Really, devs? REALLY? AFK farming is ok?




Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
It seems so easy.
And yet PVP IOs are still in the billions.

It'd be awesome if everyone did this. Market prices would plummet.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post
Doesn't look like any one else covered this so I'll give it a shot:

If you go afk in a zone (as opposed to in an instance), the game will eventually log you out.

You can't pvp inside an instance, you can only pvp in a zone.

But, if both toons choose an ouro mish as their active mish, but don't actually enter the ouro mission instance, that will prevent them from being logged off while in a zone.
I thought that if you were in a TF, you don't get auto-logged?



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
What I've learned from this thread:
Create multiple free accounts.. say 9 of 'em and 1 real account with IO market access.
Build the 9 so that they have a self-rez recharging at a good clip.
Join all 10 into Ouro arcs to block the auto-logoff.
Find your way off the map through a geometry hole.
Set the one to use an non-targeted AoE to attack the 9, all clumped around the one.
They die, they rez, repeat.
Go to bed. Wake up to find many/several pvp io recipes.
Sell them.
That about sums this whole thing up?
It seems so easy.

And Bill gets it in one go! (Well, except the geo hole, I'm not smert enough to figure one of those out.)

And yes, it's literally that easy.

But hey, it's also apparently COMPLETELY condoned by the Dev's as a legitimate playstyle, so, sign me up for the gravy train.



Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post
Doesn't look like any one else covered this so I'll give it a shot:

If you go afk in a zone (as opposed to in an instance), the game will eventually log you out.

You can't pvp inside an instance, you can only pvp in a zone.

But, if both toons choose an ouro mish as their active mish, but don't actually enter the ouro mission instance, that will prevent them from being logged off while in a zone.
Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I thought that if you were in a TF, you don't get auto-logged?

Right, which is why this works, b/c being in an ouro mish treats you like you're in a TF.

It's just easier to get all of your toons into an ouro mish than into a TF. Most TF's have a minimum number of toons requirement, whereas ouro mishes do not.

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



I don't know why everyone else isn't doing it. I do, however, know why I don't do it: I don't need to. I don't PvP, I rarely exemplar, I solo a lot, if I really want a PvP IO I can afford the 2 billion inf. Meh.

Edit: Or maybe I will just to test the drop rate.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
What I've learned from this thread:
Create multiple free accounts.. say 9 of 'em and 1 real account with IO market access.
Build the 9 so that they have a self-rez recharging at a good clip.
Join all 10 into Ouro arcs to block the auto-logoff.
Find your way off the map through a geometry hole.
Set the one to use an non-targeted AoE to attack the 9, all clumped around the one.
They die, they rez, repeat.
Go to bed. Wake up to find many/several pvp io recipes.
Sell them.
That about sums this whole thing up?
It seems so easy.
A MM with pets on aggressive is a better than a single AoE damage power.

I'd love to be the fly on the wall of Paragon Studios and see the Dev who finds 30 farms running underneath a PvP map.

The real solution (if you want the situation to be 'solved') is to have PvP zones turn off "no auto-log out" flags.

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I just wanted to pop in to say that I think it's utterly silly when people complain about loot farming. People who farm for drops/rolls/etc are doing a service to the in game economy. They are generating recipes/enhancements in moderate to large quantities and making them available to the rest of the player base. In this particular case (PVP farming) they are potentially providing extremely sought after items.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
A MM with pets on aggressive is a better than a single AoE damage power.
Actually, not really. Two bottlenecks make that basically moot. First, there's no rez fast enough to matter. Second, there's a PvP drop suppression timer: you can't get drops from the same target more than once in a set interval.

As to being able to stop PvP farming, I'll just say there are a lot of loopholes, and I haven't seen all of them discussed publicly before.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
"I'm blunt" is not an excuse to treat everybody else like a child, and generally act like you're the only person capable of behaving rationally. You are actually coming off as though you're autistic.

Some nice, helpful, "blunt" advice for you.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I just wanted to pop in to say that I think it's utterly silly when people complain about loot farming. People who farm for drops/rolls/etc are doing a service to the in game economy. They are generating recipes/enhancements in moderate to large quantities and making them available to the rest of the player base. In this particular case (PVP farming) they are potentially providing extremely sought after items.
If the devs didn't have to balance the drop rate around 24/7/365.25 afk farming the drop rates might be able to be raised to be obtainable through reasonable play or reasonable alternate methods to purchase them added.

If no-one is really PvPing the afk farmers are only skewing the numbers to make it appear that there is an acceptable number of these IOs entering the game per unit of time.



Originally Posted by Machariel View Post
"I'm blunt" is not an excuse to treat everybody else like a child, and generally act like you're the only person capable of behaving rationally. You are actually coming off as though you're autistic.

Some nice, helpful, "blunt" advice for you.
I'm not treating anyone here like a child.

Trust me. If I thought some of these individuals were children I'd actually be nicer. That they're putative adults leaves them no excuse.

Would you care to stop attempting to dissect my perceived failings in your book and get back on topic? I think you guys have hijacked the thread to whine at me long enough.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
If the devs didn't have to balance the drop rate around 24/7/365.25 afk farming the drop rates might be able to be raised to be obtainable through reasonable play or reasonable alternate methods to purchase them added.
And Rikti dolls, Mitos, all-boss and ambush farms would have been left unnerfed in AE too.

The thing is, you're ALWAYS going to have some segment of the population looking for "the line" and trying to put a toe over it to see if it's possible and profitable.

Anyone, devs included, who doesn't understand this is living in a dream and needs to come back to the real world.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



If this really bothers the OP so much, why doesn't he just hunt the PvP zones late at night and kill the characters that are doing this? When the player wakes up and checks his character, it will be in the hospital.



