Where the hoo-ha did "Toon" come from?




Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I think it's giving them undue credit to call them "supporters." People like me and you don't use "toon" or other sillyspeak because we think about words and their meaningfulness, maybe a little too much. Many of the people you're arguing with Just Don't Care, and that's not the same thing as Support. Not in the apathetic sense, but in a more practical sense that I don't think I'd have the heart to wage war on them for. If a spoon was closer than a fork for their eggs, they'd probably just grab the spoon. Special people like me and you go looking for the fork. Who's more of a nutcase? Like you, I've never used "toon", and I've been playing MMORPGs since November of 1997. The only difference between us is, I only hold myself to my standards, whereas you appear to lord yours over everyone else. The problem with doing that is, you'll begin to veer away from Blueside territory into Coleside territory, if you know what I mean.
Hehe, a somewhat fair summary of things, except that it completely goes against the fact that I happen to be someone who cares a great deal about words and proper usage and such as well...
I am also someone who holds a great deal of depth, importance and seriousness with my characters.
The fact is that I do tend to use the term "character" for my characters (if I were referring to them in such a manner)... However, I also use "toon", including in actual verbal/spoken usage.

The real difference is in the thinking that "toon" is somehow a trivial, incorrect, childish, uncaring or -whatever else anyone wants to paint it as- term.
I don't see it as that and it is not because I don't care much about such things as being well spoken or the correct usage of a language.
I simply see it as an appropriate and acceptable term.

So, perhaps there is some other difference that we could find if we dig deep enough.

Another aspect of this, for me, is the context in which certain words may be used.

I am the sort of person who may say, "Pardon me, but I do not think that what you are currently doing is entirely appropriate" in one instance...
Or I might say, "Oi! What the **** do you think you're doing? Cut it out!" in another instance.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Hehe, a somewhat fair summary of things, except that it completely goes against the fact that I happen to be someone who cares a great deal about words and proper usage and such as well...
I am also someone who holds a great deal of depth, importance and seriousness with my characters.
The fact is that I do tend to use the term "character" for my characters (if I were referring to them in such a manner)... However, I also use "toon", including in actual verbal/spoken usage.

The real difference is in the thinking that "toon" is somehow a trivial, incorrect, childish, uncaring or -whatever else anyone wants to paint it as- term.
I don't see it as that and it is not because I don't care much about such things as being well spoken or the correct usage of a language.
I simply see it as an appropriate and acceptable term.

So, perhaps there is some other difference that we could find if we dig deep enough.
Well, you're obviously not included in the "Many people..." he's arguing with, such as DarkGob, Hyperstrike, Organica and others who've said literally or to paraphrase, "Good grief, really?" to the entire debate, for whom one word is not worth this voluminous discussion (you folks would love the Phrontistery ). And though I'm inclined to agree with them, I do hold my own usage to higher standards.

Electric-Knight, part of what we're seeing here is a transition from "Happy" to "Happy", 1950s style, if you know what I mean. It's incredibly amusing, enlightening and frustrating all at the same time, to hear you say that "toon" is perfectly acceptable and not derogatory at all to you, when my experience (again, playing MMORPGs since November 1997 ) supplies me with a history of the term that speaks otherwise, very much so. But this would not be the first time that people have taken a derogatory slang term and worn it proudly on their sleeve, only to see its original implication eroded by doing so. I imagine that "Toon", for you, is a very innocent and colorful word. Good for you, and I mean that, too; I don't think this is the worst thing that has ever happened to modern language. (It's still a silly, childish word to me, and my characters are too good for it. LOLOLOL. )

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I think it's giving them undue credit to call them "supporters." The reason that people like me and you don't use "toon" or other sillyspeak is because we think about words and their meaningfulness, maybe a little too much. Many of the people you're arguing with Just Don't Care, and that's not the same thing as Support. Not in the apathetic sense, but in a more practical sense that I don't think I'd have the heart to wage war on them for. If a spoon was closer than a fork for their eggs, they'd probably just grab the spoon. Special people like me and you go looking for the fork. Who's more of a nutcase? Like you, I've never used "toon", and I've been playing MMORPGs since November of 1997. The only difference between us is, I only hold myself to my standards, whereas you appear to lord yours over everyone else. The problem with doing that is, you'll begin to veer away from Blueside territory into Coleside territory, if you know what I mean.
So, you're saying that you and the doc are French. There's nothing wrong with that!

