are you cherry picking tip missions?

Agent White



The WORST thing about tips is teh huge imbalance between blue and red side.

Blue side, you can get your tips in say..talos, killing lvl 25s, very fast, and then have ALL but a few specific tips (the phipps one comes to mind) have their mission doors in the zone you are in. It really is nice to be able to go to any zone, or just the one you happen to be in, and select your tips, knowing you wont have to rezone.

Then...there's redside. I get my tips in Sharkhead, and all but..2? will appear in GV, or PO. Seriously. Is there any logical reason for this besides being a pain in the ***?



I cherry pick my radio missions, and run every tip I get...I know. I am strange


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
Save Panther 541 is one of the best tip missions there is. I don't get being confused about it either: the instructions when you get into the mission are pretty straightforward. Talk to the base commander and fight off the ambushes. That's it.

The only mission I actively avoid is One Good Spider. It's not that it's a bad mission; it's actually pretty epic and well done. It very much captures the heroic sense of swooping into Grandville, flipping over Arachnos's table, and escaping with the rescued ally.

But it's long, especially after already running through 5 previous tips. It's got a ton of objectives you must complete in order, and it's just tiring when I'm ready to move on to other stuff. It's a lot easier to go step on level 20 enemies until one coughs up The Unusual Suspect, which is quick and simple.
Yes to both. Panther 541 is pretty simple - find a good chokepoint if you like that sort of thing and hold the line until the mission ends. I really like it.

One Good Spider is perhaps my favorite mission in the game right now, but you're right about it being long and involved.

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I don't drop tips.



Most tip missions are straightforward, enjoyable, and are completable at my leisure, so I don't have a problem there.


Vigilante->Villain missions
Rogue->Hero missions

Not cool, developers.

I make the circle occasionally to pick up Patron powers, and those stages are just unbearable. Poorly written, poorly laid out, poorly designed, and oftentimes LONG missions that are not only horrendous to play, but (like Dr. Graves' arc) funnels your character through a VERY SPECIFIC PERSONALITY that the other tip missions either avoid completely or do in a very general sense.

It's been quite a few issues since their introduction and nothing about them has changed. I'm at a point where I have to jump on a REAL villain/hero tip team or I just don't want to even bother.



The extent of my cherry-picking in regards to Tip missions is to drop whichever ones aren't located conveniently in the same zone as me.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Lurker Hunter View Post
Vigilante->Villain missions
Rogue->Hero missions

Not cool, developers.
Have to agree.

I love the Villain->Rogue missions. They're clever and interesting. Rogue->Hero, though, feels far too forced, and the missions themselves are some of the worst escort missions I've ever had the unpleasantness to endure.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



I drop the missions that require me to escort NPC's, since they are terrible at following me. 'Elegant party favor,' 'Out of the corner of your eye,' and 'Your life story.' I may run 'One good spider' if I get it before 'The unusual suspect,' otherwise I run the latter. I usually drop 'Malta gunslinger action figure' too since the ambushes take too long to spawn. Everything else is fine.



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
Have to agree.

I love the Villain->Rogue missions. They're clever and interesting. Rogue->Hero, though, feels far too forced, and the missions themselves are some of the worst escort missions I've ever had the unpleasantness to endure.
I really, REALLY hope they decide to made Vigilante missions in the Rogue Isles that let them work with Longbow and other forces to help put the isles right (and let Rogues terrorize Paragon with Rogue missions). My first Vigilante from villain was a workaround on a Stalker I made before all this came out. He was a "hero" from the Rogue Isles who wanted to chase off Arachnos and others from victimizing its citizens. I ran paper missions and made my own 'journal' to tie those together into storylines based on villain groups and objectives as a thought experiement for fun.

I had to remake his SG base and get the prestige back up when I made the proper alignment change, but it was worth it... Now if only he could do some real good on the isles...

