Open letter to the Devs on Female MM Pets




Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post

Also, this isn't an open letter, it's a petition, and that is generally considered to be a no-no.
I...don't think you know what a "petition" is.

Jason Heavensrun
Swift : Freedom Server
Check out my first Architect Arc, "Bring Up the Sun", arc #339507, and let me know what you think!



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
They've already considered the subject. They've given answers as you pointed out in your post. And these answers were recent answsers, not something answered years ago.

Just because you disagree with their answer doesn't mean that they haven't considered it and already answered it.
No, but just because they've considered and answered it doesn't mean we can't say we think they're -wrong- and try to change their minds.

Jason Heavensrun
Swift : Freedom Server
Check out my first Architect Arc, "Bring Up the Sun", arc #339507, and let me know what you think!



Originally Posted by Heavensrun View Post
No, but just because they've considered and answered it doesn't mean we can't say we think they're -wrong- and try to change their minds.

Or that we want a better answer than "someone, somewhere might do something wrong with it so we're erring on the side of caution..." or "someone might find it sexist so we're erring on the side of caution..." and then release things like the slime aura and the gunslinger female set.

Some of us would like a better explanation for why they don't make them than "there is a potential for X to happen".



You should all be thrilled to learn that all the Henchmen in the soon to be released Beast Master MM set (or whatever it's called) are females.

What? Why are you still complaining? You never specified they had to be HUMAN female henchmen.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
You should all be thrilled to learn that all the Henchmen in the soon to be released Beast Master MM set (or whatever it's called) are females.

What? Why are you still complaining? You never specified they had to be HUMAN female henchmen.
My protector bots are girls...



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
My protector bots are girls...
I heard the demons are also female but I haven't been able to confirm it.




Just so we are clear this idea / suggest / open letter has no affect on me. I have no personal gain of this happening or not happening.

I believe this will cause unwanted issues. I also believe as much as this might be cool or great or interesting. They have an official thread about customization that is 5 years old and 99 pages and then another thread on alternate animation request that is 44 pages and a year old. With the TON upon TON of ideas posted I would have to say maybe less 1 percent of those ideas have been implemented. If anything I think the sword suggestions prior to Titan Weapons was implemented from all those requests. Let me tell you in those 99 pages there are some really good ideas, well at least to me and none of those have been implemented and also none of those have zero issue of controversy.

To me I wish they implemented every idea, because I have the choice to take the power or not.

I just have zero faith in the developers. If I see something change I'm happy for the change but I'm never expecting it. I think Beast Mastery makes this point clear.

What I do is I stick to one gripe and I post about it continuously until the Devs give up and change it. My old gripe was summoning gun drone while flying. That has been changed. Now on my group fly gripe, which is much older then masterminds.

I wish you all the best of luck with suggestion. I will be ready and waiting to make my gun slinging women of the night theme.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
What I do is I stick to one gripe and I post about it continuously until the Devs give up and change it. My old gripe was summoning gun drone while flying. That has been changed. Now on my group fly gripe, which is much older then masterminds.
That's basically what I'm doing. While there are several things I wouldn't mind seeing implemented, this single subject has stuck in my craw more than popcorn shells get stuck in my teeth (and I eat popcorn like it's going out of style).



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I heard the demons are also female but I haven't been able to confirm it.
demons ... consider it confirmed ... LOL



I would love to have female MM pets *AS AN OPTION*...

But... as someone else said upthread... the current "guys only"-thing really suits the naming conventions and general theme of my own Masterminds, and I would also hate to lose that. (The Unquiet Bride's zombies, for instance, are all named after male characters from Jane Austin's novels... It would be more than a little silly if every second time I summoned them Wickham, Brandon and Darcy were randomly female. Likewise Hanano and her ninja... "Akuram, oni make poor onnagata. And this is no time for kabuki." )

So, yeah.... I would back this 100% as a power customization option, but I just can't get behind it being a random thing like some of the thugs' models.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
I would love to have female MM pets *AS AN OPTION*...