Just learn how to keep your fussy little noses out of other people's business. Well, at least you have anyways. ;D



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I think it's giving them undue credit to call them "supporters." The reason that people like me and you don't use "toon" or other sillyspeak is because we think about words and their meaningfulness, maybe a little too much. Many of the people you're arguing with Just Don't Care, and that's not the same thing as Support. Not in the apathetic sense, but in a more practical sense that I don't think I'd have the heart to wage war on them for. If a spoon was closer than a fork for their eggs, they'd probably just grab the spoon. Special people like me and you go looking for the fork. Who's more of a nutcase? Like you, I've never used "toon", and I've been playing MMORPGs since November of 1997. The only difference between us is, I only hold myself to my standards, whereas you appear to lord yours over everyone else. The problem with doing that is, you'll begin to veer away from Blueside territory into Coleside territory, if you know what I mean.
Well, appearances can be deceiving.

As I mentioned earlier, while the term makes me personally cringe, I'm not about to try to enforce some rule against it or ruin a perfectly good team because of it in-game. I'm not even about to jump down people's throats for it here on the forums. I'm on here every day, I see the term used every day, and I ignore it.

The only reason I'm letting it all out in this thread is that someone else brought it up, and this is where the discussion went. I said my piece, other people responded, I responded to them. If they want to say "toon," fine. But every time they do, it's going to, to me, make them sound... simple (even if I know they aren't). If they want to think I'm a jerk for thinking they sound simple when they say it, there's nothing I can do about that. Nor is there anything I can do about thinking it in the first place. Realistically, nobody's going to change anybody's mind here.

If you're comfortable in your Snuggie, then wear it, folks. Just don't act like I'm your enemy because I think you look like a doofus in it and refuse to buy one myself.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Says the person signing their posts with 4

Okay, you can't talk about the supercontinent, the ancient Sumerian city-state, the programming language, the Steven King novella (downloadable onto your Kindle), the University of Rochester, the University of Richmond, the German prefix, the boards game, the 3-piece band or any other person, place or thing that is spelled ur.

Got it.
Since you're evidently all about mindless nit-picking, I'll just say that it's lucky
for me that none of those various 'ur' topics come up in normal conversation
very often.

But, thankfully, if they ever do, I'll have your wonderful post to help me determine
which complex meaning of "ur" they'd possibly be referring to rather than simply
assuming it's the "ur" we typically see on these boards and in broadcast all too


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Well, you're obviously not included in the "Many people..." he's arguing with, such as DarkGob, Hyperstrike, Organica and others who've said literally or to paraphrase, "Good grief, really?" to the entire debate, for whom one word is not worth this voluminous discussion (you folks would love the Phrontistery ). And though I'm inclined to agree with them, I do hold my own usage to higher standards.
Yeah, I'm not sure I'd classify all of those in this thread as not caring, as they have had a good deal of replies in here and are just simply trying to explain their view of it against some people who have a rather harsh judgment of it.
Regardless, I do understand what you are saying and if I come off strongly it is only the way I tend to word things and not so much how seriously I am taking this discussion to heart.

Electric-Knight, part of what we're seeing here is a transition from "Happy" to "Happy", 1950s style, if you know what I mean. It's incredibly amusing, enlightening and frustrating all at the same time, to hear you say that "toon" is perfectly acceptable and not derogatory at all to you, when my experience (again, November 1997 ) supplies me with a history of the term that speaks otherwise, very much so. But this would not be the first time that people have taken a derogatory slang term and worn it proudly on their sleeve, only to see its original implication eroded by doing so. I imagine that "Toon", for you, is a very innocent and colorful word. Good for you, and I mean that, too; I don't think this is the worst thing that has ever happened to modern language. (It's still a silly, childish word to me, and my characters are too good for it. LOLOLOL. )
I don't recall the original usage being inherently derogatory though. It always seemed to be somewhat in the same place it is now... where some people seem to find it to be derogatory, but others just feel like it is an appropriate term (somewhat in a casual or endearing way, really).
I see it very much like "kids" instead of "children". Of course, there are some who dislike that usage of "kids"... Hehe!
"Knuckleheads" instead of "my team of scientists".

