SSA #7 Story Discussion ** SPOILERS **




Also, Wade had more than a little help from Rularuu itself- both in the supply of Rulu-Shin/Rularuu minions for his earthly plots, as well as likely information. Rularuu certainly stood to benefit from the whole thing, by using Wade to get free of the Shadow Shard (and being reasonably certain- as Faathiim was- that he would be able to overcome Wade's consciousness in time.)



Thanks for clarifying.

So, basically, we really were needed as Rularuu would have had a Wadesnack and then free of the Shard.

That is something I can at least wrap my mind around.

"If I fail, they write me off as another statistic. If I succeed, they pay me a million bucks to fly out to Hollywood and fart." --- George A. Romero
"If I had any dignity, that would have been humiliating" --- Adam Savage
Virtue Server: Kheprera, Malefic Elf, Lady Omen, Night Rune, La Muerte Roja, Scarab Lafayette, Serena Ravensong, Kyrse, and Arachnavoodoo among others.



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
And I do wonder, how much of this "aha, I knew it, you *do* want my shinies! *you're not getting my shinies*!" in response to reasonable questions about "why didn't you bring this up before?" is projection. How much is a general assumption that players are power-hungry and if there is a Greater Power to be gotten, they will want it. And how much is the GM going "you are not ready to know" because he's still trying to decide and doesn't want to commit to one answer yet.

I am expecting the whole thing to hit depths of stupidity never thought possible, just so there's still a slim chance I'll be pelasantly surprised.
I should point out that portraying Prometheus in this way doesn't automatically make the writers stupid, it makes Prometheus annoying. Its how we are eventually written to deal with Prometheus that is the ultimate question.

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Originally Posted by Kierthos View Post
Batman won't kill, but he has no problem putting criminals in full body casts due to the beat-down he lays on them. Never mind that anything could go wrong during recovery and the criminal could still die.
How many people has Spider-Man murdered by leaving them upside down and unconscious webbed to a lamp post in the middle of the night when his web dissolves about an hour later and they fall 10 feet onto their neck? Probably more than he thinks.




Originally Posted by Kheprera View Post
So, basically, we really were needed as Rularuu would have had a Wadesnack and then free of the Shard.

That is something I can at least wrap my mind around.
I was half-expecting that the SSA would end with Rularuu free in Primal Earth, the way SSA #7 was developing.



Originally Posted by Kheprera View Post
On yesterdays Ustream Aeon said that if you had run any villain content that the game recognizes that and reacts accordingly. So even if you're a Confirmed Hero, it seems you'll get attacked by Manticore. I'm curious to see if this is true.
It isn't. My main hero has all the badges from red side despite being created and played blue until Rogue came out and Manticore never appeared for me.
And neither did my main villain. Manticore was a no show for both of them.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



You know what I liked about the SSA as a whole? We saw all kinds of "incidental" use of existing characters. (Dark Astoria, by the way, does this too.)

What do I mean? Normally, you don't have much interaction with existing characters except when playing content designed around them. Contacts appear in their own arcs, and that's about it. You go steal some stuff for Mr. Bocor, fight some Legacy Chain, focusing on them to the exclusion of all else, then you finish, and both Bocor and Chain are forgotten. That's fine to an extent, but at some point, it makes it seem that each NPC is off in his own, entirely separate, continuity.

In the SSA, we have Luddites mentioned outside Cap au Diable, Penelope Yin making an appearance unrelated to Faultline or the Clockwork King, a villainous contact actually being villainous, and Manticore actually acting like a crazed vigilante rather than just being pointed at and called "crazed vigilante." The SSA was the first content that gave me some sense that the game world's different parts actually interacted with each other. It was the first "CoH Universe" arc.

Dark Astoria, which was presumably written up a bit later than the SSA, did the same thing, only much more impressively, so hopefully we will see a bit more of this in future "special" storylines.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
It isn't. My main hero has all the badges from red side despite being created and played blue until Rogue came out and Manticore never appeared for me.
And neither did my main villain. Manticore was a no show for both of them.
Here's an interesting point. My main Tank actually HAS run some of the SSAs as a villain. Manticore was a no-show for *him*, too. Numina reacted badly to him on the boat, and I got the extra questions in the conference, but he got the salutes at the end of it.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Originally Posted by Kierthos View Post
But we were also told that "Yeah, it's not going to work. Oh sure, he'll think it's going to work, and he'll have all that power for a little while, but his control won't last."

