Craftable Temporary Powers, who uses them?




I would love to see the temp powers stack.

I use the recovery serum and plasmatic taser fairly often. The mark III power analyzer is somewhat useful and I've used them to collect information on particular enemies resistances and mez protection.



I don't use them.

Crafting an item with finite uses is too annoying when most of them are pretty much novelties/concept toys.

If they...

-weren't temporary
-didn't suck mechanically
-didn't have to be crafted and require salvage

...or any or all of the above, I would use them.




Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
For instance we have the one Revolver power. Sure that's fine as a generic "hand gun" power, but why is it that we don't have like 15 or 20 different kinds of "craftable firearms" of all shapes and sizes by now? Theoretically we should be able to run character with only temp powers if we really wanted to - that would allow us to totally customize our characters in so many ways. I'm not asking for more powerful powers, I'm just asking for a huge selection of temp powers.
I honestly think this would be better served with more power pools/epic powers. A dedicated Firearms epic or power pool (among many others like basic melee fighting/weapon usage) is long overdue.




I have two melee characters for whom the vet-power wand and staff feel out-of-character, so I crafted Revolvers for them to use for ranged pulls and finishing-off shots against runners in the lower levels. I had another character that I leveled using the Plasmatic Taser the same way, to finish off runners.

Part of me feels like anybody who attempts the LRSF should bring stun grenades, for those annoying times where there is no controller or dominator or the team, or where they don't know what they're doing, so they can stun the green mitos.

But once I get past level 12 or at most level 20, the crafted temp powers get too annoying to use, because of their lousy and unenhanceable accuracy.



Actually... I would like to change my prior comment... I don't want to REMOVE them from the game... but these are the changes that I would love to see made to the current system...

1) Temp Powers are no longer classified as Recipes... they don't take up space in your Recipe storage and they don't flash as Recipes when one drops...

2) Temp Powers are non-craftable... rather they come to you fully formed... I understand they are basically there as another form of Influence dump so ... if you MUST... there can be an influence cost "activation fee" to change it from an inaccessible Temp Power to an accessible one... this fee only applies to the first time you use it

3) Instead of getting multiples of the same Temp Power... repeated drops count as ammo or "charges"... they simply stack on the same power giving it either more ammo (eg- bullets for your Revolver)... a longer "battery life" (eg- longer duration for Cryonite Armor)... or increased durability (eg- more uses for your Gabriel's Hammer)... When you get a drop for a temp power you already possess the notification will appear in your chat window but NOT as flash message in the world screen...

4) When you get a new Temp Power it will not appear automatically in your power tray... you must move it there manually... doing so for the first time will pop up the Activation Fee acceptance message (if the devs NEED to keep this as an influence dump)...

5) If a Temp Power is allowed to drop to zero charges/ammo/time then it disappears from the Temp Power list... subsequent drops will require a new Activation Fee for the power...

6) People will be able to buy/sell Temp Powers on the market just as they do now.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Steelclaw, those are great suggestions.

Of course, most of the board populace are going to think you have been kidnapped and replaced with a Nemesis automaton since it was not a humorous list...

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"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
Steelclaw, those are great suggestions.

Of course, most of the board populace are going to think you have been kidnapped and replaced with a Nemesis automaton since it was not a humorous list...

You mean his previous lists were supposed to be humorous?


If you say so.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

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I use the Backup Radio and Envenomed Dagger occasionally for tough bosses. I agree that the drop rate is a little ridiculous...on the other hand, it's nice to know there's always plenty of them on the market for cheap when I need one.

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the drop rate is not ridiculous if people used them. People just do not know how good they are. Everyone can have an AoE stun grenade.

I want to see a super team where everyone has the leadership pool and temporary powers and only uses those.



Up until 32/35 my dark/cold controller used them a LOT They add quite a bit of damage when your waiting to get to the level where you can outdamage them

Cant remember the name but i am however still using the energy cone version x) Great little attack that is x)

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Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
Craftable stuff like the bat, taser, and baton are awesome, if only I could store extra bats somewhere instead of storing the recipe and materials.

It's also kinda awkward that I know exactly how many more hits I can get in with a baseball bat before it breaks, but I can't just toss it and make a new one.
The charges from the bat stack - you don't have to wait for the power to run out. You can make several at once. Some say the cap is 99 recharges, but I've got one character who has 570 charges.

Unfortunately none of the rest of the craftables work that way. You have to wait for those to run out and make them again.

I love craftable temps and use at least some on all my characters. My favorite ones are the stun and hand grenades, plasmatic taser, and envenomed dagger (-regen). The jet packs are great for characters w/o a travel power. Keep a jet pack for using after your 2 hr purchaseable one from FBZ/Grandville to use until you get back to buy a new one. Kinetic Dampener is great for any character that hasn't capped out their S/L resist when you really need the extra resist. You can never go wrong with a self heal or +recov or ally rez or summonable pet.

