Fix Walk/Hover-board!




Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
I was talking about letting toggles stay active during rocket board/magic carpet. No new animations please go back and reread my post cause I think you may be responding to someone else.

Oh ya and walk was free rocket board/ magic carpet aint.
Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
walk was free rocket board and magic carpet aren't.

Either you're just trolling or just being aggravating at this point.

Right now there are four Non-Combat/RP Travel Powers: Walk, Rocket Board, Flying Carpet, Coyote TForm. All four Powers disable all powers when they are used. That is WAI.

IIRC, it was done in Walk for the simplest reason because the Power was done on the side, by a single animator in his spare time, and didn't require any substantial changes to the game code. Apparently the Devs felt disabling Powers in a similar fashion for any future Powers of this type seemed a good idea.

Yes, Walk was a freebie and the other Powers you have to pay for. The big difference is when & how they were scheduled. I would expect any other type of Non-Combat/RP Powers in the future to be VIP/Purchasable as well.

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
If time truly is money then they should have allowed toggles to stay active during rocket board/magic carpet. They would have made way more money and thus their time would have been worth more. Instead they suckered themselves out of money. I bought the rocket board you know how the old saying goes "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"

They lost a customer in me and others. I would have bought every travel power released if only toggles were allowed to stay active. Now I won't. Those words that's money flushing down the toilet for paragon studios cause some lazy developer couldn't spend a little extra time to code that toggles stay active while these travels are active.

Wish I was allowed to half *** my job like some of these devs do lol.

And not purchasing any further non combat travel powers is the most effective way for players to show their dissatisfaction with a particular product.

However the devs are going to look at the total numbers of sales made when they listen to customers making complaints. If the sales are lousy then they will either stop making the powers or redesign them. If the sales are high then they will view that as proof that the majority of customers are satisfied with the powers and they'll continue to make them as is.



I should've stopped reading this thread after the first few posts, but yea... I'm a glutton for punishment.

Just to throw my own 2 cents in-

Never assume something is easy or even relatively easy for that matter.

The only thing that I would tend to agree with regarding rocketboard and walk is that I think the powers should suppress instead of turning completely off.

Walk, Rocketboard, the Carpet, even Beast Run and Ninja Run are pretty much cosmetic consumables- They're meant to supplement what's freely available in game.

The in-game counterparts of these powers have no restrictions and should be used as such.

Also to note:

Beast Run/Ninja Run = Slower than Super Speed
Rocketboard = Faster than Flight

There has to be somewhat a trade off. It starts to become "Pay to Win" when the stuff you buy in the store is better than what's available in game for free.

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Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
They lost a customer in me and others. I would have bought every travel power released if only toggles were allowed to stay active. Now I won't. Those words that's money flushing down the toilet for paragon studios cause some lazy developer couldn't spend a little extra time to code that toggles stay active while these travels are active.

Wish I was allowed to half *** my job like some of these devs do lol.

Remember, every time the devs don't do something EXACTLY the way you want, it's because they're lazy. Absolutely no other reason.

*rolls eyes*

I didn't buy the rocket board, not because I couldn't use powers on it (which I knew ahead of time,) but because I thought it looked silly. I didn't buy the flying carpet, because it doesn't work with any of my characters, not because of any power restriction. I bought the wolf transformation despite it disabling powers, and am perfectly happy with it on the characters it fits. And I bought walk... no, wait, I didn't, we were given it completely free for the heck of it as a requested RP power, done in BABs' spare time.

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



I think the bottom-line here is SUPPRESSION, which has been suggested/requested before. I think that most players would be satisfied with the non-combat travel powers if they were to to SUPPRESS toggles, not disable them entirely.

There are already powers in the game that function this way, so it shouldn't be all that hard to change these powers to suppress toggles or trigger "affect only self" status. No, I haven't seen the code, and no, I'm not a programmer for Paragon Studios (although I have written computer programs), so I cannot assert that with absolute certainty. However, given the obvious evidence of other existing game features and my own experiences in programming, I can infer that it might be relatively easy to accomplish using existing tech.

