Craftable Temporary Powers, who uses them?




Temp Powers I tend to use include:

Kinetic Shield - who doesnt like s/l defense?
Recovery Serum - I tend to find use in these on end heavy sets before SO's
Backup Radio - occasionally useful on my less offensive oriented characters
Ethereal Shift - I like having panic buttons without wasting power picks
Envenomed Dagger - regen reduction is always handy for tough opponents
Med Pack - some of less defensive characters find this power useful when inps run low
Plasmatic Taser - yay aoe
Hand Grendade - yay more aoe
Resuscitator - handy for teaming on characters who dont have a res.

Before Freedom I often made the jet pack for new characters till I chose a travel power.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



I don't bother crafting them mainly because they're temporary.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
That's why I don't make sandwiches.
I don't make sandwiches that I don't particularly like when I'm not hungry. But I'd also happily keep around a never-ending meh-wich.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



ya there should really be an increase in variety of craftable powers, and especially craftable costume pieces and weapon alt models. more arcane and mutant or nature-natural powers would be great additions, a 5x charge of carrion creeper seeds, a crossbow, a staff with the flash effect, a short sword... you know... things that could totally also fill out the epic pools that has yet to happen :/

it's an underused great facet to the rewards system. especially for the costume/weapon models.



Originally Posted by Miakis View Post
Does anyone? I think the only one I've ever encountered being used is the backup radio, and then only rarely.

I only ask because I'm rather tired of getting all excited for a Rare Recipe drop only to see it's a temp power that I'll never use and doesn't sell, and could have been something useful. Does this bug anyone else? What do you think could be done about it?
I never bother crafting this crap, because I am not about to waste a piece of rare salvage on a TEMP power. I'm cheap that way.

I view these as a hindrance to receiving a valuable recipe that I could actually use, since I get way fewer of those because the temp power recipes are falling like literal rain. My upper-level people simply cannot delete them fast enough - I keep an eye on my "reward" tab just for the purpose of deleting them, so that something usable has a chance to get through. I'm glad some people enjoy them, I regard them as so much instantly-recyclable trash.



Craft the hell out of grenades, stun grenades, and the -Regen Envenomed Daggers (which have even proved surprisingly useful against such behemoths as Mot and Ru-Paullu. Er, Ru-Wadelu.)

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



I use as many as I can get on my lower leveled MMs.

I also used to go through Envenomed Daggers and Recovery Serums religiously on my stalker but ever since I slotted out my incarnate powers there's been less use for either.



Actually, I'm a big fan of hand grenade recipies. I've found that they are a nice little extra something for mid to low level characters.

Other favorites from the temp power list?

Backup Radio: For those days you're playing a controller and you'd like to solo just a bit faster, thank you.

Recovery Serum: Looks Painful, but it gets you back into the fight.

Baseball Bat: Because even with your high tech armor, or vast mystical powers, or unlocked mysteries of the mind... sometimes it just feels right to whack somebody upside the head for being stupid.

Med Pack/ Resucitator: Since I have a habit of playing like a Defender even when I'm not actually playing a the point of people reminding me "you know you are the tank today? right?"

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I honestly think this would be better served with more power pools/epic powers. A dedicated Firearms epic or power pool (among many others like basic melee fighting/weapon usage) is long overdue.
I don't have any problem with this game getting more power pools. But the main advantage of having more temp powers available is that I could pick and choose which ones I wanted to customize my characters with without having to do any respecs to change my mind or being locked into narrowly defined subsets of powers.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



I do occasionally use some of these, mostly ones other folks have already mentioned. Analyzer Mk III, Recovery Serum and Phase Shift all have regular spots I put their icons in my power trays. They're mostly there for contingency/emergencies, and are rarely actually activated. I also sometimes keep Med Pack handy on characters with no self heal.

