are you cherry picking tip missions?
Save Panther 541 is one of the best tip missions there is. I don't get being confused about it either: the instructions when you get into the mission are pretty straightforward. Talk to the base commander and fight off the ambushes. That's it.
The only mission I actively avoid is One Good Spider. It's not that it's a bad mission; it's actually pretty epic and well done. It very much captures the heroic sense of swooping into Grandville, flipping over Arachnos's table, and escaping with the rescued ally.
But it's long, especially after already running through 5 previous tips. It's got a ton of objectives you must complete in order, and it's just tiring when I'm ready to move on to other stuff. It's a lot easier to go step on level 20 enemies until one coughs up The Unusual Suspect, which is quick and simple.
De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.
And I just ran into Panther 541 last night which tells you to Save Panther 541 but he isn't in the mission and you just keep getting ambushes and I had no idea what I was supposed to do.
I exited and abandoned Panther 541 because I just had no idea what I was supposed to do, so I don't even know if it was supposed to be a long or short mission. But I will avoid that one in the future. |
The only mission I actively avoid is One Good Spider. It's not that it's a bad mission; it's actually pretty epic and well done. It very much captures the heroic sense of swooping into Grandville, flipping over Arachnos's table, and escaping with the rescued ally.
But it's long, especially after already running through 5 previous tips. It's got a ton of objectives you must complete in order, and it's just tiring when I'm ready to move on to other stuff. It's a lot easier to go step on level 20 enemies until one coughs up The Unusual Suspect, which is quick and simple. |
Sometimes I discard tips if I think neither option fits what my character would do, but that mostly happens villain side.
Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.
BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"
Generally I don't, but there are exceptions. I hate the Panther 5-4-1 mission mentioned above just because it takes so long between ambush spawns, and missions that are more sitting and waiting than actual fighting aren't very fun.
I also tend skip missions in general involving Knives of Artemis or high level Tsoo or anything else that can stack massive slows that last past the end of a fight, whether their tips or not (see the above mention about sitting and waiting for the reasoning why).
If the tip tries to send me out of the zone I'm in, I ditch it. Otherwise, I'll run anything.
The only mission I actively avoid is One Good Spider. It's not that it's a bad mission; it's actually pretty epic and well done. It very much captures the heroic sense of swooping into Grandville, flipping over Arachnos's table, and escaping with the rescued ally.
But it's long, especially after already running through 5 previous tips. |
But it depends on how bored I am with killing greys for tips. More than half the time, I'll grumble but run them anyway. But One Good Spider I ignore, only because of the time involved.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
There are really only a few that I regularly abandon when they come up... "Your Life Story", "Out of the Corner of Your Eye" and "Malta Gunman Action Figure" are the main offenders.
This first two I ditch because I tend to run hero-side tips with Shade in Shadow, my KM Stalker, or Surruna, one of my DB Stalkers. KoA are an absolute pain in the rump for Stalkers, since every single one of them can see right through Hide. Doing those missions is like wading through a sea of Rikti Drones, only with more caltrops. Not exactly my idea of stalk-a-rific fun. <_<
The Panther action figure mission is just annoying because of the time span between the ambushes. When I play, I want to *play*, not stand around waiting for a bunch of goons to get their act together.
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
Funny part is the only hero morality one at high level i like is one good spider. unusual suspects is a dumb mission that reuses an overused trope, has wonky flow and just feels dumb and is really stupid on repeat. one good spider is the kind of mision i play he game for, I'm willing to wait for a porterhouse steak, rather than wolf down a cheeseburger in 3 mins.
Funny part is the only hero morality one at high level i like is one good spider. unusual suspects is a dumb mission that reuses an overused trope, has wonky flow and just feels dumb and is really stupid on repeat. one good spider is the kind of mision i play he game for, I'm willing to wait for a porterhouse steak, rather than wolf down a cheeseburger in 3 mins.
I suppose it's possible to leave the morality until the next day, since it doesn't count against your tips, but why wait? Especially if you need that A-merit for something now.
De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.
Funny part is the only hero morality one at high level i like is one good spider. unusual suspects is a dumb mission that reuses an overused trope, has wonky flow and just feels dumb and is really stupid on repeat. one good spider is the kind of mision i play he game for, I'm willing to wait for a porterhouse steak, rather than wolf down a cheeseburger in 3 mins.
I do agree that on those rare occasions I'm actually repeating tip content, it's much more convenient, but it's nonetheless one of those where I end up wanting to Godzilla facepalm at whoever wrote it.
I am a little bit choosy. I hate a couple of the missions a lot so when I see them I dismiss them.
Sometimes I dismiss them if they try to send me to a zone I don't want to go.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
I drop those two that always always always send you to Independence Port.
Doubly so since they're both against Arachnos.
I tend to avoid the ones that send me to another zone. I avoid ones with lots of DE if I am running a controller sometimes. I avoid knives of artemis if I can. Etc. I definitely ignore one good spider because it is tedious.
Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan
im kind of sick of all the tip mishs so i barely run them, i usually just use my mish drops on them, so i log into a bunch of barely played toons and drop a tip that they have

I tend to avoid the ones that send me to another zone. I avoid ones with lots of DE if I am running a controller sometimes. I avoid knives of artemis if I can. Etc. I definitely ignore one good spider because it is tedious.
I think it is at least 10 or 11 of them. I'll have to count next time I do it.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
I drop those two that always always always send you to Independence Port.
Doubly so since they're both against Arachnos. |
Last night I joined a Posi 1 late, followed by a Posi 2, and I still had to run my tip missions after. I am 28 hero merits on Megamisama, and tonight I can get to 30 with 5 more tip missions, morality mission, and 43 merits to convert. So I really wanted to get my 5 tip missions in last night, and I was tired so I wanted to do them fast.
I got all 5 missions in Talos, and not only that, but all 5 near the Skyway entrance within about 800 feet of each other. O_o That's never happened, but it was quite nice!

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
I have a list of which ones are easily speeded and which ones are long.
The best suggestion I have is to abandon Lead NPC out missions. I do that with radio/papers as well.
H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster

I'll tend to take just about any of the hero tips. I'm a bit choosier about the villain tips after I run them once. I think in particular there's the Bubbling Vial of Liquid? I don't quite recall the title, but it pits you up against you multiple Longbow double boss spawns, the ones that are all pretty highly mezz resistant and hit like brickhouses. It was just a stonewall for my dominator, even using insps I couldn't kill them fast enough, and the allies you rescue did -not- last long enough against them. ;p
As for the Unusual Suspects vs One Good Spider, it depends on what I want. If I just want a quick merit, I'll take Suspects. If I want to chew through bosses for drops, I'll take one good spider, since it dumps wave after wave of bosses on you, especially if you let the timer run out during the rescue.
I can't bring myself to drop any of the hero tips. Those people need help. It's the same reason I can't run vigilante tips.
I'll often drop one of the Arachnos or Carnie missions if I've just done the other one. I thinK i may have dropped the Council/Maelstrom one with the poorly marked objectives once or twice.
I'll run One Good Spider if Ive assembled a good team - its epic and fun and really well put together, and its always fun guiding a team through it in character.
Solo, I'll often go for The Usual Suspects just to get it over with.
I don't cherry pick or drop any of them... I sometimes think about avoiding the Carnival Of Shadows ones, because I'm usually soloing as a Blaster... But I just can't let them win like that!! Those Master Illusionists can really mess me up sometimes, but... I get them eventually!!
I do love "One Good Spider". I mean, at least the first time and whenever I haven't run it in a while. I can understand those trying to somewhat rush through, skipping it.
My favorite aspect of that mission is the crowd cheering my name and rooting me on!! Fabulous!
I'd love to see more of that somehow!
*puts one hand to his ear while he beckons the crowd to cheer louder with his other hand*
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
I haven't run tips in a good while. I did run a heck of a lot of them for a pvp IO in the past. At the time I did pick and choose. The -runspeed from caltrops still stacked then so I avoided Sister Jacosta like the plague. I also avoided One Good Spider because of the extra mez protection Arachnos tend to have. (My favorite ATs are controllers and dominators.)
I think it's a bit unfortunate that they haven't expanded more on the tip system. If I were designing CoH from the ground up, tips would play a big role in beginning story arcs.
I usually drop "Explosion in Peregrine," especially the vigilante version. Those blinkies always take me forever to find.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
One Good Spider is definitely a damn good mission.
When it first came out, I made sure to always play that one over the suspect one, but the more tips you do, the more you end up just wanting to get the merit at the end.
Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.
BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"
Anything which involves leading anyone out of a mission gets dropped, no matter what I'm playing.
I used to love the Malta Gunman Action Figure tip when it was bugged and the Malta all showed up in quick succession. Now I'll generally drop it, but if I'm running tips on my claws/elec scrapper, I do sometime leave her near the ambush point with Spin on auto and go make a cup of tea and a snack while she finishes the mission by herself.
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
the tip missions vary wildly in time and effort. There is one to defeat 3 5th Column guys that has maybe 5 spawns to defeat and a small map. Then there is one where you have to find totems and click on glowies and run back and forth to find them then defeat a final guy. And I just ran into Panther 541 last night which tells you to Save Panther 541 but he isn't in the mission and you just keep getting ambushes and I had no idea what I was supposed to do.
I exited and abandoned Panther 541 because I just had no idea what I was supposed to do, so I don't even know if it was supposed to be a long or short mission. But I will avoid that one in the future.
I usually solo some tip missions if it is a slow time, then team and get a bunch of tips. Given how much I team rather than solo, it would be easy for me to drop tip missions that I don't want to do and cherry pick the easy ones. So far I haven't, but the variance is so great I am tempted.
Are you just doing whatever tip missions you get, or are you choosey?