Honestly, I just like having a variety of words to choose from, as opposed to just using "characters" or their individual names.
I've always most liked avatars (although, that seems to have dropped off in usage for me). And it is exceedingly funny to me that multiple people have mentioned the use of "avatar" as seeming too pompous.
So, by some people's estimations, I am too pompous and, by others, I am too simplistic!
That actually works fine for me, as I don't feel too comfortable if people of varying tastes don't take offense with my opinions. It's about the only way that I know I must be doing things well.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"




I honestly prefer to refer to my characters as toons. Regardless of how much effort I put into costumes, builds or even back stories I still will call them toons. I think it's because I never get fully immersed into the game or toons while I play. I love this game and the characters I create but I will always have a certain disconnect while I play. I do try to use the word less on the forums but until I leave the game I will always use toon in most instances instead of character.

Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE -- _Ilr_
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.



"Toon" is a pet peeve of mine, too.

Also, "mob" is singular, short for "mobile". A group of aggro-linked mobs is a "spawn". People have come to conflate the English word "mob" (mAHb) an unruly group of people, with it, even referring to spawns as "mobs".

Get off my lawn!

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WARNING: I bold names.



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
Also, "mob" is singular, short for "mobile". A group of aggro-linked mobs is a "spawn". People have come to conflate the English word "mob" (mAHb) an unruly group of people, with it, even referring to spawns as "mobs".
As far as old computing terms go, there was something called an M.O.B., or "Moveable Object Block". Sprites are a type of MOB, for example. This is what some older gamers might be referring back to when using the term. But I couldn't speak for all of them.



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
And how.



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
It's an antiquated meaning that's no longer relevant
Only in your own little fantasy world.

However, all said, I'm not saying not to use the term. You're free to call them whatever you want. But that doesn't mean I'm not free to find it an annoying and childish term.

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I think it's giving them undue credit to call them "supporters." The reason that people like me and you don't use "toon" or other sillyspeak is because we think about words and their meaningfulness, maybe a little too much.

I am someone who definitely cares about word meaning, although I wouldn't classify myself as either a "supporter" or "hater." It's not the like word "character" meaning "a game entity and its associated stats" has a long history either, so if "toon" is upending an established tradition, it's one only slightly older than I am.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I've always most liked avatars (although, that seems to have dropped off in usage for me). And it is exceedingly funny to me that multiple people have mentioned the use of "avatar" as seeming too pompous.
So, by some people's estimations, I am too pompous and, by others, I am too simplistic!
I find that rather tragic, actually. You (normally) like a word that has come to be accepted in academic, legal, and scientific circles as a general term for a virtual character (or whatever serves to give the player agency in a virtual online world), and it falls into disuse by you because "people" think it is pompous. This is, to my mind, a clear example of the anti-intellectualism I alluded to elsewhere. The prevailing social climate seems to be that If you don't cozy up to the lowest common denominator (slang), and instead choose to put your intellect and education to (public) use, you are a pompous ***. Sad, sad, sad.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
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Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
"Toon" is a pet peeve of mine, too.

Also, "mob" is singular, short for "mobile". A group of aggro-linked mobs is a "spawn". People have come to conflate the English word "mob" (mAHb) an unruly group of people, with it, even referring to spawns as "mobs".

Get off my lawn!

I always thought that when someone say mob in game that means a criminal gang, since we are heroes and fighting criminals and even on villains we also fight other criminals.

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- Il Numero Uno (The Number One)



Originally Posted by CatAstrophy View Post
I always thought that when someone say mob in game that means a criminal gang, since we are heroes and fighting criminals and even on villains we also fight other criminals.

