To those who complained Tyrant was too easy...




Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Why would you take someone who has their entire primary removed.

Would you take a blaster that has no ranged attacks?

MM's secondary is quite a bit weaker than a controller or a corruptor.

Im not trying to be mean but an MM now is more a liability than an asset, good play cant overcome this kind of disadvantage, im not saying it cant be overcome, but you are essentially pity slotting them.
If you view it as a pity slot that is your perception. I on the other hand can see the value in a petless mm for a whopping 5 mins of a trial. You do realize it is JUST the Tyrant fight right?? Just completed two Mags with MM on them... and yes their secondary powers were of great benefit.. one was a /dark and the other was a /ff.

And has been said MANY times in numerous threads....this is a known issue and a patch is in the works. This "bug" was not intentional to slight MM players...and I would think the MM players who are getting on MAGs should be thankful there are positive team leaders out there who do value them throughout the entire trial as it currently stands..bugs and all.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
If you view it as a pity slot that is your perception. I on the other hand can see the value in a petless mm for a whopping 5 mins of a trial. You do realize it is JUST the Tyrant fight right?? Just completed two Mags with MM on them... and yes their secondary powers were of great benefit.. one was a /dark and the other was a /ff.

And has been said MANY times in numerous threads....this is a known issue and a patch is in the works. This "bug" was not intentional to slight MM players...and I would think the MM players who are getting on MAGs should be thankful there are positive team leaders out there who do value them throughout the entire trial as it currently stands..bugs and all.

I'm with the Burnt Toast man about this.

Btw, I like the avatar

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I'm with the Burnt Toast man about this.

Btw, I like the avatar
LOL thanks I just made it from a youtube video hehe.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
If you view it as a pity slot that is your perception. I on the other hand can see the value in a petless mm for a whopping 5 mins of a trial. You do realize it is JUST the Tyrant fight right?? Just completed two Mags with MM on them... and yes their secondary powers were of great benefit.. one was a /dark and the other was a /ff.

And has been said MANY times in numerous threads....this is a known issue and a patch is in the works. This "bug" was not intentional to slight MM players...and I would think the MM players who are getting on MAGs should be thankful there are positive team leaders out there who do value them throughout the entire trial as it currently stands..bugs and all.
Im usually one to complain, but ive NEVER seen magi trial fail before Tyrant..... I mean the team would have to be sooo bad.

So all your really building for is the Tyrant fight.

Yes this was a bug, it wasnt intentional, but we do have to make the best of it till its fixed, and we all know what the record is on fixing player detrimental bugs.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Yes this was a bug, it wasnt intentional, but we do have to make the best of it till its fixed, and we all know what the record is on fixing player detrimental bugs.
I dunno, I recall they Fixed Anti-Matter's slow plod to his regen chamber inside of a week or two.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im usually one to complain, but ive NEVER seen magi trial fail before Tyrant..... I mean the team would have to be sooo bad.

So all your really building for is the Tyrant fight.

Yes this was a bug, it wasnt intentional, but we do have to make the best of it till its fixed, and we all know what the record is on fixing player detrimental bugs.
I seen a Mo attempt fail on the 3 AVs... which is neither here nor there lol.

Well they have already said what the issue to correct the issue etc... so my guess is within 2 weeks this will be a non-issue.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
I seen a Mo attempt fail on the 3 AVs... which is neither here nor there lol.
Actually that makes sense - Shadow Hunter has a -Heal aura when his HP drops below half - if He's down to 5% that's 95% Heal resistance on EVERYONE. There's a reason you need to TRY for Triple Threat, not just go SH, NP and Chimera.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im usually one to complain, but ive NEVER seen magi trial fail before Tyrant..... I mean the team would have to be sooo bad.
I have.

One went for the simultaneous AV badge, didn't have the DPS for it, and didn't pull out.

One couldn't defeat Black Swan. People refused to move out of the Excalibur nanite patches.

I'm pretty sure neither had a prayer against Tyrant.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



First run on Monday night. A failure. Mainly because it was an inexperienced PUG with wrong notions about how the trial worked.

Had three (so far, gearing up for #4 now) tonight and all three were unqualified successes.

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I was on two back-to-back Magis today that were successful. We didn't attempt any of the badges and had no more than 16 players in the league at any given time. We used Lore pets at the 3 AV battle and had volunteers to hit the wells during the final battle. It didn't seem that difficult, but this is probably due to the fact that almost everyone in the league had prior experience.


Also on Steam



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
I was on two back-to-back Magis today that were successful. We didn't attempt any of the badges and had no more than 16 players in the league at any given time. We used Lore pets at the 3 AV battle and had volunteers to hit the wells during the final battle. It didn't seem that difficult, but this is probably due to the fact that almost everyone in the league had prior experience.
I was on both of those leagues with you, and they were both painless.

The biggest success factor wasn't past experience, it was having our team size limited. Mind you, that is not to discount @Amygdala's leadership, or the ability of the players in any way. Everyone did very well, and Amy, as I've come to expect, did a fantastic job.