But... as someone else said upthread... the current "guys only"-thing really suits the naming conventions and general theme of my own Masterminds, and I would also hate to lose that. (The Unquiet Bride's zombies, for instance, are all named after male characters from Jane Austin's novels... It would be more than a little silly if every second time I summoned them Wickham, Brandon and Darcy were randomly female. Likewise Hanano and her ninja... "Akuram, oni make poor onnagata. And this is no time for kabuki." )

So, yeah.... I would back this 100% as a power customization option, but I just can't get behind it being a random thing like some of the thugs' models.

Agreed. I have a couple masterminds that work only with a male theme, but I still want the option to make my other teams. While Artemis Magnus (My thug/traps MM) works great with male thugs, it would be nifty to have the option for female thugs. I don't think it should be either or, and with some of them, yeah, the random doesn't work, which is why I put this letter out originally, to not just show that there's other people wanting this, but to help come up with ideas as to what /could/ work to find a happy medium



Originally Posted by Twigman View Post
demons ... consider it confirmed ... LOL
They do appear to be sexless, but isn't one of them called a "Demon Prince" ?



I would love to have this option. Was just fighting a high level "Girlfriend from Hell" and reading about Demon Summoning MMs and really wanted to be able to run a character able to spawn such - or similar.



I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...



Never forget!



Originally Posted by Fire_Away View Post
You know... maybe I'm the only person who was at the summit who felt this way but... it sure seemed to me that there were serious concerns on the dev side about doing ANYTHING (customized pets, female pets, you name it) that had the potential of dramatically increasing the MM population in game near term. This is the the whole "one MM with six pets equals the server impact of seven players and the need to consider the effects on the play experience of others" argument. Let's say, for the moment, that female pets would be as wildly popular as many have implied. Would that mean Lag City for all of us?
If that's the issue, I help lead an entire SG of MMs. I may have to start organizing events on a regular basis. Since the funds generated by "Freedom" were supposed to increase dev head count, or pay for better servers/routers, I have little to no sympathy for the dev's position on this.

Particularly since MMs are $15 to unlock. If had actually had to pay cash to unlock MMs (and I did, since I would not have gotten them w/o purchasing CoV) I'd be pretty unhappy with the complete and total lack of support for them.

And I am.

MMs get no power customization on their Primary powersets. None.

MM principle (i.e. most powerful) attacks frequently "misfire" to a much less powerful attack (e.g. ranged pets charging into melee to use Brawl), that often results in that henchman dying. Now imagine if a Brute/Scrapper/Tank would fire off a powerful attack that would frequently do the damage of Brawl AND cost them 1/7th of their HP? Can you hear the screams from those forums if that happened? I do believe the forum server would catch fire from the nerd rage. Yet MM players are expected to act like nothing's wrong.

I could go on, but I won't. You get the general idea. There is an entire thread of MM known issues in the MM forums, as well as a separate thread on Pet AI.

Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.



I agree that they should have let us have Female pets for the master Minds. I mean look at what they have created. A complete demon set and a full complete beast mastery set. I this that the cost would be minimal for them to have a female Thug set. sure the female bruiser would be a biker chic with muscle. the enforcers would be normal looking except for the costumes that would normally come with the thug set and the others as well. All I am saying is design sensible costumes for them using the present costume designer for characters. Use the KISS principle. (Keep Is Simple Stupid)

Now called Madame Shayla:
Main Characters on my main server (Victory)
Goddess of Justice Tanker Incarnate (Hero) Collen Colt Incarnate (Bane Hero), Lady Kitten (Hero) Jen Titanium Mage (Hero and one time Villain) and my first Character to level 50 Shayla Master Mind (Villain)



Greetings everyone,

We would like to kindly remind you all to not ressurect dead threads, however we encourage you to start new threads for such topics.

If nessasary, please link to the previous thread.

Thanks for your understanding on this matter.