Every day you learn something new.
Nah, "Mob" dates all the way back to the early days of MUDs.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
I find that rather tragic, actually. You (normally) like a word that has come to be accepted in academic, legal, and scientific circles as a general term for a virtual character (or whatever serves to give the player agency in a virtual online world), and it falls into disuse by you because "people" think it is pompous. This is, to my mind, a clear example of the anti-intellectualism I alluded to elsewhere. The prevailing social climate seems to be that If you don't cozy up to the lowest common denominator (slang), and instead choose to put your intellect and education to (public) use, you are a pompous ***. Sad, sad, sad.
Holy incorrect leap there, Wing_Leader!
Hehe, I do absolutely understand what you are talking about, but please, spare the "tragic" commentary, because I only said that my usage of it seems to have dropped off... And believe me, after I typed that I realized I'd have to remedy that... Still, I did not say that I stopped using it and I certainly didn't stop due to any peer pressure.
Trust me. You don't know me, hehe, but you don't have to explain anti-intellectualism to me and you don't have to think that I bow to it in the slightest.
Honestly, I've been fighting against it for my entire adult life (and longer than that) and it is a giant constant in everything that I do *personally and professionally (to my detriment... as well as to the opposition, hehe).

It's just funny to see you talking about it like that, because it is quite ironic! Still... We all have to keep vigil on such things and make sure we do our part in upholding that which we believe in, so I do understand!

Regardless of the mistake in this particular instance, I fully agree that it is sad, sad, sad, because it absolutely does happen in great amounts and quite frequently.
It has been a mainstay of this society for a long while now and I hope to see it countered and overcome.

However, I do not see having the choice of character, toon and avatar as anti-intellectualism. I see each and all having a place and I enjoy having and using a large vocabulary and options for my brain to use based on whim, context and specific differences.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I use "character" to describe my characters in MMOs. Well...mostly. The only time I've ever used "toon" was playing Disney's ToonTown Online. Because that's the only time my character was a Toon.

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
Toon is easier to type. The End.

It's amazing what gets people all worked up.
Not sure how worked up they are, but dang, man. That comment equating it to anti-intellectualism and 3+3=7? I'm trying to think of something to say that won't make me as judgey as them but it's not coming to me. So we shall leave it!

I like using toon, char, character, hero, villaim, and puppet. What I use tends to rely which keyboard I'm on, since one is a lot harder to type on than the other.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
The term toon first emerged in late 2001 early 2002 in a game called Everquest. I played Ultima Online from when it first came out (Which was the "first" MMORPG, see the quotations) and that was never used there.

When Everquest came out it emerged as what paved the way for all the other MMORPG's out there. There were several terms flying around at the time:

Character or char to describe your character

Main to describe your primary character

Twink which was your alt character that you decked out with gear

Avatar (Not really used) to describe a character.

The prominent word of choice was character back in the day but somewhere along the way new players to the MMORPG's started using toon which was much shorter.

Ultimately, you can tell how "old school" a MMORPG player is by whether they use character (Like I do) or if they use toon.
^This, this, and more this.

As a matter of fact, EQ also spawned the interjection "woot!" or more often way back then, "w00t!"

Also, "ding!" for leveling, started way back in EQ, since the leveling sound in EQ was a quite distinctive "ding!" sound.



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
You may not want to accept it, but every time we say "toon" when we refer to our characters (and I've been guilty of doing it just to fit in), we reinforce the juvenile aspects of the medium and dismantle its potential to resonate with our more mature selves.
C.S. Lewis does not agree with you, and I'm on his side.

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Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Maybe you should reread the OP's question and the post I referenced before commenting.

Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
...except that "toon" to refer to MMO characters existed before COH was even a spark in whacko Jacko's eye. So, it may be an answer, but it's an inaccurate one.
The OPs Question was at the time I posted and still is...

"What I meant, and what people seem to have missed, is how it became a relevant term to this game, or alternatively to whatever other game it may have spawned from, and how it migrated to us."

Notice it is a multi part question one part being "and how it migrated to us."

