Fix Walk/Hover-board!




Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
I love when someone has been proven so completely and irrevocably wrong yet they insist on digging their heels in anyway.

Don't make statements about what should be "easy" to code. The devs have specifically stated that these powers work this way because of the amount of time that it would take to create new animations (and yes, they would be new animations). Beast/Ninja Run aren't the same because while they are animations themselves like the Flying Carpet and Hover Board, you don't maintain the positions when your powers animate. Instead you just play a different animation, then return to your previous animation. That won't work quite as well for an animation involving something that is meant to be another object (the board/carpet would just vanish while your power animates, then reappear when it's done), hence the requirement of a metric pantload of new animations. It has nothing to do with the devs' magical fantasyworld of "intent" where everyone shall play the game as They demand (and that is certainly an issue in some areas of the game), it's purely a matter of practicality.

You're wrong. Sorry. This is where you go "oh well" and let it die.

Oh but that's right, I'm just being "snarky", so it doesn't matter what I say, because it's impossible to be correct and derisively mock someone's ridiculously wrong opinions at the same time.
Dark's correct. The amount of work it took the devs to create Ninja and Beast Run was a big factor in their decision to make the new travel powers as simple as possible. By making them as they are they've been able to get more powers out than previously possible.



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
I love when someone has been proven so completely and irrevocably wrong yet they insist on digging their heels in anyway.

Don't make statements about what should be "easy" to code. The devs have specifically stated that these powers work this way because of the amount of time that it would take to create new animations (and yes, they would be new animations). Beast/Ninja Run aren't the same because while they are animations themselves like the Flying Carpet and Hover Board, you don't maintain the positions when your powers animate. Instead you just play a different animation, then return to your previous animation. That won't work quite as well for an animation involving something that is meant to be another object (the board/carpet would just vanish while your power animates, then reappear when it's done), hence the requirement of a metric pantload of new animations. It has nothing to do with the devs' magical fantasyworld of "intent" where everyone shall play the game as They demand (and that is certainly an issue in some areas of the game), it's purely a matter of practicality.

You're wrong. Sorry. This is where you go "oh well" and let it die.

Oh but that's right, I'm just being "snarky", so it doesn't matter what I say, because it's impossible to be correct and derisively mock someone's ridiculously wrong opinions at the same time.
I never said it was easy, I said that it could be group in with the inconvenient issues (map bug, tray clear, etc.), or set for a schedule to be worked on later. And I never mocked you, you -were- in fact the first to provide a well though out statement, however snarky refers to -how- you choose to say someone. Now, going "Oh well." and giving up allows for developers/designers/implementers to think they can push around paying customers.

Now why should I and anyone else "just deal" with -anything- we pay for? That's like buying a tire that has a leak, and going "Welp, we'lll refill this later" I'm sorry if I unintentionally got on your bad side.

Loyalist, Resistance, Hero, Villain. All boring, Rogue is where the fun is.
40+ month veteran, and only one 50(+3)
My input/requests is just as good as your as I spend $15 Just like you do.



Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
They could still work much better though. It would certainly be nice if at the very least your toggles restored when you turned the power off. Seriously though, Ninja Run and Beast Run and Steam Jump do not cause de-toggle, why should any other purchased travel power?

And if that's exactly what the Dev's intended. . . Well then that's kinda dumb in my opinion.
Indeed! If they want power supression on carpet/board/coyote/carpet FUN!
But walk makes no sense!

Loyalist, Resistance, Hero, Villain. All boring, Rogue is where the fun is.
40+ month veteran, and only one 50(+3)
My input/requests is just as good as your as I spend $15 Just like you do.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I know it causes you much angst and frustration to have your childish arguments refuted so easily with links and screenshots. Maybe you should think before posting statements that are ridiculously easy to tear apart.
I shouldn't even respond to a dreg, but -seriously-? Angst? Childish? Pretty low to try to insult someone who is merely suggesting something. If I go back a page you start an argument with snowballs, and provide a link with very vague information. FOr someone so "Above" this topic you sure spend alot of time in it.