Anyway. Yes, I cherry pick the hell out of tips. I only have time to run tips when I'm solo (unless that's what we do for SG night then I just run whatever folks have and want to do). They're my 'guilty pleasure' where I get to play my main who's "been there, done that" with pretty much everything but getting the last few VR pieces he needs to T4 his incarnates. There's a couple I just don't care for. Either I have to wait for the series of ambushes (Panther 541) or the "Stop the Assassinations" (2 carnie bosses per hostage? Just annoying!)

There's not a lot I skip on him, but there are less than a handful I'll drop just because they aren't suited to him. Other characters, when I bother, have other tips they'll skip/take based on their capabilites and their preferences. As I've run them over, and over, and over... I don't feel like I'm missing anything by it, and only run them for fun anyway.

Besides, if you know a mission by its title before even opening the text to accept or decline, you have probably already earned the right to do either having enough experience with it to even know...

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
My big problem with Unusual Suspect is that it's like, the antithesis of "heroic". Silent Blade is all "I'mma just kill this guy and leave now, k?", and the response is "k, c u l8r".

I do agree that on those rare occasions I'm actually repeating tip content, it's much more convenient, but it's nonetheless one of those where I end up wanting to Godzilla facepalm at whoever wrote it.
That's my problem with The Unusual Suspect as well. I'm all for speedrushing missions and such, but the writing in that one is just horrific. One Good Spider in comparison I found was miles better, and it's not that long to do, so if the choice comes up, I'll always do the latter even if it's longer.

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Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller



I just skip the Sister Jocasta mission when doing hero>hero tips. The rest are fine, hero>hero tips have some of the fastest ones available, compared to what other alignments have to deal with, luckily I rarely have to do those.



I skip all the long tips, and only do the short ones. I've done them ALL to death now, that I only stealth/speed run tips for the hero/villain merits.

None of them are compelling enough to do for the 132324332121323th time.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



If I had a wider pool to choose from, I would. But when I've done, say, four Tip missions for that day and my inventory can only hold one, I don't exactly have the luxury, unless I want to dismiss the contact, go killing stuff and hoping for a drop, only to get another one I don't like.

That said, I DO cherry-pick my Tip missions so that they at least somewhat match the character running them. I dismissed the mission that had Stardiver speak with the Scrapyarder strikers just because Stardiver can't speak.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



There are some tips I generally drop:

The oft mentioned Panther 541 I drop because of the annoying wait time between the attacking waves.

The debutante one is my least favorite because it not only has THREE npcs to escort, but it's guaranteed to have at least three of those annoying Master Illusionists in it. I will, however, do this mission whenever it come up until I get the Illusionist badge BECAUSE of the Master Illusionists.

Sister Jocasta is a drop depending on whether or not the character in question deals well with caltrops. My Ice Armor tanker laughs when the Knives try to slow her with little bits of metal on the floor.

I'll generally do whichever morality mission drops first. The Unusual Suspect is nice and fast, but One Good Spider is more fun.

Villain side I usually just drop the ones that require leaving Grandville. And I always take Hometown Hero over My Other Selves. The latter is nice to do once, but too talky for repeated runs. And the former lets me beat up Sky Dragon, the Rodney Dangerfield of heroes.

For the lower levels on either side there aren't any I consistently drop since I'm not going to be doing any of them on a particular character often enough to get irritated with them. Though I do wish there was an alternative to the 20-29 hero one. I hate that mission.




Can I just add that not only are escort missions annoying, but escort missions that involve rescuing people held hostage by knives of artemis (caltrops) or carnie master illusionists (decoy phantom) are exceptionally annoying because I have to wait for bits of metal or imaginary people to disappear before the hostages know they're being rescued.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
If I had a wider pool to choose from, I would. But when I've done, say, four Tip missions for that day and my inventory can only hold one, I don't exactly have the luxury, unless I want to dismiss the contact, go killing stuff and hoping for a drop, only to get another one I don't like.

That said, I DO cherry-pick my Tip missions so that they at least somewhat match the character running them. I dismissed the mission that had Stardiver speak with the Scrapyarder strikers just because Stardiver can't speak.
Maybe Stardiver can sign or hold notecards?



