The things you "hate" about I Trials!

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Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
This. iTrials caused me to cancel my sub and have spoiled the game for me with

a) crap stories
b) cheat mechanics
c) horrid inconsistencies
Add d) time taken to start and do, and you have much of why I cancelled my sub.

I'm also sad to hear about the problems with Triumph and ITrials. I'm not surprised mind you, but still saddened.



Originally Posted by JKCarrier View Post
The changes were based on objective data-mining, not just number of complaints.
You left out this part: (and the changes to Keyes is a direct result of feedback from players), which would be the 'squeaky wheel' I referred to earlier.

Also, data-minin' just says that it wasn't bein' run as often as somethin' that people were more comfortable with. Which is normal. People don't like change. They stay within their comfort zone. It doesn't actually say why. However, as above, the why is stated as bein' based upon player feedback, which it must've been negative as it wouldn't have been changed otherwise. Thus, again, squeaky wheel.

Originally Posted by Fritzy View Post
Better yet- the insistent, demanding paying customer gets satisfaction. The company has more of an obligation to please us rather than us them.
Who's 'us'? You? Them? Not certainly I. You can't please everyone. No news is good news, and they shouldn't think that just because a few people were forced to do grouped content in a MMORPG, and therefore complained about it, shouldn't be appeased. Or because they didn't like the 'gimmick' o' the trial, or couldn't form up fast enough, or couldn't lead their way out o' a wet paperbag, or couldn't succeed with just facerollin' their way through the content.

What about those o' us who didn't have a problem with it, who still ran the content with the original challenge o' it, and enjoyed it? Just because we didn't feel the need to run to the forums and proverbially heap praise upon our content overlords doesn't mean that I wasn't pleased by their efforts and output. We just went about our business and pressed forth. That's what I meant above by 'no news is good news'. Keyes is referred to as lolKeyes now because o' the changes. It's not a challenge anymore. It's a joke. Even if you have 1% regen, you'll be back at full health before the next pulse hits. Why bother havin' it now if it's not goin' take effort on part o' the league to overcome it?

Let me break it down for you, as I see it. You don't see the need for Dark Astoria, otherwise you would be part of this aforementioned "vocal minority" and thus wouldn't refer to it as a vocal one. Thus, you're getting something you didn't ask for. You are, therefore, perpetuating the kind of "us vs. them" mentality that's damaging to the community.

Either that, or you really did want Dark Astoria and are therefore describing yourself as being in a vocal minority, therefore bringing the kind of self-depreciating rhetoric that spawns these "us vs. them" arguments in the first place.


All of that said, nice dodge, changing subject like that, when the bigger question is how you know who's a majority and who's a minority at all with no access to data-mining of any kind. Or are you relying on anecdote impressions and word-of-mouth head counts?
Thanks for the break down. I didn't know I could only be in either o' those two options that you gave me from your strict outlook that's biased towards bein' on the other side o' this. I'll keep that in mind as this isn't my first rodeo on the intarwebz.

See above for what I said about data-minin' and what part it actually plays.

I've said what I wanted to say, and clarified for those that questioned, and now I'll get back to actually spendin' more time playin' the game than talkin' about it.

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Originally Posted by JKCarrier View Post
Maybe you missed Positron's "Y U NO RUN TRIALS?" post:

The changes were based on objective data-mining, not just number of complaints.
From what I understood about Positron's post, the issue wasn't that people weren't running trials, but that they were preferentially running BAF and Lambda. The data mining revealed this discrepancy, but didn't explain why it was happening. That is why they looked at player feedback to provide an explanation. See below:

Originally Posted by Positron
Now to give you some perspective on why such a change was proposed in the first place, we simply were not seeing enough people completing the newer developed content for the system. Players seemed to be content in running BAFs and Lambdas to the exclusion of everything else. Our metrics don’t tell us why this is the case, but you the players have spoken about it.
This isn't to say that just because it was changed according to player feedback that the "right" changes were made either. I can think of many other adjustments that could have been made to Keyes. The only way they'll know if the feedback accurately represented the majority of trial goers is if they see the number of Keyes being run increased to the level they want it at.

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The number of people needed to start one.

Seriously, WoW style raiding is horrible and I'm very sad to see that CoH is going that way.

Don't get me wrong, I love playing with other people, but it's too many, I feel I should be able to play and enjoy these with a smaller, more personal group.



