Open letter to the Devs on Female MM Pets




CoH Devs;
Since the original thread I created is already up to 7 pages, with almost all of it in support of the subject of female mastermind minions (, would you devs please finally consider the subject?

Pretty much every FEMALE I've spoken to has been on board for the subject, and the players in the thread have been throwing out really good ideas to remove the problems that have been presented.

Some of the suggestions include a randomization of the minions, so you don't get to choose all male or all female, or making the females look more like their in game mob counterparts (such as mercs looking like KoA)

Most of us players have functioning brains and can understand the EULA and Rules of Conduct, so if there are people who would abuse the female minions, they are people who either already break the rules in the game with inappropriate names/actions, or would do so no matter what.

The arguments against are also stated in the thread, with logical reasonings around the issues, including the sexism issue, the pimp issue, and many others that Positron brought up at both the Pummit and the SF meet and greet in 2010.

@Firemoth (Megan Bonilla)



Isn't everything posted on the forums an "open letter"? Why specify?



In my opinion, the sexual situations reason has never been the real reason there are no female pets for Masterminds. This idea most likely originated within the player base to explain the phenomenon of no female pets being available, and had since grown to a certain level of acceptance even among the devs (though most likely apocryphally).

Again in my opinion, the reason you see no female pets is the same reason you see no female Wolf Spiders: (even though they were part of City of Villains' original design intent; see the Art of City of Villains book for proof) cost cutting.

The sexual situation explanation has overtaken the most-likely explanation because it captures the imagination like a simple cost-cutting explanation never could.

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Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!
WARNING: I bold names.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Isn't everything posted on the forums an "open letter"? Why specify?
Wouldn't this thread be more appropriate in the general discussion forums rather than the section for asking questions of other players?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



well I myself hav3e always thought a few MM sets based on in game villain groups would be cool. Maybe a carnival MM, plenty of ladies in thier groups. Or a vahzilok MM. Female eidelons are scary and sexy no two ways about it.

Id play an MM if there was more sets inline with game lore. the ones we have are just too generic for me to be honest. I really dig the incarnate lore pets because of that and am working on collecting them all personally.



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
Again in my opinion, the reason you see no female pets is... cost cutting.


The devs have said explicitly that new mastermind sets are expensive to produce, and can't be proliferated to other ATs, so it's pretty much a one shot deal. That means a lot of development time and money, for somewhat smaller player reward and payoff.

I'd love to see some female and mixed gender MM sets as well as power customization for MM primaries, but I think the financials are just that we are going to wait a long time, if it ever happens at all.



Originally Posted by Firemoth View Post
CoH Devs;
Since the original thread I created is already up to 7 pages, with almost all of it in support of the subject of female mastermind minions (, would you devs please finally consider the subject?


The arguments against are also stated in the thread, with logical reasonings around the issues, including the sexism issue, the pimp issue, and many others that Positron brought up at both the Pummit and the SF meet and greet in 2010.

@Firemoth (Megan Bonilla)
They've already considered the subject. They've given answers as you pointed out in your post. And these answers were recent answsers, not something answered years ago.

Just because you disagree with their answer doesn't mean that they haven't considered it and already answered it.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
They've already considered the subject. They've given answers as you pointed out in your post. And these answers were recent answsers, not something answered years ago.

Just because you disagree with their answer doesn't mean that they haven't considered it and already answered it.

Also, this isn't an open letter, it's a petition, and that is generally considered to be a no-no.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



If the reason is cost, I don't understand it. I have heard stated each pet takes as much comp usage as a player character. Well, then, let us design each pet. Oh wait, unless the first statement is complete horse hockey.

If the reason is fear of the degradation of a race/sex/etc I understand it. However, we see it in people running endless cat girls anyways. Also, has anyone peaked at AE? Okay, lets not make it worse, I get that. But seriously, it is all over, and you have to address the player, not nerf everyone else's choices.

