Marvel Avengers First Review




Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
I know the second Vision is no longer connected to the Torch. But the first one was maybe (built from parts or split from or not at all. I swear Marvel writers sometimes.)..they kind of left that open ended.
I'm going off some old memories here so bear with me:

When John Byrne took the West Coast Avengers book, he began with the story about how the Vision was taken by the governments of the world, his program erased, all backups deleted from Avengers computers and his body dismantled. He was retrieved, and Pym reassembled him, but not after they showed the still living but frail Phineas Horton looking at the Vision's pieces and declaring that Vision was not nor ever was the Torch. This went against what the Vision saw when Immortus showed him his past of being rebuilt by Horton via Ultron's influence from the Torch.

Vision is back online but now emotionless, and Wonder Man won't let his brainwaves be copied again so we had a new Vision so to speak. But since it was declared he wasn't a reformatted Torch, then came the question: WHERE IS THE TORCH? He was found in an old cemetary where he was buried as part of a funeral setup by the Mad Thinker to capture TORO, Torch's old partner. (this led to Toro's death in Sub Mariner 14). Scarlet Witch reactivates him and he joins the team. Pym then deduces that Vision was built from spare parts of the Torch. Immortus was viewing all this and seemed pleased that all went to plan.

Years later, in Avengers Forever by Kurt Busiek, many dangling plots and inconsistencies were tackled, including Torch and the Vision. After the Torch was beaten when he appeared in the Fantastic Four annual, he was left in the Thinker's lab. Immortus used a device called the Forever Crystal to temporally split time and divided the Torch into two Torches. One get used in the plot to capture Toro and is buried in the cemetary, and the other is used by Ultron to form the Vision. So the Vision IS a rebuilt Torch after all.

In Avengers Disassembled, a controlled She Hulk tore Vision in half and he was in storage in Stark's labs. Only recently has he returned in time for the Avengers vs Xmen. Apparently Tony Stark was working on the Vision and managed to piece enough of him back together for Vision's own internal repair systems to reactivate. Now the Vision is back and adjusting to all that has changed since he was destroyed.

Recently in Secret Avengers, Android Torch was badly damaged and placed in storage to await repairs.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
After sleeping on it, two points.

One, Loki has never seen The Incredibles, since he tends to get tripped up while monologging.

Two, the argument could be made that so-and-so wasn't Jossed. Jossed characters don't get to linger, don't get the last word and don't get a last shot in, they simply die. Heroic death yes, Jossed no.

And yes I'm trying to keep this thread fairly spoiler free.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I'll go just to see this scene.

I used to fiddle with my back feet music for a black onyx. My entire room absorbed every echo. The music was . . . thud like. The music was . . . thud like. I usually played such things as rough-neck and thug. Opaque melodies that would bug most people. Music from the other side of the fence.



Maybe someone can help me here...

What was the point of the first hour of the movie? :3

It was entertaining, and the Battle for Manhattan was simply perfect in all regards (come on, when Hawkeye shoots to his blind side and just murders an entire skiff? Or when Hulk side-jabs Thor?). Really, the second half of the movie was excellent.

But that first half... and Scarlett can't act her way out of a paper bag.



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
Maybe someone can help me here...

What was the point of the first hour of the movie? :3

It was entertaining, and the Battle for Manhattan was simply perfect in all regards (come on, when Hawkeye shoots to his blind side and just murders an entire skiff? Or when Hulk side-jabs Thor?). Really, the second half of the movie was excellent.

But that first half... and Scarlett can't act her way out of a paper bag.
Setup. Need setup for movies. People may have found the setup to be the dullest part of the movie (I didnt find it dull myself) but without it, the movie wouldn't do nearly as good.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I saw it. While I'd say it was perhaps the weakest of the recent Marvel-produced movies, it was still quite entertaining. Personally, I felt there was a bit too much focus on the "charming" Iron Man, but then again, I can't stand that guy.

Also, while I don't think he's bad, this seems like as good a place as any to raise something that continues to mystify me. Where did this worship of Joss Whedon in geekdom come from, given that similarly one-note content producers get unfairly savaged all the time by the geekdom fanbase? The man's abilities are vastly, vastly overrated. That doesn't mean he isn't skilled, though.

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Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
I saw it. While I'd say it was perhaps the weakest of the recent Marvel-produced movies, it was still quite entertaining. Personally, I felt there was a bit too much focus on the "charming" Iron Man, but then again, I can't stand that guy.

