Can heroes get a win?

Agent White



So I know that a lot of the mechanics and stories that have been hitting lately are cool. But still, I've gotta ask, can the heroes please get some kind of win here?

I remember back when Faultline was revamped. I thought, "This is kind of cool, it's a sign that the heroes really are making a positive difference in the city. For the sake of dramatic conflict, there will always be stuff hitting the fan. Still, it just seems like the heroes have been consistently losing ground for the past several issues. Galaxy City has been destroyed. (Can we please get a statue of Galaxy Girl somewhere? Just because her zone was clobbered, have we forgotten about her completely?) Statesman is dead. Now, Dark Astoria, which was not exactly a stroll in a sunny park before, is going to basically be lost. Even Faultline has been stuck for years in a limbo of not-as-dangerous but not-quite-safe.

I guess I just think that if I really were a hero or a citizen in Paragon City, I'd be terribly depressed all the time thinking, "Why the @*#! do I bother?" Have you guys ever considered writing into the story something that basically amounts to an outright win for the heroes? There seem to be a lot of good opportunities with all that's been going on lately.

How about, I dunno, a revamp of Boomtown and revert it back to Baumton, a normal city zone like Steel Canyon or Skyway City? It doesn't have to be the functional equivalent of Pocket D; there can still be street crime like the other zones have, contacts and intrigue happening in the shiny new zone, and maybe some kind of zone event. Or have the threat of Hamidon on Primal Earth once and for all defeated, opening The Hive up to development? Maybe have it become kind of a First Ward-like mystic zone with some kind of task force to keep him from being resurrected, the reward for completing which would be the badge and enhancement that used to be rewarded for defeating Hamidon?

I don't know, those are just a couple of ideas to get the juices flowing. It just seems like life in Paragon City keeps going from bad to worse. From a gameplay perspective, I commend the devs for doing a fan-freakin'-tastic job. From a story perspective, though, how about some good news for a change? Surely after almost eight years, there are a few things that we can wrap up and call done?

The same principle can be applied to villains, I suppose, though by their chaotic nature it's hard to define exactly what a "win" would look like. Maybe something like the destabilization of the Shadow Shard that allows them to gain a foothold in one or more of the zones there? Or Longbow gets their butts decisively kicked out of Nerva Archipelago? Johnny Sonata finally prevails over the Wailers and becomes a major political force and power base to be reckoned with? Again, just tossing out ideas.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Atlas Park got new flowers



Yeah, I commented to my friends a while back that things seem to be piling up here. We used to get one crisis at a time, now we've got, what three or four, with another couple looming on the horizon?


"No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again! Sometimes I just want it to stay saved, you know?"


The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
Yeah, I commented to my friends a while back that things seem to be piling up here. We used to get one crisis at a time, now we've got, what three or four, with another couple looming on the horizon?
They seem almost infinite.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Given the amount of things being thrown against Paragon City, I'd argue that it still exists is a big win.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Every time you log in and find Paragon City still there, the heroes are winning
That's what I get for not reading the entire thread before posting the same thing you wrote.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.




This is where I am glad that it appears that they are looking at old zones for updates. A dynamic world is essential toward feeling like you're making a difference. I don't mind if something (Dark Astoria) falls apart, so long as something else gets fixed (as you said, Boomtown or Faultline making progress toward getting rebuilt).

This harps on the main reason I have never been on-board with much of the repeatable content in this game. Once my character completes a significant piece of content, in the world of that character it is done. Hence, why I dislike the Incarnate System as designed thus far: if my character destroys the Lambda Sector, then I prefer to think of it as "destroyed" for that character. Returning to the trial removes the illusion that my character made any sort of positive impact in the world. Unfortunately, I don't make any meaningful progress in the Incarnate System unless I repeat the trials (until tomorrow :P).

I know that is not quite what you are talking about in the OP, but I felt I would add it since it is somewhat relevant. Perhaps unreasonable of me to want that in an MMORPG, but it is things like that that really enhance the game for me.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
So villains have been getting crapped on since I6, and now that the heroes take one good hit everyone's up in arms?

Disparity much?
It's not just the devs that hate villains





There's one particular "win" for the heroes, by the way, that (ironically) only the villains see: when we go to Boomtown, it looks different from when you go there.

