Titan Network: SOPA Blackout




Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
The problem comes from how do I find a website that I don't know exists or not... For example if I wanted to look up web comics or information on comics... right now I can just type in web comics... and i can get a whole list of web comics, but once the DNS thing happens someone could say "THAT'S COPYRIGHTED!!!!" and suddenly a site vanishes. So what if i want to look up Furry Web Comics?
The wording in your post is confusing, but I believe your interpretation is correct. DNS is like a giant phonebook of the internet, which says "the site at cityofheroes.com is at". Tampering with DNS is like burning a phonebook. You can still figure out the phone numbers by asking friends who know them, but you don't have the ability to look them up yourself.

Result: pirates will still share the location of pirate sites via alternative means, but small sites that happened to be caught in the crossfire can no longer reach their audience.

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This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
(a vast overreach of power that can--and will--be abused and shut down legitimate sites and weaken the security of the Internet as a whole)
Just to bring some expansion on this point... the DMCA is *already* in some cases abused beyond its intention.

If you own the copyright to the material, you can get a DMCA request to pull it down.

HOWEVER! (news from 12th December 2011 website: Billboard.biz)
Last week, MegaUpload shocked the entertainment industry by introducing the "MegaUpload Mega Song," from Will.i.am, Diddy, Kim Kardashian, Alicia Keys, Snoop Dogg, Chris Brown, Kanye West, Lil John, Jamie Foxx, Mary J Blige, Floyd Mayweather,The Game and more. In the video, the stars sing and speak about how much they love MegaUpload, which has often been attacked by the MPAA and the RIAA for facilitating piracy.

But the video was quickly removed from YouTube after it was flagged for copyright infringement.

MegaUpload says that the takedown notice came from UMG, and tells TorrentFreak that it plans to sue the label.

"Let us be clear: Nothing in our song or the video belongs to Universal Music Group," said MegaUpload CEO David Robb. "We have signed agreements with all artists endorsing MegaUpload."
Linkage to full story

Overstepping your boundries at all?

I like the analogy that i heard a while ago about what SOPA enabled:

Someone stores counterfeit/illegal goods in a safety deposit box in a bank. The entire chain of bank can now be fully shut down, and no compensation given for any of the *legal* users of said bank, without having to go through courts.

Sounds like overkill... it is true though, infact several user avatars on this forum alone would be enough ground to get the whole game shut down if this passed in its present form.






Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
The wording in your post is confusing, but I believe your interpretation is correct. DNS is like a giant phonebook of the internet, which says "the site at cityofheroes.com is at". Tampering with DNS is like burning a phonebook. You can still figure out the phone numbers by asking friends who know them, but you don't have the ability to look them up yourself.

Result: pirates will still share the location of pirate sites via alternative means, but small sites that happened to be caught in the crossfire can no longer reach their audience.
Essentially (according to Paul Vixie, the guy who was behind several versions of BIND DNS software), what these idiots want to do is have DNS requests return a "REFUSED" response.

Unfortunately this doesn't do what's intended.
All "REFUSED" is telling a DNS client is "This server is broken, please try another one".
This simply increases traffic load and DNS server loads as DNS clients are, by design, set to keep attempting to contact a site and route around the damage.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Recent developments: The Whitehouse is against it, the House won't move on it, and two Senators who were once for it, one of whom was the sponsor, has withdrawn their support.

It's dead. A similar bill died last congressional session. It's pretty darned unlikely it will be attempted again this year.

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Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
However, I think that supporters are a bit naive, thinking that these laws will only be applied to sites like The Pirate Bay and/or sites that exist primarily for the explicit purpose of flagrantly violating U.S. copyright laws. They don't know or have forgotten how wildly the big content industries (RIAA/MPAA) have abused what authority they have. Because they don't understand how the Internet works, neither technically nor culturally, they honestly think that these laws will actually curb infringement, not affect legitimate sites very much, won't be abused by big content, and even if they are, that remediation will be easy.
I don't think supporters are necessarily naive, I think most of them believe those are acceptable casualties of war.

In any event, the two biggest problems with SOPA and its Senatorial analog are that it mandates specific technical remedies without understanding the consequences of them (the DNS issue was the most obvious) and by its supporters' own admission it invents a class of viable targets for law enforcement simply because they have trouble going after the actual infringers.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
It's pretty darned unlikely it will be attempted again this year.
QFE (emphasis mine)

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Essentially (according to Paul Vixie, the guy who was behind several versions of BIND DNS software), what these idiots want to do is have DNS requests return a "REFUSED" response.

Unfortunately this doesn't do what's intended.
All "REFUSED" is telling a DNS client is "This server is broken, please try another one".
This simply increases traffic load and DNS server loads as DNS clients are, by design, set to keep attempting to contact a site and route around the damage.
Not only that but it wanted to do is force ISPs to *forge* replies from DNS servers that they don't control.

That's the same kind of thing hackers do to proxy your traffic through their computer and set up a man in the middle attack.

IIRC that part was already removed from the House version.



If anybody wants a little laugh about this isssue, read this: http://gawker.com/5877192/stupid-hig...pedia-blackout

Be warned that it does include some foul language and may make you laugh out loud, so it may not be wise to read at work.

Anyway, I'm glad to see all of this happening. I've read up a bit on SOPA and it sounds absolutely terrible. Hopefully all the protesting will be heard and SOPA/PIPA will die.

And speaking of protestors: I read that Minecraft is blacked out today, as is vgcats.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Recent developments: The Whitehouse is against it, the House won't move on it, and two Senators who were once for it, one of whom was the sponsor, has withdrawn their support.

