Double XP Weekend?




Double XP Weekends were marketing ploys.

With the freemium model, they are much less necessary to draw old players back into the game.

Still, we could 'possibly' see one again someday, but they hinted that they didn't have any planned in the near future.

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Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
Double XP Weekends were marketing ploys.

With the freemium model, they are much less necessary to draw old players back into the game.

Still, we could 'possibly' see one again someday, but they hinted that they didn't have any planned in the near future.
Where did they "hint" this?



Originally Posted by PowerLeveler View Post
Where did they "hint" this?
I honestly cannot remember, but I think--emphasis on think--that I remember hearing this, too. It may have been at the Pummit back in November. I wish I could cite the source, but I honestly have no idea. I could be mixing it up with something else, but now that someone else said it, it makes me more convinced that I actually heard it right.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



I'd love one of these; so many alts stuck in the high 20s to mid 30s with that long slog ahead of the very least let us buy the Patrol XP booster power.

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Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I honestly cannot remember, but I think--emphasis on think--that I remember hearing this, too. It may have been at the Pummit back in November. I wish I could cite the source, but I honestly have no idea. I could be mixing it up with something else, but now that someone else said it, it makes me more convinced that I actually heard it right.
Well, I think --emphasis on think-- that my cousin's neighbor's ex-girlfriend's roomate heard they were doing TRIPLE xp every single weekend from now on!

"I maybe heard it somewhere" is not useful information. If you feel they would be a bad idea or a good idea that's fine, talk about that, there is an actual discussion to be had there. Weasel words like "they have hinted somewhere" do that thing where you claim to have the authority of an actual quote with none of the trouble of actually citing a source or proving your point. It is, at best, misleading.



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
I'd love one of these; so many alts stuck in the high 20s to mid 30s with that long slog ahead of the very least let us buy the Patrol XP booster power.
Not the same, the only thing I like about double xp is double inf, and you can't get that from patrol xp or xp boosters.



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
DFB should be specifically tagged to not give DXP so that the DFBabies would be forced to take a look at the rest of the world if they want the bonus.
I love how some folks are so preoccupied with how others play the game they pay to play their way. Brilliant...

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Maybe they could give Premiums and freebies access to VIP content over a double XP weekend, to give them a taste of what they're missing?
I could buy a tactic like that, since there was a website thad did something similar over a day back in January, treating every account like it was a subscribed one.



The only recent reference I remember is from the Ustream chat with Noble Savage.

When the question was asked, the response was "Well... not quite a weekend. But soon we'll see."

Intentionally vague. Could go either way.

"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



I like DXP weekends, but can live without them.

Rikti Invasion Weekends, though... I have a lot of new chars who feel the need to beat up massive quantities of Rikti.

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
I love how some folks are so preoccupied with how others play the game they pay to play their way. Brilliant...
I wouldn't mind the DFBabies if they hadn't made the help channel completely ineffective for it's intended use. I used to stay in the help channel in order to, well, provide help to those who needed it. Now it's impossible to use it for that purpose.

Other than that they don't affect my play. But the ARE robbing themselves of the rest of the game by mindlessly running DFB.




Dont blame the freems for using the only channel they have access to to help themselves form teams.



Originally Posted by Everything_Xen View Post
Dont blame the freems for using the only channel they have access to to help themselves form teams.
I think there should be a teaming channel open to freebies. I don't exactly 'blame' them for using help to team, but the help channel really has become useless for it's intended purpose.

Edit: I also think that VIP/premium players should have the option to receive tells from freebies. That way those who want to put together groups for the free players would have better tools for doing so. I understand the reasons behind limiting free access to channels, but there should be SOME channels open to them. Others who don't want to see freebie chat can stay out of those channels.




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
I wouldn't mind the DFBabies if they hadn't made the help channel completely ineffective for it's intended use. I used to stay in the help channel in order to, well, provide help to those who needed it. Now it's impossible to use it for that purpose.

Other than that they don't affect my play. But the ARE robbing themselves of the rest of the game by mindlessly running DFB.
Help channel needs to be separated.

In terms of people robbing themselves of the rest of the game as you put it...WHO CARES!!!

..Oh you do...

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



There is a word.

Have you heard?

About the word?


Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Yes, it brings DOUBLE XP for ALL for FREE. So yes.
Why do you assume it would be double xp for all? Seems to me the devs could use the event as an incentive to get Freebs and Prems to sub by making it a VIP only event.



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
I wouldn't mind the DFBabies if they hadn't made the help channel completely ineffective for it's intended use. I used to stay in the help channel in order to, well, provide help to those who needed it. Now it's impossible to use it for that purpose.

Other than that they don't affect my play. But the ARE robbing themselves of the rest of the game by mindlessly running DFB.
Oh please. Jerks were using the help channel for personal conversations and made the channel ineffective long before the game went F2P.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
There is a word.

Have you heard?

About the word?


When ya first see this the record part with Brian and Stewie immediately comes to mind. Darn it. Got that song in my head now. Hold on, gotta smash a printer.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Help channel needs to be separated.

In terms of people robbing themselves of the rest of the game as you put it...WHO CARES!!!

..Oh you do...
And you apparently care that I care. I'm touched.




Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Oh please. Jerks were using the help channel for personal conversations and made the channel ineffective long before the game went F2P.
I can't speak for other servers but in the months preceding the launch of Freedom the help channel was being used pretty much as intended on Victory. Us jerks had our conversations on the global channels.




Originally Posted by PowerLeveler View Post
"I maybe heard it somewhere" is not useful information. If you feel they would be a bad idea or a good idea that's fine, talk about that, there is an actual discussion to be had there. Weasel words like "they have hinted somewhere" do that thing where you claim to have the authority of an actual quote with none of the trouble of actually citing a source or proving your point. It is, at best, misleading.
Whatever. I remember a redname saying that also. Am I going to search for the citation to convince you? Nope. I don't care if you believe it or not.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
There is a word.

Have you heard?

About the word?

Of course everybody has heard of the word!

Ooo ma mow mow,
Ooo ma ma mow mow mow...

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Whatever. I remember a redname saying that also. Am I going to search for the citation to convince you? Nope. I don't care if you believe it or not.
Oh god and eight posts up and everything. I mean wow. Really this is just amazing.