Loyalist, Resistance, Hero, Villain. All boring, Rogue is where the fun is.
40+ month veteran, and only one 50(+3)
My input/requests is just as good as your as I spend $15 Just like you do.



Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
Now why should I and anyone else "just deal" with -anything- we pay for? That's like buying a tire that has a leak, and going "Welp, we'lll refill this later" I'm sorry if I unintentionally got on your bad side.
Oh so now you are trying to go back to the false argument that the powers in question are broken when in fact they aren't.

A tire with a leak is in need of repair because it isn't functioning as it was intended to. These powers are working exactly as intended. You simply don't like the way they were designed.

Now it is possible that in the future the devs may release new travel powers that allow the use of other powers while they are active, but the devs are not going to redesign the current ones.



. . . OK, I am guilty of many of the things of Forbin's list. . .

And actually calling it dumb was unkind of me, but I do not understand why they made it any different than the other purchased travel powers.



Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
They could still work much better though. It would certainly be nice if at the very least your toggles restored when you turned the power off. Seriously though, Ninja Run and Beast Run and Steam Jump do not cause de-toggle, why should any other purchased travel power?

And if that's exactly what the Dev's intended. . . Well then that's kinda dumb in my opinion.
Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
Let's look at Beast Run, Ninja Run, Steam Pack, GvE semi jetpack, and the 30 day jetpack. The rules of nullification aren't applied to those, but under what these people are saying they should. Now let's go into a hypothetical and say they decided to do so.

100% personal opinion.

The difference between ninja run, beast run, Steam jump, etc... and the rocket board, flying carpet and the coyote transformation are that the first group does not alter your character's basic stance drastically. With any of them toggled your character simply stand straight up and then can go on to any combat animations.

On the other end, on the board and carpet your character keep the same pose and must do so because most powers animation start from a different one. And then there's the powers with more moving around like any of the jumps in martial art, spring attack, foot stomp, fault, the punch attack in electric melee, lightning rod, shield charge, etc... where our character prance around a lot. How do you animate this while stuck on a board? or while turned into a canine?

That's the problem with allowing combat while using the second group of travel powers, the Devs would need to revisit every single animation for every single power in the game and do so again for every single fancy travel powers. Quite an undertaking.

I honestly wish we could still keep our toggles on, and get into the "only affecting ourselves" stance like hibernation or phase shift do. I suppose there's some technical problem I dont see with this...

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
The devs do and don't do lots of things that some people think is stupid.
Yeah, why the hell cant we have more [censored] storage damnit... Edit the containers and multiply the capacity by 100 for Pete's sake.

"Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself." ~Midnight Flux's former boss.

There are usually two sides to every argument but no end.

Everything placed above this line is always IMHO, YMMV and quite certainly not to be taken too seriously....



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Oh so now you are trying to go back to the false argument that the powers in question are broken when in fact they aren't.

A tire with a leak is in need of repair because it isn't functioning as it was intended to. These powers are working exactly as intended. You simply don't like the way they were designed.

Now it is possible that in the future the devs may release new travel powers that allow the use of other powers while they are active, but the devs are not going to redesign the current ones.
You're right, walk is priority one on this list of my; as it makes no sense to deny the use of powers only due to the fact you reduce your pace.

The only thin that annoys me about you is this "It's working as intended so no one has the right to complain." Sire/madam, I have a right to complain as I am a paying customer, my input is just as good as yours. Why should -anyone- complain about -anything-. Your's is a tragic mentality to have, why get walked on like a common carpet if you have a voice.Now go smack down someone else's requests and feedback, I'm deathly tired of you repeating yourself.

Loyalist, Resistance, Hero, Villain. All boring, Rogue is where the fun is.
40+ month veteran, and only one 50(+3)
My input/requests is just as good as your as I spend $15 Just like you do.



Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
I shouldn't even respond to a dreg, but -seriously-? Angst? Childish? Pretty low to try to insult someone who is merely suggesting something. If I go back a page you start an argument with snowballs, and provide a link with very vague information. FOr someone so "Above" this topic you sure spend alot of time in it.
Nice try but you still fail. You are the one upset because you can't formulate a valid argument to support your suggestion. And please quote where I claimed to be above the topic of this thread. If I felt this suggestion was beneath me I wouldn't bother responding.

