Dark Astoria arcs left me unsatisfied.

Agent White



When I finished them I felt there should have been more. It felt like I was leaving off in the middle of the story. I brought up my contact list and searched in vain for the next contact and it didn't exist.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Well, some of it picks up in the DD trial.

Some of it, I suspect, other issues.

However, I felt it was much more cleanly resolved than the First Ward arcs.



I felt it was nicely resolved, while leaving various other plot threads that didn't actually have to do with DA lingering for the next issue. Although I imagine most people might feel it's not very resolved when you defeat Mot once and for all, but Dark Astoria is still a nightmarish warzone.



Have to agree with Major. I really liked the DA arcs, especially the last two. The story needs to leave a few hooks to connect with what's coming so I understand how it could feel like it's incomplete. Still, it was better than what happened with First Ward.

Then again, I think First Ward needs to be revisited and more content added to it. Heck, Praetoria needed to go to full 50!

If you're still unsatisfied Tenzhi, here, have a Saltine.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
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I don't know that I finished the First Ward arcs with any character. I remember starting them and not caring about them much.

I liked the Dark Astoria arcs, but after the last one it seemed like there should be more. And that they should eventually lead to thwarting Mot. If the story is only resolved in a trial, that in itself is unsatisfying, but it seemed like there was room for another couple of arcs leading up to such a resolution.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I don't know that I finished the First Ward arcs with any character. I remember starting them and not caring about them much.

I liked the Dark Astoria arcs, but after the last one it seemed like there should be more. And that they should eventually lead to thwarting Mot. If the story is only resolved in a trial, that in itself is unsatisfying, but it seemed like there was room for another couple of arcs leading up to such a resolution.
The Trial is more of an epilogue to the arcs. Further, you do thwart Mot during the final arc.

You may have missed the bit with the contact in Cimerora if you haven't actually had that massive final battle yet.

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Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
The Trial is more of an epilogue to the arcs. Further, you do thwart Mot during the final arc.

You may have missed the bit with the contact in Cimerora if you haven't actually had that massive final battle yet.

Final mission? Most.epic.setting.ever!

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Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I don't know that I finished the First Ward arcs with any character. I remember starting them and not caring about them much.

I liked the Dark Astoria arcs, but after the last one it seemed like there should be more. And that they should eventually lead to thwarting Mot. If the story is only resolved in a trial, that in itself is unsatisfying, but it seemed like there was room for another couple of arcs leading up to such a resolution.
But.. you do thwart Mot. With a lot of finality. You even get a choice to -stab- him and steal some of his power. The only thing Dilemma Diabolique resolves is what happens to Diabolique, which is much more of a sidestory. Mot is wrapped up in the the DA arc.

What was the last contact you played? The Dream Doctor is the final contact.



The Mot storyline is very much finished with the Dark Astoria story arcs (though in a way that he can be brought up again if need be). One thing that's important to note is that we CAN'T beat Mot by killing him... if we try, he just absorbs his own death and gets more powerful from it. Yeah, he kind of cheats like that. But anyway, that's the basic reason why the sealing ritual was the only real way to beat him.

As for the Dilemma Diabolique Trial, it can be considered separate from the Mot storyline, and instead it wraps up the Diabolique story line (which was left hanging at the end of Praetor Duncan's personal story). It's less about Mot itself and more about Diabolique trying to use/take over it's powers and take them for herself. Mot is no longer a major player here, it's just a tool in the hands of another villain.



hmmmm left me very satisfied, particualrly that epic last mission. Leaves enough few loose ends to pick up later. We've now pointed a lot of other groups at DA, who will no doubt be plotting how to use some of the residue power for themselves. And the Pantheon are hardly going to be destroyed completely. I hoped there was more to come but i don't think it needed it yet. That epilogue story mission at the end wets the appetite though. That could have something to do with why you felt unsatisfied.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
But.. you do thwart Mot. With a lot of finality. You even get a choice to -stab- him and steal some of his power. The only thing Dilemma Diabolique resolves is what happens to Diabolique, which is much more of a sidestory. Mot is wrapped up in the the DA arc.

What was the last contact you played? The Dream Doctor is the final contact.
I think I just finished the Diabolique bit. I see someone mentioned Cimerora, and I wasn't looking for Cimerora contacts in my list. This being a Dark Astoria arc I was looking for the next Dark Astoria (or ???) contact. That might explain why it seemed to end so abruptly to me, eh?

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I felt it was nicely resolved, while leaving various other plot threads that didn't actually have to do with DA lingering for the next issue. Although I imagine most people might feel it's not very resolved when you defeat Mot once and for all, but Dark Astoria is still a nightmarish warzone.
I would be interested to see the reaction to the Phasing tech used to transform DA into a permanently sunny Mob-free zone for every toon that completes the content lol.



