A little late... but Tyrant was RIGHT!

Agent White



Originally Posted by McNum View Post
A proper Alpha Male would have asserted his superiority without invoking death by robot army. You know, posturing, talking big, belittling the poor chaotic Primals. You know, doing the whole evil dictator thing right.
There'd need to be eleaborate deathtraps too.

Really, Cole's downfall is he believes himself a benign dictator, which makes him dangerously unstable. Anyone in power can do scary things "for the greater good".
He also creates almost all of the problems he faces.

The proper response, as far as I can see, would have been to recruit help.
And we would have helped too - Tyrant's brought everything on himself.

Get Statesman in for a 2-on-1
I could get behind a Cole/Cole/Hamidon slash.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post

I could get behind a Cole/Cole/Hamidon slash.
You mean you haven't written it yet?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I'm pretty sure the devs confirmed Primal Earth shot first.



Originally Posted by McNum View Post
Cole finds out there's another universe. It's full of superpowered individuals and monsters. If Cole were to draw too much attention to his universe, they could cross over in force.

What should Cole do now?
A: The existence of parallel universes is now a state secret, a formal request to stay away will be given should they contact us.
B: Contact them peacefully in secret and possibly recruit help with the not-quite-dead Hamidon issue.
C: Destroy them! Full scale invasion before they notice us!

If you chose A or B, congratulations! You're smarter than a supervillain dictator! If you chose C... why would you DO that?!
C: Was the only real option to choose.

Primal Earth, particulary Primal USA, the country that actually does all the portal stuff, isn't going to sit by and leave Preatoria alone.

Portal Corps, is the Reed Richards of CoX, it's responsible for far more trouble than it has ever solved, what with ticking off all sorts of dimensions by sneaking people into other worlds and spying on them.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Tyrant was always going to attack Primal Earth as part of his plan to unite the multiverse under his rule to fight the Battalion.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
And instead, the greed of those on Primal Earth has doomed the multiverse.
I didn't know the Battalion was going to win?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



That was something I've been wondering lately.

Soooo much effort was put into wiping out the primals. You kind of wonder how successful they could have been turning all the weapons of mass destruction against the Devouring Earth. I mean, they have an orbital death laser, that couldn't have been effective? All that incarnate power, able to nuke his own city... -none- of that could stop the Hamidon?

I'm just hoping that the big reveal is that the Praetorian Hamidon is scary as hell and not just another speed bump for us to show just how pathetic Cole was in that if he and his Praetors had decided to put all their power and knowledge into taking out Hamidon they could've done it.

I mean that's really the core of the problem. Cole believed wiping out all of Primal's superheroes in a blitz was the preferred option over trying to take down Hamidon.



Originally Posted by McNum View Post

C: Destroy them! Full scale invasion before they notice us!

If you chose A or B, congratulations! You're smarter than a supervillain dictator! If you chose C... why would you DO that?!
This theory was posted before and it's what I've gone with in regards to why Emperor Cole went with option C. From the lore that was released, Praetorian Cole and Hamidon had a very fragile truce, or at best a cease fire. From what I recall even when Praetorian Cole was amped up by the Well of the Furies he and Praetorian Hamidon were at a stand still neither could gain an edge over the other.

So a deal was made, since most of the human population in Praetoria was pretty much wrecked and reduced by Hamidon's war on Praetoria. Cole would round up the survivors and keep in them in line and docile. Doing whatever it takes to make sure the surviving human race does nothing to further provoke or gain the attention of Hamidon. In return Hamidon would lay low and make it look like Cole defeated it, and making it easier for him to take a position of power. However Hamidon made it clear that if anything aroused it's suspicion it would come back and wipe out what was left of the human race.

So the Primal Earth discovers Praetorian Earth and Cole Freaks out. Why, because he probably thought of a few conclusions that Hamidon might have jumped to. Hamidon might suspect Praetorian Cole going to Primal Cole and asking aid of finally defeating Praetoria's Hamidon, or Primal Earth saw Praetoria Earth as a place to exploit. Taking what natural resources were left, or using Praetoria Earth as a toxic dump for Primal Earth. Any of these options would have set off Hamidon and restarted the war.

Emperor Cole went with option C thinking it would appease Hamidon. An act letting Hamidon know that he would never seek help with the Primals or allow them to exploit Praetoria Earth. So Emperor Cole is doing what he thinks is best for the survival of what remains of the human race in Praetoria.