My response was in reference to Lolipup who posted a private message from the Devs informing us as to where they think the name came from and why. Do you feel that information from developers of the game in question on the subject in question is not relevant or is incorrect in answering that part of the question?

Post from Lolipup

"Ya know this thread made me wonder also, so I did what came to mind first. PM'd a redname. I got a response,

Excerpt: '' In the days of alpha going into beta before release Jack and the Marketing Manager (at that time) were talking and the name ''toon'' to describe a model was brought up. It was referenced from then on in during some of the early posts by Developers and Marketing Personnel. Probably spawned from that. ''

So, there we go. I guess. The more you know?



Originally Posted by Bramphousian View Post
I use both "character" and "toon".

When I first started, someone saw me in the tutorial and was sort of giving me pointers about the game, terms, etc. I had never played an MMO, or any online game, for that matter. She referred to my character as a "toon", and so, I guess I saw it as the accepted nomenclature, and it stuck with me.

I agree with people mentioning the utility in-game. I don't think it's necessarily about laziness, so much as it is about speed of delivery. Doctor Roswell, you appear to take issue with the convenience as much as it being incorrect terminology. I wonder if you ever use "inf" instead of "influence"/"infamy"/"information"; "Posi" instead of "Positron"; "AV" in place of "Archvillain"; "Alt" instead of "alternative character"

That said, I don't like people using text-speak/chat-speak, what have you, outside of this game. If you're typing out an e-mail, or a message board post, chances are, you can use the real words with no detriment. My boss does it in e-mails and text messages, and it just grates me. "U" and "ur" bother me to no end. As do "c" for "see", "y?" for "why?" "b/c" for "because", etc. In-game or out-of-game.

I suppose it's hypocritical of me not to be bothered by game-related shorthand, but to be bothered by, er, "standard" online shorthand. If someone were to say "switching for Manti", I'd be okay with it; but if someone were to type "switching 4 Manti", I'd be bothered.
Bramphousian, how could you get through most of this thread without just saying "Look at my avatar"?

you could have it all
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Originally Posted by Cathulhu View Post
Notice it is a multi part question one part being "and how it migrated to us."
Not to take "credit" away from the devs, but that PM was just a guess. As should be well illustrated at this point, the term "toon" has been in use in MMO gaming for many years. It "migrated to us", if you like, because many/most of the original players of CoH were veterans of previous games who had picked up the nomenclature. I seriously doubt that it had anything at all to do with a redname making a casual remark in a forum.



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
C.S. Lewis does not agree with you, and I'm on his side.
One of my all time favorite quotes...

"Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
- C.S.Lewis

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



To be clear I am discussing “How the word Toon migrated to CoH.”

The word “guess” is a loaded word and in the context used what you are saying is also a "guess". The Dev however provided information to justify their “guess”, Information that you seem to have misunderstood and misquoted.

Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
I seriously doubt that it had anything at all to do with a redname making a casual remark in a forum.

It was Not a single post by a single Redname as you seem to think but multiple posts by multiple Rednames.

“It was referenced from then on in during some of the early posts by Developers and Marketing Personnel.”

And not just any old Redname adopted it but The Head Redname, the most influential person in the game at the time, Jack Emmert.

“Jack and the Marketing Manager (at that time) were talking and the name 'toon' to describe a model was brought up.”

To top it off it was used near the beginning of the game “In the days of alpha going into beta before release” a time when terminology has a high chance of being adopted.

Do you really think that the use of a term by multiple Red Names and the adoption of the word by the head of the company in the early days had no impact on weather the word was used and accepted by at least some of the players?

Surely there were many sources of the word but the adoption by not one but MULTIPLE Devs of the word “Toon” when commenting in MULTIPLE Posts should not just be hand waved away. Without at least some counter evidence this appears to be at least ONE of the answers to the question “How the word Toon migrated to CoH”

Here is the complete quote once again courtesy of Lulipop
Excerpt: '' In the days of alpha going into beta before release Jack and the Marketing Manager (at that time) were talking and the name ''toon'' to describe a model was brought up. It was referenced from then on in during some of the early posts by Developers and Marketing Personnel. Probably spawned from that. ''