Power Girl's new costume

Agent White



Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
Forget the costume, what's with the hair? She looks like Super-Princess Di.
That too. Not a good look at all.

I think they wanted to get away from the "sex bomb" look and replace it with a "cute" look for PG.




OMG! Do they really have to go about trying to cave into groups of people who wouldn't pick up a comic book whether they fit their ideals or not?

She lost the classic and iconic outfit she had, for...this? The other was simple in design, but face it, that hole in the outfit just made it iconic.

She also lost her signature cape!

Then they reduced her bust size!

I find it sad. And I say this as someone who isn't even a big fan of Power Girl. I prefere Supergirl (and they ruined her too) over Power Girl. But alot of these changes are just terrible!

Then to add to it all, they couldn't even keep it a gymnastic style leotard, and added leggings to it.

Don't even have her folded over style boots either.


Okay, I need to know, is this them caving in, or is this really thinking "Hey, let's totally redesign the character!"

And also agreed, the body type is way different than usual. While not as big as some people make her out to be in CoH with their homages/exact copies, it just seems she's lost her general look though. The slightly broader shoulders...ect...

Just don't care for it. :/

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Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
I'll just add it to the list of New 52 costumes I don't like.
Agreed, big mistaking taking Power Girl's bewb port away!

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Originally Posted by ebon3 View Post
Agreed, big mistaking taking Power Girl's bewb port away!
Meh, wouldn't have been bad if they had replaced it with a costume that actually looked good.

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Originally Posted by ebon3 View Post
Agreed, big mistaking taking Power Girl's bewb port away!
And her bewbs with it! heh

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Her bustline might be preserved. It could just be Perez's style understating it.

- CaptainFoamerang

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Is it odd that I think the cleavage-window would actually go better with this costume than the costume that it's actually on?

I only dislike* it on her original costume because it also has a bikini/leotard style bottom. I think that's just more skin than needed, where I could see it going well on this costume, because it covers so much of the rest of her.

Also not sure I care for the seaming on the legs.

*Dislike is actually a strong word. I don't really Dislike it, but I don't really like it either.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Imagine that. DC artists screwing up a well-liked character.

(See Harley Quinn for the worst change).



I don't like the art in that pic. And I don't like the bracers, boots, and hair. But I kinda like the cape with the P-shield.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
OMG! Do they really have to go about trying to cave into groups of people who wouldn't pick up a comic book whether they fit their ideals or not?
There's actually a good reason to do this. I, myself, didn't buy a comic until I was 22 years old and had my own job and income and moved out of my parents place. The reason why was because my parents wouldn't tolerate the comic books.

If there was a much "softer" image to it than a bikini-with-bewb-window woman all over them, them just maybe I would've been buying comics with my parents money a long time ago.

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Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
I'll just add it to the list of New 52 costumes I don't like.
Same. Closing the 'boob window' is one thing, but seriously it looks like she's wearing a Power Bib. The people in charge at DC are morons.



new costume looks like crap and has 0 to do with what we regularly know her costume to be...



I like the way that the front of the cloak is a variation of Superman's badge, but with a red "P" instead of an "S", and the way there's still the vertical seams on the suit - but the armored boots and gloves are kinda weird for her - they'd look ok on soemone else, but not her.
The lack of a belt and any kind of sleeves is also bad.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



what's witht he completely vacuous expression? Huntress actually looks appropriately "GRR! ACTION". PG on the other hand... looks like she's trying to remember something



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
what's witht he completely vacuous expression? Huntress actually looks appropriately "GRR! ACTION". PG on the other hand... looks like she's trying to remember something
Where she kept her good costume?



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
Where she kept her good costume?
"Did I leave it at the dry cleaner? No, maybe I accidentally packed it with the christmas ornaments? Oh darn. I know I have it somewhere. Thank goodness auntie knitted me this weird bib"



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
PG on the other hand... looks like she's trying to remember something
Is that not still a part of her character?

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
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-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I like the way that the front of the cloak is a variation of Superman's badge, but with a red "P" instead of an "S"
Old school Power Girl disagrees.



Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
There's actually a good reason to do this. I, myself, didn't buy a comic until I was 22 years old and had my own job and income and moved out of my parents place. The reason why was because my parents wouldn't tolerate the comic books.

If there was a much "softer" image to it than a bikini-with-bewb-window woman all over them, them just maybe I would've been buying comics with my parents money a long time ago.
And yet, one of the characters that could've gotten more people interested in reading comics, i.e. Starfire from the Teen Titans cartoon, is mangled beyond recognition into barely disguised sex puppet.



Though I didn't mind the first too much one way or the other, the new costume is a fail in my book. Maybe they were trying to go retro or something but the Blanche Devereaux hair and elongated, misshapen "P" aren't working. The 80's called and want that costume back.



Well, it's a nice-looking costume design that I would compliment if I saw ingame, but... it doesn't look like Powergirl now. :<

{}... .-



Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
Old school Power Girl disagrees.

I wonder how many people realize that that Power Girl is the Power Girl that is in Earth Two...even though Power Girl actually already exists in the DCnU as well as Supergirl... which makes this whole thing not work at all >.>

Personally I find the Helena Wayne as Robin in the background a tad more atrocious... until one realizes that We've already seen these characters and as they aren't supposed to be altered and they are supposed to be in their late 20s early 30s seems someone doesn't know how to draw developed women...



Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
Old school Power Girl disagrees.
That was when she was still quite new, and wanted to create her own identity, and not just be defined by her connection to Superman.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



George Perez is the artist who came up with Starfire's orginal look, he is also who did the pencils for the cover this thread is about.

Not important info, but it's not like this thread is full of important info.



Huh, and to think, the old on had just grown on me via grandfather clause.

Now all in all, I actually like the suit itself, but I liked her old cape, gloves, and boots more.

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City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.