Power Girl's new costume

Agent White



At least Starfire's new outfit is pretty close to her original one. It's just the character that changed to much.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



The overall costume design isn't that bad, it's just the "Power Bib" destroys the look.



Marcian Tobay and I had a quick little discussion about this on Twitter. I personally cannot stand the new costume. And no, it's not because of "DURR HURR BOOBIES!" either. I just don't like the way it looks. There's too much uninterrupted white thanks to the bodysuit (the lack of sleeves and the ribbing don't really do much to remedy it), her boots and bracers are too busy compared to the rest of her costume, the "P" on her big red mantle is frankly silly-looking, and I'm not feeling the feathered 80s hair. Oh, and there's no blue in the costume, either. With like one exception, her costumes - and there have been a few - have always had blue in them.

Huntress appears to be coming through relatively unscathed, so I really do wonder why PG had to undergo such a radical costume change. I'd like to think that it wasn't due to cries of "sexism" and "misogyny", as Power Girl was never really written as the "sexy" character. Guys leering at her cleavage were usually met with an emphatic "eyes up here, pal!", and any sex appeal the character had was typically either lampshaded, downplayed, or not played at all. Amazingly, even though she had exposed cleavage of some sort for most of her existence, PG wasn't really a cheesecake character.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
And yet, one of the characters that could've gotten more people interested in reading comics, i.e. Starfire from the Teen Titans cartoon, is mangled beyond recognition into barely disguised sex puppet.
Ignoring, of course, that the cartoon version of Starfire was much different than the comic version which existed prior to and during the cartoon's existence, in terms of both appearance and personality.

And if you really still think that Starfire in the new DC universe is nothing but a "barely disguised sex puppet", then you either stopped reading Red Hood & the Outlaws after issue 1 or haven't read the series at all.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
Ignoring, of course, that the cartoon version of Starfire was much different than the comic version which existed prior to and during the cartoon's existence, in terms of both appearance and personality.

And if you really still think that Starfire in the new DC universe is nothing but a "barely disguised sex puppet", then you either stopped reading Red Hood & the Outlaws after issue 1 or haven't read the series at all.

Why would I continue to read something that mangled a character into what they did to her?



Oh, I get it now. Cartoon Starfire was your introduction to the character, wasn't it?

Well, the cartoon began in 2003, but Starfire first appeared in comics in October of 1980. And she was created by Marv Wolfman and George Perez as a sort of "Red Sonja in outer space". The cutesy, naive, sweet Starfire of the Teen titans cartoon was the aberration, and the new 52 version isn't that far off from how the character was for the 30 years prior to the reboot.

But this a Power Girl thread, and I really do NOT feel like going back and forth with people who are still upset because DC comics didn't turn Starfire into their perfect orange cartoon waifu. So good day, sir.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
Oh, I get it now. Cartoon Starfire was your introduction to the character, wasn't it?

Well, the cartoon began in 2003, but Starfire first appeared in comics in October of 1980. And she was created by Marv Wolfman and George Perez as a sort of "Red Sonja in outer space". The cutesy, naive, sweet Starfire of the Teen titans cartoon was the aberration, and the new 52 version isn't that far off from how the character was for the 30 years prior to the reboot.

But this a Power Girl thread, and I really do NOT feel like going back and forth with people who are still upset because DC comics didn't turn Starfire into their perfect orange cartoon waifu. So good day, sir.
Wow, you just don't get it do you? Star has always been a sexual creature, but at the same time loving and a fighter. Not this caricature of what they turned her into. And no, Teen Titans was not my intro to her, but the reboot was a good opportunity to hook those people who were intro'd to her through that.

Instead they turned her into...that.

Oh, and go take a flying leap for the waifu comment.



As someone who doesn't read comics that much. I have no attachment to Starfire, but holy hell her new character is an abortion.



I still chuckle when I watch the JLU episode when Supergirl and Green Arrow discover she was cloned.

Supergirl: "It's...me!"

Green Arrow: "Uhmmm a little more.....mature...then you , but yeah."

Besides why complain about the costume change, it will eventually get reverted quite likely along with the DC Universe reset that is also inevitable.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Besides why complain about the costume change, it will eventually get reverted quite likely along with the DC Universe reset that is also inevitable.
If this story is an accurate depiction of how well the 'new 52' is doing, that inevitable reversion is gonna hit a lot sooner than most folks think. Though they'll probably keep most of the costume changes with Jim & Dan still calling the shots.



If that story is accurate then Durakken obviously knows more about comics than people are willing to say ^.^

On the other hand...
Nielson Raing people v.v really? Aren't they the problem with a lot of the marketing of everything today?
Also I feel bad for DC just a little because Patton is outspoken and hyperbolic it seems a lot of the time and he has his fans who are probably comic nerds so the results are probably skewed...even more so when you take into the fact that Meltdown is probably 1 of the 2 most known comic shops around and the owners of those shops are in the same or similar circles and Meltdown is pretty much a nexus of nerd culture to a degree where something like that would probably get talked about and carried throughout the country by those who visit meltdown...

For those of you who don't know of Meltdown... it's a comic shop that is featured a lot on AOTS whenever they do comic shop things and it also pulls double duty as a comedy club that is run by Chris Hardwick and the Nerdist guys and they have comedians from all over, big and small doing shows there.