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
I hate that threads like this continue to pop up, with the same people saying the same things over and over again without any new arguments, attempting to create the impression that their opinions are more widely held than they actually are.
Honestly? I think "squeaky wheel gets the oil".

Keep the issue firmly front-and-center so that the devs understand the problem isn't going to just "go away" or otherwise magically resolve itself.

In a lot of cases, people aren't saying "get rid of trials". They're asking for a broader experience. And while probably NOT unleavened with self-interest, many of these people simply want the game to get better.

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Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
Also, data-mining just says that it wasn't being run as often as something that people were more comfortable with. Which is normal. People don't like change. They stay within their comfort zone. It doesn't actually say why. However, as above, the why is stated as being based upon player feedback, which it must've been negative as it wouldn't have been changed otherwise. Thus, again, squeaky wheel.
Of course it's based on player feedback. Matt Miller himself said the famous "Give the players what they want, within reason." You seem to want to imply that every time something is done through player feedback, it's because of a vocal minority. Not only is that unsubstantiated, it also insults the intelligence of the developers in the process by suggesting they're either incapable or unwilling to obtain a more comprehensive sample. Either this, or that they're easily pushed around.

Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
What about those of us who didn't have a problem with it, who still ran the content with the original challenge of it, and enjoyed it?
Well, it's too bad you're in the minority on the subject, isn't it?

Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
Thanks for the break down. I didn't know I could only be in either of those two options that you gave me from your strict outlook that's biased towards being on the other side of this. I'll keep that in mind as this isn't my first rodeo on the intarwebz.
Any time someone refers to a change being caused by a "vocal minority" (which, at this point, has turned into a derogatory term), it's safe to assume that this person does not consider himself part of this minority. You've already stated that you aren't in what you consider to be the vocal minority behind the improvements to the Keyes Trial, therefore you are in the first option I mentioned - the people who didn't get what they wanted.

Of course, I'm extrapolating the obvious based on what you've said. "Those of you" who liked the Keyes Trial before and consider it to be too easy now did not get what you wanted. My original assumption is thus proven correct and your pompous posturing proven unnecessary, when the simple truth is you got slighted about Keyes and blame a fictional vocal minority over it. You can argue about the magnitude of it, but it doesn't change the basic facts that "vocal minority" has never been anything more than the desperate insult of people who didn't get what they wanted.

Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
I've said what I wanted to say, and clarified for those that questioned, and now I'll get back to actually spending more time playing the game than talking about it.
You must be really crap at posting if making, what... Three, four posts takes you so much time that you don't have much left to play the game. Maybe I'm in the minority of people who are able to make actual reasoned posts and still get time to play, as well as attend to real life. Or maybe you're in the minority of people who can't?

Or maybe you're just running out of material and reaching for every cheap shot insult you can find, and "you post too much and don't play the game and that's stupid" was the best you could find on such short notice. It you really are as bad at posting as you suggest, that's probably a reasonable guess, provided you're not exaggerating.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Hate is a strong word. There are a lot of things I don't like without actually hating. However, sometimes just not liking is enough to keep me away from something. This is the way I feel about the majority of competing MMOs. I don't "hate" them but I also don't have a strong enough desire to actually play them. IMO the problem with the "if you don't like it, don't play it" argument is that people may do exactly that. It's what I did with two other superhero MMOs and a a couple of fantasy ones. It's what I'm doing with UG, TPN, and MOM after a couple of runs. Gaming is an irrational activity anyway, so being upset that someone doesn't like your game is IMO missing the point; what would be unhealthy would be to not like it and keep playing anyway.

There are some things I think the trials do right. I started a thread on that but it disappeared within 24 hours. Rather that post there, people prefer to come to threads like this one and complain about complainers. Meanwhile I quite honestly feel--even if its brash--that its the complainers who saved the Keyes trial from obscurity at the hands of its own cheerleaders.

Anyway, I've already vocalized my concerns on disliked (and liked) features pretty extensively elsewhere. The biggest dislike for me are mechanics tlike the Desi rezz chopping time off the timer, there being no indicator over who is Targetted in the Underground, etc. If the UG, TPN, and MOM are indications of whats to come I have very little desire to continue playing trials more often than once or twice.