This has driven me nuts for years now, because all the way back on day one of City of Villains, it was a plot point that Longbow and the PPD have pushed far enough into Baumton that re-construction has begun; one of the original CoV story arcs is about attacking a construction site there to slow them down. The devs remember this, too, because the level 20-30 villain morality mission takes place at the same construction site, where (does it still count as a spoiler after several issues?) you kidnap and attempt to ransom a redeemed villain who's donating his wealth to the reconstruction effort.

I have been begging, begging, ever since issue 6, for them to merge the geometry from instanced outdoor Boomtown into the actual Boomtown. Would it really be that hard?

- - - - -

That being said, one of the panels they've announced for the Player Summit is a focus group with the players on what zone should be revamped next and what should be done with it. If you think that the US military has allowed Paragon City's wealthiest neighborhood to be over-run way longer than is politically plausible and you want to see Perez Park at least partially cleared, or you want to see the street crime pushed back into the back alleys of Steel Canyon, or you want to see Baumton rebuilding begin, or whatever, either go yourself or persuade someone else who's going to make your case for you.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Every time you log in and find Paragon City still there, the heroes are winning
But if I have anything to say about it, it will be completely devoid of mailboxes, pay phones, newsstands and fire hydrants.



A win that I'd like to see, and would suggest at the Player Summit if I was there, would be for heroes to take Perez Park for the Galaxy City refugees, driving the gangs out of Hells Highway and such, and starting to make the park itself safe.



I have to agree with Nalrok....

Villains have had to deal with crap stories and being told that we have to play the good guy since CoV was released. Now that heroes get an arc, an arc that is supposed to be game changing, that they haven't yet won, if you think that heroes will actually somehow lose to Wade you are insane this is an MMO after all, people are throwing a fit?


I will listen to your complaint as soon as my villains stop doing things "for the greater good." I don't mind co-op, I just wish that there was less lazy writing.

No relation to Arachnos!

Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Every time you log in and find Paragon City still there, the heroes are winning
Interesting, isn't it, that aliens, demons, interdimensional superbeings and every other form of nasty critter is focusing all this energy not on London, not on Paris, not on Tokyo (which, granted, has trouble enough with monsters already) not on New York or Washington DC, but on some furshlugginer little city in friggin' Rhode Island?

I used to fiddle with my back feet music for a black onyx. My entire room absorbed every echo. The music was . . . thud like. The music was . . . thud like. I usually played such things as rough-neck and thug. Opaque melodies that would bug most people. Music from the other side of the fence.



Originally Posted by PSLAnimal View Post
Interesting, isn't it, that aliens, demons, interdimensional superbeings and every other form of nasty critter is focusing all this energy not on London, not on Paris, not on Tokyo (which, granted, has trouble enough with monsters already) not on New York or Washington DC, but on some furshlugginer little city in friggin' Rhode Island?
In the CoHverse, Paragon City = New York

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
In the CoHverse, Paragon City = New York
I would love to see you support that somehow (with evidence, not just your opinion). If you can, I will change my signature immediately.

Referring to what GG is referring to, I agree, it's odd that the 'major' cities of the world are rarely, if ever, mentioned in game lore. I can't remember, off the top of my head, too many references to real cities, even in passing (e.g. 'The Rikti launched minor offensives in London and other cities while the major focus was Paragon City'). It's like they've taken the 'DC Approach', not the competitor's.



Originally Posted by SlackTech View Post
I would love to see you support that somehow (with evidence, not just your opinion). If you can, I will change my signature immediately.

Referring to what GG is referring to, I agree, it's odd that the 'major' cities of the world are rarely, if ever, mentioned in game lore. I can't remember, off the top of my head, too many references to real cities, even in passing (e.g. 'The Rikti launched minor offensives in London and other cities while the major focus was Paragon City'). It's like they've taken the 'DC Approach', not the competitor's.
Paragon City has the highest density of super-powered beings.

The city has claimed for itself the title “birthplace of the hero,” an assertion that may or may not be true. However, no one can deny the fact that today Paragon City is home to more super powered heroes than any other metropolis on the planet.
Why? Because not only is Paragon City the largest city in the US, it also goes out of its way to support its hero population. In Paragon City, heroes fight crime and villainy with the government’s approval and to the population’s applause.

