The things you "hate" about I Trials!

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Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
No, they require 20mins to form one. Which is annoying as hell.
Take 20 mins to form one, then run 6 trials with the same group for little to no time in between trials looking for more people.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Take 20 mins to form one, then run 6 trials with the same group for little to no time in between trials looking for more people.
This must vary from server to server or something. Most of the leagues I've been in disband after a single trial. I've never been on a league that ran 6 trials in a row at all, much less reliably.



Originally Posted by Issen View Post
My only problem is the players.

There's always ONE person in every PuG league who, despite having all the instructions laid out in plain English, goes and seems to either forget everything, or purposefully does NOT follow instructions:

Biggest example? On a Keyes, we were going for "Avoids The Green Stuff". So what happened? First time an Obliteration Beam Reticle appears, everyone scatters...except one person who runs past us and head-long INTO the reticle.
Oh lord don't get me started.. So many examples of that one or two players that simply can't follow instructions or don't bother to read them.

Lambdas where 3 people ended up TRYING to gather grenades while 13 were over doing acids and somehow still managed not to get them all(???)

Recent.. TPNs where players PULL the IDF away from the terminal and then .. COME back to attack the technician trailing a horde behind them.

BAFS where half a team that is supposed to be on the SOUTH side gaurding choke points is NORTH.

Yes I also have been on more than one Lamdba where an idiot just had to be in the cut scene and moments later the trial was over when Maurader chased them outside .. also seen the opposite where they rushed to get back to the assembly point PULLING Maurader and all the reinforcements along with them before anyone had time to buff and not a single door was closed. The amazing thing on this one is.. At this point most players have probably been on at least one failed Lam that was a direct result of this but no one ever seems to ban or kick these @@@'s that just HAVE to dance.. gets particularliy interestig when you realize it also normally means that while your team was still up in the facility dodging mobs and pounding glowies this JERK was standing around outside waiting to pose!

Okay before this becomes a book I quit! LOL Let us simply summarize by saying we know that the game has a fairly mature player base.. of course we have some teenagers but many of us are well beyond even college so why is it when some folks log onto COH they regress and become a rebellious 15 year old that "doesn't have to listen to you!!"

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
This must vary from server to server or something. Most of the leagues I've been in disband after a single trial. I've never been on a league that ran 6 trials in a row at all, much less reliably.
I'm sure it varies greatly from server to server. Now I have a great group I hooked up with here on Virtue. We get together nightly and have a certain core group of players to start with and then simply recruit whatever eneed to begin. Very rare for it to take long for us to start the first trial.

Then we do Keyes, TPN, MoM and the UG in that order .. sometimes switching depending who all stays or goes. Sure some folks leave after a few trials but most join up and stay till they have all 8 available emps. Usully after that we disband but at times we even do a speed lambda and a BAF if there is enough interest. Just to make sure I am undestood i am NOT talking about a SUPER GROUP here that provides 18 players a night.. We all just sort of found one another and even have our own private global now. Thats about as close to an organized group as it gets!

I understand your point though A while ago I would spend as much time standing around in the RWZ while a league leader tried to assemble a team for a BAF as it took to complete one!

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
They are taking such a long time releasing the next set of powers I am almost certain we will, once again, find ourselves forced to start mining some NEW form of salvage to open them... Otherwise many players will have some powers open to t3 or even t4 in no time.

This game is getting entirely too many forms of currency etc as is without another set of components and salvage we have to farm to open and slot the next range of incarnates.
I thought that it was stated outright, during a player summit or ustream thingy or whateverthehell, that the next set of Icarnate slots would not introduce any new currencies. If so, then yes, a lot of folks will be tier 3 or tier 4 almost immediately (once they've acquired the iXP to unlock the slots). I think the expectation is that the new slots will require a lot of iXP, maybe an order of magnitude more than the existing slots, so as to encourage runs through the newest trials which will provide commensurately more iXP. Folks trying to farm BAF for the new slots will probably find it to be an excruciatingly slow grind.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Hey, Incrnate staff (Positron, et al), is this the kind of endgame you were expecting?


Then cut and take 2. Players appreciate your stuff only slightly more than you listen to them. It's not working, and that's your problem.




Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Hey, Incrnate staff (Positron, et al), is this the kind of endgame you were expecting?


Then cut and take 2. Players appreciate your stuff only slightly more than you listen to them. It's not working, and that's your problem.


This. iTrials caused me to cancel my sub and have spoiled the game for me with

a) crap stories
b) cheat mechanics
c) horrid inconsistencies

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
I've also yet to get anything above a Comman on TPN,MoM, Or Keys since they were added with supposed higher droprates for R/VR.
That 'higher drop rate' is hardly incentive to run them over another iTrial, as it seems to consistently reward commons just as easily.

And to the OP, pretty much nailed several of the 'frustrations' with each trial.

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Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Now I have a great group I hooked up with here on Virtue.
Just seeing how devoted you've been to the Taxibot service gives me all kinds of warm fuzzies. Oh, those were the days...

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



What do I hate about the iTrials - they intimidate me (the player) especially all the posts I see in this thread about how one player can "ruin" it for all the others.

Gives me performance anxiety. I haven't done more than a couple of BAFs with people I trusted not to get too upset if I messed up.

And this thread just reinforces that fear of screwing up a trial for a couple of dozen others.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



My biggest problem with the Itrials is the pacing. It expects you to learn complicated tactics immediately with little to no delay between tasks. Because of this, I had to run all the trials four or five times *after* reading the strategy guide in order to truly get what was going on.