Last weekend, I ran several with Amy. Full leagues mostly. We ran a league with a nearly identical makeup back to back, followed the same strategy and had different results. We summoned lore at approximately the same juncture and the first run went smoothly, and the second was a failure.

The biggest game changer is the level shift application. Fully applied to a 16-man team, and we whizzed through Tyrant in, what? 5 minutes? This weekend, the level shifts were spotty, sometimes hitting pets, some team members getting full shifts sometimes, some members getting partial shifts sometimes, some receiving none at all. This was on 16-man runs, 20-man runs, 24-man runs. During the 16-man runs, Amy and I both reported not getting shifts. We didn't notice any lore pets, but neither of us could remember whether other pets were present. Since limiting to 16-people without pets, players are consistently getting the full benefit of the shifts, so obviously, there were pets present that we didn't notice.

16 people fighting Tyrant fully shifted made the encounter a breeze. If (and when) the bug is fixed, if shifts apply to 24 people plus all of their pets, I believe it will make the basic encounter (not a Hard Way/RHW attempt) almost trivial.

The bug is making a more significant difference than many people were acknowledging. I imagine that the cries of "Tyrant is too hard! I will never run this again!" will cease entirely upon the correction being applied.

Thank you, Champion.



Originally Posted by Bramphousian View Post
The bug is making a more significant difference than many people were acknowledging. I imagine that the cries of "Tyrant is too hard! I will never run this again!" will cease entirely upon the correction being applied.
IDK about cease entirely. I am glad that they are fixing it because I have run across some knuckleheads in the game that don't understand the bug and how the level shifts in the Tyrant fight "do" matter.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Run #4 was a bust last night.
We had a bunch of people who hadn't run it before. So we were slow popping wells.
I wound up in the lead by default, and I simply don't have the stuff to lead raids.
Worse, we had several people bail after the first phase, leaving us to fight a Tyrant set for 24.

Even so, we'd gotten him down to 19% at lowest ebb.

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Gotta say....if the team knows what they're doing....and everyone is on their game...Its been successful.

I like the difficulty now. I've been doing it on pugs on Virtue and its already trending to be more successes than failures for me. Now that I've got the rhythm and looks like others are as well...

Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.



Originally Posted by Bramphousian View Post
The bug is making a more significant difference than many people were acknowledging. I imagine that the cries of "Tyrant is too hard! I will never run this again!" will cease entirely upon the correction being applied.
I agree the bug is making an enormous difference. The two trials I was on last night were like night and day compared to my first couple of attempts. With the league size limited (one run with 15 and one with 18) and with no pets for the last battle, it was easy. I was at +9 for most of the fight, and I assume the rest of the league was as well.

Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Why would you take someone who has their entire primary removed.

Would you take a blaster that has no ranged attacks?

MM's secondary is quite a bit weaker than a controller or a corruptor.

Im not trying to be mean but an MM now is more a liability than an asset, good play cant overcome this kind of disadvantage, im not saying it cant be overcome, but you are essentially pity slotting them.
For what it's worth, both trials I ran last night had MMs on them. In the first, the MM offered to bow out, when he learned of the bug, but nobody seemed to feel that was necessary. For the second one, I was on a league that did a DD, MoM, and a Magi in a row, with mostly the same league. There was an MM who was obviously an experienced and competent player. Cutting her from the league just because she couldn't have her pets out during 5 minutes of one trial would have been utterly ridiculous.

Sure, I suppose a league composed mostly of MMs who couldn't use pets in the last battle would have a problem (until the bug is fixed), but how often are you going to see that? I never have.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Run #4 was a bust last night.
We had a bunch of people who hadn't run it before. So we were slow popping wells.
I wound up in the lead by default, and I simply don't have the stuff to lead raids.
Worse, we had several people bail after the first phase, leaving us to fight a Tyrant set for 24.

Even so, we'd gotten him down to 19% at lowest ebb.
This has got to stop. Its not like there aren't people farming this mission...Most the leaders I see are pretty specific about whether its a FULL run or FARM. I mean really, the amount of this behavior has been surprising me, for the COH community. Its not what I expect.

We also had someone that was +0 getting pissed off the league wanted people at least +2. I find it hard to imagine you have Lore and Destiny unlocked but aren't +1 yet?

I think someone needs to play the game and stop trying to PL Incarnate content. Its not like its all that hard or takes all that long to get T3 powers I don't play much but I have T3 on my incarnate characters that I've put any effort (1 week a few hours a night) into.

Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.



Originally Posted by Star_Seven View Post
This has got to stop. Its not like there aren't people farming this mission...Most the leaders I see are pretty specific about whether its a FULL run or FARM. I mean really, the amount of this behavior has been surprising me, for the COH community. Its not what I expect.

We also had someone that was +0 getting pissed off the league wanted people at least +2. I find it hard to imagine you have Lore and Destiny unlocked but aren't +1 yet?

I think someone needs to play the game and stop trying to PL Incarnate content. Its not like its all that hard or takes all that long to get T3 powers I don't play much but I have T3 on my incarnate characters that I've put any effort (1 week a few hours a night) into.
I still have 2 +3s I need to unlock hybrid on and I prefer to unlock with full runs. Then I have an older character I transferred to Virtue and I only got T3 Alpha slotted on him last night.

