All Things Character Art




Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Fireheart: Sending it off to QA, tested it on my machine, same thing, wow, very old assets also.
The same "floating away from the body" thing happens with the animated tails, particularly on female characters with low physique sliders; ie. anything less than the default 'Middle' position.



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Samuel_Tow and Unknown_User: I just asked the Character Artists that worked on the Mecha Suit and the Olympian Guard Boots and they are "Working as Designed".
Sorry but That sounds so wrong to me. Really can't see what the reason would be for intended unevenness in the Olympian Guard Boots. Any chance you can ask one of the character artists why they see it as working as intended?

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Female chest emblems have a problem with Z-buffering and alpha channels when used over the Buckled Leather top using its native color mask:

This happens only with the Buckled Leather top in the Buckled Leather color mask, for all chest emblems, regardless of whether there is a jacket or, if there is, whether the emblem is set to Under or Over.

{}... .-



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
The same "floating away from the body" thing happens with the animated tails, particularly on female characters with low physique sliders; ie. anything less than the default 'Middle' position.
Sent off to QA.



Just a friendly reminder that this is a thread for you all to give your suggestions to the art team about costume pieces. Please make sure that you're posting your bug reports in the appropriate forum so that the QA group can find them in their nightly scrubs. Also, make sure that anytime you post about a bug, you also file an in game bug report as well.

That being said, let's please keep this thread on track so it doesn't derail from it's original intent.


Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
That being said, let's please keep this thread on track so it doesn't derail from it's original intent.
101 uses for a Reuben?

... ok, that aside, as I was updating a costume for my Arch/MM blaster, I came across something I'd like to see.

Defense and/or Stealth "designs" (for lack of a better way of putting it) put onto skirts. (In other words, the differing materials/padding/etc.) Just so I can go for a more unified look with something other than tights/armored. (The top can match up with a *pattern,* but it's not as satisfactory to me.)

Basically... I'd like to have an option other than a white splotch on this:



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Please make sure that you're posting your bug reports in the appropriate forum so that the QA group can find them in their nightly scrubs.
With all due respect, Zwill, the bugs I posted here the previous time are bugs I've been reporting via all channels available to me, and doing so repeatedly, over something like three or four years and nothing ever happens to them. The first time I ever saw a person of authority so much as acknowledge they even existed is when I put them in this thread directly.

I get that you don't want this to turn into a banana phone line to QA, but it's hard to resist including bugs in a thread that has the eyes of the right person when those bugs haven't been touched in years.

Yes, I know the jet pack isn't one of those, but the FF bubbles and Poison Trap are. I first saw them in 2009 at some point and I've been reporting them since. They're still bugged.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'd love to see the buyable temporary jet pack (the little 30 day one) available as a backpack detail. I love the look and animations to it. While you're at it why not add in the craftable jetpack (the one that looks like what sky raiders use and is the same as the temp one you get from the first safeguard mission) as a back detail as well?

Both have their art and animations already done. They're probably the cheapest/easiest costume bits you could ever add to the game and they would probably sell like hotcakes.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



So with the Water Blast powerset in the works. So is there a Atlantis/Under the Sea themed costume set in the works?

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Just a friendly reminder that this is a thread for you all to give your suggestions to the art team about costume pieces. Please make sure that you're posting your bug reports in the appropriate forum so that the QA group can find them in their nightly scrubs. Also, make sure that anytime you post about a bug, you also file an in game bug report as well.

That being said, let's please keep this thread on track so it doesn't derail from it's original intent.

In the same vein as Sam, Zwill, there are bugs reported years ago, graphical and otherwise, that are still in game. To actually have someone very visibly taking note and doing something about them seems entirely alien because so little in the past has been done to fix stuff. Even with in-game and out of game reports.

Even recent ones like, oh, Iunno, the massively broken ragdoll physics that not only breaks NPC enemies but also MM pets if they get knocked back? I know that's not graphical, but there's been no comment of a fix in the works for something as big as that.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Loving the new Space pirate costume set for Super packs #2.
Awesome work!
The new cape and skull shoulder pads are amazing.
Also, that sash with a little cape... Finally!
Loving the shape of the jacket for females too... Really fit the shape of the females, and not looking too busty or baggy, I love that.
Wish the rest of the old jackets would look that good.
Awesome job, Dink or whoever in your character design team did the costume.



