lemma unproven

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  1. lemma unproven

    Can't find exe

    Originally Posted by _Klaw_ View Post
    ... You may need to use a third party demo player. Wiki has a link to this one but again it may be outdated:

    ty so much, Klaw! The demo launcher works perfectly
  2. lemma unproven

    Can't find exe

    Hi I wanted to try the /demorecord but I can't figure out how to play it back.

    All the examples I have found are telling me to look for

    cityofheroes.exe to make a shortcut but all I can find on my system is

    the launcher.exe

    Am I looking in the wrong place, or do I use the launcher.exe to make a shortcut?

    Thanks for any help
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neeto View Post
    getting purple enhancers in every corner of your build, getting all the accolades. and getting pvp iOs.
    oh I've never even seen a purple enhancement I'm a casual player, and the strawfights are just for fun. I was just trying to make a better build so I'm not dead last every time. Even then it is still fun tho

    I should also warn you that slotting that damage isn't the more efficient way to play level 5 arena. Accuracy is just as important as damage, and so is a steady chain sometimes.
    Oh that's why my Archery blaster did so well!

    Thanks very much Sentry4, your reply was very helpful to me.
  4. Hi everybody my SG sometimes does Arena events at level 5 which are really fun. I wanted to make an alternate build for playing at level 5.

    I read this page http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Exemplar...n_Enhancements
    but I'm not totally clear on how it works.

    My questions are how about to handle enhancement scaling to make my existing toons compete at level 5.

    Question 1:
    If I six slotted a power for damage with lvl 20 IO's, at lvl 20 it would be ED'ed to 103%, with a pre-ED boost of 154%. When exemplared to 5, would the ED effect at lvl 20 still apply? In other words, would my total boost be 103% * 0.21 = 21% , or 154% * 0.21 = 32% ?

    QUestion 2:
    IO Set bonuses would never apply when exemplared to lvl 5?

    Question 3:
    For fighting with a blaster at level 5, I was going to make a build with powers at lvl 1-5 be all six-slotted, since all the slots still work even the slots themselves were place at higher levels, right? So would the best strategy be:

    a) Franken-slot with Dam/Recharge lvl 20 invention IOs
    b) Six slot with regular Damage-only IOs

    Question 3:
    For an AR Blaster/Energy blaster maybe would it make sense to take Hasten to give more damage over time because I could shoot more and End doesn't seem to be much of a problem at lvl5? Or Build up to double damage on my first three powers, or choose another attack?

    Thanks for any advice
  5. Quote:
    I'm all for pigg file tweaking, been working on some stuff anyway on my side that's integrated nicely.
    I don't know what that is, but it sounds very exciting!!! Can you say more about it?
  6. Quote:
    Here are some more one-mission arcs by other authors that I've enjoyed:
    ty for posting these PoliceWoman. I like to try AE missions kinda at random and most seem to be nothing but lots of fire creatures swarming at you.
  7. Quote:
    This is the the whole "one MM with six pets equals the server impact of seven players and the need to consider the effects on the play experience of others" argument. Let's say, for the moment, that female pets would be as wildly popular as many have implied. Would that mean Lag City for all of us?
    I do like my Mastermind friends but I gotta admit they clog up doorways like crazy!
  8. Quote:
    I love in theory buut I doubt they would let anyone do it simply because they wont make money
    The Valve TF2 Workshop things I think they *do* sell for money! I do not know how successful the program is, but Valve is still doing it so I could guess it isn't a loser business-wise. I thing UI changes could be cool too, but I'm primarily interested in new costume parts especially for girls and new maps.
  9. lemma unproven

    AE Rewards...?

    Originally Posted by kchammy View Post
    Last night a fella told me (in game of course) that he received standard rewards in missions, as opposed to AE tickets...now, I know you have that option in some of the "Devs Choice" and/or highly rated arcs....but this was not one of those.

    Is there a way to select from "standard rewrads" VS "AE rewards"? Or was guy full o' crap?

    Hi kchammy I have never received anything but tickets in non dev choice AE missions and have never heard of any option for otherwise but I'm kinda a noob compared to most.
  10. I have done the ITF twice and it was the most fun thing ever. I loved the cyclopses and minotaurs.

    This thread seems strange to me where people are trying to tell each other what is fun and what is not fun. How can you argue about that its not like if you win the argument the other person will suddenly find it fun or not fun any more.

    That said, anybody who doesn't think the ITF is fun is wrong!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    The two big roadblocks to this (that would affect any kind of player submissions, not just costume items) is that Paragon Studios would have to hire a dedicated staff to handle the submissions and there would probably be some questions as to IP ownerships involved. Basically these both represent money and manpower Paragon Studios does not seem willing to apply for this.
    Yes I think you are right but they (Paragon Studios) have an example to look at of Valve doing this very thing with TF2 so it isn't crazy. If Valve accepts the item it gives the modder a cut of the profits giving more motivation for people to submit and submit professional quality stuff. They do have to hire people to look at submissions and manage the community both those people are probably cheaper than good artists and animators.

    The bosses should look at it and think it is a net win or a net loss? If enough people make acceptable stuff to pay for the added costs of running it, then they win three ways. They get more choices for all the players so the game is better, they make some money, but most importantly they keep a whole lotta people stoked about the game.

    You could say it would fail if people didn't submit anything worth anything but I judge costume contests every week and I am continually amazed at the artistic talent people have. I'm sure we have some people here have not only artistic talent but good at using 3d programs too.

    i also like 10 times the Victor
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    If the reason is cost, I don't understand it. I have heard stated each pet takes as much comp usage as a player character. Well, then, let us design each pet. Oh wait, unless the first statement is complete horse hockey.


    Give me the ability to customize each pet. Leave the powers the exact same if you want, just let me customize the appearance. And if people do a Pimp/Ho theme nerf them, hard. Unless of course, the MMs do not take near the comp usage we have been told because the cookie cutter types are much easier for the game to handle. But then they would have to admit they pulled one over on us for sweet sweet cash.
    It might not be so simple to just say if somebody does something bad nerf them hard. You have to draw a line somewhere and there will be a significant number of people entertaining themselves by riding that line - making something barely acceptable, and making something just barely unacceptable and complaining loudly and often to everybody that theirs is no worse than some other person's who was accepted.

    Moderation and punishing players for their behavior is probably viewed as an unproductive but necessary activity for the business, and best avoided as much as possible, because it must cost money especially when they lose angry long-time customers who just didn't think it was fair, and when those angry ex-customers go squawking about on the internet about how terrible they were treated etc.

    So it is true that players can already do this with their AE missions and characters, but giving people a new channel for this activity would seem to the company like a big ball of yucky without much benefit to them.

    But I'm on your side, I would *love* to be able to make custom minions someday because one of the reasons I like COH so much is the costume editor.

    Maybe there is a way - if this ability could be expensive and limit the number of people to try to those who had something to lose. But maybe that is a stupid idea - for the developers always want to put their efforts towards features that *most* players will get something out of. More bang for the buck.

    Also I think that the effort it would take for them to do this might be more than you'd think. This is a very old program it might be really hard to try and do something the original authors never thought of like store a bunch of different custom costumes all associated with one toon. I mean - they still have lots of problems that you see every day that they don't seem to be able to fix.

    But in general I think the reason COH is still alive where many others have come and gone is the costume editor- the amazing way they have given us to express ourselves to the rest of the world. I hope they always keep that in mind when they decide where to put their efforts.