The largest city in the States + highest meta population = a huge bull's eye for everyone from Malta Ops to Circle of Thorns to Hellions to incarnates...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Arbiter_Shade View Post
I have to agree with Nalrok....

Villains have had to deal with crap stories and being told that we have to play the good guy since CoV was released. Now that heroes get an arc, an arc that is supposed to be game changing, that they haven't yet won, if you think that heroes will actually somehow lose to Wade you are insane this is an MMO after all, people are throwing a fit?


I will listen to your complaint as soon as my villains stop doing things "for the greater good." I don't mind co-op, I just wish that there was less lazy writing.
Shade, let me say that I don't disagree with anything you've said (I've stated the same issues in other threads). However, I also appreciate where Tony's coming from.

The reality is, most of the population's there, and the game's branding has wiped redside completely, so from an in-game and public relations view, this is a hero's universe. It often feels as if villains are just along for the ride, and get thrown a bone every now and then for the sake of parity.

As I've stated previously, I will continue to sub while we get content on a equivalent basis (e.g. new SF to new TF (non co-op), SSA). I would like more, but this will have to do, as the alternative is villains get nothing or villain content is shutdown completely.

Having said that, what I would like, though, is if hero zones are getting some love, please apply some attention to existing villain zones (e.g. Monster Island) or, heaven forbid, work on creating a new villain zone (yes, I know the chances of this happening are less than me winning enough before the end of the week to retire completely). I don't think either of these are going to happen, but one can dream.



Originally Posted by SlackTech View Post
I would love to see you support that somehow (with evidence, not just your opinion). If you can, I will change my signature immediately.
I don't mean that it is NYC
I mean that in the CoHverse, Paragon City has the worldwide status that NYC does in the real world.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Paragon City has the highest density of super-powered beings.

The city has claimed for itself the title “birthplace of the hero,” an assertion that may or may not be true. However, no one can deny the fact that today Paragon City is home to more super powered heroes than any other metropolis on the planet.
Why? Because not only is Paragon City the largest city in the US, it also goes out of its way to support its hero population. In Paragon City, heroes fight crime and villainy with the government’s approval and to the population’s applause.

The largest city in the States + highest meta population = a huge bull's eye for everyone from Malta Ops to Circle of Thorns to Hellions to incarnates...
Thank you - signature changed.

I still disagree with GG's analogy (because, frankly, NY isn't the largest city on earth in terms of population - - and NY is always depicted as fast, fashionable, hip and full of culture and opportunity - Paragon doesn't feel that way to me on the rare occasion I visit)

However, I call BS on the analogy used by GG and the concepts expressed in lore, as the in-game world doesn't seem to make this claim seem plausible (e.g. number of people on streets, number of buildings, etc).

I also don't understand why the '...the largest city in the US' would be the one that's attacked consistently by threats and seems to have a ridiculously high crime rate. Yes, this would logically attract more heroes and boost the population, but it would severely hinder economic and social growth.

For example, I wouldn't open a retail establishment when I know in the first day thugs are going to loot it. I realise I would have heroes to help, but insurance companies would find it hard to calculate risk levels in this crazy world. Setting premiums and getting insurance coverage would be a nightmare and I'd spend most of my time filling out paperwork and confirming that the truck my stock is in is going to get to me. This sort of thing tends to make people think twice about setting up shop somewhere.

Summary - this is obviously lore, but it's preposterous



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I don't mean that it is NYC
I mean that in the CoHverse, Paragon City has the worldwide status that NYC does in the real world.
While I was typing my last post, you posted this. I still disagree, and for the reasons please see my last post.



Here's a crazy idea: How about, as a win for the heroes, a new organization of heroes has emerges through St. Martial and extends into Nerva, forcing the questionable activities of Longbow into the light and therefore decreasing their influence there. This new group also helps fortify more safe living conditions for RI refugees on an island southwest of Port Oaks where they eventually ship them to safer places in the world like the United States. But as a base or safe haven, it must be defended against from villains or agents of Arachnos, ever struggling to topple the tyranny of Lord Recluse and his despot empire.