I carry and use the Resuscitator often on melee or other characters who can't normally rez allies. I don't make a habit of trying to be the 1st person to rez the fallen since it's a crummy rez, but if no one else seems to be available, I'll use it on teammates. Of all the temp powers, it's probably the one I get the most use of, both in terms of activations / time and in terms of real utility.

Edit: I do get frustrated with seeing rare recipe drops only for most of them to be these powers, most of which I end up deleting. (The ones I delete aren't worth selling on the market even as a courtesy - there are hundreds of most of them for sale for extremely affordable prices to all but the most raw of new players.)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
The temporary analyzer mk III is very useful for viewing combat attributes of enemies. I try to keep 1 crafted on each of my toons.

I also occassionally use recovery serums for things like Pylon Tests.

Otherwise they're all trash.

I agree, but this seems to be the only one tolerable in regards to "the let down". It's almost cliche to shout out a rare drop and let everyone know how terrible it is. Envenomed Dagger is a pretty good one. The only thing handy about temps, IMO, Having a full tray (yet no endurance) of temp weapons to make one feel better about what he could do if he only had enough end.



I do.
The obvious:
Envenomed dagger, obviously.
Backup radio on a few characters.
Recovery Serum and Etherial Shift, not quite as much, but sometimes.

After that, it's flavor. I've got several who enjoy using the hammer and the bat on stuff - the Emp/Psi I was working on for a while would run into melee and finish stuff off with a good smack. A few use the pistol as well. Melee, with something with a sliver of health running off? *Bang.* Dead.

Others like grenades, if I get them, I'll craft them - but might nto use them (usually from having a power window full of powers, so they get lost.)



I'll occasionally craft grenades or one of the knockback powers because they can come in handy.

Other than those the only one I'll craft regularly is the St. Louis Slammer because something about whacking an enemy with a baseball bat (and that awesome 'thock' sound effect) endlessly amuses me.



reading through this thread again, what strikes me is the wasted effort invested in a potentially interesting reward system very few players seem to bother with.

If the idea was to give a bump to 'power gamers' I guess it works okay- the savvy players know what the "good" recipes are and keep a couple on hand. But those are players that don't really need a leg up.

If the idea was to help out our ever-needy friend the 'casual gamer', I don't think they bother with crafting, let alone crafting something situational with limited uses.

If the idea was to make an inf sink, the powers should be better so more people would bother with them.

If the idea was to make an interesting reward pool, it needs more stuff and it needs some better stuff.

Right now it's just sort of half-baked. Even the players who use it don't seem that enthusiastic, which is a missed opportunity.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I planned on making a "Millionaire playboy" character that only used craftable powers purchased from the market (and brawl), just to see how far I could get on such a build.

Ends up I couldn't get very far. "Millionaire Playboy" wasn't available. Nor was "billionaire playboy," "trillionaire playboy" seemed a bit much, since most craftable temp powers can be bought and built for chump change....



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
What bothers me more than the few powers we have now is that this area of content really hasn't been significantly added to since it was first introduced. I understand that the first batch of powers we got would be sort of a generic "proof of concept" to make sure we could actually craft the powers. But seriously that was how many years ago now? At this point we really ought to have like 100 or more craftable powers, not just the same dozen or so we started with.

For instance we have the one Revolver power. Sure that's fine as a generic "hand gun" power, but why is it that we don't have like 15 or 20 different kinds of "craftable firearms" of all shapes and sizes by now? Theoretically we should be able to run character with only temp powers if we really wanted to - that would allow us to totally customize our characters in so many ways. I'm not asking for more powerful powers, I'm just asking for a huge selection of temp powers.

It almost seems dumb to have the ability to craft temp powers and only have a few to choose from. If anything the Devs ought to be adding at least a few new ones with every Issue update. I think the Devs really missed out on the opportunity to give us more easy to create content in this area.
I'd rather see this than Steelclaw's suggestion. No offense to his suggestion as it was well thought out but it is not how I would personally like to see temp powers evolve. I'd rather get the variety proposed above.



