To those who complained Tyrant was too easy...




Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
If what you say is true, that would explain it...only 16 of the 24 people getting the level shift?! heh, borked!
It could be even worse considering that pets are possibly also targets (for MMs sake I hope pets are valid targets). If it pulses multiple times while the lights are down, that could also explain why I sometimes have no extra level shifts, then all of a sudden I have some.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
And those becoming VIPs are less than the amount leaving by all indications. People that have done trials in the past on my global lists (friends, global channels) aren't coming back and the new people aren't filling the vacancies. The new subscribers might slow the amount of loss, but the loss is getting bigger all the time.
You forgot to put in the disclaimer: On Triumph.

Triumph may be seeing a decline which is understandable since it is not as active when it comes to 50+ content like Freedom/Virtue tend to be.

The lack of Incarnate trials is the MAIN reason I left Triumph. You may not like it, but many evidenced by multiple instances of starting zones for incarnate trials even before i23 hit on Freedom/Virtue. People leave this game for a plethora of reasons..some you may know..some may be true..some you don't know..and some may be lies. The only way to effectively know if someone left because of incarnate content would be if that were the reason the player stated during their exit poll....otherwise your assumption is just that...sure it may be based on what someone told you, but that is still assuming they are being honest...and not just telling you what you want to hear.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
And those becoming VIPs are less than the amount leaving by all indications. People that have done trials in the past on my global lists (friends, global channels) aren't coming back and the new people aren't filling the vacancies. The new subscribers might slow the amount of loss, but the loss is getting bigger all the time.
/em checks his card again

Lessee: 'iTrials Suck,' 'Unfounded Hyperbole,' 'Stop Liking What I Don't Like,' 'Threat To Unsubscribe,' and there's 'Dooooooooooooom!'

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
It could be even worse considering that pets are possibly also targets (for MMs sake I hope pets are valid targets). If it pulses multiple times while the lights are down, that could also explain why I sometimes have no extra level shifts, then all of a sudden I have some.
Mmm, true that.

Just failed a Mag itrial run and have more pics of no level shifts being added to me.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
And those becoming VIPs are less than the amount leaving by all indications. People that have done trials in the past on my global lists (friends, global channels) aren't coming back and the new people aren't filling the vacancies. The new subscribers might slow the amount of loss, but the loss is getting bigger all the time.

Authoritative sources PLEASE.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



im not recycling anyone...if i meet a new person now its not to hang out with. its to do a trial and thats it..i got my pals on the game and even if their not there anymore i certainly dont replace them.

if i added 3 people in the last 3 years id be amazed.we added people back in the day for different reasons then they do these for fact there was no global channels back then so it meant more to have people on your freinds list.

nowadays its easier to find people making it less nessecary to spam my globals with new people



Originally Posted by Kragothe View Post
Defeating the lights gives a buff called [Notice of the Well], a 5,000ft (I think) radius aoe buff that hits 16 targets max, yeah SIXTEEN. On my leagues above 16 I have observed not everyone getting all the level shifts.
I just ran a 16 man trial to test this. Still variable level shifts across the league. People calling out a mix of 3s and 9s each time the lights were taken out.

I didn't control for pets, but I don't recall any being out until I called for Lore later on. May have to retest for it.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



If some people find this trial easy, and some find it hard, I'd say the Devs got it about right.

If you'd rather be in the former group than the latter, find out what's working and do that. If you're leading groups that constantly fail, perhaps it's time to let someone else lead one.

I ran in three of these the other day, and succeeded on all three. We weren't really going for any of the harder badges. People just wanted to get the iXP. Once or twice, Tyrant took a bit longer at the end of his HP to bring down than the others, but he still went down, even though a few were dying. I really don't think there were very many that had a Hybrid slotted, but if they did, I didn't notice. We did notice that not everyone was getting the extra shifts, but it's not necessary for everyone to receive them. Move when the warnings come, and deaths are at a minimum. It's really not any harder than that.

Indicators would be nice, but that doesn't mean the Trial is a fail if they don't have them. Learn and adapt. It's ok to do so.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
People were farming Lambda up until the indoor phase
That was pretty damn rare.

Not like the common place Magi farms.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
You forgot to put in the disclaimer: On Triumph.
The disclaimer was there already. You even quoted it. I said my global friends list and the global channels I belong to. Shockingly enough, not all my global channels are Triumph-centric.

Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Triumph may be seeing a decline which is understandable since it is not as active when it comes to 50+ content like Freedom/Virtue tend to be.
No server is as active as Virtue or Freedom.

[QUOTE=I Burnt The Toast;4257694]The lack of Incarnate trials is the MAIN reason I left Triumph. You may not like it, but many evidenced by multiple instances of starting zones for incarnate trials even before i23 hit on Freedom/Virtue.

Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
People leave this game for a plethora of reasons.
I agree, and for some that is the Incarnate System. However, the reason why people are leaving isn't as important as people are leaving.

Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Is it because they wanted to go to to a server than ran more of them? Is it because they wanted to go to a server where they didn't have to listen to someone constantly complain?
Not all my global channels are from one server. And your ad-hominem is without basis in reality.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Authoritative sources PLEASE.
Talk to Zwillinger. All I can say, and have said, is from what I've seen happening on my global friends list and the global channels I subscribe to.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
I just ran a 16 man trial to test this. Still variable level shifts across the league. People calling out a mix of 3s and 9s each time the lights were taken out.

I didn't control for pets, but I don't recall any being out until I called for Lore later on. May have to retest for it.
I can confirm that there were no Lore pets until you requested them. I did not notice any non-Lore pets on the 16-person run, though. There was an Illusion/ Controller on our earlier runs, but I am not sure if they were on the 16-person attempt.

Thank you, Champion.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
If some people find this trial easy, and some find it hard, I'd say the Devs got it about right.

If you'd rather be in the former group than the latter, find out what's working and do that. If you're leading groups that constantly fail, perhaps it's time to let someone else lead one.

I ran in three of these the other day, and succeeded on all three. We weren't really going for any of the harder badges. People just wanted to get the iXP. Once or twice, Tyrant took a bit longer at the end of his HP to bring down than the others, but he still went down, even though a few were dying. I really don't think there were very many that had a Hybrid slotted, but if they did, I didn't notice. We did notice that not everyone was getting the extra shifts, but it's not necessary for everyone to receive them. Move when the warnings come, and deaths are at a minimum. It's really not any harder than that.

Indicators would be nice, but that doesn't mean the Trial is a fail if they don't have them. Learn and adapt. It's ok to do so.
Every Magi Ive been on has failed, failed hard, and I didnt lead any of them and most of them were different leaders.

So do I just have incredibly bad luck?

Dont say im the problem because even if I did everything wrong, one player should not be able to break an entire league.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
The disclaimer was there already. You even quoted it. I said my global friends list and the global channels I belong to. Shockingly enough, not all my global channels are Triumph-centric.

No server is as active as Virtue or Freedom.
Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
The lack of Incarnate trials is the MAIN reason I left Triumph. You may not like it, but many evidenced by multiple instances of starting zones for incarnate trials even before i23 hit on Freedom/Virtue.

I agree, and for some that is the Incarnate System. However, the reason why people are leaving isn't as important as people are leaving.

Not all my global channels are from one server. And your ad-hominem is without basis in reality.

Talk to Zwillinger. All I can say, and have said, is from what I've seen happening on my global friends list and the global channels I subscribe to.
I have had a few globals leave in the past 6 months..some for a specified time (1 friend left for a month for financial reasons and military duty)...and I have added more globals lately than I have from 2008-2011.

I'm not trying to be a jerk about this, but I think the issues you are seeing tend to be a Triumph and smaller server issue. Had a chat other day on where people started playing coh..and not surprisingly most people actually started out on smaller servers (Guardian myself)...and came to Freedom when they wanted a more populated server. What I think you are seeing on Triumph is an exodus of those who like to do incarnate part..leaving for a larger more active server to make their enjoyment of the game more fulfilling. I left Triumph around 6-8 months ago when it became apparent to me that itrials were not a "thing" on Triumph. Not going into the specifics; because then it looks like I am bashing the Triumph player-base. The funny thing about me leaving Triumph though..I ported a +3 toon over to play with some friends who played there...but it seemed they never wanted to do incarnate stuff and when we did it was tedious to say the least - which is/was not enjoyable to me - so I left.