Also, while I don't think he's bad, this seems like as good a place as any to raise something that continues to mystify me. Where did this worship of Joss Whedon in geekdom come from, given that similarly one-note content producers get unfairly savaged all the time by the geekdom fanbase? The man's abilities are vastly, vastly overrated. That doesn't mean he isn't skilled, though.
I loved it. It was right up there with Cap and Iron Man for me. One of the BEST of the recent super hero movies.

That being said, absolutely agreed on Whedon. Not a huge fan of his work. He is talented, but has a bad habit of relying on shark-jumping to try and tug on heart strings or do what other directors or what have you don't. I think I enjoyed the film so much because he didn't rely on that.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
Also, while I don't think he's bad, this seems like as good a place as any to raise something that continues to mystify me. Where did this worship of Joss Whedon in geekdom come from, given that similarly one-note content producers get unfairly savaged all the time by the geekdom fanbase? The man's abilities are vastly, vastly overrated. That doesn't mean he isn't skilled, though.
He seems better suited to working with higher quality material belonging to other people rather than doing his own stuff, as there's more of a framework in place to avoid it becoming a vanity project.

@Golden Girl

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Joss is worshiped for creating three of the most beloved (depth not breadth) fantasy series of the last 15 years and for having considerable gifts with ensemble characterization and dialogue. Also, he's funny as hell.



Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
There was hardly anything bad about it aside from that one thing that happened to that one cool person. People who have seen the movie know what I'm talking about.
I've seen it. Twice. And I don't know what you're talking about.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
Maybe someone can help me here...

What was the point of the first hour of the movie? :3
The first half was the movie. The last half was just a CGI slogfest. Which, will all kinds of neat-looking, wouldn't be particular interesting without any kind of setting to anchor it to.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
Also, while I don't think he's bad, this seems like as good a place as any to raise something that continues to mystify me. Where did this worship of Joss Whedon in geekdom come from, given that similarly one-note content producers get unfairly savaged all the time by the geekdom fanbase? The man's abilities are vastly, vastly overrated. That doesn't mean he isn't skilled, though.
Probably because he isn't seen as "one-note." He has a particular vision, but that's not the same thing. His dedication to it, at the potential expense of commercial success, gives him additional respect beyond the fact that what he finds cool a lot of geekdom finds at least pretty cool as well.

He's also not overrated, at least by most of his fans. He's well loved, but the majority of his fanbase with half a brain or more don't think he's the world greatest writer/director. They think he's a skilled director that produces content you don't get from very many other places. That's worth a lot of respect.

It also helps that he engages his fanbase directly, and a lot.

He's also not universally loved, which means he doesn't suffer from the "everyone loves him so something must be wrong with him" attitude.

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This is the movie Michael Bay wants to make when he grows up.

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Originally Posted by Venture View Post
This is the movie Michael Bay wants to make when he grows up.
This operates under the assumption that Michael Bay can or even WANTS TO grow up.

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I just got back, and honestly it was good. The pace was decent, the action scenes were great, and the characters felt like I was reading an avengers comic. Honestly I would suggest seeing this even if you do not think you will like it just to give it a chance, and I think That the Marvel Universe series of movies are good enough to last decades unlike certain movie series that crop up and are forgotten a decade later.



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post


Hulk thrashing Loki around like a ragdoll was the single most satisfying scene I've ever watched in any movie, ever.
Also went to a midnight showing and this was probably my favorite scene in the movie. One sec Loki is on screen calling Hulk (of all the people to say this to....) a bug, and then he just isn't standing there anymore o.O Of course the theater broke out in laughter as soon as we saw where Loki went

One question though.... due to all the laughter I didn't catch what Hulk said after he was done introducing Loki to the floor. Anyone able to tell me what he said?

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



Originally Posted by MortisEques View Post
Also went to a midnight showing and this was probably my favorite scene in the movie. One sec Loki is on screen calling Hulk (of all the people to say this to....) a bug, and then he just isn't standing there anymore o.O Of course the theater broke out in laughter as soon as we saw where Loki went

One question though.... due to all the laughter I didn't catch what Hulk said after he was done introducing Loki to the floor. Anyone able to tell me what he said?
"Puny god."

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
"Puny god."
Hehe, thanks. All I was able to catch was the god part. As soon as this hits DVD/BR I'm going to have to get it.

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran




I would be shouting that but I'm still a bit out of breath after seeing it.

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