I would love to make a MM similar to the Monarch from Venture Bros. Not the exact character, just a mastermind with themed henchmen. Or like the vilains from the old bat man TV show. Remember the guys following the riddler? priceless. There is no way for me to do that in this superhero game with masterminds. i get ninjas, zombies, robots, smelly thugs, mercs, or demons period. If I wanted a group of henchmen themed to my concept here I better make a demon summoning wizard, a 3rd world dictator, a gang leader, a ninja/samrai, a robotics prof, or a necromancer.

The Masterminds are the most limited character development choices of any arctype in the game. Which is crazy because we hear nothing except how much effort they put into each single thing in this archtype. Something makes no sense here.

Give me the ability to customize each pet. Leave the powers the exact same if you want, just let me customize the appearance. And if people do a Pimp/Ho theme nerf them, hard. Unless of course, the MMs do not take near the comp usage we have been told because the cookie cutter types are much easier for the game to handle. But then they would have to admit they pulled one over on us for sweet sweet cash.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
If the reason is cost, I don't understand it. I have heard stated each pet takes as much comp usage as a player character. Well, then, let us design each pet. Oh wait, unless the first statement is complete horse hockey.
1) First, the first statement is complete horse hockey. Right now, the pets are seen as 1 complete object, which takes up a certain amount of space to transmit to your character. Whatever that space is, it's much lower than transmitting all of the character details about another player's character.

Basically, it's the difference between sending information like [Display Pet: Pyro] vs [Display character with Body Type = Huge, head = hat, hat = 3, detail 1 = 7, detail 2 = 0, face = 27, face detail = 4, etc.]. Characters are much more detailed than the rather static pets are.

If the reason is fear of the degradation of a race/sex/etc I understand it. However, we see it in people running endless cat girls anyways. Also, has anyone peaked at AE? Okay, lets not make it worse, I get that. But seriously, it is all over, and you have to address the player, not nerf everyone else's choices.
I actually don't understand their reason on this, and you've pretty much got it right on. We already see a lot of this. In addition, you can be just as denigrating with a female character over male minions as you can the other way around.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
If the reason is cost, I don't understand it. I have heard stated each pet takes as much comp usage as a player character. Well, then, let us design each pet. Oh wait, unless the first statement is complete horse hockey.


Give me the ability to customize each pet. Leave the powers the exact same if you want, just let me customize the appearance. And if people do a Pimp/Ho theme nerf them, hard. Unless of course, the MMs do not take near the comp usage we have been told because the cookie cutter types are much easier for the game to handle. But then they would have to admit they pulled one over on us for sweet sweet cash.
It might not be so simple to just say if somebody does something bad nerf them hard. You have to draw a line somewhere and there will be a significant number of people entertaining themselves by riding that line - making something barely acceptable, and making something just barely unacceptable and complaining loudly and often to everybody that theirs is no worse than some other person's who was accepted.

Moderation and punishing players for their behavior is probably viewed as an unproductive but necessary activity for the business, and best avoided as much as possible, because it must cost money especially when they lose angry long-time customers who just didn't think it was fair, and when those angry ex-customers go squawking about on the internet about how terrible they were treated etc.

So it is true that players can already do this with their AE missions and characters, but giving people a new channel for this activity would seem to the company like a big ball of yucky without much benefit to them.

But I'm on your side, I would *love* to be able to make custom minions someday because one of the reasons I like COH so much is the costume editor.

Maybe there is a way - if this ability could be expensive and limit the number of people to try to those who had something to lose. But maybe that is a stupid idea - for the developers always want to put their efforts towards features that *most* players will get something out of. More bang for the buck.

Also I think that the effort it would take for them to do this might be more than you'd think. This is a very old program it might be really hard to try and do something the original authors never thought of like store a bunch of different custom costumes all associated with one toon. I mean - they still have lots of problems that you see every day that they don't seem to be able to fix.

