Why do you want new powersets?




Assuming you do.

1) You've played all of the existing powersets for all AT's and want something new.
2) You've played all of the existing powersets for your favorite AT(s) and want new sets for them.
3) There are specific powersets you want, not just any new ones
4) You want powersets better than the existing ones
5) More is better
6) You want a new theme of powersets, tired of fire/ice/rad/etc
7) other

I go with #6. I like the idea of playing a dark/dark controller. But really I want to try characters that feel different.



I 'd like new powersets that would go with concepts I want to make that are currently impossible.



In a Super Hero/Villain game, you can never have 'enough'

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by QuarriosSoul View Post
I 'd like new powersets that would go with concepts I want to make that are currently impossible.
This. Plus, the new powersets are so well animated and feel more "powerful" than the older ones, so I'm always looking forward to what they do next.



Seeing as how I waited a full five years for the single powerset that I actually wanted(Staff melee) I don't care what else they do with powersets, I have the one I wanted.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



#2, definitely. My favorite AT is the Blaster. Once you have taken a blaster to 50 with any given power set, rolling that power set again on any archetype, even another blaster, just feels weak (disclaimer: that's my opinion). My Cold/Ice defender did not last long after playing my Ice/Ice blaster through. All I kept thinking is "why isn't Bitter Ice Blast taking half their health like usual?!" haha.

#6 holds true as well, but more in the sense that I would like to see complimentary primaries, secondaries, and APPs across all archetypes. For example: one can make a Ice/Ice/Arctic Tanker, but can't make a Cold/Ice/*cold powers* Defender.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
7) other
Personally, I believe there are more than enough power sets in the game now. However, expanding on some of the older ones as they are doing with Darkness powers is great.

I would like to see them open powers to those ATs that use similar powers. Example, what cannot an Archer blaster AT not have access to Trick Arrow? Why not allow a Tank use a single sword like the Brute can?

There are powers that just make too much sense to allow other ATs have access to. Why limit the Dominator from using main powers of a Controller or vice versa? Sure they both have two different main purposes; however, those powers can be tailored to fit into those specific purposes.

Current active characters: Dragon Maiden (50+3 Brute SS/WP/PM), Black Widow Maiden (50+1 Night Widow), Catayclasmic Ariel (50 lvl Defender - Kin/DP), Quantumshock (50 lvl Elect/Energy/Energy), American's Defender (38 lvl Tanker - SD/Mace), Spider-Maiden (15 lvl Corruptor - RB/PD) & Siren Shrike (15 lvl Defender - Sonic/Sonic). My entire stable.



#5 all the way!

More we have, the more possibilities.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I would be just as happy with more proliferation.
Yes. That too.

Munitions Mastery for Masterminds!



Because I'm waiting for a Positional Defense/Regen set with some okay S/L/Psi defense!

totally for concept and currently using WP to simulate it. But that's typed defense! Technically that's not game mechanics for agility

Oh, and a toggle mez shield! That's for my own happiness and less with the concept tho.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I'd go with a combination of 5 and 6. More is always better.. the more choices available the more interest the game generates not only for me but for everyone.. I love to team so finding new ways, any new ways, to bring old players back and interest new players is great. Then add the possibility of themes that work for what I personally want in a hero or villain. I love Street Justice because it combines a bit of martial arts with some plain old brawling.. I created a heroic Brute whose bio show him, yeah one of a very small number of male characters I have, as a soldier with special powers that returns home from the war and discovers his brother has been bullied into joining a gang. Using his powers and military training the guy shows up at the gangs hide out and "convinces" them they don't need any new members LOL

I am really looking forward to both Beast Mastery and Staff fighting. Already have a theme selected for both and have enjoyed testing them on Beta.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



More is better. I have more concepts in my brain than I know what to do with, so different powersets allows me to explore those.

What I really DON'T like are powersets that are basically retreads of previous ones. (Time Manipulation is essentially Gravity Control, for instance. Titan Weapons seems to basically be a larger version of Broadsword, from what I can see.) That's one reason why Staff Fighting is exciting: it's different enough from other powersets to feel like a whole new playstyle.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Titan Weapons seems to basically be a larger version of Broadsword, from what I can see.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I like to see Psychic melee. My original concept for one of my scrappers is a psi/SR.

I like to see ninjitsu ported over to scrapers and Brutes.

NeoSaturn-L50 Kat/Regen Scrapper

Paragon Family Swift
NeoSaturn's Deviations



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
More is better. I have more concepts in my brain than I know what to do with, so different powersets allows me to explore those.