Is there a possibility that the geometry of the Mecha Armor shoulders could be adjusted? There's a pretty sizable gap between the front of the shoulder and the shoulder piece itself.


Also on Steam



im sorry, im sorry... but im messing around with the Cabal hat, can we PLEASE update this so that it has a hair option, i dont care if its just one style, but at least have it as its own tab and color tint-able...

this bald woman/man look is just, well its just awful.

This actually is preferable for all hats that currently dont have hair options, or the ones that look like crew cut options.




New request.

New version of existing tails, both animated and static, where the tails are (near) vertical at the base. So that they go under skirts/jackets/coats and clip less with capes and wings.
For the animated tails to work only a part of the tail would move. But then an alternate animation would be a useful addition in itself, especially for people using multiple costumes on a character.

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.



Originally Posted by Teeko View Post
im sorry, im sorry... but im messing around with the Cabal hat, can we PLEASE update this so that it has a hair option, i dont care if its just one style, but at least have it as its own tab and color tint-able...

this bald woman/man look is just, well its just awful.

This actually is preferable for all hats that currently dont have hair options, or the ones that look like crew cut options.

Oh gods, please, PLEASE, I will PAY to have female hats with more hair options. I honestly don't care about the work load, to still have those out-dated abominations in the CC is....just, ugh. And the old, SD hairs that look like blocks of polygons because that is what they are. No texture or anything...ugh.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



On topic with things I'd like to see...

I really want more hairstyles. Say, some scene girl hairstyles, 70's hairstyles (think Farrah and the Bee Gees), long hair for men (genuinely long, a la Glam for women), etc.

Also, shoes. Not boots. Shoes.

♦ Founding Member, Forum Host of the Pinnacle RP Congress ♦ The Joke is: 435 Alts and Counting!)
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Can we get more neck pieces/collars? I posted this to the Vigilante/Rogue super pack feedback post as well but the Cosmic Cosair neck ring looks great; it would be nice to be able to use it without the humongous skull backpack.

Also, any chance of the Elemental Order faceplate being available for half-helmets?



any chance we can get the fishy fins from the halloween pack piranha head ported as head details or ears to regular heads please? ideally as ear-fins and or hair, or with full masks as ears or head detail 1. Thanks Dink!!!

pics of parts:

also can wizards get the witch hat ported from female to male/huge?

also, male sash and quivers for all >:P



I had made a thread in Suggestions regarding costumes bacause I was told to on Facebook by the Zwil I believe. Here's my 2 inf:

Paper bag over head mask option -- with/without eye holes, Sharpie smiley face, chest emblems drawn in Sharpie. Anything from this google search:

Towel cape -- I know this has been requested a lot but we still NEED this

Shoulder pets for males, more shoulder pets: parrot, monkey, angel, devil, dog, shark, octopus, another head, ANYTHING!

More backpacks: air tanks/scuba tanks, one strap backpack like from Infamous, quiver (lots of requests for that), golf bag, monkey, baby

Crowns hat option

Cardboard armor


@Killerhurtz & @Killerhurtz 2 of Justice

Arc ID# 95628 What If...#1 The 'Hurtz' Family



Ever since TA/Archery was introduced there have been multiple requests for Quivers! I mean really? The Tsoo have ‘em!

Would love to see additional tactical webbing/equipment belts (like the police belt) and pads – ie knee/elbow pads.

Native American (as already requested) including pants with/without loin cloth.

Tabards (I mean come on we have all the medieval armor floating around).

Would like to see the beards match into existing hair styles (ie sideburns).



I have what feels like a simple request - can we please have a collection of all or at least most hats enabled for Full Helmet -> Detail 1? You know, where the head fins are? The hats would obviously not come with hair, but come on, now - wouldn't it be cool to have a suit of power around with a cowboy hat or a robot with a top hat? And no, you can't really "fake" that because most hats always come with hair on the outside of any Robotic face you pick.