Which basically means that Wade did all this for nothing.
But wait, he planned this for ten years, perfectly anticipating every move and countermove and countercountermove so that Batman, Nemesis and Jim Phelps were all impressed.

You mean in ten years's time he forgot to check out whether the whole thing would actually work??

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



My wife finally identified what Wade clearly wanted to be free of.


Yes, you heard it here first, Darrin Wade IS Troy Hickman.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
But wait, he planned this for ten years, perfectly anticipating every move and countermove and countercountermove so that Batman, Nemesis and Jim Phelps were all impressed.

You mean in ten years's time he forgot to check out whether the whole thing would actually work??
Super Villain Syndrome. It will get you every time. Remember that next time you have a Jedi hanging over a pit by his fingertips and you feel like demonstrating just how ferocious you are by pacing menacingly and smacking things with your light saber for the big spark show, instead of just getting down on your belly and stabbing him in the face.



It is kind of curious how he was able to summon aspects like Rudalak yet is unaware of the info Faathim has. Then again Rudalak is pretty insane so he probably wanted to subsume Wade.



Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
You know what I liked about the SSA as a whole? We saw all kinds of "incidental" use of existing characters. (Dark Astoria, by the way, does this too.)

What do I mean? Normally, you don't have much interaction with existing characters except when playing content designed around them. Contacts appear in their own arcs, and that's about it. You go steal some stuff for Mr. Bocor, fight some Legacy Chain, focusing on them to the exclusion of all else, then you finish, and both Bocor and Chain are forgotten. That's fine to an extent, but at some point, it makes it seem that each NPC is off in his own, entirely separate, continuity.

In the SSA, we have Luddites mentioned outside Cap au Diable, Penelope Yin making an appearance unrelated to Faultline or the Clockwork King, a villainous contact actually being villainous, and Manticore actually acting like a crazed vigilante rather than just being pointed at and called "crazed vigilante." The SSA was the first content that gave me some sense that the game world's different parts actually interacted with each other. It was the first "CoH Universe" arc.

Dark Astoria, which was presumably written up a bit later than the SSA, did the same thing, only much more impressively, so hopefully we will see a bit more of this in future "special" storylines.
All of this. So much of the universe feels really static and self contained with zero crossover, which has always been rather dull, and a lot of the new arcs are fixing that.

On an unrelated note, Captain Mako is awesome. That is all.



Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
You know what I liked about the SSA as a whole? We saw all kinds of "incidental" use of existing characters. (Dark Astoria, by the way, does this too.)

What do I mean? Normally, you don't have much interaction with existing characters except when playing content designed around them. Contacts appear in their own arcs, and that's about it. You go steal some stuff for Mr. Bocor, fight some Legacy Chain, focusing on them to the exclusion of all else, then you finish, and both Bocor and Chain are forgotten. That's fine to an extent, but at some point, it makes it seem that each NPC is off in his own, entirely separate, continuity.

In the SSA, we have Luddites mentioned outside Cap au Diable, Penelope Yin making an appearance unrelated to Faultline or the Clockwork King, a villainous contact actually being villainous, and Manticore actually acting like a crazed vigilante rather than just being pointed at and called "crazed vigilante." The SSA was the first content that gave me some sense that the game world's different parts actually interacted with each other. It was the first "CoH Universe" arc.

Dark Astoria, which was presumably written up a bit later than the SSA, did the same thing, only much more impressively, so hopefully we will see a bit more of this in future "special" storylines.
So, a SIGNATURE story arc featuring SIGNATURE characters. Funny how that works, huh?

P.S. Not directed at you OLantern...more toward those who have complained through the entire SSA that it was the story of the Freedom Phalanx and we were just along for the ride. Not sure what they expected when it was specifically called a SIGNATURE Story Arc.




Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
Dark Astoria, which was presumably written up a bit later than the SSA, did the same thing, only much more impressively, so hopefully we will see a bit more of this in future "special" storylines.
The writing has been doing a lot of this thing over the past couple of issues, which I agree is nice to see. It really makes the CoHverse seem more like a living thing than previously where (as you note) it was pretty much "one and done" with the contacts, with a few notable exceptions here and there.

I also really liked the symmetry within the storyline, as I've mentioned before, particularly with how the whole Warburg plot actually turned into something other than just giving us a glimpse of the mysterious Marshall Blitz and a kickoff murder scene. (Though I have to agree with another poster who said it would have been really cool to see the missiles launched at Rulu-Wade's island, or even just the missile launch scene from Warburg that currently exists.)



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Super Villain Syndrome. It will get you every time. Remember that next time you have a Jedi hanging over a pit by his fingertips and you feel like demonstrating just how ferocious you are by pacing menacingly and smacking things with your light saber for the big spark show, instead of just getting down on your belly and stabbing him in the face.
What??? I always thought the correct response was to watch in awe as he summoned his light saber, leapt high into the air and cut me in half! I never thought about doing what you just said there!

*writes feverishly in Villain Notebook*

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
The writing has been doing a lot of this thing over the past couple of issues, which I agree is nice to see. It really makes the CoHverse seem more like a living thing than previously where (as you note) it was pretty much "one and done" with the contacts, with a few notable exceptions here and there.
It actually stared with GR - Praetoria and the Tip system started this more sophiticated joined-up stlye of storytelling.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
Here's an interesting point. My main Tank actually HAS run some of the SSAs as a villain. Manticore was a no-show for *him*, too. Numina reacted badly to him on the boat, and I got the extra questions in the conference, but he got the salutes at the end of it.
Because of this I decided to go a fourth round of SSA WWD#7 on my vigilante, Dynexus, to try and get the Vanguard Salute at the end. If there is a magic combo of answers during the press conference, I haven't figured out what it is yet. Ah, well.

Next attempt: Become a Hero and try again. If that doesn't work, I'll re-enforce the Hero alignment (with a second Hero morality mission) and try a sixth time.

Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
Did we ever establish what happened to those NPCs that were "vanished" by Rula-Wade? I had assumed they were just destroyed at the subatomic level, but the Arachnos patrons were vanished, too. Was there an explanation given villain-side for that, and for why the player and Lord Recluse were able to resist Rula-Wade's banishing? At the moment I'm just marking it as a player moment of badass.
They didn't really say, did they? Just...

[Caption] Enough! I'm done toying with you, BEGONE!
[NPC] Ghost Widow: My Lord Recluse...!
[NPC] Scirocco: What is this?!
[NPC] Black Scorpion: What the?!
[NPC] Captain Mako: Bah!
[NPC] Lord Recluse: I... will... NOT... be STOPPED!
[Caption] Hrmph... so, you're still standing, Dynexus? Why must you stand in the way of change?

...and that was it. No info on if they had been banished back to Earth or the Shadow Shard or utterly destroyed. Hmm...

I went ahead and compiled the full NPC dialog & Cutscene Captions while running WWD#7 today...

Mission 1 (Cimeroran Ruins):
[NPC] Ghost Widow: Still inconclusive. How annoying. Is Scirocco almost finished with his findings?
[NPC] Scirocco: Hold! We're all here for the same purpose, there's no need to fight.

Mission 2 (Shadow Shard):
[NPC] Wisp Overlord: You will be mmmmaade to worship Rularuu!
[NPC] Scirocco: Mmmph...!
[NPC] Wisp Overlord: We have heard of this onnnnne!
[NPC] Scirocco: Dynexus, just in time.
[NPC] Scirocco: We have some issues, Dynexus. I believe, however, that it is nothing we cannot handle.
[NPC] Revived Ruladak: I remember you, Dynexus. I shall enjoy taking my vengeance for your role in my destruction!