It's dead. A similar bill died last congressional session. It's pretty darned unlikely it will be attempted again this year.
Just to nitpick, it's not dead. It's shelved. If it were dead, it wouldn't be AT ALL like to be attempted EVER AGAIN. It's not dead. We have to remain aware.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
If anybody wants a little laugh about this isssue, read this: http://gawker.com/5877192/stupid-hig...pedia-blackout
Wow. Go, 'Mericah!

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post

And speaking of protestors: I read that Minecraft is blacked out today, as is vgcats.
Minecraft is redded out. Freaking damnit, Notch, my eyes!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Notch, my eyes!
Ask and yea shall receive!

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My only question is:
Who is supporting SOPA outside of the media? How are these guys still pushing without jack squat for support?


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Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
If anybody wants a little laugh about this isssue, read this: http://gawker.com/5877192/stupid-hig...pedia-blackout

Be warned that it does include some foul language and may make you laugh out loud, so it may not be wise to read at work.
I feel that we are doomed from those responses v.v



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post

And speaking of protestors: I read that Minecraft is blacked out today, as is vgcats.
Lots of big blogs too: John Scalzi's Whatever, Boing Boing, Cory Doctorow's craphound,...
And some webcomics like Questionable Content, Wasted Talent and Ctrl+Alt+Del.

@True Metal
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Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
How are these guys still pushing without jack squat for support?



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Recent developments: The Whitehouse is against it, the House won't move on it, and two Senators who were once for it, one of whom was the sponsor, has withdrawn their support.

It's dead. A similar bill died last congressional session. It's pretty darned unlikely it will be attempted again this year.
I don't like to be disagreeable, but I believe this is incorrect. My understanding is that it won't be moved on again until February. Quite different from dead. My preferred source for news on SOPA/PIPA is torrentfreak, which has already been referenced in this thread.

No offense at all intended to Zombie Man. But with all due respect, I will put torrentfreak's take on this bills status over his.

It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
(I also really like that spotlight effect on the blackout page!)
I used the Mozilla template for my sites, because it has a lot more information, and the spotlight effect probably doesn't work well with people who are stuck on older versions of IE and don't even know that a web browser is supposed to be updated.

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Ok, if I'm reading you correctly - you're voluntarily blocking our access to the site because of this political fiasco? One that's not even remotely likely of passing?
Congressmen look at you tube, FB and other sites just like the rest of us. They'd be more likely to vote themselves a pay cut than let that piece of legislation pass.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
Ok, if I'm reading you correctly - you're voluntarily blocking our access to the site because of this political fiasco? One that's not even remotely likely of passing?
Congressmen look at you tube, FB and other sites just like the rest of us. They'd be more likely to vote themselves a pay cut than let that piece of legislation pass.
BTW, you do know that the legislation (both SOPA and PIPA), if they passed in their current form would enable the removal of facebook/youtube and other sites *without* due process... it doesn't matter if congressmen use it, the fact that they put this forward without even thinking about the consequences to THEIR OWN internet usage just shows how shortsighted they are.

*edit in* To take the current legislation to it extreme point... even linking images that you do not own the copyright to (like i would assume several people's avatars, and the image that Hyperstrike linked earlier on in the thread) would be enough for the copyright holder to get this forum closed *end of edit*

The argument that you just came up with has been used in the UK when disabled people were protesting against the now proposed changes to their benefits... the removal of *some* of those benefits could actually make the person unemployed... Of course, some *ABLED* bodied people said that if they were able to get to the protest then there was nothing wrong with them and they shouldn't be protesting about cuts that wouldn't be affecting them! (of course, you are just one bad accident away from becoming disabled yourself!)



Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
Ok, if I'm reading you correctly - you're voluntarily blocking our access to the site because of this political fiasco? One that's not even remotely likely of passing?
Congressmen look at you tube, FB and other sites just like the rest of us. They'd be more likely to vote themselves a pay cut than let that piece of legislation pass.
Protests have caused a lot of businesses to retract their original support for the two bills - see GoDaddy for the canonical example.

When these bills first came out, it wasn't at all clear they would not pass until protests and opposition began to pick up momentum. Its not at all clear to me now that this thing is dead: it is still being lobbied heavily by content companies and sometimes these things slip by when no one is looking. The important thing is to make sure Congress knows everyone is looking. SOPA is exactly the kind of legislation people try to pass quietly and without a lot of attention focused on it. Its only now less likely to pass because of attention. That attention cannot be perceived to be temporary or fleeting, or the lobby for these laws will simply wait out the attention.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
Ok, if I'm reading you correctly - you're voluntarily blocking our access to the site because of this political fiasco? One that's not even remotely likely of passing?
Congressmen look at you tube, FB and other sites just like the rest of us. They'd be more likely to vote themselves a pay cut than let that piece of legislation pass.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.

And how many people comprise both houses?

Maybe you still have a rosy outlook for the thieves, scoundrels and assorted scumbags running this country, but many don't.

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Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post

My only question is:
Who is supporting SOPA outside of the media? How are these guys still pushing without jack squat for support?
The thing is, in a lot of cases it's not actually artists, authors, etc that are pushing SOPA.

It's "Industry Groups" that are doing it. Essentially middle-men. Ostensibly for the protection of said artists, authors and other content producers. But mostly to justify their own existence.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
Ok, if I'm reading you correctly - you're voluntarily blocking our access to the site because of this political fiasco? One that's not even remotely likely of passing?
Congressmen look at you tube, FB and other sites just like the rest of us. They'd be more likely to vote themselves a pay cut than let that piece of legislation pass.
FYI, your Avatar would be considered to be a violation of both SOPA and PIPA. Which in turn would mean the COH forums would be locked down because of that.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
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Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.