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Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
I'm just hoping that the big reveal is that the Praetorian Hamidon is scary as hell and not just another speed bump for us to show just how pathetic Cole was in that if he and his Praetors had decided to put all their power and knowledge into taking out Hamidon they could've done it.

I mean that's really the core of the problem. Cole believed wiping out all of Primal's superheroes in a blitz was the preferred option over trying to take down Hamidon.
This. Unfortunately with the way the iTrials were executed and how easily they can be destroyed by teams, nothing is really powerful, intimidating, or taken seriously in this game :\



Praet Hami is supposed to be some sort of eldritch horror looking thing. The better question is why he insists on still fighting you guys when Hami is gearing up to wipe out whats left of humanity, and the most he can do is stalemate the thing



Originally Posted by G_Savior View Post
Praet Hami is supposed to be some sort of eldritch horror looking thing. The better question is why he insists on still fighting you guys when Hami is gearing up to wipe out whats left of humanity, and the most he can do is stalemate the thing
Because alpha males have an extreme version of male pride

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
nothing is really powerful, intimidating, or taken seriously in this game :\
Except for the glory of Penelope Yin.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by G_Savior View Post
Praet Hami is supposed to be some sort of eldritch horror looking thing. The better question is why he insists on still fighting you guys when Hami is gearing up to wipe out whats left of humanity, and the most he can do is stalemate the thing
The most he -could- do. He was made the Well's Champion and thus extra-empowered from cutting the bargain with Hamidon.

So from a game mechanics standpoint. He fought the Hamidon when he was 50. After the fight and cutting the deal, he was 50+5.

Then again, one other thought occurs, maybe the only thing keeping him empowered was keeping the deal, so maybe he -couldn't- be the one to use the power to kill Hamidon or he'd break his deal.

Then again (again), we've been told the Well respects nothing but power so, you'd thinking gaining more power and then smashing your biggest foe to pieces would garner -more- power in their eyes.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
I'm pretty sure the devs confirmed Primal Earth shot first.
Yep. And John "Protean" Hegner confirmed it when I saw him at the Pummit last weekend.


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Okay, how did Primal Earth shoot first?

By making contact with the resistance first? Opening the portal to Praetorian earth? Sending in probes as they discovered things? Getting kidnapped by praetorians and needed to send heroes through to recover them?
Discovering that there had been established various cells of Praetorians on Primal earth and sent them packing back to where they came from?
I tried looking it up, but I could not find anything (so either my search fu is weak at this moment) or a "revised history" from Devs have not gotten out to the public.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
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Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
Okay, how did Primal Earth shoot first?

By making contact with the resistance first? Opening the portal to Praetorian earth? Sending in probes as they discovered things? Getting kidnapped by praetorians and needed to send heroes through to recover them?
Discovering that there had been established various cells of Praetorians on Primal earth and sent them packing back to where they came from?
I tried looking it up, but I could not find anything (so either my search fu is weak at this moment) or a "revised history" from Devs have not gotten out to the public.
All available clues seem to indicate that it was Ultimatum, Maelstrom's former superiors before he went turncoat and joined the Praetorians.



Thank you Scythus.
Again a little group amongst Primal Earth doing stuff. I did think upon them and Maelstroms defection, but still is there a timeline for when things happened. After all Portal Corp started their exploration before Ultimatum stole the teck, did they not?
Or were Ultimatum the first one that got the coordinates to the Praetorian Earth dimension? And thus the attention of Tyrant?

If it was Ultimatum, that started the conflict, then I hope the heroes of Primal Earth will find out about them and... pay them a visit. And that there will be peace between the Praetorian population and Primal. (After all it was not an attack by a united government, UN or anyone)
Just as there should be one between Rikti dimension and Primal.
Specially since we did find out who and how the first Rikti war came to be. (I'll not say the name, so as not to spoil it for those that has not done the arc.)

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
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At this point I don't think you really need to worry about needing peace between Primal and Praetoria. Don't wanna spoil anything but I23 seems to make the notion of 'relations with Praetoria' pretty moot.



Yea.. the trial is... [removed by poster]

With some of the portals though it should open up for some of the praetorians to get to Primal (Like Ghost Falcon). And they would bring with themselves stuff/tech.
Maybe Primal can be made a little better and stronger with having Wardroids on our own side against that coming storm.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Yeah, pretty much. I think we're just going to absorb what's left of Praetoria.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
With CGI.
in this game? Where?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Alpha males do wacky male things
Yes, deary, we know you're a raging Misandrist already

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.