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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I think I just finished the Diabolique bit. I see someone mentioned Cimerora, and I wasn't looking for Cimerora contacts in my list. This being a Dark Astoria arc I was looking for the next Dark Astoria (or ???) contact. That might explain why it seemed to end so abruptly to me, eh?
***SPOILERS to anyone who hasn't gotten that far yet****

yeah, after Diabolique goes down, you have to head to the past and talk to Sister Solaris for the next step in the plotline. Talking to Ajax after Diabolique is consumed, he explains that a quick trip to Cimerora is needed to handle Mot. You should have gotten a Sister Solaris contact intro right at the end of that arc.

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Originally Posted by Shagster View Post
You should have gotten a Sister Solaris contact intro right at the end of that arc.
Probably right before I did the Personal Story arc and then went to bed and forgot the minor yet important details.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



A warning to strict soloers who like story resolution - do not play Domiatrix's personal story mission - it undermines the apparent success you've had in her story arc, and sets up a major plot point that isn't resolved until the DD Trial.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
A warning to strict soloers who like story resolution - do not play Domiatrix's personal story mission - it undermines the apparent success you've had in her story arc, and sets up a major plot point that isn't resolved until the DD Trial.
Yeah, I thought so, too. It left me saying, "But, but, but..."



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
A warning to strict soloers who like story resolution - do not play Domiatrix's personal story mission - it undermines the apparent success you've had in her story arc, and sets up a major plot point that isn't resolved until the DD Trial.
I was actually really, really lucky in that I didn't realize I'd neglected to do it until I'd finished everything else and was going over my contacts after I finished the arc.

I'd thought maybe it just wasn't available 'til after I'd finished the Dream Doctor arc...

Actually, that would be really cool if they fixed the way it works to do just that. It really made a lot of sense if you did it after everything else. It was a nice epilogue that bridged the arc to the DD trial.

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I couldn't agree more.



Apart from Domi's personal mission, the rest of the DA story arcs are very well put together to give a satisfying conclusion without letting letting you know that you've not experienced the whole DA storyline.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I would be interested to see the reaction to the Phasing tech used to transform DA into a permanently sunny Mob-free zone for every toon that completes the content lol.

That'd be boring though.

Aaaand, question. Was the giant glowy red wall of runes always around Moth Cemetery? I don't recall seeing it until after I'd completed the story arcs. Did I just miss it before, or is that an effect of completing the zone?



It's wrapped up as well as it can be.

Mot can't be destroyed, only contained, and that's what we do at the end.

And DA will never *not* be a nightmarish warzone. With or without Mot, the BP will still have dominion there and there's plenty of other gods they can work on freeing.

At best, after the finale they could phase out the trapped civilians, fires and such. But DA will pretty much be a city of the dead until the end of time.




I think that Mot should be viewed as similar to the Hamidon - an entity that's tied to the world itself, and can't be destroyed - in Mot's case, as long as death exists, he will exist too.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Alright, now that I've *actually* finished the arcs, it was satisfying.

I hated having to go to Cimerora, though, and the missions there were annoying.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
Actually, that would be really cool if they fixed the way it works to do just that. It really made a lot of sense if you did it after everything else. It was a nice epilogue that bridged the arc to the DD trial.
Originally there was an 'Epilogue' from Dream Doctor where he got you to investigate Praetor Duncan's whereabouts since he sensed her trapped inside Mot. So you and the entire Freedom Phalanx & co. went to see Mot and the FP gets promptly eaten. He then told you to queue up for the DD trial since that's where it was 'finished'.

Now that left me unsatisfied. A neat idea in that you got a badge if you did the DD trial with the DreDoc's mission in your mission list but horrible in that it would mean that low-shifted Incarnates could potentially be queing up for one of the most difficult trials in terms of levels since all the enemies are shifted to 54+2 and 54+3. And also a slight taint in 'the solo path' as it meant being forced to team to complete the DA accolade.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
Originally there was an 'Epilogue' from Dream Doctor where he got you to investigate Praetor Duncan's whereabouts since he sensed her trapped inside Mot. So you and the entire Freedom Phalanx & co. went to see Mot and the FP gets promptly eaten. He then told you to queue up for the DD trial since that's where it was 'finished'.

Now that left me unsatisfied. A neat idea in that you got a badge if you did the DD trial with the DreDoc's mission in your mission list but horrible in that it would mean that low-shifted Incarnates could potentially be queing up for one of the most difficult trials in terms of levels since all the enemies are shifted to 54+2 and 54+3. And also a slight taint in 'the solo path' as it meant being forced to team to complete the DA accolade.
Pity the removal of said mission isn't that great an idea either, because now there's next to no explanation for how the Phalanx ended up in the Trial. I think it would have been better to just shave the last little bit off the mission, the actual part that required the Trial, but it didn't turn out that way.

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Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
Pity the removal of said mission isn't that great an idea either, because now there's next to no explanation for how the Phalanx ended up in the Trial.
Sure there is; they thought they could save the day... and were wrong.