I have a self-serving reason to ask for this, of course. My own Nathanel was supposed to have a Colonen Kroenen look to him, but that's impossible to do since the military hat always has to have hair with it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I have what feels like a simple request - can we please have a collection of all or at least most hats enabled for Full Helmet -> Detail 1? You know, where the head fins are? The hats would obviously not come with hair, but come on, now - wouldn't it be cool to have a suit of power around with a cowboy hat or a robot with a top hat? And no, you can't really "fake" that because most hats always come with hair on the outside of any Robotic face you pick.

I have a self-serving reason to ask for this, of course. My own Nathanel was supposed to have a Colonen Kroenen look to him, but that's impossible to do since the military hat always has to have hair with it.
Hah, I wasn't the only one then...

And yeah, forget the hair, how about 'no military jackets and trench coats'?

Anyway, new request. I was wondering why I was finding it so hard to make new Male characters.

The answer was really damn simple; The overwhelming majority of Male faces and hair are terrible. Nearly all the old faces and hair are so eye-bendingly bad....It just....ugh. The hair! My use tends to be limited to 'Fury' and 'Barbarian' and that's about it, because....I mean, seriously, google 'Male Hairstyles', and then see if there are any DECENT representations in game.

There are way too many hairstyles that have low poly counts and low textures. I mean, 'Dreadlocks'. What the hell is that even trying to be? It looks like something that got dragged through a thorn hedge, backwards.

Dink, please please please PLEASE add some new faces and hairstyles, rescue us (me) with your skills, ones I only wish the crew at Issue 0 had had -_-

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



You lovely wonderful bloody awesome folks!

I see that tri-corner hat has finally becometh real!!!
If you ever drop by my way, I so owe whomever arranged that (and made it) a round of drinks!!!!


Explorer: 93%. Achiever: 40%. Socializer: 40%. Killer 33%.
Current Heroes and Villains (altitis holding at 50 currents)
To all the devs, past, present, (and may there be) future: /salute
To NCSoft: Understand that you reap what you plant, and you cannot gain what you throw away.



Sorry if these have already been mentioned in this thread, but a couple simple things I'd like to see are to have the rocket powered hammer from Titan Weapons scaled down and added to War Mace, and similarly scale down the D.U.S.T. Cannon and add it to pistol options. Also, the resistance rifle in Beam Weapons (without the crystals and half moons and stuff) would look wonderful in Assault Rifle, even if the "clip" is odd looking for hard ammo. Also, there's an Arachnos Machine Pistol that looks slightly like an mp5 out there (not the one that VEATs get access to) that really should be available in Dual Pistols, even if it had to be unlocked with Spider Smasher or something.

On a less simple note, I have always wanted Rotary Assault Weapon for Assault Rifle and Wolf Spiders (and now beam weapons too). Something similar to the M1-L1 Triple-Pulse Rifle from Deep Rising is what I'm thinking of, or perhaps an elongated variant of the Nerf Firefly. Even if rotation is just implied rather than animated (like Longbow/Council/Crey gatlings), it would be good enough (though as Nemesis troops show, animated is certainly possible, since they have brass versions of just the sort of thing I'm asking for). Smaller versions as pistols also please!

Finally, I'd really like the bottom half of the space corsair "robe" available individually, maybe as a kilt or something. I've long wanted something similar to the command kama worn by some clone troopers in the Star Wars clone wars era. That's the closest I've seen so far, and while the top of the robe is cool, it's a "robe" so it doesn't mix well with all other parts.

Also related to the Corsair outfit, I'd love a 3rd backpack option that just has the neck ring and not the pack. The ring adds a detail that would help many space suits and armored types, but the pack, cool as it is, doesn't always mesh with other styles.

Dear NCsoft, if you go through with this shutdown you've guaranteed you'll not see another dime from me on any project you put out, ever.



This has likely been requested before, but I'd love to get some of the hair-styles that come with the hats without the hat. The hairstyle from the firefighter and now the tri-corner hat, for one, would be nice to have, and there's others I'm forgetting as well. They look good, but the hats don't always work with my costumes.