Reward Tokens And Subscription: Any Word If It'll Ever Be Upfront?




I know, before Freedom launched, they wanted to reward prepaid subscriptions with the Reward Tokens upfront.
And then, it turned out, that they couldn't accomplish that (likely due to it being an issue with the billing/account programming whatever that seems to be a pain with a lot of things that could be smoother for subscribers and is seemingly out of the control of P.S.).
I know they said they'd like to do it and they'd try... And I am pretty sure it is a situation that frustrates Zwill and the team, but I would just appreciate some word about it again, even if it is "no news" (maybe I've missed comment about this too... Such as on a ustream or something).

I am just asking if we can get any word about it as to whether there is any progress in that department, if it is basically a dead end or what.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



The solution is probably stored in the City Vault.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



No news unfortunately.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios




Both of the returning players I tried to get into the game didn't opt to pay for VIP, because the points and reward token came after the month.

Both of the new people I've convinced to join since Freedom launched have bought extra points as part of their first VIP sign-up.

Edit: In all four cases, being unable to be definitive about when their reward tokens and Paragon Points would "arrive" was a factor in their decisions.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
No news unfortunately.
Thanks for the response, Zwill!
Even if it is exactly what I didn't want to hear...
I still appreciate getting word.

I understand if you can't really get further into it, but I shall ask anyway...
Is this mainly a situation where the issue has been raised and whether or not anything ever changes about it is just up to someone else somewhere and who knows when that might be, if ever?

It's nothing to quit in a huff about or anything (although, I will be rather miffed if tier 9 rewards get rotated out before I get enough tokens for them - which I'd have if prepaid time counted). I'm just curious if it is anything anyone can light a fire about to make it any more likely to happen. And, if so, if the fire is being kept lit, big and bright.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by ThatGuyThere View Post

Both of the returning players I tried to get into the game didn't opt to pay for VIP, because the points and reward token came after the month.

Both of the new people I've convinced to join since Freedom launched have bought extra points as part of their first VIP sign-up.

Edit: In all four cases, being unable to be definitive about when their reward tokens and Paragon Points would "arrive" was a factor in their decisions.
The paragon points for being a VIP should arrive with-in a couple of days of starting the subscription, only the reward token takes a month to come.

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Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
The paragon points for being a VIP should arrive with-in a couple of days of starting the subscription, only the reward token takes a month to come.
More specifically, within 24 hours. Most I'v seen have them come in by 4 pacific if they subbed in the 8-2 pacific time bracket.

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in addition to this any word on if the yearly vet badges were being fixed?

i know they were declared broken awhile ago and havent heard anything about them since freedom released



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
in addition to this any word on if the yearly vet badges were being fixed?

i know they were declared broken awhile ago and havent heard anything about them since freedom released
No update on this either. To be honest, I do not expect these to be corrected anytime soon.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
No update on this either. To be honest, I do not expect these to be corrected anytime soon.
I'll be honest. This makes me very sad.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
No update on this either. To be honest, I do not expect these to be corrected anytime soon.
Thanks again, Zwill.
I can't lie, it's the opposite of what I want to hear... but it is honestly what I guessed.
Please do pass on, again, that overlord Electric-Knight is not pleased by this.

And now for something more cheerful:

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



As a friend said just last night, "As long as they owe me the points they promised me I won't be buying anything else."

I'm thinking he's right on this one.

I admit it. I bought a long sub for those upfront points just like he did. I've bought points since. His words reminded me that a fool and his money are soon parted and I'm feeling pretty foolish.

Yes, I know that those points will arrive in bits every month and that if I'd gotten them all upfront I wouldn't receive them monthly... that doesn't change the fact that to buy Titan Weapons and Superpacks now I had to fork over more money.

I understand the tech may be the problem and it may be hard to fix, even expensive, but the thing is... how hard is too hard when the Mystic 8-ball approach discourages customers from parting with their cash?

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Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
As a friend said just last night, "As long as they owe me the points they promised me I won't be buying anything else."

I'm thinking he's right on this one.

I admit it. I bought a long sub for those upfront points just like he did. I've bought points since. His words reminded me that a fool and his money are soon parted and I'm feeling pretty foolish.