Each server tends to have a subset of players...and I just think the itrial mentality is not something most Triumph players enjoy. To me Triumph is an extremely casual server of people who roll alt after alt after alt after alt..who do not mind street sweeping..doing low level content etc... that got really old for me after a few months. I am after all a Freedomite...a min/maxer who wants to make their toon as powerful as possible....

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Every Magi Ive been on has failed, failed hard, and I didnt lead any of them and most of them were different leaders.

So do I just have incredibly bad luck?

Dont say im the problem because even if I did everything wrong, one player should not be able to break an entire league.
Could be a server thing... Some servers have trouble succeeding in BAFs/LAMs. There are many reason they could have failed...
Poor leadership
Too many AFkers
Not enough level shifted players
Overly Cocky Players

All I can tell you is that on Freedom success after success after success are being ran of full Mag trials. most sevrers pick up how to complete a new itrial with a solid success percentage within a week or so.... could be you just got on the ones where no one had a clue how to do them at the moment.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I have no problem with difficult content existing in the game. But my interest in this trials is minimal at best. I wouldn't blink at an eye at its existence if it weren't the barrier between me and Hybrid.

I will be farming this to get it out of the way. They've asked me to farm it anyway, I'm just cutting directly to the chase. I have little love for the incarnate trials as the sole source of incarnate advancement and would much rather have stuck to shards.
This really helps sums up my thoughts. Esp. the bolded.

If the hybrid slot unlocked after one run, then it would make sense to run the whole thing, enjoy the trial for each 50 etc etc.
Being asked to run it over and over and over and over and over (5 times right), well might as well do it the easy way.

However, I can the likely result. I won't be surprised come Tuesday there's a patch to stop the wide spread farming.

Rather than holding on until there is varied (trials and solo to 8 person team) content, the next slot will require salvage or doo dads that will only be attained by that single trial.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Get out of here with your logic and your ability to entertain more than one point of view! That's so not allowed here.

I have tried it both ways, and to say IOs [and by proxy, the bonuses they provide] are not needed for end-game content is disingenous at best, and a real sardonic hoot of laughter at worst.
But they're not. What have the devs said time and time again about CoX as a whole? "The game is balanced around SOs." I believe was the line. And that's true.

IOs are great for min-maxing, but hardly a pre-requisite for completion.



Originally Posted by Issen View Post
But they're not. What have the devs said time and time again about CoX as a whole? "The game is balanced around SOs." I believe was the line. And that's true.

IOs are great for min-maxing, but hardly a pre-requisite for completion.
Thats not exactly true either.

I dont think a team comprised just of incarnates at the nominal level for a trial would succeed. I really dont think a team of 24 incarnate at +3 with no io's at all could do it, that being said, I dont think everyone need io's either.

They seem to balance team content around a mixed bag, and solo content on very light io usage.

Im starting to think the problems we are seeing is that too many weak players or characters are making it into these trials and thats causing the fails, I think there is alot less room for error than on other trials.

I strongly suspect the difficulty will be reduced before players start ignoring it or asking for gear checks and completion badges before letting them join.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Not all my global channels are from one server. And your ad-hominem is without basis in reality.
That wasn't an ad-hominem, there was no intent for it to reflect on your argument, simply on you. It was an honest question borne from two similar experiences designed to make you consider your behavior. You are free to ignore me of course, but I will recount the 2nd experience I just had today.

I was on a league earlier that failed. The leader did a decent job, and I think their one lack was not calling for an organized Lore drop. I get the impression that they had failed one or two runs before I joined, so frustration was in evidence, but not too bad. Most were doing ok, happy to be getting iXP, but one of the members was more bitter. Throughout the final fight they kept going on about how hopeless and impossible it was. It was really annoying and several people suggested that less complaining and more fighting was in order (they were not all necessarily as diplomatic as I just phrased it, but there was also nothing terribly insulting said).

Once the trial failed I picked up the star. We lost some people because they couldn't stand being on a team with someone who complained so much and was a general downer. As we went through the next trial, said complainer continued complaining as well as reciting the hopelessness of it all (we were a 15 person league, and they were pretty convinced a small league like that couldn't succeed). I simply told them that I understood it could be frustrating, but please try to just focus on the mission and that I felt we had a solid league that would pull through.

The trial was a success and they still complained at the end anyway. After they left, several people commented on his odd attitude and how it was not fun to be around such a downer. Do with the story what you will.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Thats not exactly true either.

I dont think a team comprised just of incarnates at the nominal level for a trial would succeed. I really dont think a team of 24 incarnate at +3 with no io's at all could do it, that being said, I dont think everyone need io's either.

They seem to balance team content around a mixed bag, and solo content on very light io usage.
No, they don't.

The players just play as if they do.

When you don't have IOs, you need to play smart. You need to pay attention to your team composition, and people need to not run off and try to solo spawns of Trial mobs without help. People need to move together and not create a train of members when they need to travel quickly. They need to be buffed and healed by appropriate characters, and they need to stay in range of the buffers and healers.

If people always had bubbler/shielders, always had a good meatshield, always had backup healing, and always traveled around in supportable formations, they wouldn't need IOs. Self fulfilling prophecy, because many players like playing the lone wolf, they get IOs so they don't have to play that way.

What IOs do is lower the degree to which everyone needs buffs, heals, aggro management in general - in other words, help from teammates. Lots of players play as if everyone needs no help, because they don't need help and assume no one else does either. This is what creates perception some have that IOs are required, not the devs. Because the way the core of a league or team plays often results in everyone else to get less support than they might need if they have a plain SO build.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
That wasn't an ad-hominem, there was no intent for it to reflect on your argument, simply on you. It was an honest question borne from two similar experiences designed to make you consider your behavior. You are free to ignore me of course, but I will recount the 2nd experience I just had today.

I was on a league earlier that failed. The leader did a decent job, and I think their one lack was not calling for an organized Lore drop. I get the impression that they had failed one or two runs before I joined, so frustration was in evidence, but not too bad. Most were doing ok, happy to be getting iXP, but one of the members was more bitter. Throughout the final fight they kept going on about how hopeless and impossible it was. It was really annoying and several people suggested that less complaining and more fighting was in order (they were not all necessarily as diplomatic as I just phrased it, but there was also nothing terribly insulting said).

Once the trial failed I picked up the star. We lost some people because they couldn't stand being on a team with someone who complained so much and was a general downer. As we went through the next trial, said complainer continued complaining as well as reciting the hopelessness of it all (we were a 15 person league, and they were pretty convinced a small league like that couldn't succeed). I simply told them that I understood it could be frustrating, but please try to just focus on the mission and that I felt we had a solid league that would pull through.

The trial was a success and they still complained at the end anyway. After they left, several people commented on his odd attitude and how it was not fun to be around such a downer. Do with the story what you will.
Thats because when you see fail all day, you start assuming everytime is going to fail.

Its not surprising some people are starting to feel like this. Though Im starting to suspect that small teams might be working better at the moment because its not applying the buff to everyone on a large team.

Though virtue looks like its only running magi farms at the moment, no one wants to run a full trial. Maybe ill go see whats up on freedom.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
This really helps sums up my thoughts. Esp. the bolded.

If the hybrid slot unlocked after one run, then it would make sense to run the whole thing, enjoy the trial for each 50 etc etc.
Being asked to run it over and over and over and over and over (5 times right), well might as well do it the easy way.

However, I can the likely result. I won't be surprised come Tuesday there's a patch to stop the wide spread farming.

Rather than holding on until there is varied (trials and solo to 8 person team) content, the next slot will require salvage or doo dads that will only be attained by that single trial.
I would say on freedom the tide is turning and there are just as many people doing the full run as the fast run. And no come Tuesday there won't be any patch because there is no difference in the LAM and MAG except the number of people needed to be defeated on the frontload to move on to the next phase.

I think people are not recognizing those frontloaded 250 are in fact there to help the ixp process move a bit faster. It is the only place to get hybrid ixp and nerfing the frontload as was suggested in BETA is not the smartest thing to do in this case.....

At least the devs realized this a while back and did not give in to the voices to nerf "those people's" ixp etc....

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
The highlighted portion is the key point you continually ignore. Yes, to YOUR GROUP all these are easy. Again, I was on a STF this last week where we very nearly failed it, despite several skilled players on some good toons.
I am NOT ignoring that. I never once anywhere in that post claimed that "we" was everyone. It pisses me off to no end that you'd be so damn childish that you assume I would take that stance.