Mission 3 (Fleet):
[Caption] Gaussian here, I'm getting some extremely odd readings from that floating island.
[NPC] Lord Recluse: Mako, go recover any information from those submerged boats.
[NPC] Captain Mako: Yeah, I got it boss. Don't go sailing off without me.
[NPC] Ms. Liberty: We need to save whoever is left on those boats!
[Caption] I'm not getting any signs of -human- life on those boats, Ms. Liberty.
[NPC] Penelope Yin: We can't just sit here and do nothing!
[Caption] If we can access the computer on the SS Barry, we can find out what they discovered about the island.
[Caption] However, the Barry is the highest ship on that pile, and I'm getting some readings of energy building up on that island.
[NPC] Lord Recluse: Dynexus must go recover the data. The rest of us need to defend this vessel at all costs.
[NPC] Penelope Yin: Oh, sure, throw Dynexus to the sharks! Why don't you get Captain Mako to give her a hand?!
[NPC] Lord Recluse: Captain Mako is busy collecting data on the submerged ships, and Dynexus, as much as I hate to admit, is more than capable of this.
[NPC] Penelope Yin: ... Hrmph. Okay, well, Dynexus, be careful! We've got your back on this ship!
[Caption] We need some shields on this ship, NOW! There's a MAJOR energy build up coming from the island!
[Caption] Lady Grey is working on a spell to get us out of here! Wade is sending in a MASSIVE force of Rularuu, you need to hold them off!
[NPC] Ms. Liberty: Do your worst, Wade!
[NPC] Numina: Penelope, we'll combine our abilities to create a shield!
[NPC] Penelope Yin: I know... we can do this!
[NPC] Bane Spider Executioner: For Arachnos!
[NPC] Bane Spider Executioner: For Arachnos!
[Caption] You all had the chance to walk away from this. You could've just LET me ascend to godhood!
[NPC] Wisps: Destroy Dynexus. Destroy the Vanguard!
[NPC] Lord Recluse: Wade! You may have killed Marcus, but you will not kill me! You are NOTHING compared to my might!
[Caption] But, no, like all supers, you just HAD to interfere! Don't you see?! This is for the best!
[Caption] I will be a perfect being, with the knowledge and power of Rularuu!
[Caption] You'll all just have to be the last sacrifices made before my dreams become a reality!
[NPC] Lord Recluse: I've lost contact with Mako. I swear, if that fish has betrayed me...!
[NPC] Natterling: Rularuu's coming will not be stopped.
[NPC] Penelope Yin: I can't... hold in there... for much longer...!
[NPC] Wisps: The end will happen. It is pointless to fight.
[NPC] Numina: We don't have a choice, Penelope!
[NPC] Brute: You will all fall to Rularuu's power.
[Caption] Brace yourselves! The Rularuu are forming underwater to capsize the ship!
[Caption] Are you outta your MIND? You're in SHARK territory now, Wade!
[Caption] Please, do you think some-fish- is going to stop me?
[Caption] The whirlpools are diverting the Rularuu... and the current is going directly around the ship. Captain Mako... I must say, I'm impressed!
[NPC] Captain Mako: Just count yourself lucky I'm being on my best behavior. When're we getting' outta here?
[Caption] Any second now, brace yourselves for teleport!

Mission 4 (Warburg):
[NPC] Black Scorpion: Malta! They're nothing, they can't do a THING to my power armor!
[NPC] Desert Black 5-1-2: We're on a tight schedule, we need to get this done, then prepare to deal with the Wade situation.
[NPC] Desert Black 5-1-2: Dynexus. We'll deal with you first.
[NPC] Fire Blue 2-1-9: Get these tanks moving, Arachnos is aware that we're here.
[NPC] Fire Blue 2-1-9: MHI in progress!