But please continue, the mental gymnastics you're performing are entertaining.



Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
You're right, walk is priority one on this list of my; as it makes no sense to deny the use of powers only due to the fact you reduce your pace.

The only thin that annoys me about you is this "It's working as intended so no one has the right to complain." Sire/madam, I have a right to complain as I am a paying customer, my input is just as good as yours. Why should -anyone- complain about -anything-. Your's is a tragic mentality to have, why get walked on like a common carpet if you have a voice.Now go smack down someone else's requests and feedback, I'm deathly tired of you repeating yourself.
Reading comprehension. You should get some and use it. Nowhere did I say you have no right to complain. What I have been refuting is your pathetic insistence that certain powers are broken when they in fact are working exactly as they were designed to.

If you are going to complain about game mechanics don't make up or twist the facts. When you do that people will call you on it just as they have done here.

And if you don't like people disagreeing with your, "complaints" as you call them, then you should send them directly to the devs via private message. When you post openly in the forums you have no authority to dictate who responds.



Originally Posted by Hobbes View Post
100% personal opinion.

The difference between ninja run, beast run, Steam jump, etc... and the rocket board, flying carpet and the coyote transformation are that the first group does not alter your character's basic stance drastically. With any of them toggled your character simply stand straight up and then can go on to any combat animations.

On the other end, on the board and carpet your character keep the same pose and must do so because most powers animation start from a different one. And then there's the powers with more moving around like any of the jumps in martial art, spring attack, foot stomp, fault, the punch attack in electric melee, lightning rod, shield charge, etc... where our character prance around a lot. How do you animate this while stuck on a board? or while turned into a canine?

That's the problem with allowing combat while using the second group of travel powers, the Devs would need to revisit every single animation for every single power in the game and do so again for every single fancy travel powers. Quite an undertaking.

I honestly wish we could still keep our toggles on, and get into the "only affecting ourselves" stance like hibernation or phase shift do. I suppose there's some technical problem I dont see with this...

Yeah, why the hell cant we have more [censored] storage damnit... Edit the containers and multiply the capacity by 100 for Pete's sake.
Aha! finally a second one who raises a good point, though lightning rod and spring attack cannot be activated when in flight, Foot stomp was covered earlier, You can hit people avove you, why not all around you? and with the lower that cause you to jump, rebalancing quickly isn't impossible, Lightning rod/shield charge teleports you and your clothing so why not the board along with it? Just because you character strikes a pose on a board does not mean they cannot return to it. As for coyote, I covered this: It could make sense to only give is a bate animation brawl, and walk as you become an animal. Now the "Only Efffecting self makes sense only for powers that require complete concentration like affterburner (you focus everything to fly fast)

Loyalist, Resistance, Hero, Villain. All boring, Rogue is where the fun is.
40+ month veteran, and only one 50(+3)
My input/requests is just as good as your as I spend $15 Just like you do.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Reading comprehension. You should get some and use it. Nowhere did I say you have no right to complain. What I have been refuting is your pathetic insistence that certain powers are broken when they in fact are working exactly as they were designed to.

If you are going to complain about game mechanics don't make up or twist the facts. When you do that people will call you on it just as they have done here.

And if you don't like people disagreeing with your, "complaints" as you call them, then you should send them directly to the devs via private message. When you post openly in the forums you have no authority to dictate who responds.
1. It's fun you continue to insult me, it proves alot of things.
2. Complaining and suggesting are two different things, I was infact suggesting.
3. I said if you are high on the pedestal, why bother with this suggestion? And I have no idea what planet/how much you spent on the game for the developers to adknowledge you existance. Getting the "Thank you for X, we'll sednd it to the department"and never get a responce tends to force you to the frorum. I respec disagreement, but your's is condescending, this gains no respect from me let alone the world. The forum title does not give you the right to be so. We are done here, unless you can be more respectful/kind/informative.

Loyalist, Resistance, Hero, Villain. All boring, Rogue is where the fun is.
40+ month veteran, and only one 50(+3)
My input/requests is just as good as your as I spend $15 Just like you do.



Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
Aha! finally a second one who raises a good point, though lightning rod and spring attack cannot be activated when in flight, Foot stomp was covered earlier, You can hit people avove you, why not all around you? and with the lower that cause you to jump, rebalancing quickly isn't impossible, Lightning rod/shield charge teleports you and your clothing so why not the board along with it? Just because you character strikes a pose on a board does not mean they cannot return to it. As for coyote, I covered this: It could make sense to only give is a bate animation brawl, and walk as you become an animal. Now the "Only Efffecting self makes sense only for powers that require complete concentration like affterburner (you focus everything to fly fast)
Dont mix in-game RP conceptual reasons and game mechanics, they are totally different.

Like I said the reason we cannot fight on the board / carpet is because the Devs would need to review all the animations and that's not happening. I dont even need to mention the coyote, it's not the same skeleton to begin with, forget using powers and the Devs cannot allow us to fight with even only some power on the board / carpet and only bite people to death while in coyote form, someone WILL [censored] about it, it's 100% guarantied.

The "only affecting self" was only a way to keep our toggles one while using the travel power, not because my character need to concentrate or whatever. "Only affecting self" means "cannot activate any other powers" if that actually works anyway.

"Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself." ~Midnight Flux's former boss.

There are usually two sides to every argument but no end.

Everything placed above this line is always IMHO, YMMV and quite certainly not to be taken too seriously....



Originally Posted by Hobbes View Post
Dont mix in-game RP conceptual reasons and game mechanics, they are totally different.

Like I said the reason we cannot fight on the board / carpet is because the Devs would need to review all the animations and that's not happening. I dont even need to mention the coyote, it's not the same skeleton to begin with, forget using powers and the Devs cannot allow us to fight with even only some power on the board / carpet and only bite people to death while in coyote form, someone WILL [censored] about it, it's 100% guarantied.

The "only affecting self" was only a way to keep our toggles one while using the travel power, not because my character need to concentrate or whatever. "Only affecting self" means "cannot activate any other powers" if that actually works anyway.
Hm true, But aloowing power to be used in walk/board/carpet, but not allow coyotes to use brawl would raise even more hell. And to the only affecting self, flying faster/becoming intangible requires ALOT of concentration by magic/mutation/science/natural standards, and for technology it would require most of your power-equipments power reserves. People think I ask for god more, or use ridiculous examples like "WOuld a coyote stand on it's ind legs and paw at the opponent" or "allowing the COyote to use brawl would be imbalanced" However you are raising good questions that allow me to think and work on this idea.

Loyalist, Resistance, Hero, Villain. All boring, Rogue is where the fun is.
40+ month veteran, and only one 50(+3)
My input/requests is just as good as your as I spend $15 Just like you do.



Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
1. It's fun you continue to insult me, it proves alot of things.
That's a sword that cut's both ways. Your own posts prove a lot of things about you as well. Anyone reading this thread can easily see that I'm not the one that went back and tried to stealth edit his posts half a dozen times so they'd say something different from what was originally posted.

Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
2. Complaining and suggesting are two different things, I was infact suggesting.
No by your own admission you've been complaining.

Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
Sire/madam, I have a right to complain as I am a paying customer, my input is just as good as yours.
Or did you forget posting that? I can see how that's possible considering how often you flip flopped on what this thread was intended to be.

First you started it off as a complaint/petition, then changed it to a suggestion, then back to a complaint, and now it's a suggestion again.

That can get confusing especially with all the editing you've been doing every couple of hours.

Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
3. We are done here, unless you can be more respectful/kind/informative.
Rofl! This from the person who insulted the devs in his first post by accusing them of being lazy for not fixing powers that aren't broken.



One suggestion/solution I would like to provide to your "dilemma", which if I read it correctly is the detoggling: What if those travel powers were handled as "Only Affecting Self" type powers to prevent the toggles from dropping. Maybe even some retoggle memory so it turns previous toggles back on.

I don't necessarily need to have these travel powers on in battle, but the detoggle is definitely a negative. I don't use these powers just for that reason as well. I loved hoverboard when I got it, until I had to turn everything back on after travelling to mission.