Originally Posted by Everything_Xen View Post
I hate that the devs cant give the playerbase anything remotely different than the same old solo/single team arc content.
I think the frustration on the players parts isn't that they are different, but that they are the only means to further progress a character. If they could do so by playing 'any' of the game's content (ala if they kept Shards as a means to unlock iPowers), I think we'd see more people just ignoring the iTrials and less people complaining.

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Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
I think the frustration on the players parts isn't that they are different, but that they are the only means to further progress a character. If they could do so by playing 'any' of the game's content (ala if they kept Shards as a means to unlock iPowers), I think we'd see more people just ignoring the iTrials and less people complaining.
Long ago when Inventions were first introduced and the game finally got "phat lewt," some of the better ones (I'm told they were better, anyway) were only available through a drop table generated by completing a Task Force. Quite a few people (ironically, myself NOT among them for my fear of Inventions) complained that this was unfair to people playing solo. After the "Quick Katie" fiasco and the introduction of Reward Merits, all of a sudden solo players were now able to generate Merits and use them to not only access the same, previously TF-only drop table, but also gained the ability to get the recipes they wanted specifically for a much higher price.

I can't recall anyone complaining about this since it was done, other than the "Too many currencies!" thing. People generating merits solo never seems to have become a problem, yet Merits drop for every story arc out there, including ones from Ouroboros. Essentially, damn near everything we do generates the currency with which we can buy "team only" recipes even outside the Market.

The reason I bring this us is I agree completely. I've never had any illusions that I could like EVERYTHING in a game this big, but for the most part, I've been able to avoid doing what I don't like and still make non-stonewalled progress. This is what needs to happen with Incarnate progression. If people like me are no longer corralled into all raids all the time or no progress for you, then we'll have much, MUCH less reason to complain about them. For instance, I hate the "very hard" TFs like the STFU and the LRSF. So? Who gives a crap? I don't like 'em, I don't do them, and I can snag the Merits, experience and other stuff in other ways.

We'll see if Dark Astoria provides. I want to believe it will, but but I also want to be realistic.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Can't stand the pink/purple stuff in MoM nor Apex.... Cause of mainly being all melee.... If they tweaked it a little so the area isn't So big or doesn't last as long as it does.... >_> I'm basicly having to only use ion during the 1st and the 4th? With the well of furies part.... And can't use nemesis staff or black wand either since they are grayed out during trials... :/

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



I don't mind the pink circles, they're easy enough to avoid, it's Mother Mayhem's massive AoEs of "oh look you're dead again" I hate.

I also hate Captain Hotpants, especially leading her and her massive army of roaring lag-monkeys around on UG, where she will attack things the league would rather not bother fighting. And I hate the lag on Lambda, still.

I also hate the braindead badge requirements on Lambda, the "if even one of these sixteen people makes a single mistake you're all screwed" badges on Keyes (having spent every weekend for several months trying to get them, and having just that happen every single time....when it wasn't somebody who just didn't care signing up for a badge run, screwing it up, then suddenly "gtg, thanks for the trial") and the grindy nature of the nightmare badge in MoM.

I haven't had a chance to do TPN yet, but I'd probably hate the "wtf just killed me?" aspects of it, and the very idea of being killed by civilians with rocks that you have to protect or else is an instant point against the trial. Actually, storywise the TPN is the stupidest trial yet.

Edit: Speaking of "wtf just killed me?" I really really dislike this in UG as well...mostly because I know exactly what killed me, and it was one person who didn't think to move. Brute-locked idiots not paying attention and getting everyone held in BAF also annoys me, but doesn't seem to happen as much, since there's usually someone to actually taunt the AVs off Mr. Punch-happy.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



There's not much about the iTrials that I hate. In fact, I enjoy the trials by and large. The exception is Lambda -- I don't hate the trial, it just bores me to tears for some reason.

The incarnate system and the iTrials have breathed fresh life into this game for me. Before incarnates, my interest in CoX was on the wane and I was playing infrequently (I'm a seven year vet, approaching eight years). The incarnate system gave me a reason to dust off my main/badger and play her through the incarnate system. This new found enthusiasm has also manifested itself in leveling up new characters in recent months, something I hadn't done in probably a year and a half.

So, that's my take on the iTrials: love 'em.

