Do you announce when you turn on Vengence?




No, but I do complain when people aren't dying often enough for me to use it....



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
This is not the case on my Time/Fire. I've got so many clickies that I need to juggle there's no way I'm going to try wrangling teammates. When I buff on that character, I'm buffing Me, if you happen to get buffed as well that's just a happy coincidence.
Ain't that the truth. Playing time manipulation for the first time on a controller, one of my recurring thoughts has been that it's adorable that the devs thought I'd have time to keep a couple teammates temporally selected. Fortunately you can apparently target ally buffs through enemies though and it turns out that there's a gap in my stuff-chain every couple minutes that's long enough to hit temporal selection in the hopes that the AV is glaring angrily at a meleer. Half the time I hit a decoy, and I'm not even illusion/ myself.



Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
This isn't true anymore actually, it works on league members now.

You can't cast Vengeance on a target that has already had it cast on them though (unless they rez and die again), so that's probably what's happening.
You can still cast Vengeance multiple times on a target if it's queued by all users and someone teleports a defeated teammate into range. Presumably because the uses happen in the same server tic before the defeated player is flagged by the use of Vengeance or something.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



My teammates have a tendency to get up so quickly that if I take the time to announce it, I'd miss my chance.

{}... .-



I (jokingly) yell at people if they revive themselves too quickly so that I can't vengeance them.

Reading this thread though it occurs to me that I should make a macro to target a defeated ally and hit vengeance though, since targeting through the team window takes slightly too long.