Yes, I know that those points will arrive in bits every month and that if I'd gotten them all upfront I wouldn't receive them monthly... that doesn't change the fact that to buy Titan Weapons and Superpacks now I had to fork over more money.

I understand the tech may be the problem and it may be hard to fix, even expensive, but the thing is... how hard is too hard when the Mystic 8-ball approach discourages customers from parting with their cash?
I'm not sure you're aware, but the plan was never for the monthly stipend to be issued up front. The topic in question are the Paragon Rewards tokens, which WERE initially intended to be issued up front.

Monthly stipends were always supposed to be monthly only.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Correct, it was Tokens, not points.

The intention, iirc, was to allow those that wanted Celestial NOA the option of getting enough Tokens to get the tier unlocked all at once, before the Celestial set was rotated out.

When they discovered they couldn't give Tokens up front, they opted to not remove Celestial for an extended period.

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Thanks for the clarification. I bought points/tokens for Celestial and Fire and Ice as well. I am such a sucker.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
No update on this either. To be honest, I do not expect these to be corrected anytime soon.


Go Team Venture!



At this point I am a bit glad the reward tokens are not up front. Super Packs are addictive. I had 33 reward tokens when i22 went live. I now have none. My sub is for a year at a time, so I am hopeful I will have 3 tokens by the time the next set of vet costumes are released.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
No update on this either. To be honest, I do not expect these to be corrected anytime soon.
*sigh* That was the answer I expected but didn't want. Could you please pass on to those working on the problem that "We are not happy" *looks at end of Veteran badge list and sighs*

This calls for chocolate and other comfort foods.



Disappointing, to be sure. I'm hoping that eventually there'll be a breakthrough in this issue soon considering that the system has been... well, broken... ever since the relaunch in September.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
No update on this either. To be honest, I do not expect these to be corrected anytime soon.
I'm not surprised by this.

Call me cynical, but I bet Marketing will never let the upfront tokens/points happen.

By not doing so, impatient players (which I'm guilty of) will buy additional points for their tokens to get to the reward level they want.

Money > Doing what was promised.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
No update on this either. To be honest, I do not expect these to be corrected anytime soon.
Very disappointing. Clearly the Devs know we like badges - they fixed the problem with the one that was not being awarded at the end of DiB, and I'm sure they've fixed a dozen other buggy badge issues since the time Freedom launched.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
No update on this either. To be honest, I do not expect these to be corrected anytime soon.
Chiming in with my disappointment, too. The vet badges used to be a fair indication of the length of time in the game a player had. Now we only have the annual badges for this, but not really.



Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
Money > Doing what was promised.
I don't think that this was ever really promised. They said they were planning on this being how it worked, but at least I was under the impression that this was during a time when the exact nitty-gritty details of this were still in flux.

I see that problem a lot here, and it's a huge reason why the devs and reps sometimes drive us nuts being so tight-lipped about every durn thing, even minor little things. It's because every off-hand comment, even when explicitly qualified with, " planned, but might change," is taken to be gospel truth.

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Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I don't think that this was ever really promised. They said they were planning on this being how it worked, but at least I was under the impression that this was during a time when the exact nitty-gritty details of this were still in flux.

I see that problem a lot here, and it's a huge reason why the devs and reps sometimes drive us nuts being so tight-lipped about every durn thing, even minor little things. It's because every off-hand comment, even when explicitly qualified with, " planned, but might change," is taken to be gospel truth.
I completely understand where you are coming from and I can't stand that sort of overreaction either.
However, this truly was a case that they announced how they thought it was going to work. And then they discovered it would not work that way, later on, and retracted it.

I'm not holding it against them that they "promised". I find "promise" to be a bit of a silly word, regarding such things, but this particular case was not one where they gave a vague estimate. It was when they were relaying general facts about how things would be with the new business model.

It's fine. Things happen. Mistakes are made. Sometimes "promises" are broken, hehe. I don't begrudge them for it at all, but this is not a case of someone egregiously taking the company's words out of context. This was the information delivered with the FAQs and such when the launch was near enough to begin offering the customers solid information.

Again, I understand where you're coming from, but I think you're wrong to paint this particular case with that brush.
Sometimes, poodoo happens.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"