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
I also hate the braindead badge requirements on Lambda, the "if even one of these sixteen people makes a single mistake you're all screwed" badges on Keyes (having spent every weekend for several months trying to get them, and having just that happen every single time....when it wasn't somebody who just didn't care signing up for a badge run, screwing it up, then suddenly "gtg, thanks for the trial") and the grindy nature of the nightmare badge in MoM.

This is actually why I avoid all of the "masters of" Task Forces that require no team member dying. I've always felt the loss of the badge should be only for the person who died/got hit, not the entire team. My main reason for not doing Masters of runs isn't that I'm worried that I might not get the badge, but that I might make some mistake and everyone else wouldn't get it.

This mindset, not incidentally, is why I do not enjoy the latest trials in general. The more trials throw fail conditions at you, the more they discourage experimentation and free play on all trials, because people worried about screwing the whole thing up become even more paranoid (for good reason IMO).

One very specific thing I should have mentioned is that the rate that Technicians drain Public Opinion in TPN probably needs to be reduced. The way it is right now, any newbie league that doesn't know where the door is right at the start of the first appearance of the psychics will auto fail in about 5 minutes, because the Technicians drain crazy amounts of PO. That doesn't effect difficulty for top performing leagues at all, it just creates a frustrating obstacle for new-ish groups that, IMO, greatly hinders learning how to perform this trial, because you fail it before you even really get into the action.

I also think that most repercussions for violating trial rules (hitting a civilian, rezzing during MOM, etc) should have primarily personal consequences and not league-wide ones. Hitting a civilian encases you in a psychic bubble unable to run or strike back for 30 seconds rather than just failing the whole league, etc.



As Tex said, "hate" is a strong word.

I am pretty sure there are a lot less things I "hate" about trials than a lot of people around here. Here's a list of things I dislike.

  • Mechanisms which contribute to league failure, about which nothing in the trial explains what to do. In the Underground, The TARGETED mechanic for the War Walkers and the "Will of The Earth" for the Avatar are my prime examples of this. The MoM trial has this issue too, especially with the 3rd phase (fight the Nightmares near Tillman). Heck, even the warning rings in the BAF aren't explained very well. I don't mind challenging mechanics if there's a way to learn how to win against them besides repeated flailing about in confusion. I read the forums, and have never had to flail. I am a significant minority.
  • I am not a fan of how intense and therefore critically important the confuse effect is in the final fight of the UGT. There are some pretty severe confuse effects in the MoM trial, but they are dangerous without being completely overwhelming. I think the UGT should have been more like this. It makes Clarion close to compulsory.
  • There are a lot of story elements about the TPN I think are weak, but my one mechanics complaint about it is the teleporting deth kick of doom from Maelstrom. As an individual, you can't really do anything about it, and he almost always kills you with it if you aren't a high HP and/or high resistance character. If you aren't in charge of the league, you can't choose whether or not there are Telepathists out making it easier for Mael to kick you into next week. So basically it's automatic death about which you have no recourse. (Note: the kick damage is going to be changed significantly in a future patch.)
  • The firebombs thrown by protesters in the TPN. These hit you when you're going through doors (including following you inside doors), which is a time when you cannot control your movements or activate powers. These can do an immense amount of damage, and there's no way to get out of it when passing through a door. That annoys me immensely. Attacks that kill you while you're "zoning" aren't fun.
  • I still think AntiMatter uses too many gimmicks in his final fight in Keyes, but the trial overall is so easy I find it hard to complain about this meaningfully. I just wish the encounter were designed differently.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
As Tex said, "hate" is a strong word.

I am pretty sure there are a lot less things I "hate" about trials than a lot of people around here. Here's a list of things I dislike.