But in general I think the reason COH is still alive where many others have come and gone is the costume editor- the amazing way they have given us to express ourselves to the rest of the world. I hope they always keep that in mind when they decide where to put their efforts.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
1) First, the first statement is complete horse hockey. Right now, the pets are seen as 1 complete object, which takes up a certain amount of space to transmit to your character. Whatever that space is, it's much lower than transmitting all of the character details about another player's character.

Basically, it's the difference between sending information like [Display Pet: Pyro] vs [Display character with Body Type = Huge, head = hat, hat = 3, detail 1 = 7, detail 2 = 0, face = 27, face detail = 4, etc.]. Characters are much more detailed than the rather static pets are.
There's also the "cost" of modifying the way the pets are called, the way they're chosen in the UI, etc - the cost of bringing them to the player (unless it's randomized, like someone else mentioned - which I'd still like to disable, as it wouldn't fit names/themes for some of my MMs.)

I'm not arguing for or against, really.

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



There's also the 'cost' of giving e motes to MM pets. I use e motes on pets fairly often but i'd be willing to give up pet e motes for appearance options.



Might as well say the same two words here:


'Cause that would be a very kick butt MM powerset, and you all know it.

/buncha 6'8" to 8'0" women running around doing Amazonian awesomeness, all at your command? Yeah, it'd rock. It'd rock awesome.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



You know... maybe I'm the only person who was at the summit who felt this way but... it sure seemed to me that there were serious concerns on the dev side about doing ANYTHING (customized pets, female pets, you name it) that had the potential of dramatically increasing the MM population in game near term. This is the the whole "one MM with six pets equals the server impact of seven players and the need to consider the effects on the play experience of others" argument. Let's say, for the moment, that female pets would be as wildly popular as many have implied. Would that mean Lag City for all of us?

BTW, for the record, I'm not opposed to female pets per se personally, the above is just my take on part of what the devs had to say on the subject (and yes worries about 'abuse' of female pets was mentioned as another possible issue).

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



Even without female pets I WOULD like to see varity. And I don't mean 'let us customize each pet in a character creator', I mean 2-3 skins for each set and allow you to customize the primary colours on them. While I am sure it would take time and effort I am also sure it's very, very do-able.

At the very least if we get a KoA like Mercs that set will get a LOT more popular.



You knew I was going to respond sooner or later

Devs, Marketing, whoever..

: ) Fempets please. I need my Girl Squad. Carnival/Seers/FemNinjas(Kunoichi) preferred. Thanks.



I to would like to be able to choose if I want an all female squad of Master Mind pets. They can be a standard lot like for the thugs they could all have stilleto heels Motorcycle leathers and a Leather jacket with a Tights top on underneath all in a basic dark color like a dark gray. Although I would prefer to customize them some what. Or and all female Merc squad wearing uniforms and nothing cheesy

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Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
well I myself hav3e always thought a few MM sets based on in game villain groups would be cool. Maybe a carnival MM, plenty of ladies in thier groups. Or a vahzilok MM. Female eidelons are scary and sexy no two ways about it.

Id play an MM if there was more sets inline with game lore. the ones we have are just too generic for me to be honest. I really dig the incarnate lore pets because of that and am working on collecting them all personally.
pokemon ... LOL



This is the the whole "one MM with six pets equals the server impact of seven players and the need to consider the effects on the play experience of others" argument. Let's say, for the moment, that female pets would be as wildly popular as many have implied. Would that mean Lag City for all of us?
I do like my Mastermind friends but I gotta admit they clog up doorways like crazy!



At least now you can pass through them instead of being trapped in a room by them!



Thankfully they didn't invent cars because people could run over other people with them, and they didn't invent the internet because people could hack and abuse other people online. Most of all, be thankful that they didn't invent morphine or other powerful pain killers because people would use them as addictive substances and ruin their lives.

Something doesn't sound quite right with those arguments... and as with most "abuse" arguments they overlook the reason for the change in the first place. Female mastermind pets, and even customize-able mastermind pets are ideas largely for the good and enjoyment of the community. There are countless individuals (I, for one) that would enjoy that addition, and it is for them that this kind of change would be implemented.