I think that's a big problem, because the mistakes a lot of players make is largely because they don't know what to do, or why it is everyone is yelling "No Aoe".

TPN trial guide video / MoM trial guide video / DD trial guide video / BAF trial guide video
/ Lambda trial guide video / Keyes trial guide video / Magisterium trial guide video / Underground trial guide



I hate all the threads that keep coming talking about the same thing but in a different way.

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The trials arent perfect, but theres nothing I hate about the trials themselves. I find them fun, exciting, challenging and epic. Even UG. Not that anyone can be positive about Incarnate content.

I hate that the devs cant give the playerbase anything remotely different than the same old solo/single team arc content.



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
No, they require 20mins to form one. Which is annoying as hell.
On a good night.

I've seen them go from call out in global to running in 10 minutes. And I've seen them try to form and take over half an hour - just to say "Looks like we don't have enough" and fall apart, thus wasting everyone's time. Some trials I just assume at this point I'll never see because of when I can play these days - there just aren't enough people interested, period.

I hate design that lets one person screw things up for everyone - at times deliberately. (Let too many prisoners escape. Taunt Marauder and run out the door. Go out and start nuking protesters.) Bad enough that it can be done accidentally - worse that it leaves big targets for anyone who'd care to grief an iTrial.

I can't stand the "Just pretend there's actually a story to follow here" - not that you really get time to investigate anything with 15-23 other people in a rush to get through it. Oh, to figure out why you're doing something you have to go somewhere with no relation whatsoever to the trial and talk to an NPC that, IIRC, you're never introduced to? Yeah. Great job there.

Yes, I hate the "Hey, you're overpowered for normal content now - and we have five more sets of powers to release!" bit. I think that could've been handled better, while still making the character more powerful outside of Incarnate content. (They did the level shifts right, IMO.) Say, the Pyronic judgement gets the initial blast in regular content, and the DOTs, extra damage, etc. in Incarnate content.

And the wait for more powers. I can't call it an excited wait, more like "Oh, god, what'll they do next."

Really, a lot of it's already been listed in the thread.

Last, the release timing of the trials. I know they put a fair bit of work into them... supposedly, but when there's nothing to do and no alternate way (unlike shards) to get components, it feels like being forced to farm until more trials come out. (And then - see point about waiting to get anything started.)

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Hey, Incrnate staff (Positron, et al), is this the kind of endgame you were expecting?


Then cut and take 2. Players appreciate your stuff only slightly more than you listen to them. It's not working, and that's your problem.
I can see a number of things wrong with this post

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I hate the fact that every time a new one comes out, 90% of the population is running it for the next couple of months, leaving the rest of the game a ghost-town. I've about given up on trying to level support toons as I don't fancy power-PLing a new toon to 50 just to play end game content. End-game content can go swallow a rat as far as I'm concerned. I might try it someday once I actually have a 50 I'm not tired of playing (guess that's one reason to PL?) or I have a 50 who can actually be useful (coming up on my third 50, it's an MM...), but the idea of having to study up all homework-like on how to play each trial is too chore-like for me.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
I hate the fact that every time a new one comes out, 90% of the population is running it for the next couple of months, leaving the rest of the game a ghost-town.
But everyone hates the Trials, so why would there be a stampede to do a new one?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
They require me to team with others.
How DARE they. In an MMO no less. Outrageous.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But everyone hates the Trials, so why would there be a stampede to do a new one?
Hating SOME things about trials is not the same as hating everything about trials. If the things they hate are outweighed by the things they like, they'll do the trials, although they may also grumble about it. "Ultimate Cosmic Power" ranks pretty high on the list of things many players like, obviously, but certain features of the trials also rank pretty high on the dislike list, as this thread shows.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But everyone hates the Trials, so why would there be a stampede to do a new one?
Hope springs eternal.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But everyone hates the Trials, so why would there be a stampede to do a new one?
How else are they supposed to get their new shinies? Farm normal mobs for shards and convert them to threads? It's amazing what people will do for shinies, no matter how much they hate doing it (see any "endgame" for further examples).



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But everyone hates the Trials, so why would there be a stampede to do a new one?
Cause it's new and people are lemmings.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
How else are they supposed to get their new shinies?
What new shinies? All the new Trials give the same reward types as BAF and Lambda - and there haven't been any new slots to unlock since I20.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I won't get into the story, I've already vented enough on how much of a crap story I think they have.

Mechanics wise I have one personal issue and a technical issue they should have thought of. My personal hate is how easy it is to fail, if you have a TPK you're probably either going to run out of time, return to find the boss healed and surrounded by 100 adds, or desdemona is going to end up dead before you even load into the hospital. Also every part of every trial except for the openings of lambda and BAF have fail conditions, sometimes multiple tacked on. I can see their reasoning with this...."Well if you fail you can just restart as soon as you exit." I have yet to see a trial team that doesn't instantly dissolve with a lot of cursing involved after a fail. Even worse if you failed right at the end, you just spent a lot of time and effort, almost finished, and still come out totally empty handed (yes yes astrals but those are friggin worthless unless you have like 200-300 of them when you're trying to make high tier stuff) Even the hardest console games usually have checkpoints and continues to at least let the players try new things right where they left off.

The technical issue is difficulty finding enough players, WoW solved this issue with cross server teaming. CoX could use a similar system and it would help to have a system for people to check what they were (tank, dps, buff, debuff, heals) and the LFG tab could actually put together a balanced team most of the time

There is a difference between retreating and giving up.

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