Mission 5 (In Space):
[NPC] RulaWade: Dynexus. I had a feeling you were behind the rockets that attacked the island.
[NPC] RulaWade: As we speak, I'm becoming one with Rularuu. I am ascending, becoming MORE than a man, even more than a god!
[NPC] RulaWade: They told me my desire for greatness could never be satisfied, that my nature was to be a mere human...
[NPC] RulaWade: But I have defied them, defied nature, defied all that would hold me down!
[NPC] RulaWade: This world, this universe... now belongs to ME! And it has NO place for the likes of YOU!
[Caption] Enough! I'm done toying with you, BEGONE!
[NPC] Ghost Widow: My Lord Recluse...!
[NPC] Scirocco: What is this?!
[NPC] Black Scorpion: What the?!
[NPC] Captain Mako: Bah!
[NPC] Lord Recluse: I... will... NOT... be STOPPED!
[Caption] Hrmph... so, you're still standing, Dynexus? Why must you stand in the way of change?
[Caption] This is Lady Grey, come in, Dynexus. You must hang in there, for all our sakes.
[Caption] Penelope Yin is almost to the island, she'll provide support against Wade's Apocalypse Beam.
[Caption] The Rularuu artifacts should be vulnerable now, destroy them and you'll weaken Wade!
[NPC] Lord Recluse: You'll regret the day you began this plan, Wade. I'll make sure of it!
[NPC] Penelope Yin: I've done... all I can... I'm sorry... Dynexus...!
[Caption] How dare... those artifacts, the power they contained! The KNOWLEDGE! You couldn't understand, could you?
[Caption] I know all that Rularuu knows, Dynexus! All the errors of mankind, all of the powers that exist in the world! I KNOW it!
[Caption] I would control the world, I would SAVE this existence from all who would DARE cause us danger!
[Caption] I will not let YOU stand in the way of my ascension to godhood, to freedom!
[NPC] Lord Recluse: Dynexus, you and I shall end this, once and for all!
[NPC] Rula-Wade: I am more than a match for you, even with a fraction of Rularuu's power!
[NPC] Rula-Wade: All of this knowledge, Decoy! It's made me realize what must be done, to save myself and the world.
[NPC] Rula-Wade: The first step involves eliminating beings like YOU from this existence.
[NPC] Rula-Wade: What's this?! The binds... are weakening?! This isn't happening!
[NPC] RulaWade: NO! The power... falling away! This isn't happening! WHY?!
[NPC] RulaWade: Was it so wrong to want freedom?! To want KNOWLEDGE?!
[NPC] RulaWade: All I ever wanted... was to just know the world... know the universe... to be... free...!

Mission 6 (Press Conference):
[NPC] Reporter: Tell us about your involvement with Synapse and Darrin Wade's obelisk.
[NPC] Reporter: Why did you steal the skull of Numina's father?
[NPC] Reporter: Can you answer once and for all who killed Alexis Cole-Duncan?
[NPC] Reporter: We were told by Aurora Borealis that you played a very heavy role in the attack on Sister Psyche's mind. What was your goal in doing this?
[NPC] Reporter: Everyone's talking about it. We know that you were present for his death and that you supposedly fought Darrin Wade. Can you clarify what exactly happened there?
[NPC] Reporter: Is it true that Sister Psyche saved the portion of Aurora Borealis that was trapped in her mind moments before her death?
[NPC] Reporter: What was your motivation in saving the world from Darrin Wade?
[NPC] Manticore: Did you think you could just walk away from what you've done, Dynexus?
[NPC] Manticore: I know your true nature, I know what kind of person you really are.
[NPC] Manticore: The rest of the world may praise you as their savior, but I won't fall in line.
[NPC] Manticore: This ends today.
[Caption] The world is saved from Darrin Wade...
[Caption] But what about all the others who were part of this journey?
[Caption] Theoden agreed to help the PPD against the Lost after being abandoned by his kindred.
[Caption] Alastor continues his quest to create the world's most powerful artifact...
[Caption] The Midnighter Club agreed to an alliance with Luddites, nominating Michael Binocolo as their representative
[Caption] Vladimir Zolner is keeping tabs on the Rulu-Shin, Arachnos, and a scientist named Dmitry Krylov.
[Caption] Agent Kwahu was pardoned for his bungling of the Warburg Conference and his transfer to Siberia was called off.
[Caption] During the chaos after Statesman's death, Marshal Blitz was broken out of the Zig by an unknown group...
[Caption] After hearing of Marshal Blitz's escape, Gossamer began her search to find her former leader.
[Caption] Dakota Berg's debt was forgiven after his help with the Darrin Wade case.
[Caption] Unfortunately, he gained it all back after a drunken night of celebrating.
[Caption] The Aurora Borealis from Psyche's mind remains in the body of Tyrka. Her plans for the future are unknown.
[Caption] Glacia has been given permission to go back into the field and fight crime.
[Caption] Leo Poggiani took over Blackbeard's tavern in Port Oakes and now makes sure no hero goes near it..
[Caption] Specialist Greer is working on creating a hyper-advanced suit of armor to become a super hero in the PPD, much like Blue Steel.
[Caption] Protector Z-958 has begun to exhibit some odd behavior after being controlled by Aurora Borealis. Crey is unsure what to do with this current model.
[Caption] After Statesman's death, Positron was nominated to be the new leader of the Freedom Phalanx.
[Caption] Ms. Liberty renewed her cause to try to redeem Lord Recluse.
[Caption] Penelope Yin was inducted as the newest, and youngest, member of the Freedom Phalanx.
[Caption] As for Darrin Wade...
[NPC] Lady Grey: Well, Mr. Wade. You've caused the world quite a deal of trouble.
[NPC] Darrin Wade: Urgh... you...
[NPC] Lady Grey: You've talked enough, Mr. Wade. Allow me to go on.
[NPC] Lady Grey: Without Statesman and Sister Psyche's powers, you're just a very mortal man.
[NPC] Lady Grey: The world wants you dead, but I think your pathetic excuse for a life can still serve a purpose.
[NPC] Lady Grey: We're going to pry everything you discovered from Rularuu out of your brain, Mr. Wade.