Originally Posted by recalx View Post
i'm pretty sure people have been jamming their spacebar keys since like i3.
Heh. Jamming that spacebar isn't going to do you a whole lot of good while your 10 other unfocused windows aren't getting any input.



Originally Posted by recalx View Post
i'm pretty sure people have been jamming their spacebar keys since like i3.
from my experience, that doesn't work.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I'm not treating anyone here like a child.

Trust me. If I thought some of these individuals were children I'd actually be nicer. That they're putative adults leaves them no excuse.

Would you care to stop attempting to dissect my perceived failings in your book and get back on topic? I think you guys have hijacked the thread to whine at me long enough.

Yeah, your posting style is the epitome of maturity.

How about you stop thread-crapping already? This discussion is about done, I got seven mules in a farm right now.

Call me Mister Enthusiastic Convert!



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Heh. Jamming that spacebar isn't going to do you a whole lot of good while your 10 other unfocused windows aren't getting any input.
Why are you encouraging that dink?

Just ignore him for a few years, that's my plan.



Originally Posted by Ouul View Post
That sums up my feelings on this thread. Really? Why not PVP these moral vandals (in the PVP zone where people go to PVP) and end their operation?



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
That sums up my feelings on this thread. Really? Why not PVP these moral vandals (in the PVP zone where people go to PVP) and end their operation?
I swear to god, reading comprehension these days.



Good luck findin' those dudes.

I personally have no plans for this. Mainly because fallin' out of the world creeps me out, lol.



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
I swear to god, reading comprehension these days.



Good luck findin' those dudes.

I personally have no plans for this. Mainly because fallin' out of the world creeps me out, lol.
Only time I ever used a Geometry Hole was in I6 for the Sweet Tooth Badge (it was the only way to get that explore for like a month after launch).

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
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Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by recalx View Post
it does if you're doing a hardcore, truly min/maxed multi-farm, but that's all i'm going to say.

rage at my cryptic-ness plz
Nah, at most I'll experience mild contempt at your rudeness.
You've already been modsmacked at least once in this thread that I've noticed.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Nah, at most I'll experience mild contempt at your rudeness.
You've already been modsmacked at least once in this thread that I've noticed.
hey, i care.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
  1. Essentially you have one toon set up to make the kills, and output Stupid Level Damage {TM}. You put a big attack on auto.
  2. You then set up a bunch of secondary accounts with toons outfitted with rapid-charging self-res set on auto.
  3. Park them in an unobtrusive corner of a PVP zone.
  4. Turn off your monitor and go to bed.
I have to admit, that wasn't what I was expecting.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Well, this has been an amusing thread - I especially like the OP's "conversion".

"Can't beat em? Join 'em!" - An excellent strategy, actually.

As for the activity itself, I have some opinions on it - I'll toss them out here and move on...

* First, is it an exploit? NO. It uses simple in-game mechanics that *anyone* can use.
It is NOT using something that is *broken* in the game.

* Is it immoral? NO. Nobody stole anything from you to do it. Nobody harmed anyone
to do it. Nobody prevented you from playing your game by doing it.

No Laws were broken.

The EULA nazis can perhaps, raise a debate about the AFK portion, as a violation
of ToS, but if player A is AFK in this case, it's a pretty tough sell to explain how it harms
anybody else - particularly when using an in-game mechanic to achieve it.

* Is it undesirable? I don't know - that is something the devs have to decide.
If they DO decide it's undesirable (as they did with CEBR, for instance), they
can take steps to stop it or minimize its effectiveness.

My personal opinion is twofold:

PvP in this game is a failure - due to a combination of player desires, game balance,
complexity and a host of other reasons, it has never taken off with the playerbase
and is extremely unlikely to ever be popular (or even viable depending on your
definition of viable). The number of active PvPer's in the game is very probably
less than 1,000 players these days.

The drop rate for these IO's is miniscule - As a casual PvP'er since it began,
I can count on one hand the number of drops I've received - I doubt my experience
in this regard is unique.

Given those two issues, I agree that the supply of those IOs would be virtually
non-existent without PvP Farming.

Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing, once again, is up to the devs.

As for destroying PvP farms, there's nothing in the rules against that - if they're
in-zone, and they have an orange targeting box, you can kill 'em. np.

If they are off-map, *that* may, in fact, be bannable - that IS exploiting a bug
(although, goodness knows there are dozens of places to get around the geometry).
One reason that *may* be bannable in PvP however is simple - from under the map,
you can kill a target ON the map with total impunity. <shrug>

I always took a different tack with farms myself - I don't begrudge a player getting
a drop with their farm, so I don't destroy the farm (by killing the killer).

I just kill the rezzer one shot before the killer would - I consider it my "toll", my
dice roll - Maybe I get a drop too, and if I don't wreck the farm, I know I can
come back in an hour, or the next night, or w/e and get another "free" chance
for an IO...

Mostly, I see it as a minimal issue.

In light of all the other *real* problems in the game - I'd much rather have the
devs fix those rather than whine about little Johnny getting a PvP shiny because
he set up his computer to run overnight at the (admittedly slight) risk of getting
killed... YMMV.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



I think the OP was really just trying to get all of us onboard the gravy train...

I'd never even heard about AFK PvP farms before this thread, yet reading this whole thing makes it sound like the easiest way to make big bank.

Certainly trumps my 2 A-merits for a LoTG every other month payday!

I won't be doing this myself though, as I don't have the extra accounts or inclination to leave my game on all night. I don't disparage those that do however, as noted above, we wouldn't even have the limited supply we currently get without them apparently. As long as we don't have literally thousands of players doing this constantly, as that would destroy the economy, I don't expect the Dev's to care either.

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