After a little Searching (Walk in Keyword & BackAlleyBrawler in User), I found this:

Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
I understand the code problem with trying to set either a max or absolute speed, but I don't understand BaB's number of animations statement.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know what, I was wrong...we actually need 15-90 animations

Walk forward
Walk backward
Walk Strafe-Left
Walk Strafe-Right
Stop walking, transition back to ready

Times 3 for each body type: male, female, and huge

Times 6 for the various 'modes' to both cover the different hand/arm positions and to properly transition back into the appropriate 'ready' stance when you stop walking: Ready, Combat Ready, Weapon Ready, Dual Ready (used by katana and archery as well), 'Shotgun' Ready, and Shield Ready

15-90 animations needed to do a 'walk button'. (Or 105 if we wanted to accomodate the two-handed club stance as well.)
For the most part, this falls under 'Standard Code Rant'. Now add that amount of time plus animations for the couple of new weapon stances added since this post (back in '08) times each Non-Com Travel Power. It just realistically isn't worth it.

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post

After a little Searching (Walk in Keyword & BackAlleyBrawler in User), I found this:

For the most part, this falls under 'Standard Code Rant'. Now add that amount of time plus animations for the couple of new weapon stances added since this post (back in '08) times each Non-Com Travel Power. It just realistically isn't worth it.

Thank you for the time...
I see, thank you for poviding a dev quote. I'll address this later today when I am not tired. <3

Loyalist, Resistance, Hero, Villain. All boring, Rogue is where the fun is.
40+ month veteran, and only one 50(+3)
My input/requests is just as good as your as I spend $15 Just like you do.



Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post

After a little Searching (Walk in Keyword & BackAlleyBrawler in User), I found this:

For the most part, this falls under 'Standard Code Rant'. Now add that amount of time plus animations for the couple of new weapon stances added since this post (back in '08) times each Non-Com Travel Power. It just realistically isn't worth it.

Thank you for the time...

Ya none of that explains why these travel powers de-toggle everything.

They would most likely make a butt ton more money if they let us leave our toggles on. No idea why they don't. No red name cares to explain either so I'm just gonna go with laziness.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
Ya none of that explains why these travel powers de-toggle everything.
Actually, it does. Time is money.

And because nobody else has posted it for the OP:



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
Ya none of that explains why these travel powers de-toggle everything.

They would most likely make a butt ton more money if they let us leave our toggles on. No idea why they don't. No red name cares to explain either so I'm just gonna go with laziness.

At the moment I'm not gonna bother re-searching for BAB's post on Walk, but here's what I recall on the Power's History:

  • BAB started to put [Walk] together in his spare time when the CoH Dev team (under Cryptic at that time) was about 15 people total.
  • [Walk] was intended as a RP, Non-Combat Power. I think he mentioned things about the Detoggling of Powers & the like after the Power's release, but I'm not sure.

Now since Powers like the Rocket Board & Flying Carpet are in the same vein of RP-based Non-Combat Powers, shouldn't the same things apply to them as [Walk]?

[Ninja Run] is a different bit of a thing. It was meant to be pseudo-combat Power, so that meant extra Animations were to be done when the scheduling of the Power's Development took place. And it's still a Power that has to be looked at whenever a new Weapon Power is added (the floating TW models come to mind...).

Bottom Line: Using the BAB quote I listed upthread, to make 3 Non-Combat Powers effective in combat, you would need to schedule Development time for, let's say, roughly 105 - 110 Animations per Power. Is it honestly worth the time and money cost involved and hoping you're not seriously breaking anything else in the Code to do that? The Devs, at this time, don't believe it is worth it.

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post
At the moment I'm not gonna bother re-searching for BAB's post on Walk, but here's what I recall on the Power's History:

  • BAB started to put [Walk] together in his spare time when the CoH Dev team (under Cryptic at that time) was about 15 people total.
  • [Walk] was intended as a RP, Non-Combat Power. I think he mentioned things about the Detoggling of Powers & the like after the Power's release, but I'm not sure.

Now since Powers like the Rocket Board & Flying Carpet are in the same vein of RP-based Non-Combat Powers, shouldn't the same things apply to them as [Walk]?