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
What??? I always thought the correct response was to watch in awe as he summoned his light saber, leapt high into the air and cut me in half! I never thought about doing what you just said there!

*writes feverishly in Villain Notebook*
No no. The best possible solution is to shout "Surrender, I have the higher ground! No jedi has ever jumped more than three feet into the air! That would be totally unrealistic!"

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It actually stared with GR - Praetoria and the Tip system started this more sophiticated joined-up stlye of storytelling.
True enough, and yet another reason why Praetoria has been my preferred starting point ever since GR came out (I love the new Atlas, it might eventually overtake Praetoria if it only had more content than the two throughlines and Twinshot's arc; and I really, really, *reallllly* still hope- though it's unlikely- that the Resistance/Loyalist storylines get continued beyond level 20 one day, and that First Ward gets some more content, and... )



My biggest beef with the game has really been, Where's the comic book/supervillain part of this plan? And Wade better get some sort of costume and name at the end of the whole shebang. That, for all power he scrounged up, he had to take up some of the trappings of the genre.

So, imagine my muffled glee to see him all Rularruu-ed up. I do wish he'd have chosen something else self-important and full of himself. As is, it felt more like Infernia was making a joke than a proper name. But, given the lack of it in most of the rest of the game, I was content with getting a shade over half of what I was looking for here.



Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
True enough, and yet another reason why Praetoria has been my preferred starting point ever since GR came out (I love the new Atlas, it might eventually overtake Praetoria if it only had more content than the two throughlines and Twinshot's arc; and I really, really, *reallllly* still hope- though it's unlikely- that the Resistance/Loyalist storylines get continued beyond level 20 one day, and that First Ward gets some more content, and... )
The way GR was set up makes it very hard to support the Resistance/loyalist storyline past 20.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
My biggest beef with the game has really been, Where's the comic book/supervillain part of this plan? And Wade better get some sort of costume and name at the end of the whole shebang. That, for all power he scrounged up, he had to take up some of the trappings of the genre.

So, imagine my muffled glee to see him all Rularruu-ed up. I do wish he'd have chosen something else self-important and full of himself. As is, it felt more like Infernia was making a joke than a proper name. But, given the lack of it in most of the rest of the game, I was content with getting a shade over half of what I was looking for here.
Penny Yin has also chosen a costume, but not a name yet.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The way GR was set up makes it very hard to support the Resistance/loyalist storyline past 20.
Inasfar as the 20th level "leave Praetoria" mission goes, yes. Notwithstanding that, I think there were/are a couple of ways they could have gone with it.

First Ward would have been a perfect place to continue the Resistance vs. Loyalists storyline in ever so awesome Shades of Grey fashion as the characters either work to grind the Warders into the dust, or help them stand against the Resistance. That could have been made to either work in conjunction with or independent of the current First Ward storyline (which I mostly think is awesome).

Even now, I think it could be done in a post-Trial world, just continuing the storyline as the Loyalists and Resistance (what's left of them) scramble for control of the new world order, whatever it may be.