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i use some of the temp power attacks pretty regularly in the early part of the game, and powers like Envenomed Dagger, Recovery Serum, and Power Analyzer Mk III all through the game. That said, it would be nice if they modified the drop rates by level so that by level 25 or so the temporary power recipes would drop half as often and by level 50 it would be reduced by half again.

Or Steelclaw's suggestion. That would work as well.

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I don't want to see the drop rate changed, but I would like to see them all stack like St Louis Slammer does. That would alleviate most problems, I think. People would be more willing to craft and use them, thus serving the inf sink the devs seem to want. A secondary recipe category of "Craftable Temps/Costumes" that didn't count toward your total or had a separate total would help a lot too.

I find the temps help an enormous amount below level 30 and some are still extremely helpful even at level 50.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
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I use the Envenomed Dagger a bit, and on some characters, the Recovery Serum during early-mid levels.

I know they have their utility, but their drop rate is a bit of a nuisance.

Thank you, Champion.



Originally Posted by Bramphousian View Post
I use the Envenomed Dagger a bit, and on some characters, the Recovery Serum during early-mid levels.

I know they have their utility, but their drop rate is a bit of a nuisance.
The thing is that i find the drop rate for Dagger and Serum is actually somewhat lower that what i would enjoy, but past the early levels the drop rate for the attack powers is probably at least three to four times what i would like simply because i usually delete them anyway. Quite often i still have charges left from crafting them in the early game that have been sitting there unused since the late teens. Past the early twenties i usually have little to no use for the weapon powers. Although if the Devs did add craftable chaingun and shotgun powers i might use them more just for the sheer fun of it.

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I have an Ice/Emp controller who uses the temp powers quite a lot - those are her main offensive weapons (aside from throwing other players at the bad guys). I would, however ADORE having the temp powers STACK properly (I really like Steelclaw's ideas above, honestly). It would make it much easier for me to use them.

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My Axe tank used the hell out of the AoE attacks and stun. Waiting till 28 for an AoE was painful.

And it was fun, so I'll likely craft more.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
The thing is that i find the drop rate for Dagger and Serum is actually somewhat lower that what i would enjoy, but past the early levels the drop rate for the attack powers is probably at least three to four times what i would like simply because i usually delete them anyway. Quite often i still have charges left from crafting them in the early game that have been sitting there unused since the late teens. Past the early twenties i usually have little to no use for the weapon powers. Although if the Devs did add craftable chaingun and shotgun powers i might use them more just for the sheer fun of it.
Ah, misunderstanding. I was unclear when I posted previously. I didn't mean that the Dagger/Serum's drop rate was a nuisance. I meant temp powers as a whole. I do agree that the dagger and serum seem to be lower on the drop scale.

I think for every Serum I get, I receive a dozen St. Louis Slammers, Hand Grenades or Power Analyzers.

Thank you, Champion.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post

You mean his previous lists were supposed to be humorous?


If you say so.

:: adds Texas Justice's name to the Petition For Steelclaw To Never Post On The Forums Again...::

Oh wait... he was already there...

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



From most to least useful, IMO...

Recovery Serum - especially excellent at low levels, or in the face of debuffs/drain.
Envenomed Dagger - ranged, fast, decent damage, good debuff for AVs.
Resuscitator - very frequently useful on teams. Admittedly, this one is less meaningful now that I have a bunch of the ally rez in my email from super packs.
Med Pack - some characters don't get a heal until higher levels, if at all, so this can be nice.
Kinetic Dampener - Defense bonus for when my insp tray is empty, and some extra energy resist. Used sparingly, but when I want it I'm glad I have it.
Hand Grenade - used mostly by my lowbie brutes to augment AoE. Fury makes it pretty impressive.
Backup Radio - occasionally helpful for extra damage or to absorb a few hits.
Jet pack - for the occasional character that misses the bank mission in the 5-10 level range, but doesn't want to walk through PI at level 12. Also handy when starting in Praetoria.

So... I don't use ALL of them, and I definitely use far less of the things than I get as drops, but they are definitely handy.



Whatever happened to the concept of Crafted Costumes? I wouldn't mind seeing a few NPC costumes made into Costume Recipe Drops - as Very Rare recipe drops...



Actually I would like to take Steelclaw's suggestions one step further and have them available through a bank of vending machines that could be located in each zone.

Include the sounds of either a bill feeder/coin sorter followed buy a whirring motor driving the spiral and ending in a thunk of something dropping into the pick up tray and tada, baseball bat or smoke grenades or revolver or etc. Have random minions run up to them periodically, fiddle with them and then run off wielding one of the weapons you can get.

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