[Ninja Run] is a different bit of a thing. It was meant to be pseudo-combat Power, so that meant extra Animations were to be done when the scheduling of the Power's Development took place. And it's still a Power that has to be looked at whenever a new Weapon Power is added (the floating TW models come to mind...).

Bottom Line: Using the BAB quote I listed upthread, to make 3 Non-Combat Powers effective in combat, you would need to schedule Development time for, let's say, roughly 105 - 110 Animations per Power. Is it honestly worth the time and money cost involved and hoping you're not seriously breaking anything else in the Code to do that? The Devs, at this time, don't believe it is worth it.

Thank you for the time...
walk was free rocket board and magic carpet aren't.



Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
I never said it was easy, I said that it could be group in with the inconvenient issues (map bug, tray clear, etc.), or set for a schedule to be worked on later. And I never mocked you, you -were- in fact the first to provide a well though out statement, however snarky refers to -how- you choose to say someone. Now, going "Oh well." and giving up allows for developers/designers/implementers to think they can push around paying customers.

Now why should I and anyone else "just deal" with -anything- we pay for? That's like buying a tire that has a leak, and going "Welp, we'lll refill this later" I'm sorry if I unintentionally got on your bad side.

Oh dear god, you didn't come into a Best Buy in Virginia Tuesday and buy a 25 pack of CD-Rs, did you?

I had a customer who came in and wanted to purchase a pack of CD-Rs. He asked me to do a price check on a pack of 25. I did, and they came up $17.99. He then informed me that they were tagged as a 30 pack of CD-RWs for $29.99. He then went on to explain that I should give him a discount because they were mis-tagged. When I said no, he then tried to explain that since there are 5 fewer CD-Rs then the tagged indicated pack of CD-RWs and that by comparing CD-RWs as being comparable to 25 CD-Rs each (Since you can re-write on a CD-RW approximately 25 times where has with a CD-R you can only write on once) then the pack of 25 CD-Rs should be priced to a point approximately 1/30th the price of the 30 pack of CD-RWs.

I'm sorry, just because you can string a bunch of words and numbers together with the concept "logic" to be inferred does not make a logical argument.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Actually, it does. Time is money.

And because nobody else has posted it for the OP:

If time truly is money then they should have allowed toggles to stay active during rocket board/magic carpet. They would have made way more money and thus their time would have been worth more. Instead they suckered themselves out of money. I bought the rocket board you know how the old saying goes "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"

They lost a customer in me and others. I would have bought every travel power released if only toggles were allowed to stay active. Now I won't. Those words that's money flushing down the toilet for paragon studios cause some lazy developer couldn't spend a little extra time to code that toggles stay active while these travels are active.

Wish I was allowed to half *** my job like some of these devs do lol.



Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post
At the moment I'm not gonna bother re-searching for BAB's post on Walk, but here's what I recall on the Power's History:

  • BAB started to put [Walk] together in his spare time when the CoH Dev team (under Cryptic at that time) was about 15 people total.
  • [Walk] was intended as a RP, Non-Combat Power. I think he mentioned things about the Detoggling of Powers & the like after the Power's release, but I'm not sure.

Now since Powers like the Rocket Board & Flying Carpet are in the same vein of RP-based Non-Combat Powers, shouldn't the same things apply to them as [Walk]?

[Ninja Run] is a different bit of a thing. It was meant to be pseudo-combat Power, so that meant extra Animations were to be done when the scheduling of the Power's Development took place. And it's still a Power that has to be looked at whenever a new Weapon Power is added (the floating TW models come to mind...).

Bottom Line: Using the BAB quote I listed upthread, to make 3 Non-Combat Powers effective in combat, you would need to schedule Development time for, let's say, roughly 105 - 110 Animations per Power. Is it honestly worth the time and money cost involved and hoping you're not seriously breaking anything else in the Code to do that? The Devs, at this time, don't believe it is worth it.

Thank you for the time...
I was talking about letting toggles stay active during rocket board/magic carpet. No new animations please go back and reread my post cause I think you may be responding to someone else.

Oh ya and walk was free rocket board/ magic carpet aint.