Craftable Temporary Powers, who uses them?




Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Don't use them... wish they'd remove them from the game as Recipes and ONLY have them as Story Arc rewards...
NO to this. NO

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
The idea is fun, the execution is, ah, less so.

First, drop rates are waaaay to high- who's ever been excited to get a temp power drop? It's always "Ohboy, wonder what that.....UGH, another lame temp power!"

Second, the annoyance factor is higher than it should be given the weak/situational utility of the powers. The payoff for gathering ingredients and crafting the recipe is minimal.

I'd like to see them balanced either by making the powers better & thus worth the annoyance, or made much rarer. I hate 'rare' drops that are nothing but inventory cloggers, and the concept of temp power drops is so cool the lame reality annoys me all the more.

It's kinda like wing drops back in the day- when they were super rare everyone wanted them and they were exciting, after the rates were supercharged they were junk and may as well have just been available at the tailor.

Pretty well this: Some powers are slightly useful - Backup Radio is good for my SoA for example and Envenomed Dagger is handy to have on any character but some are just junk.

The cost to craft them is way higher than any relevance or usefulness and there are far too many of them dropping.

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Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
I'm pretty sure the Baseball Bat power stacks now. It's something that happened back in Halloween when they had the "Zombie Survival kit" Everything in the kit was made to stack, and that included other versions of the power.
Thats cool to know.

Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
What bothers me more than the few powers we have now is that this area of content really hasn't been significantly added to since it was first introduced. I understand that the first batch of powers we got would be sort of a generic "proof of concept" to make sure we could actually craft the powers. But seriously that was how many years ago now? At this point we really ought to have like 100 or more craftable powers, not just the same dozen or so we started with.
I'd love to see craftable more temp powers, but they have been added to. When craftable temp powers first were available, there was only a very few (gun, baseball bat, hammer * power analyser iirc). Semi-recently they added a heap, I think around GR, the med pack, serum etc etc.

With the new freedom model, I doubt we will see more added for free.

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
the drop rate is not ridiculous if people used them. People just do not know how good they are. Everyone can have an AoE stun grenade.

I want to see a super team where everyone has the leadership pool and temporary powers and only uses those.
That would rock!


I use them a lot. I often mail my newbie few million inf, enough to get one of each power. Using /ah makes iteasy to buy next to a crafting station.
Back up radio, recovery serum, med pack, envenomed dagger & plasmatic taser FTW! Those five are the main ones I keep stocked at mid to high levels.

Plus for some characters, I'll use /vault to store the bits and keep a few recipes. ALways easier to buy in bulk. So my electric armour lowbie had kinetic damper running most battles.

I play a lot of non melee types, so temp power damage mods are pretty good compared with my normal attacks, esp at low levels :/ Plus you get beginner's luck.

Before I got the vet powers, I found the extra attacks very handy on my controllers.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

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Originally Posted by ketch View Post
I would love to see the temp powers stack.
They're pretty much a waste of time for me, unless by some miracle they decide to make things stack some day.

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Man Steelclaw has the right idea. We can already buy jetpacks straight up for Inf, why not put all these temp powers into a couple 'Armory' stores spread out, and let them stack? They'd be fun and useful, and you could take them out of Recipe drops. And sometimes you'll find more charges on appropriate mobs. Amazing.



If there was a stackable broadsword temp, I would buy all of them. All of them.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I use 'em, but mostly as described by others. Only some, and more at low levels. My fave is the one that saves me endurance; I use that one a lot.

Originally Posted by Miakis View Post
Man Steelclaw has the right idea. We can already buy jetpacks straight up for Inf, why not put all these temp powers into a couple 'Armory' stores spread out, and let them stack? They'd be fun and useful, and you could take them out of Recipe drops. And sometimes you'll find more charges on appropriate mobs. Amazing.
Yes to this.

Temp powers are a wonderful resource to flesh out character concepts beyond the simple primary/secondary sets. But the game has had so many changes since the earliest temp powers. The recipes were a great idea, but as drops they're more disappointing than useful.

I'd love to see temp powers revisited by the devs. Now that we can switch sides, I'd very much like to see them revisit which ones can be earned through O'boros. One of the villain powers would be great for some of my magic characters (vial of bees, maybe?), but it's a low level villain power that can't be earned in O'boros, so it's out of my reach.

Anyway, here's what I'd do:
  • Severely reduce the number of temp power recipe drops.
  • Put those powers (not recipes), as well as some other temp powers from the game, into the stores. Put different flavored powers in the relevant stores (i.e. - med pack using "heal other" animation in magic store, med pack using "tricorder" animation in tech store).
  • Make 'em all stack.



Originally Posted by Miakis View Post
Does anyone? I think the only one I've ever encountered being used is the backup radio, and then only rarely.

I only ask because I'm rather tired of getting all excited for a Rare Recipe drop only to see it's a temp power that I'll never use and doesn't sell, and could have been something useful. Does this bug anyone else? What do you think could be done about it?
If i have the ingredients, I craft them. I'm not buying anything to complete them though. Most just get deleted.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

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Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
I don't want to see the drop rate changed, but I would like to see them all stack like St Louis Slammer does. That would alleviate most problems, I think. People would be more willing to craft and use them, thus serving the inf sink the devs seem to want. A secondary recipe category of "Craftable Temps/Costumes" that didn't count toward your total or had a separate total would help a lot too.

I find the temps help an enormous amount below level 30 and some are still extremely helpful even at level 50.
agree with this Ilike having them especially on my new starter characters


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Backup Radio and Recovery Serum



I only use the envenomed dagger and only keep it handy as a just in case. for when the team just can't beat an AV fast enough, or enough (usually this means ITF and Kahn TF)

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