New Content Instead of New SSAs?

Agent White



The first Signature Story Arc is completed.

I have detailed elsewhere my tremendous disappointment with the writing; I am not looking to re-visit that in this thread. But another commonly-heard complaint was that there were too many times in the SSA in which the Player Character was a mere spectator and had ZERO power to affect the events unfolding in the arc, whether it was via cutscenes, off-screen murders or unchangeable pronouncements. The rejoinder that I often saw was "Well, these are SIGNATURE story arcs... they are not about YOU, they are about the events in the lives of the SIGNATURE characters!"

I suppose that part is actually spot on. SSAs will apparently by definition will be stories unfolding about the Signature characters, and thus, by design, featuring plot events that the PC cannot affect or participate in. We will again be primarily spectators in, if you will, an animated comic book story, and we will just have to flow along with the events, with defeating certain foes worked in.

But that suggests my question:

Would you prefer that the time and resources put into SSAs be put instead into additional content?

I would really enjoy seeing some love for lvl 40-50, like some new arcs. A new wave of radio and tip missions would be extremely welcome, too.

The SSAs ARE producing new maps and textures, etc., but those could have come with other new content, too. A in-space arc for lvl 40-50 would be sweet. They did all that space stuff for a single mission in the last SSA installment, but I think it would be better return on the resources to do a multi-mission arc.

I would just as soon SCRAP the SSA project and do additional missions and arcs with those resources.

What do you say?

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
I would just as soon SCRAP the SSA project and do additional missions and arcs with those resources.

What do you say?
I say yes sure I would like for them to do that too mate. However, I think the train has left the station on this one since they can charge non VIP's for this content without making them feel like second class citizens. You add another first ward type paid zone and that is a loser and they can't hype a new content arc the same way they can the SSA's.

It's all marketing and revenue driven at this point.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I'd been asking for something akin to the SSA since the game launched and Calvin Scott made his one abortive test of the feasibility of doing episodic content.

I'm in favor of getting both SSA's and DA-like content. I'm even willing to buy SSA's or other self-contained stories as booster packs, if they're done well and they give better rewards than SSA1 was designed with. A hero merit once a week! Whee! Give me a badge or a costume piece and/or a new power for completing the arc in addition to the weekly hero merit and then we're talking. If the chapters are up for individual purchase, then there'd better be rewards for EACH CHAPTER and they'd better be reasonably priced and not priced artificially high as an effort to promote them as VIP perks.



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
Would you prefer that the time and resources put into SSAs be put instead into additional content?
That's making the assumption that the SSAs are a drain of the resources. If the SSAs allow them to better advertise the game (thus drawing in more players, and more profit), and make more money (from Preems buying them), then stopping the SSAs could result in a net loss of new content (ignoring that SSAs are content).

And considering that the SSA was some of the best content I've played in this game in years... I say more SSAs.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
if they're done well
I zero'ed in on this phrase because I had not considered this possibility: Perhaps my lack of enthusiasm for more SSAs and their non-interactive mechanics was due to my dismay over the actual story as presented in the now-completed SSA.

At this juncture, I am having difficulty imagining a rip-roaring story that I would have enjoyed that entailed my lack of participation in a similar way. But that could easily exist and I just don't realize it.

My thought has been that if we are going to go the "episodic, non-participatory content" route, then revive the CoH comic with Troy Hickman and David Nakayama, put it online and charge for it. You could even hold a contest and have the winning player character be a participant in a story arc. I have every confidence that Troy Hickman could take any PC and make a compelling story with them. Look what he did with Statesman!

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



I have to agree with Darth_Khasei.

Personally, I do not mind the idea of the signature story arcs, but frankly, I think there needs to be more influence from the character. WWD7 actually got this right in my opinion, at least hero side (haven't run the villain version). Throughout the entire thing, the basic idea is "it's up to you, Character." The NPCs just become allies working for the same cause. You even end up leading Recluse around for the final mission!

As long as the future arcs are more like WWD7 and less like 5 and 6, I am happy to continue seeing resources go towards them.

As for "additional content," I have literally reached the point where I want all brand new content to cease, and for the rest of the game to be polished up first. Underplayed zones like Boomtown need to be made viable. Melee power sets like Broad Sword, War Mace, and Battle Axe need unique animations, on par with current power sets (their numbers are more viable, but they are a lot less enjoyable to watch). Ranged power sets receiving some alternate graphics could open up a metric ton of possible character concepts. Etc.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I thought new SSAs were new content.
I was under the same impression.

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Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
That's making the assumption that the SSAs are a drain of the resources.
They are merely a recipient of resources, like anything else would be.

If the SSAs allow them to better advertise the game (thus drawing in more players, and more profit), and make more money (from Preems buying them), then stopping the SSAs could result in a net loss of new content (ignoring that SSAs are content).
This is the key. This may be 100% the situation. I would not know.

Obviously, if the SSAs are hugely helpful to the game overall, that is the way things will roll, and that is still fine with me, as I want the game to hang around. I don't play every AT or powerset, so I am fine with content that may not float my particular boat.

And considering that the SSA was some of the best content I've played in this game in years... I say more SSAs.
That is what I was curious about. Nice discussion going.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
It's all marketing and revenue driven at this point.
Totally agree.

Since it's free to VIPs, the SSAs were a way to get money out of Freemium accounts.

