

Lucas suggested that taunt add a range debuff to targets. I believe the addition of this to the game can be directly attributed to his suggesting it, as it received positive dev responses, and appeared in the game very shortly thereafter.

Lucas passed away in mid-August.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



-My design was chosen for the game's 5th Anniversary t-shirt (this was an AMAZING win for me)
-My card was chosen for the send War Witch a Valentine contest (another holycrapwin!)
-2nd place in the Billboard contest: City of Gyros, try our Task Force GRINDER

I know this was mentioned because many asked for it, but I was the one to finally get Synapse's attention regarding Dual Pistols. I brought the issue up to him on a coffee talk cast, made my case and he said he'd look into it. I followed up a few times via PM, finding he had looked into the issue, and that changes were in the pipeline but there was no definite date for it yet. So, the changes to DP in i24 were because I finally got thru to the right developer at the right time.

I PM'd Castle when I found out that TPing into the cutscene with Rommy and the Nictus on the ITF would cause 'cut scene Rommy' to stick around as a non-fighting bag of XP. Really, I just TP'd in there for fun, to set off some emotes while in the cut scene. Castle's response to my PM was basically, o_O.

At Hero Con '09 I spoke with Hero One about the woes of trying to get a regular group of players on a story arc. Simul-completion had long been a feature, but what happens when a contact offers 3 of your people the arc, 4 of them different random door missions and one 'go talk to security chief/zone hunt'? It gets fairly frustrating. I asked if he could add some kind of option where the contact would always offer the arc as choice one, and choice two could be ye random mission. So as a team you could jump right into the arc and not play the random mission shuffle. Soon after we got Abandon mission.

During one of the betas there was a thread where one of the devs asked which badges did we loathe the most and why, plus how could they be improved? I know I specifically brought up the signature heroes (100) VS signature villains (25) defeat badge (for mayhems/safeguards), why did we need 25 bombs but only 10 U'kons on RWZ raids, why did the Family badges have to be for different Family, and the effin' Illusionist badge, which lead to all pets counting and a lowered overall count. I know I brought up others but those stick in my mind as the most important.

sketches on tumblr | finished pieces and resources on dA

Currently most active:
Shining Finger: 40 Elec/Titan][Summer's Son: 38 Fire/Fire/Pyre
Hyperion Tekk][Dark-stream
City of Heroes LiveJournal community.
Friendly, helpful and surprisingly light on the drama.

Save our game Master post.



Uh, I know this won't go over as positive, but I informed the devs that it was possible to a) get the Midnighter badge for all people on the team for Heroes by talking to the latin student with anyone else on the team, and b) that the chained mission was abandonable and you could re-take it and get MORE people the badge as much as you want. It was fixed about 3-4 patches later.

So all you folks that enjoyed those "About to talk to Latin student! PST if you want the badge!" teams, I'm sincerely sorry, but yeah... =)

Moderator of the COH Livejournal communities.



I am the reason there is a drop down emote menu. I told Back ally brawler we needed something like that. He said if I write them all up and order them, he would have it put in game. So, there it is. There was a few other little things also, but not really worth mentioning. I used to be WAY active for the first 5 years of this game. 1st level 50 stone/axe tank on Liberty, whoohoo.