I admit to unlocking hybrid with farms after a full Magi run (successful btw) on one character. Full runs are more fun to me.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by Star_Seven View Post
This has got to stop. Its not like there aren't people farming this mission...Most the leaders I see are pretty specific about whether its a FULL run or FARM. I mean really, the amount of this behavior has been surprising me, for the COH community. Its not what I expect.

We also had someone that was +0 getting pissed off the league wanted people at least +2. I find it hard to imagine you have Lore and Destiny unlocked but aren't +1 yet?

I think someone needs to play the game and stop trying to PL Incarnate content. Its not like its all that hard or takes all that long to get T3 powers I don't play much but I have T3 on my incarnate characters that I've put any effort (1 week a few hours a night) into.
While it's annoying as hell, I couldn't be too pissed about it.
I picked up a Rare on a Keyes earlier, and picked up two VRs on two of the runs for Magi. So I'm sitting at 89% Hybrid XP and have a T4 Melee Core waiting to slot in. I was also able to T4 my Barrier Destiny with my Clarion and Rebirth both still at T3.

With a couple more good runs, I'll probably craft up an Assault for soloing. Since doublehit on an Inv/SS tank should be fricking awesome.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Run #4 was a bust last night.
We had a bunch of people who hadn't run it before. So we were slow popping wells.
I wound up in the lead by default, and I simply don't have the stuff to lead raids.
Worse, we had several people bail after the first phase, leaving us to fight a Tyrant set for 24.

Even so, we'd gotten him down to 19% at lowest ebb.
The level scaling I believe happens constantly throughout the trial, not just a check point. So Tyrant shouldn't have been 'set at level 24'. From the look of things, slow popping wells can be an impact, but coupled with the level shift bug, it becomes far more problematic.

[ edit ]
I fully anticipate someone correcting me here .

Let's Dance!



Had two more successes tonight. The second one was just plain old ***-kickery.
The first one, neither the team captain nor I are totally sure just WHY we won it. We were having massive troubles bringing Tyrant's damage down and keeping it down.

Then, all of the sudden we just whacked him from 31 down to threshold. Damndest thing I ever saw. No friggin clue what happened.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Had two more successes tonight. The second one was just plain old ***-kickery.
The first one, neither the team captain nor I are totally sure just WHY we won it. We were having massive troubles bringing Tyrant's damage down and keeping it down.

Then, all of the sudden we just whacked him from 31 down to threshold. Damndest thing I ever saw. No friggin clue what happened.
did you have a 24 team with pets out?

If you did what happened was the buffs all managed to hit your high damage players at one time.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Star_Seven View Post
This has got to stop. Its not like there aren't people farming this mission...Most the leaders I see are pretty specific about whether its a FULL run or FARM. I mean really, the amount of this behavior has been surprising me, for the COH community. Its not what I expect.
Really? After AE, you are still surprised at farms?

You should be surprised only when people solve problems by NOT farming.

i would actually prefer to complete the trial, but you gotta do what you gotta do, and it looks like farming is the way the people want to go. I am going to hurry up and get my mains' hybrid slots unlocked before a punitive nerf shows up.... and you can bet your bottom dollar one is on its way in double-quick time.

Moral of the story: maybe listening to a few people in Beta begging for the AV to have unstoppable Regen and a perma self-heal [or so it appears] IS NOT that hot of an idea. But what do I know....



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Moral of the story: maybe listening to a few people in Beta begging for the AV to have unstoppable Regen and a perma self-heal [or so it appears] IS NOT that hot of an idea. But what do I know....
You apparently know nothing, since no one in beta asked for either of those things and many in beta pointed out that the first part would be farmed and the first part will be farmed even after they fix the bug which will make killing Tyrant a cake-walk.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Moral of the story: maybe listening to a few people in Beta begging for the AV to have unstoppable Regen and a perma self-heal [or so it appears] IS NOT that hot of an idea. But what do I know....
As I was part of the group who was in Beta and going after the Magi trial, this isn't what happened and I wish people would stop regurgitating this stuff as if it were actual fact.

Tyrant's regen and debuff resists were strengthened BY THE DEVS after it was shown that teams could simply whack him down and ignore the wells. After being told it was "numerically impossible".

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Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Really? After AE, you are still surprised at farms?

You should be surprised only when people solve problems by NOT farming.

i would actually prefer to complete the trial, but you gotta do what you gotta do, and it looks like farming is the way the people want to go. I am going to hurry up and get my mains' hybrid slots unlocked before a punitive nerf shows up.... and you can bet your bottom dollar one is on its way in double-quick time.

Moral of the story: maybe listening to a few people in Beta begging for the AV to have unstoppable Regen and a perma self-heal [or so it appears] IS NOT that hot of an idea. But what do I know....
Apparently what went on in what you don't know.

And Tyrant is not that hard; even with the current game mechanics which limit you to 16 buffs. Maybe getting on a league that knows what they are doing will show you this.

No clue what server you play on....but there are plenty of Full Mag trials that go on and on and on and on .. on Freedom. It is not a hard trial to if you can't find one... maybe you should just lead one

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!