The question that Paragon Studios will be asking themselves is: Did it work? Were there enough purchases of SSAs to warrant a new series?

But because the next series is already mostly developed, they'll probably continue with it. But, my money is on the next series being the last.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Totally agree.

Since it's free to VIPs, the SSAs were a way to get money out of Freemium accounts.

The question that Paragon Studios will be asking themselves is: Did it work? Were there enough purchases of SSAs to warrant a new series?

But because the next series is already mostly developed, they'll probably continue with it. But, my money is on the next series being the last.
My guess is you are spot on.

I lost interest and stopped playing them after #4. If I had paid for them, would not have been convinced money was well spent.



I lost interest in the story, but still played them all because it was new content LOL. That is not unusual for me as I don't follow the story too closely just casually.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
Would you prefer that the time and resources put into SSAs be put instead into additional content?
Yes, absolutely. I'm happy to have the signature characters remain in the background of the game, handing out missions and looking stoic/broody/whatever suits them.

I'd *much* prefer the devs address content gaps in the main game over perpetuating the SSAs.

I also happen to think the SSAs are seriously overpriced. As a free or premium player I would not have paid to play them. I wonder how many did?



Honestly, I don't mind seeing the signature characters actually doing things, considering this entire game they've been nothing but contacts for missions.

The real problem is, like you mentioned, they need to be done well. So far the only fun thing about these has been seeing awesome, fresh maps. The writing just sucks, and sometimes even the gameplay sucks. Like that "Escort Penny Yin through Oranbega" mission.

But eh, I don't care. Like I've said before, SSA 1 made me not want to play SSA 2.



I want the signature heroes to be more involved - but in our stories

Imperius showing up in the final mission of the ITF is nice.

Positron should help out in his TF.

Each TF from a signature hero should have them in it actually helping you.

But I don't want stories of their personal lives.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
It's all marketing and revenue driven at this point.
It's always been that way - that's why the game's still alive and kicking after 8 years
Design decisions are business decisions - everything done by the developers of an MMO revolves around retaining and expanding the customer base, otherwise there's no MMO left to develop.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
Would you prefer that the time and resources put into SSAs be put instead into additional content?
SSA1 and I21 and I22 suggests that they're quite capabale of producing high quality episodic content as well as high quality regular Issue content at the same time.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I thought new SSAs were new content.
This. I am not sure how it is not new content. Just because you dislike something does not change that it is content.

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1. I fail to see how the Signature STORY ARCS aren't content.

Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
It's all marketing and revenue driven at this point.
2. "At this point"? News flash: This, and just about every other game ever put up for sale, has always been about revenue.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



There was an obvious disconnect with my revenue at this point comment. That was stated in the context of new content vs SSA's new content and which one of those would yield the most revenue for them now.

In the future please read the entire post and the first part of it pretty much explained what I just broke down for you GG and Truemetal.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
I say yes sure I would like for them to do that too mate. However, I think the train has left the station on this one since they can charge non VIP's for this content without making them feel like second class citizens. You add another first ward type paid zone and that is a loser and they can't hype a new content arc the same way they can the SSA's.

It's all marketing and revenue driven at this point.
Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
2. "At this point"? News flash: This, and just about every other game ever put up for sale, has always been about revenue.
Darth Khasei made a point. I take it that you disagreed with him? Likewise,

Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
1. I fail to see how the Signature STORY ARCS aren't content.
I freely admit that I have been Hoist On A Semantic Petard in the title of my original post in that SSAs indeed count as Content. But here is what I actually asked in the post:

Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
But that suggests my question:

Would you prefer that the time and resources put into SSAs be put instead into additional content?
I am going to take it that you would not.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I thought new SSAs were new content.
I thought this too



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
But that suggests my question:

Would you prefer that the time and resources put into SSAs be put instead into additional content?
SSA's are additional content.

What you seem to be saying is "I think development resources should be used on content I like!"

Which, y'know, everyone would enthusiastically co-sign so it's not much of a question.

Everyone always wants more of everything, but alas devs have limited resources at hand & have to pick and choose where the energy goes.

Just advocate for what you'd like to see- I whined about separate markets for YEARS and endured all manner of abuse and mockery before the inevitable happened and they merged everything.

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Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
I freely admit that I have been Hoist On A Semantic Petard in the title of my original post in that SSAs indeed count as Content.
i think what most people have difficulty getting past is that your initial post effectively stated that any added content that isn't what you specifically wanted doesn't count as content. A stance that very easily comes across as arrogant and totally self-centered. Usually when someone starts a thread that way it bodes ill for any sort of constructive dialogue since we're already off to Humpty Dumpty land.

Fortunately it hasn't proven to be the case, but the OP and title are still rather unfortunately phrased.

Since the Devs have continued to add both regular free content and premium content like the SSAs and iTrials i really don't have much issue with the current status quo as regards content additions. SSA 1 and the iTrials may not completely live up to what i'd hoped to see, but some of the new maps and mechanics that are a byproduct of that development are quite good in their own right and do get propagated to free content as well. Free content that is certainly not guaranteed to have better writing than the SSA anyway. i feel that a fair bit of the SSA wasn't great storytelling, but then some of the free stuff has the same issues.

In short i'm okay with the current approach, but that is from the perspective of a paying subscriber who has access to all of it anyway.

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