Heck, it might even have me make a mastermind should they make them customize-able or even just by adding female counterparts. One of the biggest reasons why I haven't made an MM yet is that I can't seamlessly flow into a character idea that can use the very limited movepool and aesthetics that masterminds have. It is very clear to me how it would work, too. With each minion nameable and customize-able, I could essentially write a miniature backstory to each pet that would explain why they had chosen to join the ragtag group the Mastermind Leads.

To be a bit off topic, I see that the old topic isn't closed. It is against the rules to necro-bump things or post in old topics?

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They will not do this because its too much of a liability and too much work policing not only the names but also the content that will be coming out of the player and the mastermind pets via the player.

The only answer people have wanting this is just generic the players we report to you. Yea its easy for 10 people to report a player or players but its gonna be that 1 or 2 GMs that are on that will have to do MORE work trying to police these new issue on top of the other issues. If its roleplay content then who knows what they have to do to address the situation. They might have to witness the occurrence. I know for sure I wouldn't just accept another players word that a certain player said or did such and such. What if the person didn't like that other person.

You can make all the analogies you want but in the end its gonna be more work for them. You kidding yourself if you think they want more work. They can't moderate these forums and they are semi static. Someone post a thread and usually leaves it alone. So its easier for someone to come here and see the violation and who the person is and that is barely addressed. In the game a player can say something and move on or log off. I have seen players show off what is clearly comic book hero knock offs and then log the toon off.

You need to find something better then I will report and you respond.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
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Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
They will not do this because its too much of a liability and too much work policing not only the names but also the content that will be coming out of the player and the mastermind pets via the player.

The only answer people have wanting this is just generic the players we report to you. Yea its easy for 10 people to report a player or players but its gonna be that 1 or 2 GMs that are on that will have to do MORE work trying to police these new issue on top of the other issues. If its roleplay content then who knows what they have to do to address the situation. They might have to witness the occurrence. I know for sure I wouldn't just accept another players word that a certain player said or did such and such. What if the person didn't like that other person.

You can make all the analogies you want but in the end its gonna be more work for them. You kidding yourself if you think they want more work. They can't moderate these forums and they are semi static. Someone post a thread and usually leaves it alone. So its easier for someone to come here and see the violation and who the person is and that is barely addressed. In the game a player can say something and move on or log off. I have seen players show off what is clearly comic book hero knock offs and then log the toon off.

You need to find something better then I will report and you respond.
No, what needs to be done is the devs of this game need to make up their damn mind as to whether sex is something to be shunned. They're terrified of the prospect, apparently, of having MM's running around "pimping" their pets. But then we get a female costume in the gunslinger set that is deliberately patterned after the prostitutes from old westerns. (don't get me wrong, those costume pieces are more versatile than people give them credit for, but even so.) The BP sorcerers are skinhead freaks with war paint and crazy face, and the new BP sorcer-esses- are hot scantily clad women with fashion model hair and loincloths. Mother Mayhem runs around in the thongiest thong I've ever thonged, and Sister Solaris's costume is -see through-. (Actually, Sister Psyche's outfit is partially sheer as well, which is why I find it rather absurd when people write comics where she gets huffy because -teenagers- are picturing her in her -underwear-, but I'm getting sidetracked)

Don't misunderstand my position, mind you. I'm not opposed to a bit of sex appeal here and there. (Far from it, though it irks me sometimes that its all aimed at straight males. I get why, though.) But if the devs want a tip on how to avoid having MMs objectifying their pets, Step one might be to not dress them with sexualized art assets. Give us female ninjas who wear the same getup the male ninjas do. I'd laugh in the face of the "pimp" who tries to sell his girl's services while they wear costumes approximately as revealing as your average burka. I wouldn't be satisfied with such limited customization, but at least it'd be something.