  • Mechanisms which contribute to league failure, about which nothing in the trial explains what to do. In the Underground, The TARGETED mechanic for the War Walkers and the "Will of The Earth" for the Avatar are my prime examples of this. The MoM trial has this issue too, especially with the 3rd phase (fight the Nightmares near Tillman). Heck, even the warning rings in the BAF aren't explained very well. I don't mind challenging mechanics if there's a way to learn how to win against them besides repeated flailing about in confusion. I read the forums, and have never had to flail. I am a significant minority.
  • I am not a fan of how intense and therefore critically important the confuse effect is in the final fight of the UGT. There are some pretty severe confuse effects in the MoM trial, but they are dangerous without being completely overwhelming. I think the UGT should have been more like this. It makes Clarion close to compulsory.
  • There are a lot of story elements about the TPN I think are weak, but my one mechanics complaint about it is the teleporting deth kick of doom from Maelstrom. As an individual, you can't really do anything about it, and he almost always kills you with it if you aren't a high HP and/or high resistance character. If you aren't in charge of the league, you can't choose whether or not there are Telepathists out making it easier for Mael to kick you into next week. So basically it's automatic death about which you have no recourse. (Note: the kick damage is going to be changed significantly in a future patch.)
  • The firebombs thrown by protesters in the TPN. These hit you when you're going through doors (including following you inside doors), which is a time when you cannot control your movements or activate powers. These can do an immense amount of damage, and there's no way to get out of it when passing through a door. That annoys me immensely. Attacks that kill you while you're "zoning" aren't fun.
  • I still think AntiMatter uses too many gimmicks in his final fight in Keyes, but the trial overall is so easy I find it hard to complain about this meaningfully. I just wish the encounter were designed differently.

I agree with everything you said.

To piggyback on the final point, the final confrontation with AntiMatter would be more enjoyable to me if the event window showed WHO was Disentegrating and allowed you to click them from there. This fight is in way too large a part a battle with the UI. My characters with Aid Other don't even bother using it because of the technical hurdle of finding and selecting the targetted person while still trying to dodge the various stuff going on in this trial.

On the point of the Confusion aura in Underground, it seems to me that if ever there was a mechanic that could use a "dodge the patch" type mechanic, this would be it. Maybe something like the floor patches on the Sutter Task Force. In any case I feel like on a league without the "right" Destinies I shouldn't have to suicide on purpose a few times during the fight just to go back to the hospital for more inspirations, and until this (IMO ridiculous) mechanic is repaired I will not be playing this trial again.

Unlike some other posters I actually enjoy the death patches in general though, especially in MOM (although really only after getting to Level 53). The patch in MOM where everyone has to bunch up to save the life of a character is cool with me, too.



I REALLY dislike the way the pink patches of death are implemented in MoM. Why put the large slope leading up to the nightmares if you don't have the tech to allow the patches to ground hug. A patch appears upslope of you with you facing down the slope fighting. a little lag occurs and you're dead without ever seeing the patch which was over your head, worse on short toons.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
I REALLY dislike the way the pink patches of death are implemented in MoM. Why put the large slope leading up to the nightmares if you don't have the tech to allow the patches to ground hug. A patch appears upslope of you with you facing down the slope fighting. a little lag occurs and you're dead without ever seeing the patch which was over your head, worse on short toons.
Let me start by saying that's a fair point. Back when the blue patches were added for Apex, I didn't like that sometimes they are hidden in the terrain. That said, it had never occurred to me that this was a problem in the MoM, as I have never fought an AV on the slope.

Related to your complaint, I wouldn't mind if mid-air patches were a non-possibility as well.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
It says alot more about how much you hate triumph than how supposedly bad the trials are.
Actually one of the non-mechanics things I hate about the trials is the developer fanbois that sprout up defending trial mechanics that a group of good game developers would be ashamed to put in the game in the first place.

That being said, things wrong with the trials:
  • Too many gimmicks.
  • Too many ways to fail a trial because a single player isn't paying attention.
  • The developer assumption that every single character is soft-capped.
  • No way to learn the trial mechanics other than repeated failures.
  • No time to learn the mechanics in the trials.
  • No way to learn the trial mechanics outside of the trial.
  • Hospital "time out" mechanics doing the exact opposite of stated intention: the door locks string out groups instead of bringing them together.
  • Developers patching vs specific tactics players have found (KB vs Telepaths, Lambda Badges).
  • Lack of vital visual clues.
  • Poor interface design that hinders vital information (old team window vs league heal/end bars behind names).
  • Piss-poor ingame documentation, and no time to read it if it were good.
  • Inability of a league to set its own pace.
  • Random Reward tables.
  • Undisclosed Participation Metrics judging players without recourse.
  • Gear Grind.
  • Too many "What the <censored> just killed me?" or "What the <censored> just failed the trial?" mechanics.
  • No chance to explore other ways to succeed at a trial once the "one, true way" is found.
  • Too complicated for a large group encounter.
  • Too reliant on +4 critters with heavy -recharge, -defense, -resistance, -accuracy, and -damage powers (sometimes all combined).
  • Too much developer assumption that everyone will have a large pool of players to do these trials with.
  • Most of the trials set a pace that doesn't promote playing "smart" only playing "fast".