So "the survey guy from DC" is going to get disseminated around the country. I don't think it will have long term affects but considering that DC has just removed the reason for people to keep reading, messed up characters, released a bunch of horrible "token" comics... it's hard to see them not falling on their faces.

Worse yet is that DC seems like a dying company... their MMO flopped, their movies keep flopping, a large chunk of their comics keep flopping... and since they are owned by another company it is possible that they just get shut down in the near future which would be sad.



Well GL did well enough to have a sequel in the works, same with the "new" Superman and I don't think anyone would classify the last two Batman movies as flops.

Did I miss DCU closing down? They may have had unrealistic ideas to it's success but it's still alive and kicking.

Their animated series have consistently successful. The hardcore Batman fans may have poo-pooed Brave and the Bold but it honestly represented the comic book series from that time. Young Justice is fantastic and next week the Timm styled CGI Green Lantern starts up in earest on CN.

Yes it's not the heyday of comics during the 90s. The manga bubble burst as well. Not sure how prevalent pirate scans of western comics are and if it damaging existing sales.

DC isn't dieing except in the eyes of the hardcore fanatic who innately reject the movies, animated series and other attempts to expand the audience to those who can't recite minutia.

That said Kevin Smith's new series "Comic Book Men" is on tonight on A&E right after "The Walking Dead".

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Originally Posted by Dark One View Post

Why would I continue to read something that mangled a character into what they did to her?
Sounds like me and Marvel after the 80's

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I recall a survey being done, that I believe had every woman surveyed saying the same thing, "No pants for Wonder Woman"

Admittedly it was done at a con, so that could be why, as it's a group of people who'd attend a con.

Not to mention, in Teen Titans animated, Raven wore a leotard and Starfire wore a miniskirt.

My point being, why does everyone assume it's the costumes that keep the female readers away, and not 1) how they're being written 2) social stigma (face it, comics are still considered a kid/male geek/nerd/what have you, type of deal).

It's going to take more than getting female artists/writers to change that.

Really, I have to wonder, how many people actually care about the gender of the writer/artist? I don't. I care about whether I like the writing/art period.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
Oh, I get it now. Cartoon Starfire was your introduction to the character, wasn't it?

Well, the cartoon began in 2003, but Starfire first appeared in comics in October of 1980. And she was created by Marv Wolfman and George Perez as a sort of "Red Sonja in outer space". The cutesy, naive, sweet Starfire of the Teen titans cartoon was the aberration, and the new 52 version isn't that far off from how the character was for the 30 years prior to the reboot.

But this a Power Girl thread, and I really do NOT feel like going back and forth with people who are still upset because DC comics didn't turn Starfire into their perfect orange cartoon waifu. So good day, sir.
I feel like going back and forth, actually.

The problem with Starfire is that DC is just doing bad business. The 'waifu' Starfire was popular with over a million viewers. The original Starfire was in a book that sold maybe 10,000 copies. If DC wants readers, they should do things that people *like*. The waifu Starfire was such an obvious success, why not reboot the character into *that*?

All of DC's work lately seems to have the same problem -- they're just using bad business sense. It's like someone in the boardroom is making choices based on how badly they can screw up their brand. Power Girl is another example. If you have a character known for her sexuality, you *play that up*, not down, if you want to sell books. DC is just being stupid.

(Personally, I think Power Girl should get her abilities from 'girl power', and be a sexual vamp on par with Catwoman. Whereas Catwoman, coming from a hard childhood, should be much more demure and skittish than her 'New 52' outrageousness. Ah, if only they'd let me write those comics...)

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Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
If this story is an accurate depiction of how well the 'new 52' is doing, that inevitable reversion is gonna hit a lot sooner than most folks think. Though they'll probably keep most of the costume changes with Jim & Dan still calling the shots.
Not surprising at all. I had a hunch this nuDC would be a flop.



People still read comics from the big two?

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Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I feel like going back and forth, actually.

The problem with Starfire is that DC is just doing bad business. The 'waifu' Starfire was popular with over a million viewers. The original Starfire was in a book that sold maybe 10,000 copies. If DC wants readers, they should do things that people *like*. The waifu Starfire was such an obvious success, why not reboot the character into *that*?

All of DC's work lately seems to have the same problem -- they're just using bad business sense. It's like someone in the boardroom is making choices based on how badly they can screw up their brand. Power Girl is another example. If you have a character known for her sexuality, you *play that up*, not down, if you want to sell books. DC is just being stupid.

(Personally, I think Power Girl should get her abilities from 'girl power', and be a sexual vamp on par with Catwoman. Whereas Catwoman, coming from a hard childhood, should be much more demure and skittish than her 'New 52' outrageousness. Ah, if only they'd let me write those comics...)
You know, I would of likely been more accepting of Starfire's change into the animated version with the reboot. So, I admit there is a point to trying to get the 2million fans of the cartoon into the comics.

I continue to buy Red Hood, so I'm giving the reboot a shot. I don't think it's been TERRIBLEOMGWTF just...*sigh* sometimes it's just the little things. Like getting rid of Jubilee's blue eyes. Really? That had to be done?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Find it funny they are pushing the "new" costume, but the Kotobukiya Bishoujo Power Girl has the old costume, at least apparently.



I thought she needed that part exposed because she absorbed her solar energy there. But I guess not.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Best explanation I have seen to date.

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