"The crew I run with" is not who I do all iTrials with. If I'm lucky, 2-3 of them are on most trials with me. And I can't accept that everyone on Justice is twinked out and IO'd to the gills, because I know better. So frankly, whether or not "the crew I run with" can faceroll battles with Reichsman is largely irrelevant to the question of whether iTrials like the Magesterium are too hard.

Let me ask you: do you suspect I'm some CoH prodigy? Because I sure don't. When I play, I just do stuff that I think makes sense. That's basically it. I'm not doing anything brilliant. I'm using common sense mixed with game knowledge. And that's what "the crew I run with" is about. It's people who, generally speaking, do intelligent stuff when playing the game. If we can do these things, anyone can. So why aren't they? What's the problem?

What I see too often for my tastes is people who do stuff that I'll just say doesn't seem like common sense. When they do it and it works, then I figure they know something I don't. When they do it and it goes horribly wrong, I try to help them by suggesting a course that seems more like common sense. And if they refuse to accept that advise and still fail, then I deem them dumb and want little more to do with them. Most people don't fall into that unfortunate latter category, but there are enough of them that I don't enjoy pugging as a rule.

In a heartbeat I forgive people who lack my game knowledge. I've been here eight years and change, and I do dig into the game, so it would be ridiculous of me to assume every Joe and Jane knows all the crap I do. Some people wear their ignorance like armor, but most seem willing to learn if you offer them knowledge. But knowledge and what they do with it are two different things.

If people do sensible things, this game is usually very easy. I attribute the vast majority of things that are "hard" to people approaching them either in ignorance of how they work, which is forgivable (to a point) or with really bad tactics, which I am less prone to forgive.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
The Lights of the Well are a little TOO unforgiving. In every run I've done, we've had them all down within 10 seconds of spawning, but that 10 seconds is enough to get Tyrant from around 20% health all the way back up to 40%. (I've been putting a nav marker on the light and jumping back to its position when the counter shows 3 seconds, so at least one is being taken out just as soon as the Quills power activates.)

I've also noticed that his lightning attacks continue to do damage for a second or two after the visual effects dissipate. And when he's surrounded by lightning, all I can do is fire off Energy Torrent every 8 seconds, with the occasional blast of my Judgement power whenever that manages to recharge.

My two cents on how to improve this encounter:
1) Make the Quills temp power animate faster.
2) Give about 5 seconds between when the Lights of the Well spawn and when they actually buff Tyrant --OR-- let us stop them from spawning altogether by allowing us attack their spawn points a couple seconds prior.
3) Do something about the Lightning. Either make it so the beams can't overlap (any time I've died to them, it's been because I've gotten hit with 3 or more at once), add an additional 15 seconds to the power's recharge, lower the damage, or lower the total number he can fire at once. Or some combination thereof.
You may have missed this earlier in the thread, but the Lights do nothing to Tyrant. His regeneration is only a function of his current HP. How many Lights are on have nothing to do with it.

The Lights are supposed to suppress level shifts granted to players, so that when all lights are out, everyone (in theory) is +6. This doesn't seem to be working right.

Edit: I have noticed the damage after the visual for the flow lightning fades, and do agree that's quite frustrating. I wouldn't complain one bit if they fixed that.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



In one trial I was a part of I was keeping track of the level shifts and then a thought came to me.

What if the lightning that comes down only targets those that are +9?

So as we were going along, I was not getting the level shifts (for whatever reason) and was never a direct target of the AoE lightning attack.

Then I was at +7 for level shifts (not +9, again, for whatever reason) and was targeted.

I'm pretty sure I was later targeted when I had only +3 level shifts so...I don't think it's anything but....maybe?

Just throwing 2 inf. out there

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
The Lights of the Well are a little TOO unforgiving. In every run I've done, we've had them all down within 10 seconds of spawning, but that 10 seconds is enough to get Tyrant from around 20% health all the way back up to 40%. (I've been putting a nav marker on the light and jumping back to its position when the counter shows 3 seconds, so at least one is being taken out just as soon as the Quills power activates.)

Whaat? Did you have a dedicated light team? IIRC PANCAKES gets pretty crazy once he hits 20% since you only need to get him to 10% to effectively win, but I don't recall him healing that much.