But even aside from -all- of this, the fact of the matter is that a society that lets people do what they want-and reap the social consequences themselves) tends to be a healthier society than one that imposes a value system on a populace that doesn't share it.

"Some people will abuse it" is not a valid excuse for not doing something that otherwise benefits a large portion of the mastermind player base.

It is also worth floating the fact that a large number of the people I've talked to talk about henchmen customization like it's a foregone conclusion. If they haven't heard the dev's position on it, they just -assume- it's coming. You know why? Because in -every other aspect of the game-, the devs prioritize player freedom and customization over prudery and sexual apprehension. Just food for thought.

Jason Heavensrun
Swift : Freedom Server
Check out my first Architect Arc, "Bring Up the Sun", arc #339507, and let me know what you think!



My other reply really was more a general reaction to the devs position than to this specific post, so I thought I'd do a proper reply to these points, because I feel it's worth addressing some things.

Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
They will not do this because its too much of a liability and too much work policing not only the names but also the content that will be coming out of the player and the mastermind pets via the player.
You don't -have- to police that much, honestly, just enough to convince the player base that such behavior is frowned upon. But you're ignoring the fact that this stuff -already goes on-, just not with MM pets. Also, running a pimp MM would either be largely innocuous (IE, the guy would have a vaguely offensive description and sexy female henchmen, and who should really care?) Or rather labor intensive (if the guy actually "sells services" and roleplays it) The person that's going to do the former is probably already running around with a character named "tanlines" that is using the white bikini texture to pretend his character is running around naked, and the character that's going to do the latter is probably already a member of one of the prostitute supergroups on Virtue.

Unless the female henchmen come with baked in sex appeal costumes, You're just not going to encourage any behavior in this game that isn't already taking place. What you -would- be doing is enabling a large variety of players to indulge in the kind of personal creativity that this game is famous for.

The only answer people have wanting this is just generic the players we report to you.
The answer I have is IGNORE the people who offend you, and report the ones you can't stand to ignore. You're -already- doing this, and I would bet you a HUNDRED DOLLARS and a box of cookies that there would not be a statistically relevant increase in this kind of behavior just because you allowed one AT a new way of performing it.

You, and the devs like you, seem to be operating on this weird assumption that there are hundreds of would-be pimps sitting off in the wings, thinking "Man, if only I had some way to live out my mysogynist sexual fantasies in the form of Mastermind gameplay" You want me to believe that's the case? Fine, prove it. Until you can do that, though, that argument doesn't move me at all. You, and the devs, have imagined a boogeyman into existence in the form of an upsurge of MM pimps.

Yea its easy for 10 people to report a player or players but its gonna be that 1 or 2 GMs that are on that will have to do MORE work trying to police these new issue on top of the other issues. If its roleplay content then who knows what they have to do to address the situation. They might have to witness the occurrence. I know for sure I wouldn't just accept another players word that a certain player said or did such and such. What if the person didn't like that other person.
All of which is presently covered by the current moderating policies and is already being effected by the same people who would indulge in offensive behavior with mastermind pets.

They're -already- -doing- it, they're just not utilizing the clunky MM pet controls for it.

You can make all the analogies you want but in the end its gonna be more work for them. You kidding yourself if you think they want more work. They can't moderate these forums and they are semi static. Someone post a thread and usually leaves it alone. So its easier for someone to come here and see the violation and who the person is and that is barely addressed. In the game a player can say something and move on or log off. I have seen players show off what is clearly comic book hero knock offs and then log the toon off.

You need to find something better then I will report and you respond.
First off, You don't have to be logged on for the devs to look at your character information. Secondly, I'm -fairly- sure that there are internal logs that the mods can use as evidence of offensive behavior. If there -aren't-, I don't know why the hell not. And if there are, then those same tools will be available to moderate this fictional horde of offensive MM players.

Jason Heavensrun
Swift : Freedom Server
Check out my first Architect Arc, "Bring Up the Sun", arc #339507, and let me know what you think!