I like the concept of One Good Spider, but its time consuming & twice in a row I had bugged spawns and was unable to finish it, so never again.

One of my favs is the death trap one, forget which with Dr quantam's hide out. Love that one, so much fun.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
If the tip tries to send me out of the zone I'm in, I ditch it. Otherwise, I'll run anything.
Ditto. This is also why I almost always run my tips in Talos. I've found that there are a few tips that will try to send me to another zone if I am not in Talos, but will be in Talos if I'm there already. I forget which ones do this right now; it might be one of the DE ones and one of the CoS ones. If I pick them up while in another zone, they have a randomly decided zone as the destination. But if I investigate them while in Talos, they will always be in Talos. I wish all tips would just be in the zone I'm currently in, like paper/radio mishes. The less zoning the better for me.

Also, DAE find it odd/ironic/silly that "Explosion in Peregrine" will be in whatever zone you investigate it in while other tips seem to be hard-set to be in specific zones?

Edit to add: The Unusual Suspect. I've run it more times than I remember. Where are all these doubles even coming from? Why don't I ever get a mission to shut down the cloning factory that is churning out evil versions of myself at the rate of three per week!?

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
I like the concept of One Good Spider, but its time consuming & twice in a row I had bugged spawns and was unable to finish it, so never again.

One of my favs is the death trap one, forget which with Dr quantam's hide out. Love that one, so much fun.
That's the level 30 to 39 hero morality tip.



I don't mind the "One good spider" tip and run it when I'm in teams, I will only do the "Unusual Suspect" when I'm solo for time reasons. In that, my time is limited and just want to get them done. Again, it's a guilty pleasure for me to run my tips on my main. Otherwise, I prefer Arachnos to Malta for character reasons in most cases.

I don't run tips on any other 50 solo most of the time, so I have no preference regarding those. I actually prefer "One good spider" in teams for the drops and xp.

I like the idea behind the "Bring Doc Quantum to true justice", but I don't like the mission in and of itself. It's easy, but it's the first step he goes 'over the line' with proof in character terms. It seems in the morality missions, most of the heroes become villains, and a couple of villains become heroes throughout the course of them.

I don't like this because the NPC's, in my mind, should better represent the 'ideals' we're striving toward/breaking from. It makes for a better narrative, again to me, when we have something we can measure against. I get the outlier of Flambeaux becomming a villain, and Frostfire becomming a hero (just because I ran the level 45-50 villain morality) but most of them should, conversely, remain the same to illuminate our character's ascent/decent.

That's where the tip missions fall short, again, in my opinion. They tried to write these 'rogue's gallery' of heroes and villains that cross sides, where they should have focused on our hero's descent or our villain's ascent, with a couple iconoclasts (Flambeaux and Frostfire) joining us for the ride, while watching the other's reactions of disbelief, and subsequent reactions, over the choices we made.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



I like the Doc Quantum 30-39 mission. It has things that explode. When you can chain explode several at once, that's even better.

If there was a mission with about a thousand proximity bombs that would all go off at once when you set one off... I'd run that one as much as possible. Just because.

Or maybe they need a mission with ice slides like in Frostfire, and proximity bombs that you can't help sliding into. >.>

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
I like the idea behind the "Bring Doc Quantum to true justice", but I don't like the mission in and of itself. It's easy, but it's the first step he goes 'over the line' with proof in character terms. It seems in the morality missions, most of the heroes become villains, and a couple of villains become heroes throughout the course of them.

I don't like this because the NPC's, in my mind, should better represent the 'ideals' we're striving toward/breaking from.
Huh? The number is equal concerning villain to hero or hero to villain.

Frostfire, Miss Thystle, and Desdemona are all villains that become heroes.

Flambeaux, Doc Quantum, and Polar Shift are all heroes that become villains.

Blast Furnace goes vigilante and Silent Blade goes rogue.

Maelstrom, Hollow Point, Mangle, Overdrive, Ravenstorm, Shock Treatment, Sky Dragon, Stalwart, and Stardusk all stay the same.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Huh? The number is equal concerning villain to hero or hero to villain.

