To those who complained Tyrant was too easy...




Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Apparently what went on in what you don't know.

And Tyrant is not that hard; even with the current game mechanics which limit you to 16 buffs. Maybe getting on a league that knows what they are doing will show you this.

No clue what server you play on....but there are plenty of Full Mag trials that go on and on and on and on .. on Freedom. It is not a hard trial to if you can't find one... maybe you should just lead one
Yes its not hard as long as you know about the bug, limit the team to 16 people and keep pet users out of the last fight.

Its easy as long as you arent an MM or a pet dependant controller.

Also leading a trial doesnt guarantee everyone will still, even if you clearly state full trial, you still are at risk of loosing a few people after the 250.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Yes its not hard as long as you know about the bug, limit the team to 16 people and keep pet users out of the last fight.

Its easy as long as you arent an MM or a pet dependant controller.

Also leading a trial doesnt guarantee everyone will still, even if you clearly state full trial, you still are at risk of loosing a few people after the 250.
And? Nothing is guaranteed in this game. Look heres the deal.. I have ran almost 70 Mags now(participated in about 80 total)...with less than 5 fails. I have started one with 16..and ended up with 13 at the final fight...and still whooped Tyrant. Do people always drop after the 250? No. On average I lose 1 person after the 250. I send them a tell if they quit and if the purposefully quit because all they needed was the 250...guess what I do... I one star them. I make it ABUNDANTLY clear when I form a Mag that it is not a farm and anyone looking for that to quit now. So I place a note on that person...and never invite them again..ever. It shows a lack of respect and/or an inability to read or follow simple directions.

The BUG only affects the very last part of the trial so no it does not invalidate any AT for the trial. I run with trollers and MM all the time. If it offends you so much to dismiss your pets for the last 5 minutes of the trial...uhm that's your problem not mine...I can see the benefits of a petless MM...they do have a secondary and most have a blast or two.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
As I was part of the group who was in Beta and going after the Magi trial, this isn't what happened and I wish people would stop regurgitating this stuff as if it were actual fact.
Oh really. Noone said aaaannnnyyyything about making him more difficult, it just automagically *happened* somehow.

Pretty sure I've read all over these boards that the changes were begged for by the few, the hard, the hard-core.... but ok have it your way. This "never happened."

Until the trial gets nerfed so that progress isn't made unless a complete is achieved, I think I will keep joining farms. When it does get nerfed, I'll adjust my behavior accordingly - and not in the direction of blind obediance.