What I really DON'T like are powersets that are basically retreads of previous ones. (Time Manipulation is essentially Gravity Control, for instance. Titan Weapons seems to basically be a larger version of Broadsword, from what I can see.) That's one reason why Staff Fighting is exciting: it's different enough from other powersets to feel like a whole new playstyle.
Time is NOT essentially Gravity Control and TW is certainly NOT a bigger BS. I have no idea where this kind of stuff is coming from, but it's very very incorrect.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
More is better. I have more concepts in my brain than I know what to do with, so different powersets allows me to explore those.

What I really DON'T like are powersets that are basically retreads of previous ones. (Time Manipulation is essentially Gravity Control, for instance. Titan Weapons seems to basically be a larger version of Broadsword, from what I can see.) That's one reason why Staff Fighting is exciting: it's different enough from other powersets to feel like a whole new playstyle.
I have to admit, this one made me scratch my head a bit.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Seeing as how I waited a full five years for the single powerset that I actually wanted(Staff melee)
This, but then beyond that #5.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
(Time Manipulation is essentially Gravity Control, for instance. Titan Weapons seems to basically be a larger version of Broadsword, from what I can see.) .
hahaha, no. All 4 of those sets are very different.

As for me I'd prolly say "4) You want powersets better than the existing ones"

Not necessarily better, just sets that are competitve with the top tier sets we currently have, which means that can also include buffing existing sets. Personally I see no reason to play sets that are worse than the toons I already play, it's just not that fun to me. Meaning a blast set that is competitve with Fire, and buff/debuff sets competitve with Cold and Kinetics or melee sets competitve with super strength or titan weapons. Speaking of which Titan Weapons and Time Manipulation were fabulous additions, being very well balanced sets that could keep up with many of the better sets we currently have.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Time is NOT essentially Gravity Control and TW is certainly NOT a bigger BS. I have no idea where this kind of stuff is coming from, but it's very very incorrect.
I got TM and it feels very much like GC to me. The videos I've seen of TW look quite similar to BS. I know there are minor differences between them, but I want to stress the "minor" part of that. TM doesn't feel different enough. I feel the same way about Street Justice. I like it, but it doesn't feel terribly different from my Martial Artist who uses the alternate (subtler) animations and the fighting pool.

Compare then, for instance, Katana and BS to Dual Blades. Those are qualitatively different in style and play.

I don't have any direct experience with TW -- I haven't even teamed with someone who has it. Just going by the description and the videos I've seen, other than the jumbo-sized weapon I don't see enough of a difference between that and existing sets to get excited about them.

Whereas Staff Fighting doesn't look like anything else in the game. Similarly, the Whip powerset for MMs needs to be ported over to other ATs because it has the potential to also be incredibly different. Can't you just see a level 32 power that "grabs" an enemy and then spins them into a tornado to knock down a group of baddies?

To me, that sort of thing is something to pique my interest, rather than hitting someone with a slightly different punch or a slightly bigger blade.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



My answer is "New is shiny!"

Basically why people buy anything new when they have an older model (car, coat, phone, coffee machine, etc.)

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I feel the same way about Street Justice. I like it, but it doesn't feel terribly different from my Martial Artist who uses the alternate (subtler) animations and the fighting pool.
Now you are just a blasphemer! J/K

Really TW is massively different in feel during play than BS is. For that matter the same applies to street justice and MA, but I can see where you are coming from on that. If anything, Street Justice is what MA should have been.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Well, first, something like category 1, but not exactly. (I guess this is category 7, then?) I haven't played all the existing powersets yet, but I'm heading there, and I don't like to repeat a set. Currently there are a lot more melee sets than there are defensive ("armor") sets, so either I have to skip several melee sets, or I have to duplicate several armors. So, more defensive/armor sets, please!

There are a few specific ideas I'd love to see as power sets in the game. This is mainly your category 3, I think, but it also slightly touches category 6. I'm not exactly "tired" of the existing power sets, and power customisation goes a long way, but there are times where I do wish for something different and new.




Firstly, I'd like to see new APP's to fill in the thematic/synergy gaps we have, for example:

Electric Mastery for Scrappers and Tankers and so on
Fire Mastery for Defenders
Kinetic Mastery for Brutes, Tankers, Stalkers and Scrappers

So on and so forth.

Secondly I'd like to see new Primaries/Secondaries to fill in the thematic/synergy gaps:

Ice Melee/Armour for Scrappers
Ice Melee for Stalkers
Electric and Earth Buff/Debuff sets for Controllers/Defenders/Corruptors
Earth Blast for Defenders/Controllers/Corruptors/Blasters
Sonic and Radiation Manipulation for Blasters

And then more character slots per server as I only have 5 left on my one and only server of choice.



I agree.
I just want more options.
More new shiny powersets with amazing animations and unique mechanics.
If you compare Broadsword/Axe/Mace with Titan weapons there is a huge difference.
Also we need APPs expanded.
And more proliferation.
And power pool customization.
And new travel powers (not toggles that grey out powers)
More, more, more!!