The dagger is nice. The jetpack is nice in theory, but I've still never used the full 2 hours of the bank mission one, so I've never bothered to make one. And the end recovery is nice depending on build.



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
I planned on making a "Millionaire playboy" character that only used craftable powers purchased from the market (and brawl), just to see how far I could get on such a build.

Ends up I couldn't get very far. "Millionaire Playboy" wasn't available. Nor was "billionaire playboy," "trillionaire playboy" seemed a bit much, since most craftable temp powers can be bought and built for chump change....
This made me laugh.

It would still be interesting to see how a character would fare on temp powers alone. Someone must have tried it. Or should!



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
I planned on making a "Millionaire playboy" character that only used craftable powers purchased from the market (and brawl), just to see how far I could get on such a build.

Ends up I couldn't get very far. "Millionaire Playboy" wasn't available. Nor was "billionaire playboy," "trillionaire playboy" seemed a bit much, since most craftable temp powers can be bought and built for chump change....
It's a superhero universe. Go all out. Quadrillionaire Playboy, or Quintillionaire Playboy, or [NAME REDACTED], or Septillionaire Playboy. Maybe even Ridiculozillionaire.

Incidentally that's neat that they changed the baseball bat power. Do all of them do that? Because holy crap I'll have grenades and tasers out the wazoo if that's the case.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by Creole Ned View Post
This made me laugh.

It would still be interesting to see how a character would fare on temp powers alone. Someone must have tried it. Or should!
An alternative thought was to get a small group of people to try to run content together with this. The "Three Marketeers"



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Whatever happened to the concept of Crafted Costumes? I wouldn't mind seeing a few NPC costumes made into Costume Recipe Drops - as Very Rare recipe drops...
It was a good idea in theory but an annoyance in practice. Take the fairy and bug wings, for instance. Those are things that you want to have in your costume creator when you create the character. Speaking from personal experience, It just felt wrong to make a bug and then have to acquire the wings recipe and the salvage and then earn my way up to level 10 (trivial these days, I know) and then craft the wings AND then go to a tailor to equip them.

I'd rather see new sets as merit vendor purchases if earning them through gameplay is a desired goal.

As for the temp powers, I've used them frequently to round out a character when current powersets didn't provide what I wanted in the way of themed powers. Also, the knockback of the St. Louis Slammer is just that good that any glass-cannon style of character of mine that loots one is a character that crafts the recipe.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
It was a good idea in theory but an annoyance in practice. Take the fairy and bug wings, for instance. Those are things that you want to have in your costume creator when you create the character. Speaking from personal experience, It just felt wrong to make a bug and then have to acquire the wings recipe and the salvage and then earn my way up to level 10 (trivial these days, I know) and then craft the wings AND then go to a tailor to equip them.

I'd rather see new sets as merit vendor purchases if earning them through gameplay is a desired goal.
When wing recipes were genuinely rare I think the recipe mechanism worked fine- the process of gathering salvage and crafting the recipe then equipping them was more one of anticipation than irritation.

But when they occur frequently enough to become junk drops the uniqueness is gone and the process of constructing and equipping them becomes pointless tedium. Then they ought to just be added to the tailor, or made a merit purchase or whatever- some kind of direct, convenient transaction.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I often use the recovery serum power on characters with bad end problems. Other than that, I occasionally use the jetpack power for characters only using Ninja Run since there are times when that just won't do it.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




I use them on a specific "inventor " toon. Honestly they need to:

-Decrease the cost. alot of these powers use rare salvage. While thats okay for the really good ones, its still a pain if you want to regularly use these things. I wont bother crafting rezpowers anymore because how plentiful every other form of rez has become in this game, yet teh temp power is still expensive to craft.

-increase the power. Maybe let them Scale with your level?

-let us stack them. If I want to go and craft 50 pistol recipes back to back, I should be able to.

They should also consolidate the power analizers. The lower level ones are too expensive for the level range, and honestly pretty situational.

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.