Do you announce when you turn on Vengence?




When a teammate dies and I turn Vengence on, I usually say "Veng on" to let my team members know its activated.
I dont see anyone else do this.
Do you do this...or is it just me? lol

Global: @Fire Beam



Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
Hell yes. I say "Vengeance is MINE!" every time I use it.
ohh i like that. Better than mine lol

Global: @Fire Beam



i sometimes say "woo veng" or something to that effect if veng came at an opportune time, if its not providing a ton of benefit at the time then i dont usually say anything just hit it and rez the person or hit it and keep steamrolling



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i sometimes say "woo veng" or something to that effect if veng came at an opportune time, if its not providing a ton of benefit at the time then i dont usually say anything just hit it and rez the person or hit it and keep steamrolling
Pretty much this for me as well.

If it was used at a time when it was really needed then I might say something, or if we got double stacked veng :3

Otherwise, meh. I don't really care about announcing what powers you're using, especially the silly gather for RAs/AM deal. If you use it, you use it, things will keep dieing either way :P



If it makes a difference, I say that I'm firing veng before I do it and give it a second or two if someone wants to squeeze into the radius. Similar to what I do with RAs/AM/etc.

If it will make little difference, I may or may not say it.

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I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



If I'm on a team that's running well and having fun, I say, "Special thanks to $Target for being Vengeance-bait!"

And when I go down, I say, "Well, someone has to fuel Vengeance."

We also generally treat getting used for Vengeance as something of an indignity, but that's mostly to tease our Squishies.



Hadn't even thought about announcing it, until this post. I actually have it set to auto, so when someone goes down and I target them, it fires as soon as I am in range. I found I kept forgetting to use it, otherwise. Suppose I could build it into a macro that's set to auto, so it would announce it AND fire it?



Originally Posted by InOnePiece View Post
Hadn't even thought about announcing it, until this post. I actually have it set to auto, so when someone goes down and I target them, it fires as soon as I am in range. I found I kept forgetting to use it, otherwise. Suppose I could build it into a macro that's set to auto, so it would announce it AND fire it?
Sadly, to the best of my knowledge, you can't Auto a macro.



I usually say "woo, power boosted vengie bait" if I've got the time on my Plant/Emp. But normally I don't call any team buffs at all on my Plant/Emp, Widow or Dark/Time, I just move to try and get as many people as possible and fire them off.




But then on AOE buffs, I tend to just run to the middle of the group and fire it off too.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post

But then on AOE buffs, I tend to just run to the middle of the group and fire it off too.
Same. For single target buffs I send myself a tell so I can track who has had what, but that's about it.

Octavian Vanguard
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Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.



I usually don't announce it, except on my RP-Lite character. He's used a variety of macros in the past:

"$target! NOOO!"
"Your defeat, $target, shall not be in vain!"

All of which have been amusing if I hit the button just a tad too late, and the person is in the midst of reviving.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



I see no point in announcing it after firing off Vengence. Its sound effect is pretty loud (if you have your sound and speakers on).

I'm more prone to forgetting to use it, though.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



I used to, I found know with all the self Revives and revive others available now(temps, reward, incarnate, combine 3 insps etc). I got to pop it off as soon as possible. Normally I would make a macro to announce to veng when I click it, but with how many times I messed a veng opportunities cause I was too far away before a self revive.

I could make one after I use it though.

NeoSaturn-L50 Kat/Regen Scrapper

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I don't announce it either.

More often than not, the teamie has rezzed already if I take time to announce
it first.

Even so, I still sometimes miss casting it - I think some of them have
a rez on auto...


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I don't bother. The group I usually run with just assumes that if someone faceplants, I'll hit Vengeance.



I put veng on auto if i have it.



I can never figure out how to work it. I can be standing next to some dead guy in the league and I keep slapping the button and it never seems to kick in. Do you have to be around other teammates/minions first? Does it only work on "team" members?

you could have it all
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Originally Posted by MAD UMLAUTS View Post
I put veng on auto if i have it.



Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
I can never figure out how to work it. I can be standing next to some dead guy in the league and I keep slapping the button and it never seems to kick in. Do you have to be around other teammates/minions first? Does it only work on "team" members?
Only works on teammembers.

Perhaps ask the devs to see if that could be changed?



Never say anything...

just a scrabble to hit the button before the body disappears or gets rez'd.

Great game while it lasts.



If you're not within range *shrug*

The only exception (sort of...) to this is Regen/Recovery Aura, I fire those off once we engage a mob, I don't have time to babysit and wait for people to gather...



Originally Posted by HardRider View Post
Only works on teammembers.

Perhaps ask the devs to see if that could be changed?
This isn't true anymore actually, it works on league members now.

You can't cast Vengeance on a target that has already had it cast on them though (unless they rez and die again), so that's probably what's happening.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



I've gotten to the point where I basically never announce buffs anymore. I'll try my best* to get as many people are I can, but I'm not going to worry about missing a couple people.

If I'm on a team I may mention that I have Veng beforehand, if I do then I'll say if/when I fire it, just so the person isn't laying there waiting for my to Veng, when I already did it 30seconds ago.

*This is not the case on my Time/Fire. I've got so many clickies that I need to juggle there's no way I'm going to try wrangling teammates. When I buff on that character, I'm buffing Me, if you happen to get buffed as well that's just a happy coincidence.

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