What is wrong with individual trials:
  • APEX/MoM:
    • Blue/Pink pools of death is anti-melee.
    • Invisible vertical area above and below pools.
  • Tin Mage:
    • Unseen, untargetable bomber can drop bombs across a crowded warehouse from the AV that is supposedly tossing bombs.
    • Even if the AV is slowed/held the proximity bomb rate isn't decreased.
  • BAF:
    • AVs completely immune to an AT inherent (yes, to be fixed in Issue 22, but it isn't out yet).
    • +4 critters especially a problem during the prisoner phase. Too many unshifted players means a greater chance of failure.
    • Confuses do nothing for the majority of the trial.
    • The only things that can be confused are the 9CUs and Vickies.
  • Lambda:
    • Idiotic badge requirements.
    • Reliance on temp powers that can get buried in a hidden window.
    • Reliance on temp powers that can removed by a player disconnecting or otherwise leaving the trial.
    • MM pets don't path well through the warehouse area and can't keep up with their owner.
  • Keyes:
    • Still repetitive.
    • The entanglements are an unneeded nuisance. They are also completely unexplained.
    • The league interface doesn't show who is being disintegrated.
    • The time stop is an unneeded factor in the final battle.
    • The badge requirements are so prone to failure that it is better to have less than 10 players actually battling AM than to have a full league out.
    • Reliance on temp powers that can get buried in a hidden window.
    • MM pets can't keep up with owners vertically.
    • No incentive to use the stealth doors in the bunkers. Someone will open the inner door exposing any stealth players to death because of click stealth-suppression.
    • Obliteration beam suffers from the same problem as the APEX/MoM death pools, only worse as the beam is literally 2 dimensional.
  • Underground:
    • 54+1 AVs
    • War Walkers not showing their targets.
    • No visual clue that the Self-Repairing War Walker is debuffed.
    • Reliance on temp powers that can get buried in a hidden window.
    • No visual indication of which lichens are buffing the Lichen Infected War Walker.
    • Bomb tunnel is twice as long as it needs to be.
    • The confusion in the last area is dependent on Clarions as the inspirations that the hospital vendor can't combat the effects.
    • The will of the earth is extremely hard to spot.
  • TPN:
    • 54+2 AV
    • No visual clues for which doors to enter. This technology (game made waypoints) has existed since Issue One. Why the hell isn't it being used?
    • If you get a random group (say from the LFG queue) it is entirely possible to not have any single target attacks capable of dealing with the telepaths.
    • Too many ways to die without recourse.
    • Non-incarnate citizens capable of defeating demi-gods with rocks.
  • MoM:
    • 54+2 AVs
    • Too many ways to die without recourse.
    • 15 second penalty imposed on using the game resurrect.
    • The game's resurrect dialog interferes with player resurrections.
    • Room that is auto-damage PSI.
    • Awakens on squishy characters prone to failure due to auto damage killing the player before the stun wears off or even the resurrect animation finishing.
    • Effects throughout the trial that can't be combated with the small inspirations that the vendor sells.
    • Inability to restock inspirations mid-battle.
    • Unexplained storm/eye of the storm mechanics.
    • Unexplained Shared Suffering/Suffer in Silence mechanics.
    • Too reliant on fear powers vs players.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I agree with everything you said.

To piggyback on the final point, the final confrontation with AntiMatter would be more enjoyable to me if the event window showed WHO was Disentegrating and allowed you to click them from there. This fight is in way too large a part a battle with the UI. My characters with Aid Other don't even bother using it because of the technical hurdle of finding and selecting the targetted person while still trying to dodge the various stuff going on in this trial.

On the point of the Confusion aura in Underground, it seems to me that if ever there was a mechanic that could use a "dodge the patch" type mechanic, this would be it. Maybe something like the floor patches on the Sutter Task Force. In any case I feel like on a league without the "right" Destinies I shouldn't have to suicide on purpose a few times during the fight just to go back to the hospital for more inspirations, and until this (IMO ridiculous) mechanic is repaired I will not be playing this trial again.