Frostfire, Miss Thystle, and Desdemona are all villains that become heroes.

Flambeaux, Doc Quantum, and Polar Shift are all heroes that become villains.

Blast Furnace goes vigilante and Silent Blade goes rogue.

Maelstrom, Hollow Point, Mangle, Overdrive, Ravenstorm, Shock Treatment, Sky Dragon, Stalwart, and Stardusk all stay the same.
Aaaand, you don't hear so much from them in the later levels, especially enough for that to be a relevant impact.

Now if more 40-50 missions involved facing those that stayed heroes or villains, it'd be more relevant. As it is they're, unfortunately, forgettable.

They should have left Malta, and Knives of Artemis, out of the equasion alltogether. They're secret organizations that have gotten more publicity than they deserve in the newer missions and tips than they would, and should, take credit for. Hints are fine, but ignoring the subterfuge they are (or should be capable of) is almost negligent in these missions.

There's no missions in the 40-50 range dealing with the life choices of No Mind or Towering Inferno, nor their reprecussions. It would make more sense if there were.

More importantly, I'd like to see Rogue Isles tip missions that let Vigilantes face them down on their own turf with the help (or at the request of) Longbow and the Legacy Chain and the like. I would love to rescue Sky Dragon being beaten by Mangle, carrying out his twisted villainout schemes. Conversely, why can't our Rogues help Icecap kidnap Overdrive in Paragon City with the help of Carnies or 5th Column (or at the request of) for similar reasons?

The acts of Vigilanes and Rogues are neglected as just 'transitional' points for heroes and villains where there's a wealth of storytelling that should exist there for their benefit alone.

Maybe that's my opinion, but I'd love to have a villian able to ravage Paragon, while my Vigilantes liberate the Rogue Isles...

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
Aaaand, you don't hear so much from them in the later levels, especially enough for that to be a relevant impact.

Now if more 40-50 missions involved facing those that stayed heroes or villains, it'd be more relevant. As it is they're, unfortunately, forgettable.
WTF? Mangle, Overdrive, Shock Treatment, Hollow Point, and Sky Dragon show up a LOT. What tips have you been playing?



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
WTF? Mangle, Overdrive, Shock Treatment, Hollow Point, and Sky Dragon show up a LOT. What tips have you been playing?
Mostly hero tips (with my 'main'). There's one with Hollow Point, and you rescue Sky Dragon in one, but the others must be villainside, which I'm just starting to expore in any repeatable capacity, so this may be my loss (I do recall a Mangle one...). Because Vigilante and Rogue missions don't carry over to the other side I haven't done them much and just used them transitionally. That may be my loss if there's good story there...

Maybe it's just my luck, but I don't get the Sky Dragon one (with 'evil' Doc Quantum) often. And while I do it when it comes up, am not fond of the Hollow Point one (Westin Phipps) it comes up maybe once or twice a week on my 'main' all told, but I do it.

That said, it boils down to tips just running together and getting lost in the blur of doing them so often. I know the Sky Dragon rescue and facing down Hollow Point well (I avoid the one where you help Frostfire in the Longbow base against Malta because I don't care much for Malta on my 'main', and almost forget about the 'He's a good-guy now of Ms. Thistle and Frostfire vs. Nemesis because it's so weak storywise, though I do it often).

Okay, fine, that's my fail. Familiarity breeds contempt (or failing that, neglect). Okay, pointing this out there's hero missions that illuminate a couple of their deeds in the 40-50 range, and presumably a few villain ones that do the same. In that, I actually feel ashamed I overlooked them (especially since I did a series of hero tips and morality earlier today).

However in my defense I could claim the bigger fail is the neglect that comes from repetition which, while I can claim my own for not doing the Vigilante/Rogue/Villain missions as well on a regular basis, I can't say I'm probably alone in doing, and missing the point of them for it.

This again, reinforces the fact, that I cherry-pick tip missions I suppose

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.