Whether or not Paragon Studios wants to make such a change a priority is entirely up to them. It might indeed be fairly easy to do, but they simply don't think it merits diverting resources assigned to other higher-priority tasks. Like everyone else, we're all bound by time and resource constraints.

So, the best we can do here is make the suggestion and hope for the best.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
If time truly is money then they should have allowed toggles to stay active during rocket board/magic carpet. They would have made way more money and thus their time would have been worth more. Instead they suckered themselves out of money.
Evidence please. Projections will do fine.

Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
They lost a customer in me and others. I would have bought every travel power released if only toggles were allowed to stay active. Now I won't. Those words that's money flushing down the toilet for paragon studios cause some lazy developer couldn't spend a little extra time to code that toggles stay active while these travels are active.
Yet, I buy four of them. I guess The "lazy developer(s)" are still three sales ahead from your lost potential sale.

"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



Originally Posted by Rathulfr View Post
I think the bottom-line here is SUPPRESSION, which has been suggested/requested before. I think that most players would be satisfied with the non-combat travel powers if they were to to SUPPRESS toggles, not disable them entirely.
I wouldn't argue with that. Powers would still be unusable as designed, no extra animation would need to be done, but we'd get the best of both worlds.

That plus, out of self-interest, the same tech might come over for the shields and toggles on Kheldians, which has also been asked for to help with form switching for years.

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
But walk makes no sense!
If you do some searching you would see how Walk came to be created, so ...

As I recall from previous threads:

Walk was the personal project of one Dev, done on his own. The fact it even was allowed to be incorporated into the game is amazing in itself. Basically the Dev team allocated NO money for it. It was the original model for these other new travel powers and they all work the same.

So, you can have your cake for your party but don't complain it wasn't very good after you've eaten it all and then realized it could have been better IF it had more icing.

Moral of the story: move it to another tray. Don't try to make the power something it isn't.



Hm, seems everyone here is using the "time and money" excuse for the developers. If we apply this time and money excuse for everything: many things would be improved at all, and many missions would hand out unbalanced rewards. If we were to compromise on the time and money idea, changing Walk would require the least amount of time and money, let alone coyote taking less amount of time due to things already in the works.

It's amazing when most of these people think I want this change "NAO" but in reality I know kinks need to be worked out, the point of this was to request simply to put it on the "backburner".

I should have known better to come to the forums, but the all omnipotent developers pay more attention to this than the in-game support tab.

You're absolutely welcome for my time...

Loyalist, Resistance, Hero, Villain. All boring, Rogue is where the fun is.
40+ month veteran, and only one 50(+3)
My input/requests is just as good as your as I spend $15 Just like you do.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
/signed to "it's not broken."

And /signed to adding suppression, which would be a good compromise, in my opinion.
I never said it was broken, I merely mislabeled this thread, sadly there is no edit title just yet.

Loyalist, Resistance, Hero, Villain. All boring, Rogue is where the fun is.
40+ month veteran, and only one 50(+3)
My input/requests is just as good as your as I spend $15 Just like you do.



I'll put it this way. If they made these powers to work with combat powers we wouldn't have walk, coyote, magic carpet and hover board. We might have one of them if any. It's simply a matter of 'if you want powers that make you do this for travel, you are going to have to accept that you can't use them in combat due to developer resources.' Because while we're making these nifty new travel powers they are designing new content, SSA content, revamping zones, cranking out costume packs and new powersets and fixing bugs. They've prioritized and this is how things are. *shrugs*

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



It requires the modification of every animation currently existing in the game to work with these movement modes.

Furthermore, it requires every new animation created in the game going forward to be created with these additional movement modes in mind, increasing the number of animations needed for every new power set, emote, etc.

This is not a simple request, it is an exponential increase in time and work for every new animation that is put into the game.



Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
I never said it was broken, I merely mislabeled this thread, sadly there is no edit title just yet.
Oh so someone else using your account posted these statements?

Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
You people seriously need to fix walk
Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
Currently want a fix to Walk/Hover-Board/Magic-Carpet:
Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
To express equal want and need for a fix to the inconvenient problems at hand now
Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
Now why should I and anyone else "just deal" with -anything- we pay for? That's like buying a tire that has a leak, and going "Welp, we'lll refill this later"
In every single one of those posts you are implying that the powers in question are broken.



Originally Posted by Clockwork O1 View Post
It requires the modification of every animation currently existing in the game to work with these movement modes.

Furthermore, it requires every new animation created in the game going forward to be created with these additional movement modes in mind, increasing the number of animations needed for every new power set, emote, etc.

This is not a simple request, it is an exponential increase in time and work for every new animation that is put into the game.
Pfft, see, obviously laziness if you ask some people!

(My reaction is more "Yay, recent redname response to prove we're not making this up when explaining that very thing.")

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



Originally Posted by Clockwork O1 View Post
It requires the modification of every animation currently existing in the game to work with these movement modes.

Furthermore, it requires every new animation created in the game going forward to be created with these additional movement modes in mind, increasing the number of animations needed for every new power set, emote, etc.

This is not a simple request, it is an exponential increase in time and work for every new animation that is put into the game.
What about not detoggling, only suppressing toggle powers? I love my Rocket Board for getting around with my non-travel power toons (and even the speedsters and superjumpers for big travels) but retoggling is a pain, I have toons with 8+ toggles.



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
I'll put it this way. If they made these powers to work with combat powers we wouldn't have walk, coyote, magic carpet and hover board. We might have one of them if any. It's simply a matter of 'if you want powers that make you do this for travel, you are going to have to accept that you can't use them in combat due to developer resources.' Because while we're making these nifty new travel powers they are designing new content, SSA content, revamping zones, cranking out costume packs and new powersets and fixing bugs. They've prioritized and this is how things are. *shrugs*
Though there is the possibility of using something like an overlay for use with those powers.
Simply have all powers be cycled threw a couple of different animations tuned to each movement power.
Like the new coyote power have all melee attacks be something like a tackle maul all ranged a breath blast.
Even extending it further to have animations for cone and AOE (Howl?) to be individual.

Another option is to treat each movement power like a Kheldian transformation with dummy attacks tied to each one.
Something like having a no damage auto knockdown for basic mobs.
Just a handful of caned animations tied to each one that can be activated on command or click.
It would be much more interesting than just run powers by them selves.

Examples would be:
Coyote howl
Hoverbord 360 trick
Magic carpet barrel roll
Walk runway turn
Heck walk could have most of the emotes run from it with out having to drop that stance.

Going of on a tangent, having a way to have a toon drop back into a chosen stance after attacking rather than just going back into the normal default would be nice.



Originally Posted by Stormbird View Post
Pfft, see, obviously laziness if you ask some people!

(My reaction is more "Yay, recent redname response to prove we're not making this up when explaining that very thing.")
Now what you do is subscribe to the thread or bookmark the devs post and then you can link to it the next time this gets brought up.



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
What about not detoggling, only suppressing toggle powers? I love my Rocket Board for getting around with my non-travel power toons (and even the speedsters and superjumpers for big travels) but retoggling is a pain, I have toons with 8+ toggles.
This. On my blasters/trollers/doms/defenders/etc and ATs that don't have toggles, rocket board is just fine and I use it all the time. I even use it on lower level Scrappers/Tanks that still only have one or two toggles. But when I have to retoggle 8 powers afterwards, some of which require a pause for an animation to play it gets to be a pain. I'd love to put in a vote for toggle suppression. I don't care if I don't benefit in-transit, as these powers move fast enough that you'll be out of further aggro range by the time projectiles hit you, and normally you aren't gonna get one shot unless you're in a zone that's 10 levels too high for you, but when I hop off that board I wanna be up and ready to go. Any chance we might see this made as a small QOL improvement Clockwork?



Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
Now why should I and anyone else "just deal" with -anything- we pay for?
Because you knew how it worked before you paid for it. There was no bait-and-switch here. You knew how it worked and chose to pay for it. It's working as designed and as intended and it's not going to change. And, if you didn't know how it worked, then it's still on you. Only a fool buys something without knowing what he or she is buying.

Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
They would most likely make a butt ton more money if they let us leave our toggles on. No idea why they don't. No red name cares to explain either so I'm just gonna go with laziness.
No idea how he missed all the explanations so I'm just gonna go with cluelessness.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Oi. Arrogance and lack of relevant knowledge to give any reason. It burns.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



Originally Posted by Clockwork O1 View Post
It requires the modification of every animation currently existing in the game to work with these movement modes.

Furthermore, it requires every new animation created in the game going forward to be created with these additional movement modes in mind, increasing the number of animations needed for every new power set, emote, etc.

This is not a simple request, it is an exponential increase in time and work for every new animation that is put into the game.
To my knowledge every movement power stops movement animations to play a power animation, though I can see that weapons would require a myriad (though the running animation doesn't chaNge it'S animation) of new animations, what I'm getting at is the why not? Why limit the players to ONLY non combat? You're repeating the same thing many have said: "it fluff" "Only for RP" "not necessary" " you want this done yesterday". I only want this worked on piece by piece but on the back burner. Though you are wrong it's not asking for the world, just a bit of diversity. I mean I can settle with walk (as it isn't a bought "fluff power) being the only one to no suppress powers, and I know there would be a wave of "well if walk doesn't why can't X" when you can respond to that with "Well X is one the back-burner" I'm glad I actually got an informed non snarky response, and honored a red name even bothered to post here. Simple request I would like a revamp of walk have that announced to be on the back burner, than you can move on to the others. Alot of players would be happy with this slow change, and it would allow more diversity amongst them.

Loyalist, Resistance, Hero, Villain. All boring, Rogue is where the fun is.
40+ month veteran, and only one 50(+3)
My input/requests is just as good as your as I spend $15 Just like you do.



Originally Posted by Bullet Barrage View Post
Oi. Arrogance and lack of relevant knowledge to give any reason. It burns.
Then why give it the time of day?

Loyalist, Resistance, Hero, Villain. All boring, Rogue is where the fun is.
40+ month veteran, and only one 50(+3)
My input/requests is just as good as your as I spend $15 Just like you do.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Because you knew how it worked before you paid for it. There was no bait-and-switch here. You knew how it worked and chose to pay for it. It's working as designed and as intended and it's not going to change. And, if you didn't know how it worked, then it's still on you. Only a fool buys something without knowing what he or she is buying.

No idea how he missed all the explanations so I'm just gonna go with cluelessness.
Dealing with something gets the game nowhere. And yes it is on me to think something that cost something would act as Ninja run. Just because you say it won't change does -not- mean it will not, the player base does not all think like you, and it does not think like myself (even though most of them can't pay the $15 to access the forums)

Loyalist, Resistance, Hero, Villain. All boring, Rogue is where the fun is.
40+ month veteran, and only one 50(+3)
My input/requests is just as good as your as I spend $15 Just like you do.



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
I'll put it this way. If they made these powers to work with combat powers we wouldn't have walk, coyote, magic carpet and hover board. We might have one of them if any. It's simply a matter of 'if you want powers that make you do this for travel, you are going to have to accept that you can't use them in combat due to developer resources.' Because while we're making these nifty new travel powers they are designing new content, SSA content, revamping zones, cranking out costume packs and new powersets and fixing bugs. They've prioritized and this is how things are. *shrugs*
This is a defeatist attitude.

Loyalist, Resistance, Hero, Villain. All boring, Rogue is where the fun is.
40+ month veteran, and only one 50(+3)
My input/requests is just as good as your as I spend $15 Just like you do.