Unlike some other posters I actually enjoy the death patches in general though, especially in MOM (although really only after getting to Level 53). The patch in MOM where everyone has to bunch up to save the life of a character is cool with me, too.
Something I'd like to see.

Some OTHER mechanism for showing people they have things like Acids and Pacification Grenades on the Lambda than dumping them under "temp".

Or the powers tab/window needs a COMPLETE fricking overhaul.

Here's a mock-up of my current window and the sort of screen height that's needed to display it fully. Go to the full-sized versions and count the number of color transitions. It took 14 copies of a max-sized power window. And I am, by no means, a temp powers freak. There are people out there who probably sport DOUBLE the number of temps I do.

As it is, I have to scroll down 5-6 complete window heights simply to see if I have the temps.
Is it any wonder why trying to do Lambda on a S/L-heavy team can be a frustrating experience?
You have someone yelling at everyone else "Check your trays! Check your trays!" while people are scrolling through their power list madly and trying not to die.

And this is just going to get worse.

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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
trial mechanics that a group of good game developers would be ashamed to put in the game in the first place.

All VIPs think that Paragon Studios are good game developers

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
All VIPs think that Paragon Studios are good game developers
No, not all. On the other hand they may have made a good game, but they CAN fail at making an end game system.

I think we have proof as to why the developers didn't make an "end game" for so many years: they suck at it.

At any rate, I think I'm going to go back to ignoring your pointless posts.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
All VIPs think that Paragon Studios are good game developers
I'm a VIP and I disagree with this statement. Not that I necessarily think they're bad, either. But I don't subscribe because they've garnered binary good faith from me. It just happens that what I would describe as a mediocre create-your-own-superhero game is the best that's available.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Something I'd like to see.

Some OTHER mechanism for showing people they have things like Acids and Pacification Grenades on the Lambda than dumping them under "temp".

Or the powers tab/window needs a COMPLETE fricking overhaul.

Here's a mock-up of my current window and the sort of screen height that's needed to display it fully. Go to the full-sized versions and count the number of color transitions. It took 14 copies of a max-sized power window. And I am, by no means, a temp powers freak. There are people out there who probably sport DOUBLE the number of temps I do.

As it is, I have to scroll down 5-6 complete window heights simply to see if I have the temps.
Is it any wonder why trying to do Lambda on a S/L-heavy team can be a frustrating experience?
You have someone yelling at everyone else "Check your trays! Check your trays!" while people are scrolling through their power list madly and trying not to die.

And this is just going to get worse.
They need a window size on it like every other window that is able to be resized >_> or make inherent/temp powers in a different tab that looks more like salvage window to be expanded and the icons be bigger

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
They need a window size on it like every other window that is able to be resized >_> or make inherent/temp powers in a different tab that looks more like salvage window to be expanded and the icons be bigger
Or they could just not make quickly scrolling through temp powers a necessity.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
I thought that it was stated outright, during a player summit or ustream thingy or whateverthehell, that the next set of Icarnate slots would not introduce any new currencies. If so, then yes, a lot of folks will be tier 3 or tier 4 almost immediately (once they've acquired the iXP to unlock the slots). I think the expectation is that the new slots will require a lot of iXP, maybe an order of magnitude more than the existing slots, so as to encourage runs through the newest trials which will provide commensurately more iXP. Folks trying to farm BAF for the new slots will probably find it to be an excruciatingly slow grind.
I do think your right Wing but here's the thing.. Just how much more Ixp can the new powers cost? After a while i was able to start converting astrals into thread credits on email for newer characters and with several I used those to simply open up all their powers. It took 30 threads each to open justice and interface and 45 each to open destiny and lore for a grand total of 150. At this moment I have a Tw/Wp brute that is running 4 trials a night to get the vrs needed to get all powers to t4... That character has accumulated 128 astral and 28 emps. If I converted all of those to threads when the new powers arrive, not counting any threads I already have, I'd have 1040 to spend on Ixp and potentially any salvage I stilll need. That's seven times more than what I needed to open up the powers I now. Now I have 21 incarnate characters and not all of them have any where near that much saved up but some do. I just think the dev team is going to be a little shocked at how quickly a LOT of players that run trials daily are running around with 7, 9 or whatever powers all at t3 or higher because they are waiting so long to release.

I can think of at least 4 or 5 of mine that will be that way.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon